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  1. My Four Seasons

    ▶ I--LiveWire--I Certs

    All Livewire certs go here!
  2. My Four Seasons

    ▶▷ Everchange's Drop Gallery ◁◀

    Welcome to the Everchange drop-off thread, where staff will post finished creations to be collected by their owners! Want to find the main thread for the shop? Click the image above! Only staff should post in this thread! Note: Everchange uses bases for their breeds and breed edits! While some...
  3. My Four Seasons

    ▶▷ Everchange ◁◀

    Welcome to Everchange, where the world is run by ponies. While not always peaceful, they do their best to live among one another in harmony. Currently, as their creator sleeps peacefully in her castle, Everchange has lived a mostly pleasant life through the years. However, anything could change...
  4. My Four Seasons

    ▶ Tea Certs

    All Tea certs go here!
  5. My Four Seasons

    ▶ Valdmir Talamore Certs

    All Valdmir Talamore certs go here!
  6. My Four Seasons

    ▶ Tigeria Certs

  7. My Four Seasons

    ▶ Seimei Certs

    All Seimei certs go here!
  8. My Four Seasons

    ▶ RozeyBear Certs

    All RozeyBear certs go here!
  9. My Four Seasons

    ▶ astralprogenitor Certs

    All polliwoggi/astralprogenitor certs go here!
  10. My Four Seasons

    ▶ bitsie spider Certs

    All bitsie spider certs will go here!
  11. My Four Seasons

    ▶ -Ghastly Demise- Certs

    All -Ghastly Demise- certs go here!
  12. My Four Seasons

    ▶ Nym Certs

    All Nym certs will be dropped here!
  13. My Four Seasons

    ▶ Certing Thread

    If you want your pony able to RP, breed, or participate in the shop they must be certed. @sharkberrypizza is the certist and the one you'll contact if you have any questions about your cert. Please read the rules and use the correct forms or you risk your cert request being ignored. Only the...
  14. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Wishing Winter Breedings

    After the last unfortunate debacle with breedings the Alicorn of Fertility has taken a month to recover. Breedings slowed within the world, and it wasn't long before Seraphim was approached by The Four to get back on it. They were right, in a way -- so many ponies couldn't breed physically and...
  15. My Four Seasons

    ▷ [2019 CYO] O'Giving Night Plushies

    PSD | No Folders Version | Earth PNG | Pegasus PNG | Unicorn PNG St. Nikolaus Alewind has always been known as the pony who travels throughout Everchange during December to spread joy and cheer. He takes it very seriously, in fact, and with him are a few ponies who help support his cause in...
  16. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Cursed Forever

    Colored by: Tigeria Something seems... wrong with these ponies. Sure, they look like the average foal to the normal eye, but they just have a look in their eyes that indicate they know more than a child should. It's unsettling, a bit... In truth, those foals aren't your normal children...
  17. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Free Raffle

    1. Mer by RozeyBear || 2. Mer by RozeyBear || 3. Unicorn by polliwoggi || 4. Earth Animal Morph by bitsie spider 5. Pegasus by ~Ghastly Demise~ [not official uncert] || 6. Flightless by Tigeria || 7. Mutated Suli by Valdimir Talamore All the ponies above are free! All you need to do is post the...
  18. My Four Seasons

    [Winter 2019] My Four Seasons O'Giving Day Event

    St. Nikolaus Alewind has been known for the past couple of years as the pony who brings cheer in December. An ordinary pony in appearance and power, he has taken on an extraordinaire job; bringing cheer to the holidays. Giving Day has always been followed with festivals and presents throughout...