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▶ Stage Three: Something Strange is Going On


Stew Aficionado
Reaper has questions to Abraham, but any one who has an answer to them is free to answer instead. @Nym

Despite what happened at the Haunted House, Reaper still enjoyed the other games and rides the circus provided while he attended. He wasn’t just going to go home because of one silly little mishap. He was constantly curious of what happened in the building though, even walking by the attraction at least once to see if there was any changes. The Pegacorn still had a few questions, and it seemed that luck was on his side and he would get a chance to ask them. Upon getting the letter from Falyrn, he didn’t hesitate to return to the building; being one of the few first arrivals at the scene. While he was down in the basement where the ghost from before was seen with the others that had been summoned, he waited patiently; looking to the Queens and the badly beaten circus leader. He continued to listen while they explained everything that had happened and what the door that the ghost came out of actually was. Reaper’s intrigue grew as they spoke about needing those of the group to go in and investigate this so called gate, and upon hearing – and seeing – their guide, his brows raise in surprise. It was the ghost from before. He knew they were real! At this point, he didn’t care what else they said or of any reward… he was set in going. The proof of life after death, he would die himself just to see this chance. It seems he would get that chance. He just had one question, where he turned to the one named Abraham and spoke out. ”I volunteer to go through the gate, but I have to ask… Is there a chance that the gate can close while we’re in there? If so, what will happen to us… will we be able to return?”


Saga received her letter, noting the royal seal and opened it. She didn't get visually excited about much but a royal summons was a large deal. Yes they probably sent one to the rest of the group from that night but the point stood. She always did find it ironic though that she aligned with Spira, the more energetic and..perky? of the queens. She felt like she belonged more under Falyrn or Wynter though that was a topic for another day. This was not an opportunity she was going to waste, however it seemed like she didn't have a choice in the matter anyways. Saga was eager to get answers and arrived somewhere closer to 7:00 as she was impatient. She soon found herself standing in the presence of not one, but all four of the queens, as well as the other from her tour as was to be expected.

Saga bowed her head in respect. It was glorious seeing them in person. Falyrn looked as regal as ever.

"It is an honor to make your acquaintance your majesties. I am at your humble service"

She listened intently as the Queen of Summer explained about the mysterious door that supposedly lead to another plain of existence..the afterlife. Saga cared not for a reward as clearly the answers she sought lied beyond that door and the opportunity to work beside someone from the unicorn council was reward enough they must have an infinite amount of information and wisdom to endow.
What happened next however was enough to make even Saga's draw drop.. which takes a lot of effort mind you as not much shocks Saga. An actual ghost appeared.. or spirit perhaps..? Apparently the one know as Abraham as mention by Summri. She was pretty sure she heard someone scream, and another pony faint. Saga just watched in utter awe as the specter explained his plight. It made sense that the afterlife would have its own set of rulers but she was unsure what this portal being open between worlds actually meant. Did someone from their side try to open it? Was it bad that it was now opened? Abraham mentioned it was opened only once before.. and he was trapped. Perhaps there was some grand convergence event but there was no records in any of the scribes of spirits wandering Everchange in our past.

Saga took a breath and gathering herself back to a proper posture. Shameful to address royalty in anything else but. She spoke addressing the Queens in her most respectful tone (which is a thing she never thought she would be doing).

"I appreciate the gesture though I do not need compensation as my family is quite well off. I speak so not knowing what lies beyond but from where I stand now is it unnecessary. I simply seek knowledge and an answer for the questions that have long since be only speculated upon. As a strong believer in the sciences and the logic that makes our world function it is my duty to pursue the truth. I humbly accept the call to enter the other plain on your highnesses behalf."

Bowing her head again she stepped aside to the floating being who was currently being barraged with questions about what it was like to be a ghost.. which was fair to inquire about. She was not going to fangirl over him though. Ghosts were real, as was the world beyond. It has been confirmed and now she was over it. Short lived bursts of excitement.

