Search results

  1. My Four Seasons

    Bluedemonwolf's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Bluedemonwolf. Do not post here unless you are staff or Blue. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 1,034 Items:
  2. My Four Seasons

    ChexaRain's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @ChexaRain . Do not post here unless you are staff or ChexaRain. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 143 Items:
  3. My Four Seasons

    Shadrya's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Shadrya. Do not post here unless you are staff or Shadrya. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 116 Items:
  4. My Four Seasons

    AlicornPlayhouse's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @AlicornPlayhouse. Do not post here unless you are staff or Alicorn. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 0 Items:
  5. My Four Seasons

    Joshuality's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Joshuality. Do not post here unless you are staff or Josh. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 223 Items:
  6. My Four Seasons

    belloblossom's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @belloblossom. Do not post here unless you are staff or belloblossom. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 204
  7. My Four Seasons

    Bouquet of Diamond's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Boquet of Diamonds. Do not post here unless you are staff or Bouquet. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 1,913 Items:
  8. My Four Seasons

    KikiLime's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @KikiLime . Do not post here unless you are staff or KikiLime. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 5 Items:
  9. My Four Seasons

    Natty-chan's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Natty-chan. Do not post here unless you are staff or Natty. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 439 Items:
  10. My Four Seasons

    Valdmir Talamore's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Valdmir Talamore. Do not post here unless you are staff or Valdmir. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 0 Items:
  11. My Four Seasons

    PeterPan_da144's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @PeterPan_da144 . Do not post here unless you are staff or Peter. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 1,602 Items:
  12. My Four Seasons

    ▷ [March] Monthly CC Breedings

    Every month we will have Monthly CC Breedings open! You may post five forms for colorists to choose from. If a colorist is interested in the form presented to them they will claim the post and make you a breeding! This thread will be deleted at the end of the month and reposted, so save any...
  13. My Four Seasons

    ▷ [March] Monthly CC Customs

    Every month we will have Monthly CC Customs open! You may post five blindbox/semi requests here (all in one post) for colorists to pick from. If a colorist is interested in the form presented to them they will claim the post and make you a CC pony! Every month the thread will be deleted and...
  14. My Four Seasons

    Nym's Tracker

    This tracker journal belongs to @Nym. Do not post here unless you are staff or Nym. Doing so will result in a warning. AP: 135 Items:
  15. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Error Correcting

    Did we miss updating your tracker? Did we forget to remove points? Let us know here! This thread is not for reminding - check if we've updated requests around yours first before posting here. Username: Tracker Link: Error Made:
  16. My Four Seasons

    ▷ About Trackers

    Tracker Journals are to properly manage how much AP a user has and their vouchers/charms, helping ensure spending is done correctly! Staff will keep journals updated as you note AP earned/redeemed and items collected/spent. If you notice a mistake please check out the thread for noting errors so...
  17. My Four Seasons

    [My Four Seasons] Giving Day Event 2020

    This time of year in Everchange always brings festive cheer, warmth and smiles to the ponies that reside in the realm. Ponies can get into the spirit in many different ways, from spending time with loved ones, giving back to communities, and much more! Join us in some games and contests held...
  18. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Activity Shop

    Activity Points (AP) can be spent here to acquire charms and items to further your pony experience. You will need the correct amount of AP and a tracking journal before you begin spending and redeeming, so please ensure you do! Charms used in breedings can change breeding order rolls. If...
  19. My Four Seasons

    ▷ Activity Points

  20. My Four Seasons

    [Halloween] Corrupted Breedings

    Closes: November 1st, 1:00am EST October has come and with it, the strange feeling of _something_ lurking. This time the Alicorn of Fertility is not sick, thankfully, but she knows there's a disturbance in her domain. She seems more frustrated, even, and more reluctant than ever to do her...