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▷ Claims and Power Approvals


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Allowing this with the caveat that you remember you are not allowed to have mind-controlling or altering powers. This won't be easy to have approved.

Moon Claiming Power!

Domain desired: Sex Appeal / "Sexiness"

I understand it is my responsibility to renew this claim if I don't acquire the alicorn within 60 days!



Long-Term Resident
@polliwoggi Edited Paranoia's last two powers in accordance with your suggestions and reposting Clarity and Heartbreak to get them fully approved per your request. :) Thank you!

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Paranoia
Pony: Maniae

  1. Somebody's Watching Me: The ability to make ponies within a 50 foot radius feel as if someone is there, watching them — just behind them, or out of the corner of their eye. They're not alone, at least that's what they think. Power lasts for up to an hour.
  2. Shifting Thoughts: The power to make someone in their vicinity (within 20 feet) question the things said to them. Lasts for up to half an hour.
  3. Turn Around, Look At Me: The rare ability to infect a pony with a week-long-lasting paranoia manifested as the feeling of being followed. The power has a cooldown period of exactly one week from use.
  4. Don't Trust A-: The ability to make a group of ponies feel distrustful of one another for roughly ninety minutes. The power leads to making each pony feel as if the other ponies are being deceptive with malintent (lying, plotting against them, etc.) - it does not control these feelings, but enhances natural distrusts ponies may have about each other and creates an air of tension. Can only be used once every 12 hours, and even then only a max of thrice in a row before an entire 24 hours is necessary to recuperate.

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Heartbreak
Pony: Discord

  1. Sight: The ability to see the history of someone's heartbreak(s) through their memory. Discord must be touching the target (to any degree - even a wing feather resting on another's back is enough) for this to work. When the connection is broken, the visions stop. Can only effect one pony at a time. When Discord accesses this ability, they feel the heartbreak in question, intensely, for up to 30 seconds. Can only be used twice in one 24 hour cycle.
  2. Heartache: The ability to force a pony to relive a heartbreak as vividly as it first happened — playing through in the target pony's mind. Target must be within a 10 foot radius. Can only be used after Sight has been used on the same target. Similar to Sight, this can only be used twice in one 24 hour cycle.
  3. Conflict: An aura that creates feelings of strife between romantically involved ponies within a 10 foot radius. This leads to feelings of heartbreak as they start to believe their loved ones have done them wrong. Can only be used once every 48 hours.

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Clarity
Pony: Kirlyam

  1. I See You: When touching a target pony, Kirlyam is able to access whatever it is they are thinking about. This power is reserved for when Kirlyam needs to understand someone, to better serve them. The whole process takes about 30 seconds from the point of initial connection. At first, Kirlyam with have total clarity on the situation, but that clarity will fade over the course of the following 7 days until she returns to stasis on the situation.
  2. They See You: The ability to reveal the objective truth in a situation. Oddly enough, Kirlyam's hair is needed for this - each individual who she is targeting to impart her wisdom upon must be holding at least a few strands of Kirlyam's hair (yes, while it's still on her head). After roughly 1 minute of concerted effort from Kirlyam, she is able to transmit an objective-lens-truth to participants.
  3. Give Me Clarity: The ability to grant short-lived reprieve from mind-altering effects, giving clarity of perception. Is only in effect for roughly 30 minutes at a time, but can be used up to three times a 24 cycle.


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Lies
Pony: Apate

  1. Lie to Me: A passive power that acts as more of an aura surrounding Apate. Any pony within 5 feet of her can be affected. It's harmless really, seeing as how all this aura does is subtly compel one to lie. These lies can range from small and completely meaningless to outright, bold ones. The weaker willed a pony is, the stronger they are affected, therefore the bigger their lies may be.
  2. Unbelievable!: This power takes a bit more effort since it deals with those wildly spun tales that are just so outrageous no pony can believe them. With Apate's help, one's ridiculous lie will be accepted as 100% truth for a full 48 hours. Better hope that's enough time to do whatever it is you were hoping to get done with that wild tale because Apate will not help you again. Everybody gets one.
    >>>> To be clear, she can preform this power more than once on any pony. Since it takes a tremendous amount of concentration and magic, however, she prefers not to. She may only use this power once every week or so. The effect of her magic lasts 48 hours and she usually rests for about 72 hours before even trying to attempt it again.



Grizzled Veteran
Some of this needs a little bit of clarification, so bare with me, yea?

Awareness - "when it is time to create a storm" - Do you mean sensing when a storm is approaching? They don't have to be responsible for creating every thunderstorm. X3? I also don't understand the addition about "a sense of when danger might come".

Storm Flight - So they are able to make thunderstorms? Again, they aren't responsible for -every- thunderstorm that ever happens. How often can they make storms?

