Search results

  1. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [RACE] Elves - (Newest Wood Elf and Dark Elves)

    Elven Information Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace, living in the world but not entirely apart of it. They live in places of ethereal beauty, in midst of ancient forests or in silvery spires glittering with faerie light, where soft music drifts through the air and gentle...
  2. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [RACE] Corshryn - (Newest: Woshryn)

  3. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [RACE] Corshryn - (Newest: Woshryn)

    Tips for Playing Woshryn Though not required, Woshryn tend toward Native American names, or simple words added together (such as Amberpaw). It's also not uncommon for Human names or words, given that some where previously kept as pets.
  4. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [RACE] Corshryn - (Newest: Woshryn)

    Woshryn Appearance Woshryn choose their humanoid appearance at the moment they gained their new form. This form cannot change unless outside magic is used. Woshryn never age, never change, and many cling to old and outdated practices. Most appear to be young adults, fit and agile. Their wild...
  5. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [RACE] Corshryn - (Newest: Woshryn)

    Woshryn Information Wolf Corshryn have always been known as a fighting spirit. They are one of the very few races that are used to working with others (though they were usually in a pack of wild wolves and seeing another of their kind was rare). For this reason they have adapted more toward the...
  6. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [RACE] Corshryn - (Newest: Woshryn)

    Woshryn History Woshryn history isn't very vast. When more of their race than usual began to emerge, territorial fights and infighting became progressively worse. It took a very dominate wolf, who called himself Amberpaw, to rise to the top and make the others follow him. Figuring out what had...
  7. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [RACE] Corshryn - (Newest: Woshryn)

  8. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [RACE] Corshryn - (Newest: Woshryn)

    Corshryn History When the Dragons died and the world changed, the very change itself created a new surge of Spirit Animals known as Corshryn to emerge. The wild growth and shifting of power leaked and invaded the animals causing the Corshryn to evolve much more quickly than usual. Many believe...
  9. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [RACE] Corshryn - (Newest: Woshryn)

    Corshryn Information The history of the Corshryns is something that even most historians debate as rumor and legend has changed many times over the years. No one is quite sure how they started or where they came from. Legend says that they started in this world as animals and over time the...
  10. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [CITY] Bastion's Rise

    History of The Plague and Bastion's Rise Queen Eliana Pasida was born to a human man and an elven woman. Her parents were farmers that did well enough to take care of themselves, but upon her birth tragedy struck and her mother died two days after she was born from heavy infection. Not long...
  11. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [CITY] Bastion's Rise

    Information Bastion's Rise was one of the first cities to be hit by the Plague. It ravaged through the city so quickly that they didn't even see it coming. It had once been a Human stronghold, the glory of the Great Redmane Empire. The Empire collapsed when the Plague happened since the Humans...
  12. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [CITY] Bastion's Rise

    (Click for Larger Image)
  13. Dungeon Master Lyra

    The Library [IC/OOC Information]

    Information on the Library/Books Books are very rare in this world, especially since the Plague. This particular library is currently the only one of its kind in the known world. Even though it seems like it doesn't have a lot of books by rl standards, it has more than any other collection...
  14. Dungeon Master Lyra

    The Library [IC/OOC Information]

    As you enter the large building, the first thing you notice is how barren the shelves are. You were expecting a much larger selection since there was such a large space. You slightly grimace, wondering if there was a better place to do your research when you're approached by a rather tall high...
  15. Dungeon Master Lyra

    Birthday Thread

    Birthday Thread Welcome to the Birthday Thread! So here you will post your birthday and if a staff has free time they might make you something! This isn't a guarantee however, but we'll do our best! Everyone is allowed to post their birthday, including staff. If you posted on Gaia and want...
  16. Dungeon Master Lyra

    [I/T] Dungeons and Dice [Hiring!] Opening soon!!

    Hiring is up! <3 (Sorry that the information links go to Gaia, I don't have the guild up here yet.)