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▶ Stage Three: Something Strange is Going On


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Two weeks. That was how long the lack of answers went for. Long enough for some victims of the Haunted House to have forgotten, but also too short for others to give up. Some members of the party continued on with their lives, while others treated it like a mystery that only needed their wit and brain to figure out. Of course, both methods resulted in no answers, other than the obvious. Alastor was missing, and the circus members were slowly cracking at the edges. Panicked smiles were exchanged between members, heavy sighs were exhaled before events, and the excitement which had once surrounded the circus had decayed into a thin and poorly veiled fear.
Two weeks, and yet somehow the circus kept drawing in new visitors despite the suffocating atmosphere. Perhaps that’s why, actually, as it caused intrigue. The circus members, without their leader, seemed poorly equipped to handle the influx of ponies, although not due to their numbers. A sadness lingered behind their every movement and word as if any purpose had been sucked out of the circus family. And yet, the show must continue on.
Finally, on the 15th night, it changed. Visitors were told, with polite smiles, that the circus was not taking any guests. Some complained only to fall silent as the circus did accept four guests. Four very special guests.
The Four Queens; Spira, Summri, Falyrn, and Wynter.
Spira, the Alicorn of Spring, waved at the ponies with Summri, the Alicorn of Summer. Wynter and Falyrn, the Alicorns of Winter and Fall, did not regard those around them, quickly slipping into the circus with the other two Queens hastily following behind. Their arrival was enough to start a conversation. It had been quite some time since the four had been seen together, and usually only for important political matters. Once they entered the circus grounds nothing more was known, although a group did gather!
The next morning, however, certain ponies received a letter, regardless of their location. The person mail carriers for the Queens had slipped out, dropping handcrafted letters to each victim of the Haunted House. Signed by whatever Queen had crafted the letter, the letters read as:
(You can pick which your pony received!)​
It has come to our, the Queens, attention that you were involved in a most peculiar situation. You have been summoned to return to the Haunted House tonight, at 8pm. Please do not bring any guests.
- The Queen of Summer
You’ve been summoned to the Haunted House. Be there by 8pm.
- Wynter
Solemn greetings,
I hope this reaches you at the most opportune time. You’ve been summoned to return to the location of your most unfortunate evening, by 8pm tonight. Rest assured, should you find yourself late, that we’ll just teleport you there.
Regards, Falyrn
Please come back to the Haunted House, found on the circus grounds you visited! We will be waiting for you! Please arrive by 8pm, but if you can’t physically get there we will fix this for you! Thank you!
Gratefully yours, Spira!
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All the ponies have arrived, either by choice or a forceful teleportation spell, the Queens have enacted. You’re within the Haunted House again, although all the lights are on and it looks far less sinister. The Queens stand beside the stairs, keeping a distance from those invited. Beside them sits Alastor, who looks battered and barely conscious. His right eye is swollen, his wings are tattered, and bruises line his body as he leans against the wall, a hoof holding his right arm, obscuring the injury from sight.
Wynter offers him a pitiful glance before gesturing to the group. “Welcome back,” she croons, grimacing as Spira leaps forward.
“Yes, hello! Thank you oh so much for bringing this door to our attention! We are so sorry for the wait, but we had to rescue our friend….”

“Alastor,” Falyrn interjects.

