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▷ Claims and Power Approvals


Station Visitor
Venus Help-Me Chain!
Pony: Dayglow Luster

  1. Can light up their body on command, will last until turned off.
  2. Can generate and absorb light: they can create a spectrum of true light to true dark in a 30ft area.
  3. Can travel at speed of light for a specified amount of time (plz help)
  4. Can shift how light travels allowing for invisibility or color shifting.
  5. Can concentrate light at different levels: low level being things like lasers, and higher levels being solid hard light constructs (armor, weapons, bridges, buildings). They need to take a break and recharge for anywhere from 15mins to a few hours depending upon their level of usage.
  6. They can produce light energy. The use of this ability is only for emergencies and can cause them to pass out, or at the very least be weak for a couple of days. This allows them to make hard light batteries, generators, and many other power sources.

I know my domain will be light, and I can narrow that down to light physics if you think that would be better, but I need to make sure I broke all this up appropriately and made sufficient drawbacks for the more powerful abilities (if they are needed). I also wanted an opinion on a good time limit on the light travel ability simply because you can travel very far in short periods so would it be better for like a few seconds or a few minutes?
Also do I need to give the abilities names?

Thank you for your help!



late to the party
Staff member
@polliwoggi - Can do for Hallucinations!

I'm happy to change Piracy for Pirates. Would you like me to post a domain claim saying that I'm switching them out, or just that I'm claiming Pirates?

It would just be a case of knowing the nearest treasure to them at the time. Treasure would be defined to them as "something with monetary value that we can steal" (though they would try to steal anything they came across if it had value to them, haha) If they'd already stolen something, they wouldn't have a constant awareness of it, versus what they have yet to steal, if that makes sense?
What you'll do is repost the form in its entirety with Piracy as the domain instead of Pirates! If you have a claim on Pirates already (admittedly haven't looked to see if you do) then make a note that you're swapping Pirates for Piracy when you post it!

That does make sense then. I think you're fine once you repost the form with the new domain.

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Hallucinations
Pony: Pastel Grimace

  1. Really There? - Pastel Grimace seems to give off the impression that he's not really there. Ponies have a hard time looking directly at him and when they leave they have side effects of lingering confusion/may feel disoriented. Who were they talking to? Was anypony really there?
  2. Heart's Desire - If Pastel Grimace touches a creature's heart/over their heart directly, he can bring forth illusions of that ponies greatest desire, whether it be the memory of a loved one lost or piles of wealth, to surround the pony. This effect lasts for three minutes and can be used up to three times a day.
  3. Pink Ponies on Parade - If a pony is already under an influence that may cause them to hallucinate on their own (alcohol, certain plants, etc) when Pastel Grimace is near, they will find their hallucinations to become more vivid and longer-lasting. Pastel Grimace must be within a 20 foot radius of the inebriated pony for this to take affect.
  4. Prestidigitation: Wonders - Pastel Grimace is able to create minor effects that don't quite seem right. Singing flowers, backwards clocks and haunting, off-tune melodies are what he tends to create most often. He can create these illusions from up to 6 feet away from him.
  5. You Too, Huh? - Pastel Grimace knows when a creature is experiencing hallucinations.



The sense is more akin to echolocation of sorts. His antenna vibrates sending out high pitch sound that bounces off of things are received back by his antenna. Maybe a different name would be better?
Will also cut down the effective distance to 17-20yrds rather than 50(feel that may be a bit much)

For the will ability, would reducing it by half be too much? With the downside that effects that are in is nature are doubled on him? (otherwise just quartered would be fine)
I would like it to effect alicorn powers, but if that's too much then I'm fine with it not and just being magic/other awakened powers.

For shadow meld is 2 times a day okay?

and that's sounds fine for shadow reach.
Okay, yeah I would clarify that in the power description as to how it works and I didn't realize you said *yards* not *feet* - I think 20 yards is fine - that's ~60 ft, which is (for reference) standard darkvision length in d20 tabletop games. |B So it seems fair to me.

We usually don't balance with reversals like that and tend to more just wanna power on balancing the power itself. I think half is fine for typical effects, though it would need to be lesser for alicorn effects I do think, as they're a higher power tier so to speak. Half for usual, a quarter less for alicorns (so 50%/75% effectiveness)?

