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▷ Claims and Power Approvals


late to the party
Staff member

Sickening Gaze - I need a how often sort of idea, since it takes a lot out of him, but the ability itself is fine.
Don't Get Close - the wording of this confuses me; does it turn land into marsh or swamp?? (Because marshes and swamps themselves aren't toxic and have lots of wildlife. XD)

Otherwise looking good, sorry for the LONG wait.

@SSBrosB Daydreams approved.

@Nym I've contacted you re: Fertility and Love since I have you in DMs, the other three are 🆗

@Cheyriddle4 Both awakeneds approved!

Approved powers: Daydreams | Relationships | Rain | Grief

Awakened approved: 1 | 2



Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Gilt Mech

  1. Sparkling Touch :: Gilt is able to conduct electricity with their touch. Its a low voltage current that doesn't hurt. Its like static electricity, it helps them jump start computers and other such tech.
  2. Interface :: Gilt can, for only 8 hours a day, connect with their first ever computer to hack into the web. This also is how they play their favorite game like VR.
  3. Static Aura :: If Gilt gets angry, truly angry. Their aura sparks like their touch. Its a range affect of 10 feet which affects all electronics around them, mild distortion nothing like it stops more like it gets a wonky screen. This also causes the manes of those around them to lift. Like any Static effect.


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Long-Term Resident
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Delirium
Pony: Cluracan

  1. Ever Shift - While Cluracan does have consistent colors, to those other than himself the colors on his hide, mane, tail, and even his eyes shift constantly and disorientingly. Some have described it as if he were a constant rainbow of motion before their very eyes, after leaving his presence at least.
  2. Inattention - Being in the general vicinity as this Alicorn leaves others distracted more easily than they normally would be, even the most studious or attentive find they can't even keep the same train of thought for very long.
  3. Emotional Lability - Just as he himself experiences, other ponies will find their moods changing rapidly and without reason, from flaring anger to heavy sadness or fits of laughter. A whole emotional rainbow in only a few moments happens to some, but luckily for them it only lasts when they're around him and quickly subsides once he's left.
  4. Then Suffer as I - Cluracan can intentionally cause affects far worse than being in his presence to others should they anger him or deserve it. Disorganized thinking, disassociation from self, heavy disorientation, and hyperactivity are all things he'll inflict upon others for short periods of time or long depending on the grievance. These do eventually wear off and are never permanent.



Stew Aficionado
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Hallucinations
Pony: Pastel Grimace

  1. Really There? - Pastel Grimace seems to give off the impression that he's not really there. Ponies have a hard time looking directly at him and when they leave they have side effects of lingering confusion/may feel disoriented. Who were they talking to? Was anypony really there?
  2. Heart's Desire - If Pastel Grimace touches a creature's heart/over their heart directly, he can bring forth illusions of that ponies greatest desire, whether it be the memory of a loved one lost or piles of wealth, to surround the pony. This effect lasts for three minutes in a radius of five feet, unless contact is broken between the alicorn and affected pony.
  3. Pink Ponies on Parade - If a pony is already under an influence that may cause them to hallucinate on their own (alcohol, certain plants, etc) when Pastel Grimace is near, they will find their hallucinations to become more vivid and longer-lasting. Pastel Grimace must be within a 20 foot radius of the inebriated pony for this to take affect.
  4. Prestidigitation: Wonders - Pastel Grimace is able to create minor effects that don't quite seem right. Singing flowers, backwards clocks and haunting, off-tune melodies are what he tends to create most often.
  5. Wake Up Call - Pastel Grimace knows when a creature is hallucinating can dispel their visions or auditory hallucinations if he comes into contact with this creature.



