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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ StoneClan Leader's Den ]


Stew Aficionado
[Strike] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Strike
reason for joining Strike couldn't be a loner anymore. He loved his family, his mother and his siblings, but he couldn't live with them. Their pitying looks - whether they realized it or not - was keeping him awake through the day, unable to sleep. His father, not even present in their life, had made it abundantly clear that Split wanted nothing to do with him. His floppy ears and pale fur seemed to be his misfortune, for his siblings had been doted upon in comparison.

He had to find somewhere he could be safe, somewhere he could live without the concern of his father's potential presence haunting him. His father seemed to live near the mountain or the outer wilds, so when choosing a Clan to present himself to, StoneClan, by the river, had seemed the most appropriate. LostClan, though he understood plenty of loners were going that way, sounded like more of the same he was used to - a Clan of pitying faces. No, better a proper Clan, like StoneClan.

To cut out the boring bits of how he flagged down a patrol and was presented to the StoneClan's leader, a cat who he overheard was named Sunseer. Impatience pricked at his fur, but he forced himself to wait the span of two breaths, before he began.

"I can fight, but more importantly in this coming season, I can hunt. What I need is the protection of a group and I hope to find that here. May I join yours?" @Blinded By Silence


Stew Aficionado
By The Powers Of SunClan, I Give You Your Warrior Name...
cat Thunderfoot
previous name Thunderpaw
new name Thunderfoot
reason for change
Once a loner called Mama, then an apprentice with the name of Thunderpaw, now this feline is becoming a warrior called Thunderfoot! Steadfast and grounded, this tomcat has learned fast the ways of SunClan and is ready to aid StoneClan among its warrior ranks.

(To save Sami some trouble, hopefully it's okay for him to skip his apprentice cert stage and go forward with his warrior ceremony? I still posted for his mentor above, however, so all the form ducks are in a row.) @Blinded By Silence


Stew Aficionado
[Ripple] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Ripple
reason for joining Ripple was tired. She'd been tired for a very long time, between making sure her father, Riot, didn't transport her and her siblings into certain doom, and keeping an eye on each and every one of her siblings in turn. As a youthful apprentice, she'd had the energy to run around and ensure that none of her siblings were jumping into branches too high, or falling off of cliffs or trying to fight enemies twice their size. Ripple had been the protector of her nomadic family from an early age - since her own father who was meant to protect them, didn't have any clue as to what he was doing. She tried not to resent him for his unassuming attitude. It didn't always work.

She'd had enough when her siblings were grown into adults. Sure, they were all still young, but they knew some manner of hunting and defense. If they weren't able to live on their own independently from her at this point in their lives... well, call her callous, but maybe they weren't meant to live at all.

She'd spent some time by the river, before being startled by a passing patrol of cats who demanded she leave their territory. They weren't unkind about it, so when she pressed who's territory it was, they gave her the information. Cats of StoneClan, warriors beside the river, led by Sunseer. She'd asked to accompany them back to camp - they'd hesitated at first and she couldn't really blame them, but she felt opportunity at her paws and she wasn't going to let it slip through her claws like a newt in the mud.

Rather than finding herself escorted directly into their camp, however, she seemed to be positioned at the edge of it. She could smell many cats just beyond her, but it stood to reason that she wasn't allowed to march into their centralized territory, just because she asked if she could. She did, however, see a black and spotted tomcat approaching her. As he grew closer, Ripple narrowed her eyes at him in her classic appraising look. There was something wrong with his eyes... what was it?

"Greetings, Sunseer, leader of the cats of StoneClan, the warriors beside the river." Was the whole thing his title? Ripple was having a hard time remembering if that's how the patrol had introduced themselves, or their leader. Well, no harm in being overtly polite, right? "I only came recently to realize that there was such a..." She searched for the right word. "group such as yours. I asked for an audience with you today, to ask if you might value one more among your group? I am able-bodied and can fend for myself, and for others. Rest assured that I will not become a burden on your family, if I am allowed entry." @Blinded By Silence

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
[Cornflake] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Cornflake
reason for joining Cornflake had always known she was meant for something better than a kittypet's life. Sure, she didn't know how to hunt, or do find water on her own, really, or to live without a constant supply of chicken flavored treats, but... she was determined to prove to her brother, Reese, that she could live on her own! She'd always had a knack for escaping her Twolegs' den, no matter the precautions they took to try and keep her inside. Sure, she tended to come back from her adventures into the wilderness battered and beat, but the fire inside of her was far from leaving her.

You can imagine her excitement when she found StoneClan, a group of feral cats living near the river. She wanted to become a warrior! She could put her kittypet past behind her - this was her chance, no... this was her DESTINY! Her last interaction with her brother had been the night before - he'd condemned her to a fate of safety, claiming that she wouldn't last a night out on her own in the woods, but now... She found herself grinning up at the StoneClan leader. Now she could survive out in the woods, but she wouldn't be alone.

That is, if they accepted her. A ripple of nervous energy slid over her spine and she shuffled her paws, not having yet sat down yet. Would that be impolite? Did wild cats have manners? They certainly had procedures, but that wasn't quite the same. Eventually, after such an extensive pause, Cornflake couldn't keep quiet any longer.

"Hello, my name is Cornflake, I was named cause I made a mess with the cereal the first time I learned how to jump as a kitten -oh but, I've grown up since then! I'm no where near as messy," She assured the tomcat in front of her. Mostly. She added quietly to herself, before her mouth ran off without her again. "I've always known I was meant to be more than a kittypet, and I am here to join your clan and be a great fighter, hunter, warrior, all of it! Give me a chance, I'll prove myself tenfold! I'll um, I'll be the best outsider turned warrior you're ever gonna see, uh, well not see, cause, uh, you can't see me, can you?" She waved a paw at the tomcat and then flushed with embarrassment. "Not that that matters! But if you're blind and leader, then... well surely there's a good chance that I could become a warrior even after becoming a kittypet, right? That must be right..." She trailed off, mostly thinking aloud at that point, before coming to attention.

"I'll be good, I promise! Pleeeeease let me join your club!" She exclaimed at last.

Well... at least she was enthusiastic. @Blinded By Silence
Sunseer had no idea what this kittypet was rambling about. What was cereal? But he let her finish, and while that did take some time, the old tom was patient. After all, he was used to dealing with kits and apprentices and some very loud-spoken elders. But he could feel her passion radiating from her like the sun's rays and heard the determination in her voice.

He chuckled at the youth before him, "No," he said simply but not unkindly, "I cannot see you. But you're right, that doesn't matter. Because the rest of my clan can. And it will be with their eyes that I decide whether or not you are fit to live and fight beside us." He tucked his tail neatly over his paws as he sat, "Tenfold, you say? We will have to get you a mentor who will hold you to that, kittypet. But for now," Sunseer gave the cat a nod of welcome, "Let me show you where you'll sleep, little paw."


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
[BLUEBURR] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Blueburr
reason for joining Blueburr had spent a long time now, parading the borders of this supposed clan. A large, gruff looking feline. His furr was less tuft and more spike, and his uneven jaw that caused fangs to protrude surely did him no good looking less intimidating. What in all the stars he wanted creeping along their borders so close to the night was any cats guess. Never close enough to accuse or attack, but always lingering beyond..

All but one cat, the one he was here to see of course.The most awe striking cat he'd ever seen, extraordinarily new. Content life became all but dull, and discovering was meaningless if she wasn't beside him.
Maybe he was making a bad decision. He hadn't waited for her to ask him to join the clan, and hadn't asked if she had even needed him to.. but he felt strained, standing outside an invisible line to speak to her, whispering in hushed mews so he wouldn't be chased away from the only light he found out there. And.. well, he felt bad. He felt bad, waiting for her to ask him, forcing her to. What if she felt guilty requesting him to leave his old life and never did ask him to join here amongst these cats!? Blueburr HAD to take the leap himself. Hopefully she would find a nice surprise awaiting her, finally seeing him over that barrier he never put there.

Now he stood, changing his life for one. Would love be a good enough answer for the tom before him? Would he doubt Blueburrs ability to be loyal, if he were only joining for that purpose? "Ahh.. uhm.. leader cat?" His voice was far meeker than he, all things considered. "I'm searching for a home, you see..! Safety, warmth.. and I think I found her here." Could he not just lie, and say he wished to be a warrior for a more noble reason?! "Could I make your clan my family, to protect it, to protect her! Please.."

