Search results

  1. HamsterFluf

    Ponies of Zahnrad Hiring and looking for testers!

    Ponies of Zahnrad or PoZ is an adopt shop where you get ponies to take on dangerous adventures. This shop is a mix of a table top RPG, adopt shop, and ARPG all taking place in the fantasy world of Zahnrad. There are 8 total species to chose from and 6 classes with more planed of each. Most of...
  2. HamsterFluf

    Compendium Updates

    Need to update your pony's compendium entry? Did you give them an item or change there looks? fill out the form here if that's the case Please note ponies can only equip three items: a weapon, armor, and an accessory. Updating appearance Compendium page: (link to compendium post) New uncert...
  3. HamsterFluf

    GH Shop

    Got some Golden Horseshoes spend them here. If you have a starting weapon voucher you may trade it for one common weapon. To order just list what you are buying, the total in GH, and link to your tracker(s) Common weapons Mouth held weapons - 30 gh each Ax - deals 2d4 + str Damage Sword -...
  4. HamsterFluf

    Transfers to other players

    Here you can transfer items, Ponies, and Golden Horseshoes to other players. just fill out the form below. delete any part of the form that is not used. Your username: Link to your tracker: Recipients username: Ponies being given: (Link to compendium page ) Items being given: (list all items...
  5. HamsterFluf

    Item and Coin Redemption

    Win something from the discord, shop thread, or an event thread? Redeem it here! Username: Link to tracker: (if you need one just say so) what you won: (list all items and Golden Horseshoe amounts here) Proof: (link to the posts where you won. if won on discord provide a screenshot and your...
  6. HamsterFluf

    How to Explore

    Explorations are small one shot TTRPG campaigns your ponies can participate in. To participate in an Exploration Post a new thread with the title being the name of the quest, In your first post put your pony(s) Certs, there level, Skills, equipment, and HP. You may explore using more then one...
  7. HamsterFluf

    EXP, Battle, and Explorations

    Status Effects Negative or positive effects your character can incur Prone - you are laying on the ground. You take ½ damage from ranged weaponry but double damage from melee attacks. Take one turn to get up Burn - a stinging burn that does 2 damage every turn till battle is over or the wound...
  8. HamsterFluf


    Earth Pony A low magic miniature horse that are the most common species. They can come in any color. Ingenuitve they can build to compensate for their lack of magic. They can live anywhere and have a varied culture depending on location. Necessary traits: no wings or horn tail made of hair...
  9. HamsterFluf


    Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Intuneness , and Charisma are your 5 main stats; these all start at 1d4 and you may bring one stat up by one die type every 2 levels. You also have Hit points, and skill charges. For the for main stats they are dictated by die type going d4 threw d12 stats can...
  10. HamsterFluf

    How to train

    Everyone may have one active training thread at a time To do battle @ The shop mule @Zahnrad Ponies in the same post have the cert of the battling pony along with a list of its HP, Skills, and Equipment. A random monster of about your level (+/- 2 possibility) will be brought to fight you...
  11. HamsterFluf

    EXP, Battle, and Explorations

    Exploration Explorations are where you go into a dangerous area on a quest. What quests are available to you change with the pony’s level You may Explore once a week. To do so go to the exploring sub forum and make a thread titled with what quest you are going on. In your first post the image...
  12. HamsterFluf

    EXP, Battle, and Explorations

    Battle Battle is done in one of the battle forums. Ether training, or Exploration In training you fight off 1 monster at a time First in battle each participant rolls 1d20 to decide turn order Whoever rolls highest goes first. If there is a tie the individual with the higher dex score goes...
  13. HamsterFluf

    EXP, Battle, and Explorations

    EXP There are three ways to earn EXP. Art of any kind of your pony, RP, and Exploration/battle To keep track of your ponys EXP make a post in your tracker with links to all exp gained and the total amount. When you have earned enough to level up go to the level up thread in the group When a...
  14. HamsterFluf

    EXP, Battle, and Explorations

    Here you will find a brake down of how EXP is earned What battle is and how to battle And how to participate in explorations
  15. HamsterFluf

    Level up

    Here you can level up your ponies. Level is recorded in the compendium along with all skills known You do not have to come hear every time you reach a new level. You can do multiple level ups at once When you level up you get your HP raised by your HP growth die. This is decided by your class...
  16. HamsterFluf

    Classes and Skills

    Ranger level 4 Spinning Arrow - hits the target for 1d6 + dex and stupifys them Level 8 Snipe - If the target has not scene you you may deal double damage level 12 Mark - Puts a magical tag on one enemy all damage done to this enemy is double until casters next turn level 16 True aim- take a...
  17. HamsterFluf

    Classes and Skills

    Paladin Level 4 Stupifying strike - deals 1d10 damage and stupifys the target Level 8 Blade of light - deals double weapon + intuness to anything considered undead Level 12 Heeling Touch - most touch the target, heals for 1d10 level 16 Guard - Lets you take the damage for another player...
  18. HamsterFluf

    Classes and Skills

    Mage Level 4 Cure - removes all status effects from the target Level 8 Chain lightning - hits the first target for 1d8 then hits all other enemies for 1d4 Level 12 Minor healing - heals the target for 1d10 damage Level 16 Major healing - heals the target for 1d20 damage Level 20 Fire ball -...
  19. HamsterFluf

    Classes and Skills

    Roge Level 4 Poison blade - Dose 1d4+dex damage and inflicts Poison onto the target Level 8 Vanish - take yourself out of battle and dissapear into the darkness. must have cover to do this. Character is no longer visible level 12 Doge - jump out of the way befor the next attack hits you...
  20. HamsterFluf

    Classes and Skills

    Destrier Level 4 Side swipe - lets you attack two opponents at the same time for weapon + str level 8 Charge - back yourself up for one turn and deal double damage on your next move level 12 Stand your ground - prepare yourself to withstand a hard blow. reduces all damage taken tell next...