“Alastor from the gates beyond! He’s too tired to continue, and we have so many questions that need answering, so we’ve decided to turn to you!”
“The door leads to… something beyond.” Summri piques up, gesturing to the now open “trap” door. “We have a theory on what that is, and you are permitted to ask questions, but we are here to ask who of this group wishes to find answers for us. As you can imagine, we can’t go. We have other matters to attend to. You’d be paid handsomely for your efforts, of course, and given a directive. We, also have two guides appointed to this endeavor; Solstice, the head mage of the Unicorn Council, and… err, Abraham.”
At the sound of his name a figure floats downstairs; the strange spectral creature you saw before! With proper lights on he looks like any normal Earth pony, except… transparent. And his feet fade into nothing. He regards you sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. His words come out echoed, as if from another dimension.
“I apologize for the fright earlier, it’s been…. A long time since that door opened. For a long time, it’s been closed. Centuries? Time slips by when you’re dead, and the last of your kind. You cannot expect me to properly count the days after some point. That door, the one that opened when you lot were down, is the only entry point to what you’d consider the afterlife, and what I consider home. It was open, once, and I was the only one on this side when it closed.”
He glanced at Alastor, apologetic, and sorrowful. “Our good friend here tried to protect you, unsure what it led to. When I explained things he attempted to help me in my endeavor to find my rulers and report to them both my return and the gate’s reopening, but the gate rejected him. Several times. It was only thanks to your Queens that they managed to stabilize the magic of the door and by now I am sure the rulers are aware something is wrong.”
Summri nods towards Abraham, clapping her hooves together. “We need our own to explore the lands below, report what you find, and make the rulers aware the gate is open, with the proof being yourselves. Abraham has promised no harm would come to you, and, as mentioned, we will provide handsome pay and your names will go down in history. You have the right to decline, but should you choose to refuse, which is your right, we will have to cast a spell to ensure you do not speak of these events until the time is right.”
Overloaded with information, presented as if this was all a normal day, your group murmurs uncomfortably to one another. A member of the circus was permitted inside runs to Alastor, assisting the leader into a stand as they begin hurriedly conversing with him under their breaths. Alastor waves at them dismissively, muttering something about speaking later.
Your group now has the decision to make, as individuals. Will you adventure in an unknown land, led by Abraham and Solstice, to discover secrets not even the Queens know, or will you return to the safety of your home, quieted by a spell?


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How to Play:
  • You will RP here your pony accepting or declining the request. Your first post must be at minimum 250 words. Please log this within your Meta Profile post. You will receive +3 tickets for doing so.
  • You may ask the Queens direct questions, as well as Abraham and Alastor. Please note at the top, in bold, who you're speaking to if you choose to. Ping Nym if you ask a question! Depending on the character their answer may be helpful or not.
  • You may RP in this thread with one another! Every RP post you make, after your accepting or denying post, that has at minimum 250 words in it will net you another +1 tickets. Please log these within your Meta Profile.
  • Please RP in this thread.
  • DO NOT go towards the door to the beyond. Stay in the house.
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Stew Aficionado
Bloodless has a question at the end for Abraham! @Nym

After two whole weeks, Bloodless finally had something to go on. Wings vibrating, they made haste towards the haunted house, regardless of whether or not their mate followed. For once, they were enraptured with something. Something they wanted to know more about. Needed to know more about. What was that spectral pony? Where had they come from? How did they get here?

Bloodless wanted to know everything.

Sure enough, there they were. The four queens. Never had they seen even one of them, so seeing all four?!?! Little trills of excitement had started to burst forth from Bloodless, amongst the first to arrive within the house, no teleporting necessary. With them they had a bag full of quills, ink, a notebook, and some snacks, not certain what the night would hold. Once all the other ponies were there - they recognized every pony from their group that night! - it seemed the queens saw fit to explain what was happening.

"Gates beyond?" they had murmured to themselves, a hoof to their mouth as they thought. Beyond what? One of the things they knew ponies speculated on was life after death - but how could that be? Death was the ending of all, something inevitable. How could one live after death? It wasn't until a few gasps that Bloodless was alerted to a new figure - they hadn't even noticed anyone past the queens! Their blood red gaze fell upon the same pony they saw that night. Completely translucent, not even having full hooves. They floated, making Bloodless gasp lightly themself. How?! They didn't even have wings!!!

Entranced by the new pony, they still didn't notice Alastor - no offense sir! It wasn't until the floating pony them self glanced at Alastor that Bloodless looked. And Alastor looked horrible. Wincing in sympathy, Bloodless rubbed one leg with the hoof of the other, shying away from looking at the pegasus or the floating pony. But when all was said and done, and they were asked if they had any questions, Bloodless took a step forward.

"I will go! But I do have one question. You said the gate rejected Alastor, multiple times, and that is how he ended up in the condition he is in now," they gestured to Alastor. "How do you know it won't do the same to any of us?" they asked the spectral pony, brows furrowed a bit worriedly.



As soon as he'd received he letter, Wei Ying returned. There was no need to summon him with a spell, no need for further words - he had been waiting for this opportunity and therefore wasn't going to waste it. As he arrived alongside the others, some he assumed more willing to arrive than the few who'd likely been brought, and the sight of the Alicorn Queens was always rather...interesting. He looked towards the Alicorn of Fall, primarily the only Queen he acknowledged in his own manner, and bowed his head towards her. The lanterns affixed to his horns bounced with the motion, and he thin-lipped a smile as well. "Thank you for the invitation, your Grace."

