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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ StoneClan Leader's Den ]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Blueburr sat taller still, though he did not know why. It didn't matter much how he held his posture, did it? No matter how high he held his head or puffed his fur, to look like a strong asset, the cat before him would not be swayed. The realization perhaps shocked him a bit. This wasn't a test of his strength, the fights he'd seen, the scars to prove his worth in hunts and battles. This was a test of loyalty. He could come into this clan ragged and torn, unfed and weak, but if he had enough merit it seemed they would still let him pass.

"You will have my unwavering loyalty, I swear it.. I believe she is smarter than I, you see.." Ah.. how to explain this.. Blueburr struggled finishing his thoughts, hoping the cat before him would let him reach his conclusion, even if the path seemed unorthodox. "I have not known of a,, place like this before. The life of a loner is quiet, and deadly. I'm sure you know.." His paws shifted along the ground, pressing the awkward tension in his body out through the pads of his feet into the ground... Or, he felt that way. "But I want to try, to learn to love and be loyal like this. If a cat as smart as she, and as the others I have met here, have found reason and hope in living like this.. Then I want to as well." He reassured, leaning ever so slightly closer the more passionate he felt when he spoke. "If a cat amongst you places their trust in me, I will lay down my life for them.
The blind tom held his tongue for a moment as the once-loner swore his oath. Then, with a pleased rumble of a purr, he nodded, pleased with the large tom's answer.

"Then we will find you a mentor who is willing. Tomorrow, of course. Come, it is nearly time for last meal," He stood and beckoned the large cat to follow him to the center of camp with a sweep of his tail, "Let me take you to meet your new clan, paw."


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
So, it wasn't just as easy as making demands and being let in, was it? Strike felt irritation prickling at his pelt, but he let out a slow breath instead. It wouldn't do him any good to lose his temper in front of the leader of the Clan and be chased off. Or worse.

"It may take me some time to understand the intricacies of Clan life." How could there be more to a Clan than surviving together, for example? "But, yes, I am willing to do what I can, to protect you all, if you bring me into your gr... into your Clan." He finished, unwilling to let himself feel hopeful just yet. @Blinded By Silence
Sunseer's tail tip tapped the ground as he listened to the impatient tom. He could smell the irritation on him, feel the heat of his swallowed anger. He was hesitant. A cat like him could prove dangerous to the calm he sought for his clanmates... But, it could also be a boon. If that fire inside him could be controlled, this young tom before him could be a powerful warrior, maybe even a great leader, if StarClan was willing.

After a long pause, the black tom nodded once.

"Alright. Tomorrow we will find you a mentor and you will be trained among the rest of our apprentices. Learn well, young one. I pray that our way of life will bring you strength. Come, let us eat."


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
With careful paws, the clan's leader gingerly found his way up onto the center of the Stone Circle. The sunhigh rays warmed his fur and the sounds of his bustling clan bumbled around him. With a purr, he called out, "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet at the Stone Circle for a clan meeting!"

After a few minutes, the clan had gathered beneath him. Once their voices had trickled to a murmur, he began the ceremony proudly, "Our numbers continue to grow; Sunclan shines down upon us! Today is a good day indeed." He said, pleased, "Many of our apprentices are ready to be given their Warrior names. Come! Step forward Thunderpaw, Sweetpaw, Doepaw, and Ripplepaw."

One by one the group of cats gathered themselves to the stone beside him. He felt himself burn with pride as he repeated the ceremonial words, "I, the Sunseer of StoneClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn."

"Do you,"
He turned to face the young warriors, "promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

He purred, smiling as they answered, "Then by the powers of SunClan, I give you your warrior names. Thunderpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Thunderfoot. SunClan honors your steadfast and grounded nature."

"Sweetpaw, you are now Sweetfang. SunClan honors your kind heart and your fighting prowess."

"Doepaw, we give you the name Doedance. SunClan honors your heart and your dedication."

"And Ripplepaw. From this day onward, you will be Ripplegaze. SunClan honors your introspection and control. We welcome you each as a full Warrior of StoneClan."

He stood and with a careful nose gave each of the newly named Warriors a ceremonious lick between their ears. As they parted, their new names echoed over the river in a glorious chorus.

@belloblossom @AlicornPlayhouse


Floyd Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
(I picked a name at random for that ^ part. XD He will be Doublepaw to Doublespot)
cat Doublespot
reason for joining The large tom ruffled his fluffy fur against the prickles that went down his skin. He looked at the entrance before stepping into the cave. Floyd gave it a long look around, not sure what he'd been expecting, but it wasn't this. It was so.... down to... something.

Only when the other cat spoke up did he realize someone else was there. "Oh yes. Hello. I was here to see about joining." His fluffy tail twitched back and forth behind him.
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Stew Aficionado
[Zeezee] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Zeezee
reason for joining Zeezee wasn't out of shape, but she was not used to walking in such unpredictable terrain. The hillside that StoneClan had inhabited was more than her usual exercise and she arrived panting in front of the border, where the patrol had found her lapping up the water in the river. Geez! Was everyone so sensitive around here? It didn't exactly bode well for her, but she still asked to be taken to the leader, as she wished to join the Clan.

