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  1. My Four Seasons

    Cheyriddle4's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Cheyriddle4. Do not post here unless you are staff or Chey. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 1,835 Items:
  2. My Four Seasons

    XxXPandamoniumXxX's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @XxXPandamoniumXxX. Do not post here unless you are staff or Panda. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 1,240 Items:
  3. My Four Seasons

    Rozeybear's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @RozeyBear. Do not post here unless you are staff or Rozey. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 1,715 Items:
  4. My Four Seasons

    Jackariah Beckett's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Jackariah Beckett. Do not post here unless you are staff or Jackariah. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 1,837 Items:
  5. My Four Seasons

    FrostyPeaches' Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @FrostyPeaches. Do not post here unless you are staff or FrostyPeaches. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 0 Items:
  6. My Four Seasons

    Rano713's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Rano713. Do not post here unless you are staff or Rano. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 150 Items:
  7. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Morphs Guide

    Here is a guide to all the current morphs within Everchange. Morphs are edits considered commonplace within Everchange. Within lore, they are consistent edits to a pony that can be seen in multiple societies and are not stuck to bloodline or family. For shop purposes, they're templates that can...
  8. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Templates Guide

    Here is where all templates are linked for ease of access. It is currently still in progress. Full Albums - Breed Templates - Morph Templates - Expression Templates - Hair Templates - Clothing Templates
  9. My Four Seasons

    ▷ The Companions

    Welcome to the companion guide, where information on the current companions within Everchange can be found! Companions are little friends that can be either wild or owned by a pony and typically have the intelligence of a standard animal. Companions cannot fully communicate with ponies (unless...
  10. My Four Seasons

    KisaValkyrie's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @KisaValkyrie . Do not post here unless you are staff or Kisa. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 9 Items:
  11. My Four Seasons

    Reoakee's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Reoakee. Do not post here unless you are staff or Reoakee. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 1,270 Items:
  12. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Breeding Rules and Guidelines

  13. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Hiring Thread

    Welcome to Everchange's always-open-and-looking hiring thread! Please ensure you read everything before applying! Applicants may apply for multiple positions. Applying for multiple positions won't mean the applicant will be hired for all if they are selected for one. Applicants are...
  14. My Four Seasons

    ▷ The Breeds

    Welcome to the breed guide, where information on the current breeds within Everchange can be found! There are a few terms you'll need to know going forward: “Breed:” indicates a unique race of pony with its own individualizing features. “Type:” indicates the general zone/environment a pony can...
  15. My Four Seasons

    ▶ Stage Five: The Finale

    Breaking character (again!) to explain and fill in for the final part of the META story. A year and some has passed since the META was placed on indefinite hiatus. With it being revived to finally complete there are liberties being taken to skip slightly past the unfinished game and get every...
  16. My Four Seasons

    DavyJnah's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @DavyJnah. Do not post here unless you are staff or DavyJnah. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 1,700 Items:
  17. My Four Seasons

    AngelBane's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @AngelBane. Do not post here unless you are staff or Angel. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 0 Items:
  18. My Four Seasons

    ▶ The Resolution Sphere Event

    End Date: January 31st, 2022 As the old year crests into the new, something fresh sparks in the air; a ripple of change marks the crisp dawn, heralding a sight odd to all who come across it. In a small village in the heart of Dream Valley, a number of ponies have discovered that the local town...
  19. My Four Seasons

    PZMJNP's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @PZMJNP. Do not post here unless you are staff or Emiri. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 105 Items:
  20. My Four Seasons

    Niyaru's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Niyaru . Do not post here unless you are staff or Emiri. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 0 Items: