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  1. astralprogenitor

    [Character] Professions and Trainer Types

    This thread will list some of the many professions and trainer types that can be found in the world, hopefully providing an idea of what might be found on Nauwill as well as offering you some inspiration for your own characters. Please note that this is not a comprehensive guide of every...
  2. astralprogenitor

    [Pokédex] Native Fauna of Nauwill Region

    Welcome to the Nauwill pokédex. Here you can find information on the native pokémon which have been discovered in the region, as well as information on the imported pokémon that have been brought along for the ride. Every known 'mon will have its own entry page, which you can click below to be...
  3. astralprogenitor

    [Unique] Crystals, Stones, and More - Special Features

    Like every region, Nauwill has its share of unique flora and fauna, but it also seems quite rich in other unique features as well. An abundance of new minerals and oddities have been found on the island; this thread documents the ones that the expedition currently knows about.
  4. astralprogenitor

    [Faction] Groups in Nauwill Region

    While Nauwill is a newly settled region, there are already several groups settled there. New arrivals on the island are all initially associated with one of these affiliations, as permission from one of them is necessary to gain a passport to the region. However, this doesn't mean that an...
  5. astralprogenitor

    [General] Nauwill Region

    the area
  6. astralprogenitor

    🞿 Roleplay Rules

  7. astralprogenitor

    🞿 Process and Forms

    Acquiring a Character Welcome! If you're here, you must be interested in playing with us, so we offer you a warm greeting and a lovely wall of text to try and make your joining as easy to understand as possible. Remember, if you have any questions you can always reach out to staff to ask, but...