She'd heard about the Clans before and one of her... well, she could never have called Mama a friend, so much as a regular interloper that her Twolegs fed consistently, but he was friendly enough. After she heard that he'd joined a gang called StoneClan, she'd been curious and after a few months, she'd come to investigate for herself. If Mama could waltz in and join, she had no reason to believe that she wouldn't be allowed to join either.

Thus, here she was, staring at the spotty tom that the others had called Sunseer. She hadn't seen Mama among them, but her focus was now on the handsome tomcat in front of her. He was older, more lean, but he was quite the looker. She bent her head to lick her chest slowly, seductively, before she spoke.

"Greetings, Sunseer." She began, keeping her mew smooth and low. "My name is Zeezee and I've come a great way from the Twolegplace to find StoneClan. I am told that one of my friends, Mama, had joined and I must ask, if you're still accepting newcomers, I would love to join, too. I promise, I have a great deal many assets that would be useful to you... and to your Clan." @Blinded By Silence

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
[Zeezee] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Zeezee
reason for joining Zeezee wasn't out of shape, but she was not used to walking in such unpredictable terrain. The hillside that StoneClan had inhabited was more than her usual exercise and she arrived panting in front of the border, where the patrol had found her lapping up the water in the river. Geez! Was everyone so sensitive around here? It didn't exactly bode well for her, but she still asked to be taken to the leader, as she wished to join the Clan.

She'd heard about the Clans before and one of her... well, she could never have called Mama a friend, so much as a regular interloper that her Twolegs fed consistently, but he was friendly enough. After she heard that he'd joined a gang called StoneClan, she'd been curious and after a few months, she'd come to investigate for herself. If Mama could waltz in and join, she had no reason to believe that she wouldn't be allowed to join either.

Thus, here she was, staring at the spotty tom that the others had called Sunseer. She hadn't seen Mama among them, but her focus was now on the handsome tomcat in front of her. He was older, more lean, but he was quite the looker. She bent her head to lick her chest slowly, seductively, before she spoke.

"Greetings, Sunseer." She began, keeping her mew smooth and low. "My name is Zeezee and I've come a great way from the Twolegplace to find StoneClan. I am told that one of my friends, Mama, had joined and I must ask, if you're still accepting newcomers, I would love to join, too. I promise, I have a great deal many assets that would be useful to you... and to your Clan." @Blinded By Silence
Sunseer sat at the base of the ridge just outside his den, long stretched and regal, his eyes closed as he lifted his face towards the sun. His ear flicked at the approach of paws, his lips parting as the scent of a newcomer filled his mouth. Another kittypet, it seemed. The she-cat still carried the scent of false flowers. He licked his nose to banish a sneeze and rose to his paws, settling to sit with his long tail twitching softly behind him.

"Welcome," He'd say simply with a nod of greeting, his voice the low rumble of tumbling stones. "They go by Thunderfoot now," Sunseer would correct them, his eyes blind to her flirtatious nature, "A well-grounded cat who has proved their worth. Tell me, what are these assets you offer?"


Stew Aficionado
Sunseer sat at the base of the ridge just outside his den, long stretched and regal, his eyes closed as he lifted his face towards the sun. His ear flicked at the approach of paws, his lips parting as the scent of a newcomer filled his mouth. Another kittypet, it seemed. The she-cat still carried the scent of false flowers. He licked his nose to banish a sneeze and rose to his paws, settling to sit with his long tail twitching softly behind him.

"Welcome," He'd say simply with a nod of greeting, his voice the low rumble of tumbling stones. "They go by Thunderfoot now," Sunseer would correct them, his eyes blind to her flirtatious nature, "A well-grounded cat who has proved their worth. Tell me, what are these assets you offer?"
Zeezee blinked at the tomcat across from him, uncomprehending his question for a moment.
"I mean, have you SEEN me?" She asked the tomcat, before she sighed and went on. "I'm a walking asset. I'm in tact, my Twolegs didn't do anything to warrant concern there." She assured him. "I'm kind, I've got an excellent memory and my claws are sharp." She wasn't sure if she was winning him over. "Plus!" She added quickly, "Pluuuus, I'm reliable and I don't give up easily and I'm a fast learner!" Okay, so that last part wasn't quite true, but she couldn't imagine being turned away here! She'd come so far! She tried so hard! Please, all her efforts had to matter!


Stew Aficionado
[Albatross] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Albatross
reason for joining Albatross had been on his own for a long time. He'd tried to integrate with others before, passing an apprentice going up the mountain - some Palepaw - many seasons ago. He came across few others in his time. For a while, he'd been looking for community, then, merely one she-cat to find and spend his time with. After seasons of solitude, however, the older tomcat had settled on the desire to contribute his time somewhere kind.