Friction - So they can create lightning from their tail - how often, and is this like a strong bolt of lightning in power/damage done?

Shimmer - okay, their abilities don't hurt themselves. This is fine!

Soo basically I am basing this off of a Thunderbird. And I can certainly change it to where it is just simplified versions for sure.

Awareness- Mostly it was to sense when a storm is coming. I know they wouldn't be responsible for making every thunderstorm. The sense of when danger might come came more from the Thunderbird thing but I am completely fine taking it out.

Storm Flight- It would only be at fast flying speeds in which they could make storms. So I would imagine they really wouldn't be making them that often. So if they are casually flying they wouldn't make a storm.

Friction- This would also only apply if they are flying at fast speeds. As for how often I suppose it would be like 1 per 3-5 minutes? I guess we can make it not so damagable? I don't know how to respond to how strong the lightning is.. Again I am basing off of a Thunderbird which is something I was getting from the RLC bird sheet.


Grizzled Veteran

Rehomed the Alicorn of Shadows, so it's up to @Valdmir Talamore if he wants to keep working on the child. sadly it just never spoke to me.

Thank you though for the input and help

Also can i be removed for the Tea Ceremonies claims too. Nothing is coming up for me on that either.
Puppet Master -I like the idea Creeping Shadows so Im rewording this one

Creeping Shadows: Summons a wisp like shadow from the surrounding shadows around him, that can wrap around and move or manipulate small items. This power only last in small burst and is limited to items no bigger then 3ft by 3ft, weighing no more then 30 pounds. This can be used as long as there are enough shadows to surround the item he is trying to manipulate.

Void Walker - He can only move through shadows he can see, he must be able to pin point his entry and exit point in the shadows. As long as there is a shadow at least the size of his hoof there is enough shadow for him to enter and exit the void.

Now You See Me - His eyes are still visible but if he closes them you will no longer be able to see him.
He can only use this when there is enough shadows present to conceal his entire body. He can hold this for about 2 hours before he must take a 1 hour break to recover from power used.

Dark Travels -Max of 4 hours, Twice a day

Shadow Manipulation - He can make any available shadows five times bigger or smaller. The shadows also have to be touching a surface in order to do so. Surface pertaining to things such as ground, floor, water etc but he could not float a shadow into the sky.


late to the party
Staff member
@Ruler They all look good, but please post each form in its own post. Nothing wrong with double/triple posting, but it makes cataloguing MUCH easier. XD

Lies approved.

Since your alicorn is the alicorn of thunderstorms, not thunderbirds, powers unfortunately need to relate directly to thunderstorms as-is. As has been the topic of discussion lately, domains are literal - they aren't tangenically related or symbolic or mythological interpretations.

Awareness - Okay, just write this along the lines of "can sense when a thunderstorm is coming / about to form / nearby" and that works fine. Danger sense would not. (Even if it did it would have been a separate power.)

Storm Flight - We don't balance powers based on things like "the pony has to be doing x" or the flavor around it. We need a concrete number - like they can make one large or two medium sized thunder storms a day, etc. 🤔 Also, how long they can last and so forth.

Friction - It's fine if it's just a constant effect that they aren't harmed by their own thunderstorms or that they can't be hurt by lightning. Again, we don't balanced based on "pony has to be doing x", so why don't we say they have a natural resistance to lightning formed in any thunderstorm? It would make sense since it's their direct domain.

You're free to frame these however you'd like in RP, but for the thread/shop we have to have concrete values for easy glancing / balancing.

@Valdmir Talamore
Powers look good, please repost the full form for final approval.

Missing the Light - A'ight.

Haunt - I get it but that's not a direct relationship imo, considering that you're using haunt in terms of being a shut in and the power deals with creeping up on people. Going to say that as-is this doesn't work.

Leeching - This makes more sense, but I think it would be that he affects ponies directly instead of making the space colder. Despair doesn't make your desk cold, after all, does it? I know this probably seems like a nitpick but it *would* affect RP (ie, he makes YOU cold, but not your latte, yk?).

Further, I think you should take into account the fact that despair affects people differently; having felt both stomach twisting terror / fear of death and complete and utter despair, I can say for me terror and fear make me feel cold, and despair actually makes me feel hot (and sick). Perhaps more along the lines of your gut-wrenching power, this should make nearby ponies hotter or colder depending on how they would naturally react to despair? Uncomfortably change their temperature, whichever direction might be appropriate for them.

Shuttering Gaze - nah I think this is fine I just have to ask for clarifications on stuff.

Gut-Wrenching - I didn't realize initially this was on-touch, so I think this is fine, yeah. o vo/



Grizzled Veteran
Missing the Light - A'ight.