That was all for the pleasant conversation, and now it was on to looking at what a sorry sight the Circus Master seemed to be. Perhaps his vanishing act hadn't entirely been lies as the Suli had suspected and honestly he didn't mind being proven wrong now and again. It added to the spice of life, as it were, and he had to button down a smirk. Clearly he was worse for the wear and in such a shape that he was unable to continue alone, but that only added to the intrigue that he felt. This was becoming even more exciting than the night he was here originally.

Wei Ying was about to ask something when the apparent star of the show - the ghost(like) pony from before - made a reappearance. There was no pushing and shoving like the previous time, so the Suli chalked it up to there being no reason to deny anything further. It was exactly like he expected as well, except perhaps the pony being of a new breed and not just a dead pony, but that didn't dissuade him.

Neither did the Alicorn Queens and their request, which Wei Ying took with a scoff. "I don't need money. Not everypony has to be bribed to do things." Wei Ying was well aware his words were rude, especially in front of The Queens, but he had a point to make. "I will go because I want my own answers. I've been waiting so very, very long...." Now his tone took on a more wistful nature, one filled with a deep and sad longing that hardly any pony would be mistake to miss.

He....there was no way whomever it was he was hoping to find would be there, but. It never hurt to look, right? And if he happened to help other ponies along the way then it was entirely worth it, really.

Ex..except of course if his tone got him completely banned from going in. Craaaaaap.


Grizzled Veteran
Lydia had been one of the ponies who would receive her letter from Wynter. Being of sound mind, of course, and already planning on lurking outside yet again, it didn't take her long to get to the house again considering the mail carrier only had to walk a couple hundred feet into the bushes to find her, equipped with her camera and an assortment of lenses for varying distances.
What she hadn't expected however was the lack of a secret covert mission. She wrinkled her nose to find a house full of ponies she'd spotted that night, dismayed that her drive to find the mysteries wasn't what called her here, more just happenstance from being here before.
She sat quietly and listened to the Queens, her gaze flicking from one to the next as they spoke before landing on Alastors' battered form. She steeled herself in an instant and stepped forward, approaching the Queen who was least likely to talk her ear off and whose letter she had received, Wynter. No offense, but those chatty types were just a little overbearing....
"So you're telling us we have to choose wandering a realm, possibly filled with all kinds of ghoulish and absolutely grotesque dead ponies and startling visuals never seen before and get rewarded for it, or go home?" She pressed a hoof to her lips, trying to hide the small lazy smirk that crawled across her face. "When do we leave, and are a few pictures cool with you? For visuals, of course..."

[253 Words]
Wynter be... bespoketh to?


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Abe turned his gaze to Bloodless, seemingly tickled pink (if he could change colors). A grin stretched across his face, which he covered quickly.
"Apologies, I'm still getting used to being seen," he admitted, nodding towards Bloodless. "That's an excellent question, I'm glad you've asked. While Alastor has not stepped through again, due to my request, a few of the.... what do you call it -- the Unicorn Council, which you might have seen come in and out earlier under cloaks, have successfully entered and returned back. They've long left to retrieve Solstice and fill him in."


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Falyrn made a move to bow back to Wei Ying, stopped as Summri reached out to straighten their spine. The two exchanged a glance, Falyrn's of exasperated disagreement and Summri's a curt nod. "Your attendance is noted with gratitude," Falyrn answers, their long mane falling into their face as they settled into leaning against the stairs.
Summri cocked an eyebrow at Wei Ying, although they seemed to approve of their answer. Wynter ignored the Suli, while Spira clapped her hooves in delight. "So cool!"


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Wynter regarded Lydia with half-lidded eyes, neither moving from their position nor meeting her halfway. Lydia was right in her assumptions, as she gave a single answer at first: "Yes."
The second question resulted in all three of the other royalties to eyeball her, which she ignored. "I do not care if you bring your camera. We will seize it after, or bring you to our hall of records. You will leave when Solstice deems it fit."
Spira nervously clapped her hooves together, perhaps concerned about how dismissive the cold Queen regarded Lydia. "The choice is yours, of course! We'll return your property once it's safe for the public to know, of course. But you could always partake in providing pictures for history itself, isn't that fun?"