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Memories
Pony: Mnemosyne

  1. Mindscape- Allows Mnemosyne to enter the mind of another pony so she can access their memories. Can only be used on one pony at a time and only for a duration of 4 hours (time does not have to be all at once) per day. She must be touching the pony with her horn for this to work. While in the Mindscape she views memories as sort of a movie/as if she was the pony (which is why her Photographic Memory power is so dangerous, think of like Rogue from X-men Evolution collecting all the different personalities when she absorbs another's powers).
  2. Memory Refresher- Can freshen up a memory that has become dull/faded allowing the pony to remember things more clearly. This tends to manifest itself as almost an aura where other ponies' memories are a bit clearer when in her presence (I'd say about a 10-20 feet radius) but she can also do it on purpose.
  3. Memory Return- Can return memories that have been lost/forgotten, either due to her sister or natural events (like amnesia or old age).
  4. Memory Share- Can take a memory from one pony and share it with another. Can only do this for one memory at a time. The memory fades after an hour in the pony it didn't originate from. She can do this one of two ways: taking the memory copy and going to another pony's mindscape to share it or by showing it in her markings (sort of a one on one situation or multiple viewers situation).
  5. Photographic Memory- Mnemosyne remembers every memory she encounters/views, giving her a photographic memory. This is highly dangerous for her as she begins to lose herself in the memories of others thinking that they are her memories and her sister must constantly wipe the memories she views, lest she goes insane. This doesn't really affect anyone else but herself (the consequences might affect others but the power itself doesn't).



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Forgetfulness
Pony: Lethe

  1. Mindscape- Allows Lethe to enter the mind of another pony so she can access their memories in order to make them forget things. Can only be used on one pony at a time and only for a duration of 4 hours (time does not have to be all at once) per day. She must be touching the pony with her horn for this to work. While in the Mindscape she views memories as files and stories, aka the written word. She is less likely to become attached emotionally-wise unlike her sister.
  2. Memory Haze- Lethe can dull memories making it hard to remember details. You know all those times something was on the tip of your tongue.... Lethe is probably responsible. This tends to manifest itself as almost an aura where other ponies' memories are a bit harder to recall when in her presence (I'd say about a 10-20 feet radius) but she can also do it on purpose.
  3. Memory Dump- Can make you forget a specific memory for seven days (1 week). She becomes extremely tired after this and usually cannot use it again until the seven days are up. While waiting for the time limit to be up if you look closely at her markings you may catch glimpses of the 'erased' memory. The forgotten memory will gradually come back during that time and the pony will fully remember it when the seven days has passed.
  4. Amnesia- Can make you forget all your memories for a full day. Again anything more takes too much power or has a backlash to her to where she forgets things. After using this power she cannot use it for a month and will become exhausted to the point that she must sleep almost immediately afterwards. During this time you can catch glimpses of the memories; mostly for the day the amnesia takes place but also during the month while she is recovering you can catch faded glimpses.
  5. Memory Wipe- Can only be used on Mnemosyne to make her forget the memories that are not hers. It targets memories that are not natural memories but ones that are picked up from other ponies. To use this on any other pony would be virtually impossible and would have terrible consequences to Lethe.



late to the party
Staff member
@Shaddaling he isssss prettyyyy

Before I judge any of these, I'm going to say that the domain might need to be changed to something like "Magical Symbols" or "Wards" - I don't know if enchantments would be allowed (since magic itself is disallowed) but "symbols" on its own does not have any connotation of what you're aiming for; I would think symbols would relate more towards like, making people understand symbology in things, being able to weave understanding into tales or speak without directly speaking (doublespeak/code speak) and having ponies understand it, etc. You primarily mention wards, so might I legitimately just suggest alicorn of Warding ?

@One Little Jay
Entangle: How durable are the weeds or vines? How deeply can they entangle a pony? If it's something overwhelming (that ponies reasonably can't fight), you'll need a duration for how long he can maintain it per day, at will would be too strong.

Keep Out: How large/deep are the trees, how often can he do it, how big of a space does the wall occupy, are the trees just normal trees or are they magically strengthened?

Plant Growth: How large of an area can he grow, given the restriction on how often you've put down.

Speak with Forests: Plants do not have intelligence unless they are very special magical plants, and thus cannot be spoken with. Animals are iffy on whether or not that would be allowed; as dicussed elsewhere, most animals are only of animal intellect and can't actually speak or hold a conversation. I think a better replacement for this would be simply understanding the state of the forest - for instance, knowing where there is a patch of death happening in the forest and why, what's causing trees to die, are populations of critters being overhunted, etc.