Haunt - I get it but that's not a direct relationship imo, considering that you're using haunt in terms of being a shut in and the power deals with creeping up on people. Going to say that as-is this doesn't work.

Leeching - This makes more sense, but I think it would be that he affects ponies directly instead of making the space colder. Despair doesn't make your desk cold, after all, does it? I know this probably seems like a nitpick but it *would* affect RP (ie, he makes YOU cold, but not your latte, yk?).

Further, I think you should take into account the fact that despair affects people differently; having felt both stomach twisting terror / fear of death and complete and utter despair, I can say for me terror and fear make me feel cold, and despair actually makes me feel hot (and sick). Perhaps more along the lines of your gut-wrenching power, this should make nearby ponies hotter or colder depending on how they would naturally react to despair? Uncomfortably change their temperature, whichever direction might be appropriate for them.

Shuttering Gaze - nah I think this is fine I just have to ask for clarifications on stuff.

Gut-Wrenching - I didn't realize initially this was on-touch, so I think this is fine, yeah. o vo/
Haunt, I'm tossing. He can just naturally be light on his feet and quiet in general. XD
[I'm like this in RL myself, scared my mother a few times because she doesn't hear me coming. >>;]

Leeching IS meant just for ponies and not objects, I should've clarified. XD
Also not opposed to the heat or cold option based on a ponies' personal reaction to despair.

The other two don't require any further hashing out, if you're good I'm good. XD


late to the party
Staff member

Yeah, Leech read as if it made the area cold to me, so. I think we're good, you gotta repost the whole form with the edits for final approval.

(Nothing wrong with being naturally light on his feet either. I've known plenty of people like that. XD)

Haunt, I'm tossing. He can just naturally be light on his feet and quiet in general. XD
[I'm like this in RL myself, scared my mother a few times because she doesn't hear me coming. >>;]

Leeching IS meant just for ponies and not objects, I should've clarified. XD
Also not opposed to the heat or cold option based on a ponies' personal reaction to despair.

The other two don't require any further hashing out, if you're good I'm good. XD


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Despair
Pony: Solemn Mourning

  1. Missing the Light- Ability to leech the colors and brightness within a 15 foot radius of himself, almost turning the world into black & white. Requires no focus and is more a warning he's approaching.
    Outside of the radius it would probably not be noticeable at all, and everything shifts slowly as he gets closer.

  2. Leeching- Can make a pony feel colder or warmer by a few degrees, depending on how they experience the feeling of despair personally. Requires focus on his part, usually effects those with negative thoughts more than happier ponies. Tends to drain him so he cannot do it for long, at most 10 minutes.

  3. Shuttering Gaze- Can make ponies cry with direct eye contact, for no reason at all. Requires eye contact and focus, wears off the minute he looks away.

  4. Gut Wrenching Feeling- Can influence despair with direct contact, the pony feeling as if there is a pit in their stomach and almost disgust burning their throat. It goes away if he stops touching them, and is usually just an initial 'shock reaction' to his touch and can wear off after a moment, but only if he has no ill intent. Otherwise it will only intensify the longer he touches them, causing a choked up feeling and nausea, until they pull themselves away. A pony used to feeling despair, however, might be more resilient to his touch to the point of being unaffected [which would shock him quite a bit!]



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Thunderstorms
Pony: RLC Sheet order

  1. Awareness: A sense of when a thunderstorm is approaching
  2. Storm Flight: Allows them to make 2 thunderstorms a day that last 30 minutes each.
  3. Friction: A constant effect that allows them not to get hurt by Lightning from any natural thunderstorm.
  4. Shimmer- The shimmer of its feathers that protect itself from any harm from the lightning in manifested thunderstorms.



Long-Term Resident
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Paranoia
Pony: Maniae

  1. Somebody's Watching Me: The ability to make ponies within a 50 foot radius feel as if someone is there, watching them — just behind them, or out of the corner of their eye. They're not alone, at least that's what they think. Power lasts for up to an hour.
  2. Shifting Thoughts: The power to make someone in their vicinity (within 20 feet) question the things said to them. Lasts for up to half an hour.
  3. Turn Around, Look At Me: The rare ability to infect a pony with a week-long-lasting paranoia manifested as the feeling of being followed. The power has a cooldown period of exactly one week from use.
  4. Don't Trust A-: The ability to make a group of ponies feel distrustful of one another for roughly ninety minutes. The power leads to making each pony feel as if the other ponies are being deceptive with malintent (lying, plotting against them, etc.) - it does not control these feelings, but enhances natural distrusts ponies may have about each other and creates an air of tension. Can only be used once every 12 hours, and even then only a max of thrice in a row before an entire 24 hours is necessary to recuperate.


