Search results

  1. My Four Seasons

    [CYO Halloween 2020] Spooky Scary Plushies

    PSD | No Folders Version | Earth PNG | Pegasus PNG | Unicorn PNG Closes: November 1st, 1:00am EST You found your way to the plushies! Fantastic. Every year in October and December we launch plushies, where you color provided templates and give them out to your friends. This event is not about...
  2. My Four Seasons

    ▶ Meta Profile

    Are you participating in the Meta? That's fantastic! Oh, but wait, before you post anywhere or begin your journey you need to set up a Meta Profile. What's that? Well, it's a little form you'll keep up on in this thread (there's an example below to help you in your efforts!), logging any Specter...
  3. My Four Seasons

    ▶ The Nightday Circus Information Thread

    The leader of the circus looks down at you, his tall and lanky frame twisted around the stall sign he has draped himself over. You caught him at a bad time, it seems, as exhaustion seems to riddle his body. He jolts into a straight posture, brushing himself off as he approaches. "Welcome to the...
  4. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Mannequins

    You don't need to use these, but we have lines to color on if you want to help colorists see what you'd like on your pony! You may edit it as you like, as well. PSD
  5. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Activity Points

    Back in the day, we used to have a roleplay system, which, as the name suggests, focused entirely on RP and the completion of them. As time went on we realized it was fairly limited, and the prizes didn’t directly reward characters used. After some time we decided to change the system, following...
  6. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Hiring Thread

    Everchange is always open to accepting those who might want to join the staff. This thread will be open indefinitely and we will hire from it when we see someone we believe would fit perfectly or we are in need. We will message directly those we hire and we decide as a united group on who joins...
  7. My Four Seasons

    ▷ [September] Monthly CC Customs

    Every month we will have Monthly CC Customs open! You may post five blindbox/semi requests here (all in one post) for colorists to pick from. If a colorist is interested in the form presented to them they will claim the post and make you a CC pony! Every month the thread will be deleted and...
  8. My Four Seasons

    ▷ About Plotting

    Plotting ponies is part of the fun for a b/c shop, and this is the thread to do it in. We do have a few rules on how to conduct searches and form appropriate plots for the shop. Before making a plot journal or offering someone for RP please read this thread. You need a pony before you can...
  9. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Submit Locations/Holidays

    Want to offer us some location ideas and holidays? Well, we want you to, too! We love hearing customer ideas and are thrilled to include creations by our writers. Please feel free to read the form below and submit your idea! Please post once per suggestion. If you have multiple ideas that's...
  10. My Four Seasons

    ▷ About Roleplaying

    While roleplay is fun and we greatly encourage it, we also need to have rules to ensure everyone is comfortable and safe. Please read and understand these rules in their entirety before making your first roleplay. If you don't understand something then please contact staff. Your pony must...
  11. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Current Season: Summer

    The current season is Summer! Summer is governed by Summri, the Alicorn of Summer.
  12. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Owners List [outdated + on hold]

    Here is where you can find your ponies! Since every colorist has their own number system, we've organized ponies under the colorists username. We will keep this list updated to the best of our ability, but please feel free to let us know if there's any mistakes! We're human and it happens! All...
  13. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Custom Rules and Guidelines

    To receive a custom please read the rules below! It'll guide you in what can be customed, and how to do so. Make sure you can afford your custom. Colorist threads will usually have a pay what you want system, but colorists have the right to deny or accept a request if the payment isn't...
  14. My Four Seasons

    ▶ Swaps

    Sometimes a pony/pet/item doesn't click with you, and that's alright! Someone else might have that perfect pony/pet/item to offer for yours. In those cases we call it a 'swap'. We have, on the Discord, a channel for discussing swaps in public, and you may take discussions to DMs/PMs as well, but...
  15. My Four Seasons

    ▶ Zaikt Certs

    All Zaikt certs go here!
  16. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Closed Eye Directory

    Some ponies will have their eyes closed or covered in some form. This thread is where you, the player, will document the color of their eyes, whether it be for breeding purposes, general logging, or to remind yourself of your character details! There are very few rules behind eye color...
  17. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Old Lines Conversions

    As some customers may remember, we used to be slightly different! Before this version of the shop we had different lines and some lore was different. When we re-opened we decided to swap to new lines that fit our style better and freshen up the lore. The staff are very happy with the changes and...
  18. My Four Seasons

    ▷ First Pick Rolls

    Whenever you receive a breeding you will need to roll to figure out who gets first pick. This is due to the unfortunate fact that, sometimes, the excitement of a breeding can cloud one's judgement and behavior and there's been tension over who gets a basket another owner likes. To prevent that...
  19. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Questing Rules and Guidelines

    While how you set up your quest thread is entirely up to you, there are a few rules behind questing one needs to be aware of. Your quest must belong to you. Do not quest for a character not yours or a concept you didn't create. While you may quest for adoptables you've purchased, they...
  20. My Four Seasons

    ▷ About Stables

    Stables are journals for your ponies! Here you can keep information on your beloved ponies and how they've been doing in the shop! Feel free to keep track of RPs, breedings, personality, and more! It's up to you how you design your journal! All ponies must be owned by you. Any pony you...