Commune: How often does the trance last, how often can he do it.

Transport: Mmm. I feel like this could potentially work but only within a single continuous forest, sort of traveling 'through' the trees. Most trees in singular forests are actually interconnected (roots and fungal connections bind them) so it'd be like stepping through the forest (forest walk!). However, stepping through a tree on one part of the world into another somewhere else doesn't really fit with the domain, I think, as forests aren't really known for their teleportation skills. ;D What about being able to literally travel through all plants in one continuous forest - even if he's never actually been to another part of the forest - as part of a sort of extension of commune with forests?

Interface is a bit powerful for awakened, that would be alicorn territory. I think being able to connect with their computer to experience it in a sort of VR way would be fine, but the guaranteed hacking and deep delving is a no go.

Static Aura - how does it affect electronics?

Also please repost Poison, I don't like digging through old posts and trying to find edits. x'D

Inattention/Emotional Liability - How far around does this aura affect ponies? How long do the effects last once they're out of it?

Then Suffer As I - how often can he inflict delirium (basically what he's doing ik XD), how long does it last? If it varies by how long, what's the minimum / maximum time it can last and how does that affect how often it can be done?

Heart's Desire - This power is fine as an on-touch - ie, he can activate it then fly far away, it doesn't need the radius! It also doesn't HAVE to have maintained contact if you don't want. However! I do need to know how often he can do this!

Prestidigitation - How far away from himself can he make these little tricks? It's fine as an at-will/unlimited power apart from a distance.

Wake Up Call - It's fine if he knows, but dispelling is an opposite power that would be more fitting under something like Clarity! Hallucination cannot dismiss itself.

Memory refresher - is it stronger when she does it on purpose? If so, how? How often can she do it on purpose if it IS stronger?

Memory return - how often can she do this, and I'm assuming she needs to mindscape or at least be aware of the memory first in order to do it?

Memory share - does not make sense for it to fade from the pony it didn't originate from, as they've now experienced that, so I would remove that part. You can keep it in showing on her markings if you really want to, though you could also just. make it a group projection ability if desired. Either way, I need to know how often she can do this.

Photographic memory - having a photographic memory is fine, the other parts aren't really part of the power. You don't need to balance your powers for listing, though I think it's a good touch for them!

Mindscape - I don't know that this one will work for her? Because she isn't an alicorn of memories, I'm not sure why she'd have the ability to browse memories. She could have ponies forget things if she knew the memory existed - perhaps with her sister sharing memories with her - but delving into them does not fit with this domain.

Memory Haze - same questions as memory refresher above

Memory Wipe - What kind of consequences would it have on her? In addition, baring in mind what I said earlier (about it not making sense for false memories to fade once shared), could she also erase memories shared with -other- ponies?

I get that you're trying to make them mirrors of each other, mind you, but we don't do opposite powers anymore (which is why the memories fading naturally doesn't really fit), and while it's their choice not to use powers on others, typically it isn't sensible for a power to be linked to only one pony! o vo


Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Poison
Pony: Here he be

  1. Toxic Love: All he needs to do is touch a food item or a pony and they are inflicted with a mild poison. There is no real antidote as the poison is unique to him alone. All the poison does is cause mild headaches with a inability to keep heavy foods down. You can still eat and drink. This is a at will ability.
  2. Poisoned Thoughts: Toxic doesn't communicate like normal ponies, his mouth is sewed shut due to a horrible moment in his past. Now he's able to grunt and draw words in the ground, however he has a mild telepathy. It ponies headaches and sometimes drive them insane if he talks to them for more than two hours. There are very few who can withstand his thoughts. While he can use this at will, he can only talk to up to two other ponies at a time.
  3. Sickening Gaze: Due to his eyesight sneaking up on him is difficult, if not deadly depending on his mood. If he really wanted to he could make ponies sick just by looking at them. This takes a lot out of him when he does this, so its a last resort type of ability. He can only use this ability once a week, once he does use it he typically loses movement for 24 hours if he doesn't lose movement then he just passes out. The sickness typically follows the same line as the Toxic Love ability, with a minor difference of the chance for you to pass out if he looks at you for more than ten minutes.
  4. Poisoning Drop: His blood is poison, as such he is immune to poison itself. This is a extremely useful thing. If he puts a drop of his blood in any food or drink then there is a high chance that you don't recover. At that point its best to see the best healer you know. Herbal remedies will hinder the worst of it, not cleanse it all. If he bleeds on a pony the pony will suffer the Toxic Love effects for 8 hours.
  5. Poison Secretion: While he can't exactly spit, he can let out a deep breath through his nose. This breath contains a poison that causes nausea as well as the chance to fall out cold. Once breathed in the poison clings to your lungs. Another secretion is his tears and spit [when he can spit that is], which poison water upon contact. This poison by far might be the most harmful as it follows his bloods effects with being a bit more dodgy in being beaten back by common Herbal remedies.
  6. Don't Get Close: Toxic has a Poisonous Aura which he can control for up to three hours every other day. This Aura clouds around him for roughly 10 feet, trailing behind him as he walks. He can affect a region if he stays in it for too long and wanders consistently. Regional effects take mostly towards Swamps or Marshland, the waters within turning toxic to all plant life and animals. Plants wither when exposed for more than a week in his aura. Once he leaves the area, effects will fade over the course of 30 days.

Does this work?
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Stew Aficionado
@polliwoggi In regards to Hearts Desire, awesome! I'm happy to have it be no maintained contact needed, as well as being able to activate it and then leave. As for how frequently, is three times a day too frequent? With Prestidigitation he can preform these tricks about six feet away from him as far as distance goes. I am happy to forgo Wake Up Call, in favor of "You Too, Huh?" - He knows when other ponies are undergoing hallucinations.

One Little Jay

Grizzled Veteran
@polliwoggi Let me know if this works and Ill rewrite it in the form all together!
They are magical vines or weeds meant only for short term restraining. They can last up to an hour unless Leshy dismisses (or leaves the 20 foot radius) sooner. He will use this for questioning motives, or perhaps escaping a situation.

They are just average oak like trees, They grow up close together and act as a barrier 10-30 feet wide. Thye are normal trees which can be broken down as any other trees would.

A Forrest is considered anything over 2 acres I think, so i'd say 6 acres would be the max if done overnight and he would be physically and mentally drained for the following 3 months, leaving him nearly incapacitated. Also, he can't use this power in a settled vicinity, no towns, or monuments. He can only use this power in a place that would have space for a forest.

SORRY when I say speak I just mean... understand it's not actually speaking? Like their needs, their fears(or their threats if they can't feel fear). this is why he feels the strong need to protect everything in the forest.

Id say the trance is proportionate with the size of the forest he is communing with. Anywhere from an hour for the smallest forest, to 6 hours for a large, even up to 12 hours for a MASSIVE forest.

I'd LOVE to tweak it by travelling through the interconnected root system instead. It would definitly make more sense.


Stew Aficionado
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Piracy
Pony: Captain Morgan

  1. Cutlasses, Not Cutthroats - Can pass the mastery of a cutlass to another pony for up to four hours, so long as that pony has a cutlass on their body at the time. (Strapped to their flank on a sheath, or out being used.)
  2. Cartography, Piracy...Same Thing - Can read any map, regardless of whether its in code or not.
  3. Drink Up Me Hearties - Is it a power or are they an alcoholic? Either way, they have a remarkably high tolerance when alcohol is involved.
  4. Thar Be Treasure - Always knows the direction of treasure general direction (much like a compass in this way) so long as they are at sea. Once they get onto land, they can no longer tell where the treasure is hidden.
  5. Set Sail, You Scallywags! - Bestows the knowledge of how to sail a ship to anypony in an five foot radius in order to crew their ship. Once they leave this radius, the knowledge fades over the next couple of hours, unless A - Captain Morgan calls upon this power again and they happen to be in the area or B - They find that if they decide to take on sailing as a career, that they still have the muscle memory of when they were under the enchantment's influence and it's easier for these ponies to learn it. Captain Morgan can use this power up two twice a day.