To Abraham
"Sir, if you don't mind me inquiring. You said the door had only been opened once before? What happened then? If this is the only portal to the afterlife and you were left behind it must've been some significant event in our history especially since there is no record of such an event and no one has even encounter this before. Do you have idea what this could mean for us as far as history repeating itself?"

@Nym Saga addressing Abraham after accepting the task from The Queens.


Long-Term Resident
Radio hadn’t seen much of the Circus after the Haunted house incident. Everything else felt just a bit less fun when something so strange had happened, and the fact that there seemed to be so many official ponies wandering in and out of it. At least from the rumors that he heard. He couldn’t see too well what with only having a microphone and the area around it being visible, but things had gone off.

And so had life too. It wasn’t until he was approached by another pony telling giving him a letter and telling him he needed to go back that he had gone back to the Circus grounds. Not that he had any reason to avoid it. He hadn’t been scared and it’s not like he was busy with anything. Though he did have time to contemplate if he wanted to create a radio show based on mysteries.

Eventually though he heard what every other pony did with the Queens being present. And it appeared that they had found the Circus leader! That was good news!

His microphone crackled to life when he found out where they were going. The underworld? How exciting! If there was anything, he was curious of after death, considering how close he was to it, it was what happened afterwards, and this was a good opportunity to see it!

And they needed volunteers as well! I can’t miss this! I would love to go! Even if it meant danger. That was something that needed to be considered, but his curiosity overcame any fear that he might have felt for the time being. Perhaps when they finally went in it would kick into overdrive? But for now, he was ready to go and hoped that he could be a part of the group that went.

WC: 302 (I'm not sure why BS is only showing 117 for it, but multiple other sources show it as more)


Grizzled Veteran
Ghost wasn't sure what to think when she read the words from the Wynter queen. Could it be possible that she was in some sort of trouble? Did it have to do with her trying to get answers after being shoved out of the attraction? She showed up on time and was shocked to see all of the queens and others. The attraction seemed far less terrifying with all the lights on though her memories reminded her otherwise.
She spotted the strange one from before but this time he seemed to be in rougher shape. She kept her thoughts to herself as she listened to what the queens were telling them all. She wasn't sure what to think about it all even with their wise words.

She was in the corner observing and listening to all of the questions being asked and answers given. She thought long and hard to determine if she had any questions of her own. She was curious to learn more about the spectral one but that wasn't as important as what was being asked of them all. Could she really be brave enough to go? On the other side though she didn't want to have to go back home only to be put under a spell, temporary or not.

Ghost made up her mind and walked slowly closer to Wynter. "I'm not sure how brave I can be or how much help I will be but I'd like to try and be helpful. I volunteer to go..." She spoke a little louder than a whisper because deep down she was terrified but did want to be helpful. Her mind started to drift off in though as to what the other side would be like to experience first hand, what she would encounter, if anything was going to be friendly, and if she no if they will be able to return back home safely.



Nememus was excited. He listened to all of the queens words and he listened to those of Abraham and Alastor. He was so excited. Ghosts were real and he was going to get to see what was behind that door. It had him filled with so many emotions that he couldn't quite figure out which one of them was the right emotion to focus on. The excitement? The Pulling of the door? The wonderment of what lies behind it? Which one of these was he really supposed to listen too? He wasn't entirely certain, but he had decided to focus on the excited feelings within himself.

It wasn't often that he got this excited for something and it really did show how much this door meant to him, and finding out what was on the other side of the door. He couldn't wait to figure it all out. He looked around at the queens, Abraham, Alastor, and all of the other ponies who had gone through the original haunted house with him. He couldn't believe they were all back here again and that they were going to all be allowed to see what was on the other side of the door.

He could see some of the other ponies were looking like they might deny the request to go through the door, he wasn't sure why one would make that choice but he knew it was a valid emotion regardless. He looked and watched those who said they were willing and some who were MORE than willing to go through the door and was excited as well to be a part of this group. He couldn't wait to get through that door.