Grizzled Veteran
Moon Belle charm has a question to Solstice as she is not going to talk to a queen if she can help it. @Nym

The letter had been concerning to say the least. She did not want be teleported and she knew full well with the eye of a season queen she couldn’t run and sure couldn’t take the time to get help from her family so she now had come back and her face remained neutral. She had barely spoken to anyone else about the event and in truth she had no desire to do so. It had been worrying and left her unhappy. Now she was standing here before some very powerful unicorns and being told to go into the unknown or to be spelled to silence? What kind of silence? For how long? And what kind of silence? There were many things she could think of and few of them were pleasant. She had as much choice of going on this little adventure as she did of not showing up to this meeting.

Her eyes showed skepticism on a different level. “Going clearly. Is there any gear or anything we can bring with us?” She was going into the unknown with a ghostly guide a group of random strangers she knew nothing about and the small bit of snacks she got on her way to the meeting because she had shown up early but wanted to see how many showed up for this madness before coming in close to 8pm. Some time for some basic supplies like rope, a mirror, blanket, candle, lockpicks… just some basics would be rather nice. “Or are we just jumping in headfirst and blind and without food?” Perhaps something had been prepared for them to take? She doubted it would have what she wanted though.


Stew Aficionado
The queens were here. The queens were here! Rock Kandy had been among the squealing ponies, unable to contain herself. Her kelain kin had been hiding in the shadows for so long that she'd never seen or heard much of them until recently. They all looked so regal, so dashing, so... queenly!

The letter she'd received from Summri, who ruled over the season that Kandy had been born into, had been framed after she'd read it. The envelope too. Kandy suspected that it would be one of her most prized possessions from here on out. A letter from the Queen of Summer. And a summons too! Oh, she wasn't missing that for the world.

So, she'd packed a small bag, strung a necklace of rock candy around her neck and kissed Metamora goodbye. She didn't know when she'd be home - but this was a royal summons! It had to be important. He had to understand that she couldn't avoid it - wouldn't want to even if she could, right?

Upon her arrival she soon discovered that she might not be home as early as she'd intended. A trip to... elsewhere? The afterlife? She shuffled her hooves. She had a sweetheart to go home to, but... He would want to know where she'd gone and with this spell of silence.. It would break her heart not to be able to tell him everything.

Besides, with the promise of payment and her name being one to go down in history... It would surely fund the haunted house that she and Metamora had been planning to construct. Besides, this was a task she was being asked to by the queens! How could she go home to her framed letter from Queen Summri herself, if she had the nerve to walk away from such a quest!

The back and forth had her reaching for her necklace to nervously chew at the colorful sugar crystals, but she stilled her hoof as others came forward. She wouldn't be alone - she'd seen these ponies at the Haunted House and they'd been able to work well enough together. They'd gotten the teddy bear to the child actor... it was like a practice round for what they were going to endure now! She looked around for the pony who had fainted earlier - maybe he ought to sit this one out, but she couldn't find him.

I am brave. I can do this. For the future of me and my beloved, for the honor and riches and claim to fame it might bring... For the good of those in future generations. I can do this. Kandy thought and so approached the summer queen hesitantly.

"I..." Oh Dreamer, had she ever been this nervous? Get it together Kandy! "It is an honor to go forward on this quest at your bidding, Your Grace-er-Majesty-erm-" She shuffled her hooves and offered a hopeful smile. "Thank you for this opportunity." She finished at last.

@Nym - Rock Kandy is accepting the call of adventure! And fumbling her words in from of the queen of Summer. xD


Passhon blinked as he read the formal letter from the Queen of Autumn. He looked to his parent pale as the first snow. "I...I....Daddy save me..." he whimpered. It took a few days of reassuring as well as a long pep talk from his older full dragon cousin, but eventually Passhon decided to go back. It couldn't be all that bad right?


He was so not prepared for ALL OF THE QUEENS TO BE THERE!!! thanks for this amount of attention. He was squirming as he stayed mostly in the background. Nervous as he listened. Other side? Ghosts?!? Wait....wait a minute...


He blinked rapidly as he felt the fear creep up his back. He looked around almost like he was about to run for the fracking hills and never return. Spell of silence, okay fine...he wouldn't tell anyone nope not at--- his gaze landed on the circus leader and all fear stopped as a different switch was flipped. His Healer Switch. The young stallion slowly made his way over to the bigger male. Looking at what he could see. The series of pouches that Passhon wore had random vials clinking together. He used his dragon claws to start to take small things out. "I'm going to give you a few things here in a moment. Family trade is healing tonics and balms. The tonic will help with the internal pain, might numb a few areas depending on how strong you want it."