@Blinded By Silence
The black tom saw threw the gruff loner quite easily. Perhaps it was because the blind cat could not judge the tom by his rough appearance or maybe it was because he too knew a thing or two about loving someone. It was brave, he thought, for this cat to give up whatever kind of life a loner lived to protect a she-cat. But it could also be problematic. He had seen many a tom do something stupid for love. He had embarrassed himself on more than one occasion, he remembered.

"I understand what you seek, but hear me. We are more than one she-cat. Are you willing to give all of yourself so strongly to each and every cat in your clan? We can give you the security you seek, but your loyalty will be to me and your clan, not just to your mate."


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
[Strike] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Strike
reason for joining Strike couldn't be a loner anymore. He loved his family, his mother and his siblings, but he couldn't live with them. Their pitying looks - whether they realized it or not - was keeping him awake through the day, unable to sleep. His father, not even present in their life, had made it abundantly clear that Split wanted nothing to do with him. His floppy ears and pale fur seemed to be his misfortune, for his siblings had been doted upon in comparison.

He had to find somewhere he could be safe, somewhere he could live without the concern of his father's potential presence haunting him. His father seemed to live near the mountain or the outer wilds, so when choosing a Clan to present himself to, StoneClan, by the river, had seemed the most appropriate. LostClan, though he understood plenty of loners were going that way, sounded like more of the same he was used to - a Clan of pitying faces. No, better a proper Clan, like StoneClan.

To cut out the boring bits of how he flagged down a patrol and was presented to the StoneClan's leader, a cat who he overheard was named Sunseer. Impatience pricked at his fur, but he forced himself to wait the span of two breaths, before he began.

"I can fight, but more importantly in this coming season, I can hunt. What I need is the protection of a group and I hope to find that here. May I join yours?" @Blinded By Silence
Being blind had its benefits, Sunseer had learned over the past few moons. When a cat came before him, he no longer judged them by appearances. He did not see their anxiety, or their anger, pity, or sadness. He saw not the things that others might, physical differences meant little to him when it came to first impressions.

No, the StoneClan leader had other tools now. He listened to the cat who stood before him with calm patience, waiting out his visitor's fidgeting restraint.

"We are more than just a group, you know. A Clan does more than just fight and hunt. We can protect you, but what we need to know is this; are you willing to protect us in return?"


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
[Ripple] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Ripple
reason for joining Ripple was tired. She'd been tired for a very long time, between making sure her father, Riot, didn't transport her and her siblings into certain doom, and keeping an eye on each and every one of her siblings in turn. As a youthful apprentice, she'd had the energy to run around and ensure that none of her siblings were jumping into branches too high, or falling off of cliffs or trying to fight enemies twice their size. Ripple had been the protector of her nomadic family from an early age - since her own father who was meant to protect them, didn't have any clue as to what he was doing. She tried not to resent him for his unassuming attitude. It didn't always work.

She'd had enough when her siblings were grown into adults. Sure, they were all still young, but they knew some manner of hunting and defense. If they weren't able to live on their own independently from her at this point in their lives... well, call her callous, but maybe they weren't meant to live at all.

She'd spent some time by the river, before being startled by a passing patrol of cats who demanded she leave their territory. They weren't unkind about it, so when she pressed who's territory it was, they gave her the information. Cats of StoneClan, warriors beside the river, led by Sunseer. She'd asked to accompany them back to camp - they'd hesitated at first and she couldn't really blame them, but she felt opportunity at her paws and she wasn't going to let it slip through her claws like a newt in the mud.

Rather than finding herself escorted directly into their camp, however, she seemed to be positioned at the edge of it. She could smell many cats just beyond her, but it stood to reason that she wasn't allowed to march into their centralized territory, just because she asked if she could. She did, however, see a black and spotted tomcat approaching her. As he grew closer, Ripple narrowed her eyes at him in her classic appraising look. There was something wrong with his eyes... what was it?

"Greetings, Sunseer, leader of the cats of StoneClan, the warriors beside the river." Was the whole thing his title? Ripple was having a hard time remembering if that's how the patrol had introduced themselves, or their leader. Well, no harm in being overtly polite, right? "I only came recently to realize that there was such a..." She searched for the right word. "group such as yours. I asked for an audience with you today, to ask if you might value one more among your group? I am able-bodied and can fend for myself, and for others. Rest assured that I will not become a burden on your family, if I am allowed entry." @Blinded By Silence
Sunseer padded forward, called by one of his warriors to speak to another loner. So many, he thought as he walked to the edge of their camp. But the land around them seemed strong and healthy, with no issues feeding their growing numbers. Many of the once-loners had settled in well, some beginning families of their own. He knew that some may have felt uneasy about his acceptance of these outsiders once, but he had faith in what he was doing.