He started to make his way towards where he remembered the door being so that he was ready for the opening and entry to the beyond!


@Nym a question to Abraham

Persephone had gone away from the initial investigation downtrodden at the lack of progress, but as was the pixie way she quickly recovered and babbled all of her theories to her mother as they trotted out, pausing only to eat more of the cotton candy they had gotten along the way. Ghosts! Death!! It was totally in her interest to find out more, and surely the Lady could be persuaded to come along! The kitsune was also barraged with minutia of Persephone's new friends (acquaintances mostly) and her fervent hope that this wasn't the last she had seen them or this circus mystery.

Fifteen days later, her prayers were answered with Falyn's summons. The joyful screech could surely be heard across Death Lake.

Unwilling to go as she was this time, Persephone had fussed over her and her mother's attire until they looked like proper detective-slash-adventurers, with the tiny pixie outfitted in a coat, hat, and boots, a compass and snacks (for just in case) in her pockets. She wanted to make such a grand entrance that befitted her totally adult age, but she completely lost any composure once they caught a glimpse of the alicorn Queens. "Mama, look!" she whispered excitedly, barely restraining herself to keep pace rather than rush forward. When they were able to greet the four, Persephone bowed low and swept her hat off, introducing herself with all the starry-eyed wonder of a foal as she gazed at their collective magnificence.

And Abraham was here! And the poor circus master, too! She was glad someone was tending to him, he looked like he had seen better days...But oh, there was Wei Ying, and there was Ghostly Whispers! She waved them over to join her, turning to the Queens and striking a pose.

"No payment necessary, Your Majesties! My team's ready to get on the case and help out!" What was payment or fame in the face of true mystery and adventure? She had only ever dreamed of being part of one and could only hope that it turned out as spooky as the tales she had grown up on. And given the weird ghostly feature and mention of "beyond"...Well, how often did a pony get to go to the afterlife without dying?

"They say death is the next big adventure, you know." Persephone Pyrefly said this with gusto, the way one might say they had always wanted to visit a faraway land on vacation.

Turning to Abraham, Persephone said, "Any good exploration team needs all the info they can get, right? So, what did you mean last of your kind?" she asked Abraham, her heart already hurting at the idea that he had been alone this whole time. She drew near, obviously ready to offer him the best kind of hug one could do when the other was intangible. "What happened to the others?"

[ 331 ]

@houllow avengers
@Niyaru assemble
@Straye <3


Grizzled Veteran
It had been many days since the strange events transpired at the circus in that haunted house. Some things couldn't seem to filter out of her mind as the answers just didn't add up. Though she had just gotten to the point where she could live with not knowing when she received a letter from Falyn the queen of fall. Cordelia couldn't stop her curiousity as she reads the letter. Only having more questions she makes her way to finish her things. She has to prepare after all!.

When the time comes she heads to the circus and gets there exactly on time. Walking in she waits with the others but towards the side. Her ears swiveling as she listens to what was being said. She is silent for a long time as she processes the things she is hearing from everyone. All these questions and answers. Though what is she gonna say? Will she go? Her mind thinks of her family and friends.. This mission sounds like it could be dangerous... It is definitely out of the ordinary. How would her friends and family react to her just going off like this? Will they worry? She glances over to the queen of fall. " My lady.. I will go on this quest but I do have some concerns.. Would we be able to leave a letter for our family so they don't worry? Just to explain we will be gone for a little bit.. My mother is quite a worrier." She is sure that her mother will be beside herself if she found her gone for so long. If she could leave a letter perhaps her mother wouldn't worry as much.. or at least explain that she will be gone for a short time.

@Nym She is speaking to Falyn.


Long-Term Resident
@Nym - Abraham is addressed in Bold Italics. No questions, just a statement.
Falyn, the queen, is addressed briefly, but it's up to you to decide if it warrants a reply. Both are in the final paragraph of this post.