A few soft sounds of vials being used to mix things. Passhon's tone was soft but firm. "Be mindful of wanting it stronger, could knock you out for a few days." he had a few shallow bowls that were letting herbs sit as he mixed them into a smooth paste with heated water. "The balm will help with that bruise there...don't apply directly to the bruise, just to the edges as a means of....think if it like eyeliner." he finished and set both items there. "No charge, you gave me a fun night...even if I was scared half out of my wits most of the time."

He gave a soft smile. Then blinked as he realized what he totally forgot. He glanced to the Queens looking more terrified than anything. "I...I'll go...Family Motto is to see things through."

@Nym Passhon is attempting to help the Circus Master....please don't make this a Charisma Check...his Cha is only 12....


Grizzled Veteran
A letter from the queens! They even know that this was totally getting sus and they were finally going to know what was going on! Lex was excited, he was vibrating in place. Or would be if they was standing still in just pure excitement of knowing what the heckity heck was going on. They got to know, and other people didn't and that was just grand.

He arrived at the scene and omg, they were so pretty! Really, his queen was the best, not Icy or cold like some of the others. Spring and Summer knew how to work with the crowd to get the hearts of their people and he loved them. He grinned at them, giving them both a flirty wink. So lovely. He sighed softly, charmed by their beauty. Wait, focus. He wasn't here to get his flirt on. Nope, time to pay attention. OOh hey.

That guy was here! And he had a name now. Abraham, nice name. So he was dead. Tough luck there, but he was still sort of kicking? Weird. Ooh something was broke in reality, that made sense considering you know, ghost. So cool. So the queens wanted the to go through the portal to the realm of the dead and then back. That sounded pretty damn awesome.

"Anyhow, question for Abraham. Since you lived there and stuff, is there any sort of Guardian or anything of that sort that roam down there to kick out the living? Like just to make sure we aren't going to get attacked going in."

@Nym Lex has a question for Abraham.


Grizzled Veteran
Poveglia has lots of questions for Abraham- but only one need be answered @Nym

To say that Poveglia was overprepared would be an understatement. They had arrived much earlier than necessary, with saddlebags packed full of different equipment brought straight from their hoard. Mind you, these were all of the things they had been forced to leave outside the attraction when they first showed up at the haunted house. Hopefully, this time around they would be allowed to actually utilize it.

The house itself seemed much less intimidating in all it's well-lit glory. Dusty, for sure, but not so much spooky. All four of the Queens standing side-by-side explaining the situation slightly added to the unreal factor of it all, though. By the sounds of it, Poveglia suspected this was going to be quite an in-depth endeavor, and by the Dreamer, Poveglia was going to put their soul and mind to work.

Then came Abraham. Poveglia all but leapt for joy at the sight of the ghostly pony's return, bouncing their hooves on-spot in excitement. It was that same wispy-looking pony from before! The questions buzzed alive in Poveglia's mind, and it took everything they had to control themselves. A ghost pony! They were right! Standing, er.. Floating right there, in front of everypony! They could all see him! Admittedly, Poveglia was.. Staring.

When the question arose of who was willing to go, Poveglia didn't skip a beat before thrusting their hoof into the air. "ME!" They squealed, "S-sorry. I mean, I'll go! This is practically my life's work!" Their big, round eyes turned back to Abraham, admiring the translucent sheen of his form. Something seemed to bubble up inside of them, and soon the questions started spilling out, too quick for the poor stallion to get in an answer.

"What's it like? How old are you? Can you feel it if a pony touches you? Can you feel anything? How did you die? Is that insensitive? Is this your body, or did you leave that one behind? Can you still smell things? How are your other senses-" Poveglia caught themselves and finally drew in a deep breath. "Sorry, I just... You're amazing! What's it like in there? The other side?"


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(note: solstice is not there so using Abe instead!)
Abe turned to Moon Belle, nodding in thought. "Excellent question. I almost forgot you needed substance of some sort." He shook his head, glancing at the Queens. "From what I gathered during our meetings you will be provided a camping pack, equipped with a machete, compass, paper, food, and a few other necessities. Is this correct?"
Wynter nodded at the question, while Summri waved a hoof towards him. "Of course. Solstice also can act as protection if need be."