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Warding

  1. Regeants- Needed for any of his powers to work, these inks, dyes, or oils are magically enhanced to channel different forms of magic, warding, luck, love, etc - they don't work by them selves but with him drawing out the symbol to channel it
  2. Etching- the most time consuming, this allows Jin to apply symbols to metal, and glass applying magic to objects such as swords, window plane glass, etc. EX a ward that keeps window planes from shattering , or a ward to keep a object from being stolen
  3. Embroider- also time consuming but using specially dyed threads or oiled in the case of white, allows Jin to apply spells to clothing, keep a shirt or dress from catching on fire/ from being stained
  4. Writing- Using ink, Jin can write wards on paper making spells to increase luck, love, protection, usually stuck to some place but can be carried

cleans up would this work better?


Grizzled Veteran
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Ling Dark

  1. Vibration Sense/Sight
    • Uses his antenna to send/sense vibrations around him. Effectively being able to accurately 'see' shapes and sizes of things around him.
    • Range: 17yrds Sphere around him.
    • Limitations: Relies on his antenna so damaging/covering/ect will make this less effective.
      • Cannot see colors.
      • Cannot see through solid objects. (walls/ground/ect)
  2. Darkness Sense
    • Can sense or feel levels of darkness/light around him.
    • Range: 50yrds (or is cast upon him)
  3. Indomitable Will
    • Halves effects directed at him that would make him act contrary to his nature.
    • It only applies to self.
  4. Shadow Meld
    • Can literally merge into any shadow.
    • He is forced out if a light is shone onto the shadow or if it is otherwise removed and not visible.
    • A shadow must be visually distinct from the surrounding light/darkness for this to work.
    • He can only observe from the shadow and is unable to interact with anything while inside.
    • Uses: 2x Daily
  5. Shadow Reach
    • Can use the shadows/darkness around him to create a physical claw/arm/tentacle/manipulator.
    • It can be used as a hand, for binding, etc.
    • It cannot exceed 1yrds in length.
    • It cannot change shape once formed until dismissed and resummoned.
    • Limitations: 2 uses daily, only usable when shadows/darkness are available.

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Grizzled Veteran
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Reve -never got him certed because at the time, the rules stated all awakened and alicorns had to have powers approved before they got certed-

  1. Soothing Touch: Any pony that comes into physical contact with Reve will experience relief from what ails them, to an extent. Physical pain is much easier to soothe than emotional or mental trauma. Extended periods of contact will leave him feeling fatigued, sometimes dangerously so.
  2. Comfort Zone: When a pony is in obvious distress, Reve can surround them in an aura of comfort. The pony will perceive this as anything bring them the most comfort (ie. the smell of their mother's/spouse's favourite fragrance or the feel of their favourite blanket wrapped around their shoulders, etc..). This power will only last as long as Reve keeps the pony in question within his field of vision, though the farther he moves away from them, the less distinct the affects are.



Grizzled Veteran
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Rusalka -same as Reve-

  1. Ocean's Call: No matter how in-land a pony is, Rusalka can make them hear the voice of the ocean. Be it the gentle lap of water rolling against the sand or the roar of giant waves crashing over one another, she'll make you hear it. Why? Does that matter? She always hears the ocean, so they should too, right? Only affects ponies within a five foot radius of her and she can't really turn it off. Sorry, not sorry.
  2. Hold Your Breath: Not really since Rusalka can breathe underwater! This is not a power she can pass on to others as it only works for herself.



Grizzled Veteran
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Peppermint Quartz

  1. Holiday Cheer: You know that festive, all encompassing, giddy cheerfulness everyone seems to be infected with during the holidays? Quartz can make anypony feel that way at any time of the year! She's limited to only being able to make 2 adult ponies or 4 foals feel this cheer, however. It works much easier on foals, as a note.
  2. Peppermint Scented: Not really a power, but Quartz permanently smells of peppermint no matter what she does! The happier she is, the stronger the scent whereas if she's in an emotional rut, she doesn't smell as strongly.