Long-Term Resident
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Heartbreak
Pony: Discord

  1. Sight: The ability to see the history of someone's heartbreak(s) through their memory. Discord must be touching the target (to any degree - even a wing feather resting on another's back is enough) for this to work. When the connection is broken, the visions stop. Can only effect one pony at a time. When Discord accesses this ability, they feel the heartbreak in question, intensely, for up to 30 seconds. Can only be used twice in one 24 hour cycle.
  2. Heartache: The ability to force a pony to relive a heartbreak as vividly as it first happened — playing through in the target pony's mind. Target must be within a 10 foot radius. Can only be used after Sight has been used on the same target. Similar to Sight, this can only be used twice in one 24 hour cycle.
  3. Conflict: An aura that creates feelings of strife between romantically involved ponies within a 10 foot radius. This leads to feelings of heartbreak as they start to believe their loved ones have done them wrong. Can only be used once every 48 hours.


Long-Term Resident
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Clarity
Pony: Kirlyam

  1. I See You: When touching a target pony, Kirlyam is able to access whatever it is they are thinking about. This power is reserved for when Kirlyam needs to understand someone, to better serve them. The whole process takes about 30 seconds from the point of initial connection. At first, Kirlyam with have total clarity on the situation, but that clarity will fade over the course of the following 7 days until she returns to stasis on the situation.
  2. They See You: The ability to reveal the objective truth in a situation. Oddly enough, Kirlyam's hair is needed for this - each individual who she is targeting to impart her wisdom upon must be holding at least a few strands of Kirlyam's hair (yes, while it's still on her head). After roughly 1 minute of concerted effort from Kirlyam, she is able to transmit an objective-lens-truth to participants.
  3. Give Me Clarity: The ability to grant short-lived reprieve from mind-altering effects, giving clarity of perception. Is only in effect for roughly 30 minutes at a time, but can be used up to three times a 24 cycle.


Stew Aficionado
@polliwoggi - Mm, that's a good point in that she could just steal things normally. I guess I got caught up in the need for powers. Is it alright to forgo "Sleight of Hoof", actually? Meanwhile, "Ooh, Shiny" could be used once a day and have a one day cooldown period?


late to the party
Staff member
Despair approved.

Thunderstorms approved.

Paranoia / Heartbreak / Clarity approved.

Nothing wrong with wanting powers, but do keep in mind you can always come back and add more if you think of more and haven't reached your max 6, so there's no need to push things that don't need to be powers into being one. :3 I think that's fine on Ooh, Shiny, so make whatever edits we've discussed and repost your form, please.

Despair | Thunderstorms | Paranoia | Heartbreak | Clarity


Stew Aficionado
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Thieves
Pony: Dastardly Dubloon

  1. Thieves' Tools - Can transform a solid object (ex. fork, branch, pencil) into a traditional lock pick. Cannot transform object back to its original form and the transformed item has to be roughly the same size as a lockpick would be. (no giant clubs turning into tiny lockpicks on the go.) It can happen up to twice a day, with a three day recharge.
  2. Light on Her Hooves - For up to fifteen minutes, Dubloon can summon silence around her, causing her to make no sound as she moves. This power has a recharge span of one day.
  3. Blending In - For up to fifteen minutes, Dubloon can use this power to make herself look like your average pony. Why, she's just another face in the crowd, she doesn't have the prized jewel of such and such in her pocket, noooo, not at all. This power has a recharge span of one day.
  4. Ooh, Shiny! - Can appraise and determine a general worth of an object if she touches it. Ex. - She touches a bejeweled goblet and knows that it's regarded as rare/expensive or she touches a gold box and senses it's worth next to nothing. This power can be used once a day and has a recharge span of one day.



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Secrets
Pony: Alicorn

  1. Lock n' Key - Can use this power to have a Pony not be able to mutter a word about a certain secret for a total of 24 hours. Has a 48 hour cool down after using it on that same pony. Though can place it on multiples, but only for that single secret.
  2. Forgetful - Can cast this to have a Pony forget the secret told, but can only be placed on one pony at a time, with a 3 day cool down before having to cast it again. This can also be helpful if someone has a secret and wishes to forget, and asks him upon request.
  3. Reveal unto me - If a pony as a secret kept from them, they can cast this spell to get it out of them, but can only get one secret out ever other day.



Grizzled Veteran
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Duke Rhamstine

  1. Eye Spy: Spawns a max of 3 floating small eyeballs, minimum 1 eyeball, to spy on others.
    Longest can last 5 Mins. He can shorten the time on a whim, but has to wait one Hour before recasting. And can only cast it three times a day.
  2. Light it up: Casts a small separate flame, only big enough to light a candle, or to keep warm with.
  3. Re-light: If his head is doused out, he's able to relight his head flame.