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Summri regarded Rock Kandy with a proud smile, clearly pleased with the others eagerness, even if it was presented in stumbled sentences. "As I am grateful for your adventurous spirit!" She glanced at Falyrn, nudging the Fall Queen.
"This one must be from my kingdom! I have only the bravest, after all!"
Falyrn leaned against the stairs, tiredly brushing her mane from her face, eyes peeking out to eyeball Rock Kandy. "Must you be so loud, my fire-born sister?" She groaned from her dramatic slope, mane slowly sliding back into her features. Summri folded her arms, grinning ear to ear.


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Alastor jolted slightly as Passhon approached, as if he hadn't expected anyone to notice him. Which was true, honestly, with four Queens standing before him and a ghost. Exhausted and unable to keep up his usual business smile, the worn Pegasus held out his hooves, accepting what he was offered with a tired nod offered here and there as Passhon spoke. The circus-member holding him shifted, taking the vials from Alastor and slowly helping the leader settle to the ground to begin applying what they could.
"Thank you," he croaked, his normally low and rapsy voice also weighted by his condition. "We could have used someone like you earlier," he added thoughtfully, wincing as his employee began pattering about his injuries.​


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Really, Abe just looked delighted to have so many conversations. How long had he been alone for? He turned to Lex, nodding. Excellent questions! Were the living always so smart? "Guards, of course, as you might have within your places of note. When I was home, though, we never expected to see someone living, so there isn't much to prevent your kind. If anything, if it's like it was before, we'd meet more of my kind, and I am quite persuasive among my own."
He paused, nose scrunching as he seemed to realize just how mysterious the world beyond sounded. "If you're worried about a creature protecting the realm then no, although I've pitched the idea plenty. Or had. Maybe they heeded more requests by now.... We of course have our own monsters and terrors, as you do, but as we've never had someone alive in our realm I doubt they'd know quite what to do with you lot!"


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Abe could truthfully get used to all this chatter. He turned towards Poveglia, eyes widening at the questions. It took him a second to answer, although he did so with a great smile. "I don't quite know my age, at this point, but I died in my 30's, if that helps. Long before you were even dreamed of. As for touch; whenever one of your own passed through me it felt.... odd. But I've never had the opportunity to willingly touch, you see. No one has seen me before, so my options were limited. Would you like to try?"

He reached out, faltering when he caught the eye of Wynter, who looked ready to continue on with things. Abraham withdrew his spectral hoof, clearing his throat. "Err, another time, perhaps. On the other side, even? As for my body -- my body was buried. Under this house, actually!" He caught a glance from Alastor, who looked mildly confused. "It's a story for another time, my boy, but I will gladly tell it," he added towards the wounded Pegasus before turning back to Poveglia.
"I cannot smell, but I used to be able to. Our kind vary, and some lose some of their senses as time passes." He shook his head, laughing as he waved a hoof. "If we weren't undertaking a mission I'd entertain more! Perhaps during our travels? I haven't had a good conversation in decades, at least. I dare say I am thrilled by the banter! As for the other side --" He cut off, eyes almost vacant as he sorrowfully glanced towards the trap door.
"It's beautiful. Perhaps unlike your own colorful and vibrant world, but it was the best home I ever had. I've missed it terribly."


Passhon blinked as the Circus Master actually replied to him. Oh, that was unexpected. That really...dang this stallion was good looking up close. Passhon nodded silently as he idly made a few more things as he listened to everyone gab away behind them. The young stallion was acutely aware of the mist seeping from the changeling holes in his body. The more embarrassed he got, the more mist leaked out. Right now he was trying his hardest to keep it in check. The Circus Master complimented him. He got a compliment. He really got a compliment.

Shut up, heart. Don't skip like that again. Please for his sake...this guy is totally out of his league.

The small male glanced back up to the Circus Master. "Ah...thank you. My Dad would be happy to hear that. He throws praise at me all the time, but after a while a parents praise just becomes noise...." he said softly. His voice was naturally soft and gentle. Leading to the habit he had of just falling silent because most ponies stopped trying to hear him. He finished a few more mild tonics, using a piece of fine charcoal he wrote out the ingredients to the exact measurements. He shyly slid that over to the worker next to the Elder. "...This is the pain numbing tonic. Most of those herbs listed can be used to help with swelling, inflammation of muscles and blood vessels...."

He tapped a rare herb that grew in the Dark Grove. "You would need to go to The Dark Grove for this one...I live there..." he didn't look either in the eye for long. Feeling a little more and more out of his element here. He settled not too far from them. "I'll be here if you need anything...M'not good with loud ponies."

@Nym >> okay sooo....he's being adorable....