He'd heard of StoneClan, TreeClan, LostClan and the cats of the mountain, too.
"TreeClan may find use of me, but I prefer a life with my paws on the ground." He said to the black and spotted tomcat across from him. "LostClan takes in all without purpose, but I like to think that while I am much a wanderer, I am not yet lost. I had an opportunity, once, to follow a she-cat named Palepaw up the mountain, but turned away and... I don't believe I have it in me to make the journey now." He blinked at the tomcat across from him. "A home by the river, with fish to catch and friends to feed, that's all I desire now. I can hold my own, in fights if it comes to it, but truly I'd prefer talking to anyone disgruntled and extending my claws to them."

Inclining his head forward as a partial bow, he finalized his opinion as such:
"I will trust your judgement, if you'd rather have younger cats joining your Clan, rather than old bats like I am now. I have lived on my own long enough now that I shall not be shattered if you decide I'm unworthy for StoneClan." @Blinded By Silence


Stew Aficionado
[Badger] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Badger
reason for joining Badger had long considered joining a Clan. Of course, he was perfectly happy with Grey by his side, but he did wish for some security, some sort of promise that the two of them would be protected in the colder months, where prey was more scarce. He'd heard of a clan who needed stories from their requested entrants - and he wasn't sure what story he could provide. There was another group who lived in the trees and yet another, further off on the mountain. So far to travel for what could ultimately be a rejection. Better, Badger had explained to his mate, that they start local. If the river cats turned them away, well, maybe it was a sign that clan life wasn't meant for the pair after all.

"I can hunt, I'm well equipped with wit and charm - just ask Grey," he said with a rumbling purr in his throat, "and if it comes to it, I can fight." He was better at escaping up a tree when he knew he couldn't win a fight and flight was never something he considered cowardly, so much as wise, but he wasn't sure if the leader of the river cats would perceive Badger as a coward to run from a fox, rather than to try to stand up against it. "I'm a lover, Sunseer. I like to see those around me fed and warm. I could do the same for StoneClan, if you'll allow us to become apart of it."


Stew Aficionado
[Hemlock] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Hemlock
reason for joining Hemlock once had big plans for his life, a colony to call his own among his peers and siblings, offerings made to the earth below. Since seasons went on and he went on to age with little progress and he began to seek community in other forms. He'd heard of the Clans, all four of them and it was through a lot of debate that he finally settled on StoneClan. This choice was made easier by the she-cat, Eclipsefur, but when he approached the blind leader, having been escorted into their territory, he did not take his entry as a given.

The old tomcat knew too well about how elderly minds could change on a whim and StoneClan certainly seemed to be big enough thus far, but...

"Hello, Sunseer. I have come to join your Clan, if you see fit to grant my entry. I possess capable paws and a knowledge of herbs though I do not wish to usurp any pre-existing healers." He inclined his head politely. "Unless they are looking for assistants, of course." @Blinded By Silence


Stew Aficionado
[Snarl] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Snarl
reason for joining Snarl was raised in a family that valued strength and community. She had two lovers who helped her embody both of those aspects and she valued them immensely, but one hard winter showed her that it may be even more worthwhile to join a larger community. When she took her mates to the Clan by the water, who claimed to be as unmovable as Stone, she foresaw great opportunity.

"Your Clan has good cats, but you would do well to have strong cats among them, too." She declared upon her meeting with the blind leader. "My she-lover, Astrid, would get along with you best, she is the talker. My he-lover, Thief, his name is not to scare you, but he and I, I think are more..." She raised a paw, though her claws were kept sheathed and ran it across the ground, scattering pebbles in the dirt. "Talk with our paws." She concluded. "You have many talkers here, already. But who knows what might come your way. It would be a good idea to have cats who talk with paws if you should come up against any enemy who is not looking to talk through conflict."

Snarl's eyes looked at the pale, mis-matched eyes of the leader across the way from her.
"What say you about this matter?" Would the leader be too fearful of her and her lovers toallow them entry into their unmovable Stone community? @Blinded By Silence

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Zeezee blinked at the tomcat across from him, uncomprehending his question for a moment.
"I mean, have you SEEN me?" She asked the tomcat, before she sighed and went on. "I'm a walking asset. I'm in tact, my Twolegs didn't do anything to warrant concern there." She assured him. "I'm kind, I've got an excellent memory and my claws are sharp." She wasn't sure if she was winning him over. "Plus!" She added quickly, "Pluuuus, I'm reliable and I don't give up easily and I'm a fast learner!" Okay, so that last part wasn't quite true, but she couldn't imagine being turned away here! She'd come so far! She tried so hard! Please, all her efforts had to matter!

He blinked at her a moment, in tact...? Oh. Right, he had forgotten that two-legs were capable of such terrible things... He cleared his throat and flicked his ear as if dismissing any notion that her viability was a cause of concern, "We value our she-cats for more than their ability to bear kits, I promise you that. In fact, we expect the same amount of loyalty and hard work from all our cats. That's what it means to be a part of this clan," He pauses, taking in the things she values in herself and nods, "Loyalty and tenacity are indeed valuable assets." He stands and beckons her to follow him with a twitch of his tail, "Come, let's find you a mentor."