"Welcome, wanderer," He nodded dutifully at the loner, chuckling to himself at the formal title and speech. At least they were respectful, he noted. "If you are willing to put yourself to the test, and learn our ways, I'm sure we can find a use for you here. Worry not, you are no burden unless you make yourself so." He turned, and with a flick of his tail beckoned the newcomer into camp. "Let me introduce you to the clan. We'll find you a mentor before sunhigh."



The black tom saw threw the gruff loner quite easily. Perhaps it was because the blind cat could not judge the tom by his rough appearance or maybe it was because he too knew a thing or two about loving someone. It was brave, he thought, for this cat to give up whatever kind of life a loner lived to protect a she-cat. But it could also be problematic. He had seen many a tom do something stupid for love. He had embarrassed himself on more than one occasion, he remembered.

"I understand what you seek, but hear me. We are more than one she-cat. Are you willing to give all of yourself so strongly to each and every cat in your clan? We can give you the security you seek, but your loyalty will be to me and your clan, not just to your mate."

Blueburr sat taller still, though he did not know why. It didn't matter much how he held his posture, did it? No matter how high he held his head or puffed his fur, to look like a strong asset, the cat before him would not be swayed. The realization perhaps shocked him a bit. This wasn't a test of his strength, the fights he'd seen, the scars to prove his worth in hunts and battles. This was a test of loyalty. He could come into this clan ragged and torn, unfed and weak, but if he had enough merit it seemed they would still let him pass.

"You will have my unwavering loyalty, I swear it.. I believe she is smarter than I, you see.." Ah.. how to explain this.. Blueburr struggled finishing his thoughts, hoping the cat before him would let him reach his conclusion, even if the path seemed unorthodox. "I have not known of a,, place like this before. The life of a loner is quiet, and deadly. I'm sure you know.." His paws shifted along the ground, pressing the awkward tension in his body out through the pads of his feet into the ground... Or, he felt that way. "But I want to try, to learn to love and be loyal like this. If a cat as smart as she, and as the others I have met here, have found reason and hope in living like this.. Then I want to as well." He reassured, leaning ever so slightly closer the more passionate he felt when he spoke. "If a cat amongst you places their trust in me, I will lay down my life for them.
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By The Powers Of SunClan, I Give You Your Warrior Name...
cat Doe
previous name Doepaw
new name Doedance
reason for change Warrior name! Doedance to represent their quiet yet affectionate nature. He uses his body to communicate more often then not. Speaking to Doe can be like a dance in more of a metaphorical sense as you try to understand his discreet way of sharing his thoughts.
@Blinded By Silence


Grizzled Veteran
So Long And Fare Well
cat Flamestripe
why are they leaving? Partially due to the fact that he loved being on the move and now feels restless camping in one place. Mostly so that he can follow Lynx and her kits around and provide for them.


Stew Aficionado
By The Powers Of SunClan, I Give You Your Warrior Name...
cat Here
previous name Cornflake/Sweetpaw
new name Sweetfang
reason for change
Loner/Apprentice growing to Warrior


Stew Aficionado
Being blind had its benefits, Sunseer had learned over the past few moons. When a cat came before him, he no longer judged them by appearances. He did not see their anxiety, or their anger, pity, or sadness. He saw not the things that others might, physical differences meant little to him when it came to first impressions.

No, the StoneClan leader had other tools now. He listened to the cat who stood before him with calm patience, waiting out his visitor's fidgeting restraint.

"We are more than just a group, you know. A Clan does more than just fight and hunt. We can protect you, but what we need to know is this; are you willing to protect us in return?"

So, it wasn't just as easy as making demands and being let in, was it? Strike felt irritation prickling at his pelt, but he let out a slow breath instead. It wouldn't do him any good to lose his temper in front of the leader of the Clan and be chased off. Or worse.

"It may take me some time to understand the intricacies of Clan life." How could there be more to a Clan than surviving together, for example? "But, yes, I am willing to do what I can, to protect you all, if you bring me into your gr... into your Clan." He finished, unwilling to let himself feel hopeful just yet. @Blinded By Silence