Meta Post!
Username: Straye
Meta Profile: Profile
Username: Straye
Pony: Lady Hellebore Grace
Specter Ticket Count: 4
Other Prizes: Trinkets, Strength Test Sticky Hoof(?), Plushie Conversion!

There was an elegant scarf around the Kitsune's neck, it rested atop her head like a cowl and wove it's way down her neck decoratively. Over her shoulders and woven down her back were straps that connected to a scale chest and stomach guard. Her tails were wrapped in scale sleeves and there were protective scale plates over her knees and forelegs, with long toe-claws at the tip of each of her claws. Her Fox Orb hung in a net of chainmail connected to the surrounding tail sleeves and cuffs.

While she wasn't usually one for dramatics quite to this extent, but with the unknown coming about the letter, her visage in deep purple almost black forged scales and woven black tungsten chainmail was fierce and battle-ready.

Much, it seemed, to her Filly's delight. Her nose tucked her pixie's hair from her face and she followed her gaze to the other ponies her daughter called over - she perked up at seeing Ghost and she smiled warmly, nodding for them to join.

Her heart swelled with affection, but she was on alert now. A set of saddlebags hung over her flanks, made of thick leather and chainmail, but relatively lightweight. One side carried rations, currency, maps, and bandages. The other carried paper scrolls, quills, sealed inks, charcoals, two bound notebooks, and a few resources on the afterlife. A single pack sat between her shoulders, easy to shrug off to one side of the other, carrying an iron knife, salt, blessed water, a cross, a couple of holy relics, some purifying herbs, supernatural deterrents, candles, horseshoes, and rabbit feet. The usual supernatural deterrents and potential 'must-haves' for a trip into the afterlife.

Yes, the skullcapped kitsune was nothing if not prepared.

Her eyes fell to Abraham, and she looked at her filly, Persephone, "The child speaks true. Her team stands ready. With rations, bandages, shields, weapons, and enough courage for us all, I dare say..." She, of course, would be the guardian of their team. She would be their shield, and she would tend to any fears or wounds that might ail them.

Yes, yes, she was a mother through and through now, it seemed. She could not help but smile at the truth of it.

Watching the interactions of those around her, her eyes turned to Passhon - she remembered the pony's terror especially early into the haunted house. Despite being afraid, the pony seemed to be doing their best - and there was a gentle kindness to them that showed in their caretaking of the pony who had been injured trying to help his friend. The Circus Leader - she had been suspicious of him before - but it seemed she'd been wrong to be so.

When Passhon spoke his willingness to see things through, she stepped forward, and she put a paw on his shoulder. "You will be in good company. What you did was good, and very kind. May the reassurance that we will be near belay your fear, and ease some of the uncertainty in our travels. You are welcome in the shelter of my keeping if you feel uneasy." The kitsune assured him with a kind voice, a motherly tone as she stepped back and turned her gaze to the Pixies and their lovely suli friend. "Don't hesitate to reach out if you're feeling scared, okay?"

Her eyes turned to her autumn Queen. "On our journies, I will document what we come across. I will map the land beyond, and the creatures that we encounter. On such a trip with so many unknowns, the uncovered knowledge we discover cannot and shall not be wasted." she promised, bowing deeply.

[[WC: 610]]



