Search results

  1. R

    [Exploration] Back at it again (Shale)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Area 01: Newbreeze Grasslands Trainer: Shale Apatite Pokémon: Breccia the scatterbug, Suevite the pidove Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 8
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    [Exploration] A Rough Time Out (Shale)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Area 01: Newbreeze Grasslands Trainer: Shale Apatite Pokémon: Breccia the scatterbug, Suevite the pidove Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) 1x potion Starting Energy: 8
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    [Exploration] Once more (Shale Apatite)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Area 01: Newbreeze Grasslands Trainer: Shale Apatite Pokémon: Breccia the scatterbug, Suevite the pidove Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) 1x Friendship ball (cs: 3, bs: 2) Starting Energy: 8
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    [Training Session] Shale Apatite

    Training Records: Shale Apatite Trainee: Deino Goal Current Needed Rank Up - (Ace) 4, 2 16 Stat Retraining 4, 4 5 Move Relearning 4 3 Loyalty 2, 2 4 Happiness 1, 2, 1 4 Trainee: Breccia the Scatterbug Goal Current Needed Rank Up - (Beginner) 5 4 Rank Up - (Amateur)...
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    [Exploration] First Steps Into the Grasslands (Shale)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Area 01: Newbreeze Grasslands Trainer: Shale Apatite Pokémon: Breccia the scatterbug, Suevite the pidove Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) 1x Potion Starting Energy: 8
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    [Exploration] A Whole Lotta Nothing (Eulalio){Complete}

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze Grasslands! Trainer: Eulalio Demetriou Florakis Pokémon: Baby the Delcatty, Sundrop the Lefmew, Bonbon the Sentret Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 8
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    [Exploration] Into the Grasslands (Eulalio)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze Grasslands! Trainer: Eulalio Demetriou Florakis Pokémon: Baby the Delcatty, Sundrop the Lefmew, Bonbon the Sentret Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) 1x Friendball (CS: 3, BS 1) Starting Energy: 8
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    (Exploration) Victory Grasslands (Lang)(Complete)

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze Grasslands Trainer: Fei Lang Pokémon: N. Torchic Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+3 = 8
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    [Exploration] A Series of Near Successes (Lang)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze Grasslands Trainer: Fei Lang Pokémon: N. Torchic Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+3 = 8
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    [Research Co-op] Learning more on Lefmew (Eulalio & Adette)

    Trainer: Eulalio Demetriou Florakis & Adette Canmore Project: Task: #01 - Meet the Locals Assignment: Assignment 6: Study a Lefmew Requirement Proof: Sundrop the Lefmew Options Chosen: Physical Quirks + Notable Behaviors! Study Focus Stat to Roll Difficulty On success, you find...
  11. R

    [Training Session] Fei Lang

    Training Records: Fei Lang Trainee: Torchic Goal Current Needed Rank Up - (Amateur) 1, 3, 4 8 Rank Up - (Ace) 2, 2 16 Stat Retraining 1, 2, 2 4 Move Relearning 3 3 Loyalty 4 4 Loyalty +2 4, 2 8 Happiness 3, 2 4 Happiness +2 1, 3, 2, 2 8 Trainee: Flareon Mimic the...
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    [Exploration] Making up for a Bad Day (Eulalio)(Complete)

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze Grasslands! Trainer: Eulalio Demetriou Florakis Pokémon: Baby the Delcatty, Sundrop the Lefmew, Bonbon the Sentret Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) 1x Pokeball (CS: 3, BS 1) 1x Sweet Honey Starting Energy: 8
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    [Exploration] To the ends (Eulalio)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze Grasslands! Trainer: Eulalio Demetriou Florakis Pokémon: Baby the Delcatty, Sundrop the Lefmew, Bonbon the Sentret Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) 2x Pokeball (CS: 3, BS 1) Starting Energy: 8
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    [Exploration] On a Mission (Eulalio)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze Grasslands! Trainer: Eulalio Demetriou Florakis Pokémon: Baby the Delcatty, Sundrop the Lefmew, Bonbon the Sentret Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) 2x Pokeball (CS: 3, BS 1) 1x Friend Ball (CS: 3. BS 2) 1x Afternoon Bento 1x Sweet Honey Starting Energy: 9
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    [Exploration] A Whole New Friend (Eulalio)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze Grasslands! Trainer: Eulalio Demetriou Florakis Pokémon: Baby the Delcatty, Sundrop the Lefmew, Bonbon the Sentret Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) 2x Pokeball (CS: 3, BS 1) 1x Friend Ball (CS: 3. BS 2) 1x Afternoon Bento Starting Energy: 9
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    [Exploration] Maybe this time will be nice? (Lang)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze Grasslands Trainer: Fei Lang Pokémon: N. Torchic Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+3 = 8
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    [Exploration] In the Grasslands of Plenty (Eulalio)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze Grasslands! Trainer: Eulalio Demetriou Florakis Pokémon: Baby the Delcatty, Sundrop the Lefmew Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 8
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    [PrP] A Pokemon Show-off (Eulalio and Adette)[Complete]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Eulalio Florakis & Adette Canmore. The pokemon in question.
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    [Exploration] A bit of Everything (Eulalio)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze Grasslands! Trainer: Eulalio Demetriou Florakis Pokémon: Baby the Delcatty, Sundrop the Lefmew Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 8
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    [Exploration] Once more into the Grasslands (Eulalio)[Complete]

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze Grasslands! Trainer: Eulalio Demetriou Florakis Pokémon: Baby the Delcatty, Sundrop the Lefmew Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 8