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Staff member
"Thank you," Alastor repeated as Passhon drifted away, wincing while the medicine was applied to him. He seemed grateful to be left out of the further discussions, allowing his wounds to be tended to be his employee.
Abe, however, was the center of attention. Unfortunately, the answers he had he wasn't sure they'd like, although he hoped to do his best. Reaper's question, specifically, had him frowning, his ghostly hooves wringing together. "Truthfully, I do not know. I was stuck here, after all. I can't say the door is stable forever, and it's a risk one takes if they choose to go to the other side. I wish I knew."
Sage's speech was accepted with a nod of approval from Summri, a clap of joy from Spira, and a wistful sigh from Falyrn. Wynter was more focused on Abe, truthfully, who jerked his head around when he was addressed once more. "Ah! A wonderful question! And... unfortunately, one I also lack an answer to. It was open when I first came to my demise, but I remember while living I had no knowledge of such a thing. I'm sure the rulers know, and perhaps might provide more details if asked, although they've always been a mysterious sort. As far as I was told they were the first. If anyone knows, it'd be them."
He trailed off towards the end, thoughtfully nodding as his eyes seemed to glass over. He was snapped from his pondering by Persephone. "Forgive me, it sounded ominous, did it not? Prior to my unfortunate incident we needed a permit to enter your world, to refrain from any of us causing any disturbances during your living days. The days prior to the door closing we were summoned back for an announcement. Nothing important for your kind, but there had been instances of our kind bothering yours, and thus the Queen enforced our return while they reviewed who could travel between. I was, with pleasure, ordered to watch over the door for the remaining weeks while my kind returned home. I was a guard, you see," Pride filled his voice before it dropped into sorrow.
"And then the door closed. Surely, I can see the next question you might have: 'Isn't it possible they closed it themselves'? The answer is no. Our rulers are much like yours -- they aren't all powerful. The door was made by neither of our leaders, and both sides cannot control it's opening and closing. It's been attempted before, I believe, if the Adjusting To The After classes were correct. Closing the door has not been possible by us. I was locked out, and without any of my own."

note: breaking this up for length purposes


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Staff member
Falyrn had been absolutely drawn to Abe's story, although the other three Queens looked uninterested, presumably due to having discussed this with the ghost prior. Falyrn, however, seemed to enjoy the tale, startling when Cordelia spoke to her. She shifted, pushing off the stairs she had draped over only to lean against the nearest wall.
"I can arrange for that," she answered gesturing to the pony. "Before you depart hand me your letter and I will ensure we deliver it."
Her attention was drawn then to Helebore, who she regarded with interest. "Your generosity is much appreciated, dear one. I will supply you with any materials you shall need."


signed an NDA
Staff member
As the group chatters someone slips in unnoticed. Small and hooded, the figure sneaks in and out of the group, pressing against the walls until they find their way to the Queens. Summri visibly straightens herself, gesturing to the cloaked figure. A clear sun symbol adorns the back of the cloak, shimmering as the small pony moves towards the Queen, who bends down to whisper to them in a hushed voice.
Abe exhales, tired from the questions. It was fun, no doubt, but after so long without a decent (or any) conversation it seemed he still needed to relearn the ropes. Wynter caught his expression, glancing towards Summri briefly before waving a hoof.
“That is enough, for tonight. You will be given lodging and two days to prepare. Those coming will follow Alastor. Those not Spira will speak to.”
Spira perked, nodding enthusiastically. “Yes! We need to do a small tinsy spell, but it won’t hurt. In the meantime, anyone coming should thank Alastor for his generous contributions! Yay~ Alastor! He is lending all of you a finished wing of the hotel he was building for visitors. You won’t be allowed to leave the premises without one of our mages attending, but please make sure you do what you need to get ready! Wynter and Falyrn will be heading home tonight, and I tomorrow. Summri will be staying until your expedition!”
Summri jolted from her conversation, nodding sharply. “I never say no to an adventure. Should you have any further questions you will find me here.”

The cloaked figure beside her pulls their hood down, revealing a small but fiery looking Unicorn. He surveys the group, glancing at Abe. It’s hard to miss the cold expression on both the ghost and the Unicorn’s face.
“Solstice,” Abe greets.

“Abraham,” Solstice answers.
There’s a painful silence before Solstice finally looks away from the ghost, bowing. “May the sun be with you. I am Solstice, the Royal Mage assigned to aid in your travels. Rest assured I will not let anything or anyone harm you.” He cast a pointed stare at Abe before continuing. “I have been told your guide knows the way, but I offer protection and documentation services. Those who will assist in logging what we find will work closely with me. I look forward to our collaborations.”
With that the meeting ends and the group is quietly ushered out. Those not participating in the adventure have been enchanted, ensuring any attempt to speak, write, sign, or any other version of communication about current events are rendered useless. Any attempts to do so will only cause the pony to talk about something else, whether it be an interest of there’s or something entirely random. The spell cannot be undone, so just sit tight and wait!


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Staff member
Two days have passed and the group has reunited. Solstice and Summri wait in the basement by the door while Abe greets everyone who enters the house. Once all ponies have returned the ghost floats towards Solstice and Summri.
“Once we enter this door you’ll be in Below. Are you ready? Did you bring your bags?”
Solstice steps closer to the door, extending a hoof to touch the frame. The door has been flung open, revealing a swirling abyss, flecks of purple and blue shimmering through the darkness. His horn glows briefly and the abyss answers by halting, frozen in place. “I will enter first, to alleviate any concerns” he announces, and without hesitation he steps forward, sinking into the darkness. He vanishes from sight, lost within the void for a few moments before soundlessly he returns, the abyss clinging to his body before dissipating. Abe looks excited, instantly rushing towards the door to examine it as Solstice brushes himself off.
“It is safe, please enter one at a time, after me,” Solstice glances at his Queen, bowing gracefully before, once again, slipping within the portal. Summri steps back, leaning back as she watches the group with apprehension, pride, and awe.

“Have a safe journey, brave little flames. We will be waiting here. You have a week, and if you’ve found nothing by then, Solstice will bring you back to the entrance. Do be kind to him, won’t you? He’s a favorite of mine.” The Queen offers a wink before settling down, watching as one by one your group enters the void.
Entering is a quick task. The abyss doesn’t fight back, although it’s cold, seeping into your bones and leaving a feeling of absence, as if you’ve lost something. The feeling dissipates within seconds once your hooves touch solid ground once more. Instantly, one will note the ground is a deep blue in color. The sky is dark and shimmers; a mixture of beautiful stars and broken aurora’s. The terrain is a blue hued one -- soft grass greets your feet and glowing flora scatters around you. It seems you’re in a plain, with large rocks obscuring any view of forward. A small river snakes behind you, leading almost to the door itself within the plains. Forward you can catch the sight of what seem to be… tunnels?
Abe takes one look around, frowning, before glancing behind him as well. “The Endless Plains, good. That has always been here, but….” He doesn’t finish his sentence, instead looking around him cautiously.
“But?” Solstice interjects, voice stiff and cold towards the ghost. It seems they must have had a bad encounter prior to your group being summoned in the first place.
“It’s different. These rocks… they weren’t-- I need a second.”
“I thought you said you knew where we were going,” Solstice counters. Abe sighs, a faint and echoing sound, devoid of any life he might have possessed in a previous life.
“I thought so, too, but it’s been…. How long? Everything’s different. This river wasn’t here last time, and the sky wasn’t so….” he pauses “Sparkly.”
Murmurs are exchanged amongst the group as Abe and the mage bicker quietly. Abe groans, loudly, tossing his spectral arms in the air. The group quietens in time to hear the last snippets of the petty argument.
“How do I know you haven’t trapped us here for your own nefarious means?”
“Oh, yeah, because what I would love is having you hanging around here for the rest of your afterlife!”
Silence. Awkward and uncomfortable silence lingers as someone coughs and another kicks at the ground, bringing up dark blue dirt. Abe and the mage exchange a glance, sighing in defeat. “Besides, the door is still open, for any of you to leave. What happens with your Queens doesn’t affect me, but you can turn back anytime.” Abe added softly, turning back to observe your path.
“Things change. Below has always been shifting, even when I was here last. But I know what doesn’t change, or at least never did before. I’ll help where I can, but otherwise I’m lost, too. The rulers, however -- I’m sure they’re where I left them last.”


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Everyone who has posted here has received +4 Specter tickets! Please log and link to this post!
Please check out this thread for Part Four
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