2x is fine

Can you repost with all the changes for final approval?

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Mischief (has been approved but I want to triple make sure powers were approved)
Pony: xXx

  1. Faerie Form: The ability to take on a much smaller form, generally about six inches high. The user can still do everything they normally would- eat, drink, sleep, potty, fly, magic, etc. They are just really really tiny. The shrinking ability can last for up to two hours, and is ONLY active on the Alicorn themself. They can NOT use this ability on other ponies.
  2. Invisibility: The ability to make oneself invisible to the naked eye. The user can choose who can and cannot see them even while invisible. It follows the same rules as Faerie Form, where it can only be used on the Alicorn who is attuned to it (can't think of wording, sorry x.x). It can last up to two hours, no longer.
  3. Mischief Manipulation: The ability to inspire mischief in other ponies around them. It affects one pony completely for an hour. It can only be in effect so long as the Alicorn is around, within five feet of the pony.
  4. Illusion Manipulation: The ability to create, shape, and manage illusions. Such illusions can cause the target to hear, touch, smell, see and/or taste things that may not actually exist. Affecting one pony completely for an hour, a whole crowd with a couple senses for 10 minutes, or a small group with one set for 30 minutes.

can has link to previous approval just for verification XD

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Moon (purchased and approved)
Pony: xXx

  1. Lunaportation: The ability to teleport via lunar energy, merging with the lunar energy and appearing anywhere else from the same lunar energy, i.e. wherever the moon shines down upon. They can do this up to five times in one night, so long as it is only ten miles in distance. Further than 10 miles would take up multiple charges. Example- Lunaporting 20 miles would be two charges, 30 miles is three, 40 miles is four, etc. So ultimately, up to 50 miles in one lunar cycle. (Not sure if this is still too much, or even too little. Having a hard time judging.)
  2. Lunar Aura: The ability to release and surround oneself in lunar energy for defensive and offensive purposes. Said lunar energy can be used in two ways; to strengthen into a shield or to coalesce into a weapon. The larger the manifested item, the shorter of a time span it can last. A sword could last for approximately ten minutes, a large dome shield would last five minutes.
  3. Lunar Empowerment: The ability to call upon the energy of the moon to make oneself stronger, faster, and even more durable. To double their strength, as in the strength of two ponies, it can be maintained for up to an hour, so long as they are not using too much of something else such as Luna Aura. They can even triple their strength, but that can only be maintained for half an hour, and leaves them absolutely exhausted for twelve hours afterwards.
  4. Lunar Healing: The ability to heal oneself or others by using lunar energy. They can heal broken bones and internal healing, but can not bring some pony back from the brink of death with this. Healing of a broken bone or internal bleeding, or even organs, can take several hours. The smaller the break in bone, the quicker it is done, but the smaller the organ, the longer it takes. However, these are done with surgical precision without the tools, due to it being healed by magic. Example - Broken leg, with several breaks. This would take an entire night (roughly eight hours), with resting periods every 45 minutes for them to recharge their lunar energy for about 15 minutes.
  5. Lunar Vision: The ability to see everything through the moonlight, enabling one to see across the world and look upon areas, so long as the moon shines on that place.
  6. Lunar Magic: The only time this ability can be used is on a full moon, at midnight. This magic is incredibly strong and lunar specific, allowing one to practice miraculous feats of magic related to their domain (healing, generally, but can extend to offense/defense). Now this is something that could bring a pony back from the brink of death. Which was more or less my intention for it, and I had not thought much farther past that as a possibility.

    Notes: Born Alicorn. All powers will be weakest at the apex of the day (highest point of sun, around noon) and strongest at the apex of the moon (roughly midnight?) Also, they can wax and wane with the moon cycle. So, the Alicorn's magic would be at it's apex on a full moon, at midnight, and at it's lowest during a new moon, during the day of said moon. (Should one want to attack, that is the easiest time to)

    Lunar Energy is quite literally moonlight from the moon. The magical connection this pony has with the moon allows them to turn the moonlight into a usable resource, replenished every night when the moon rises. They can use crystals to store small amounts of lunar Energy should they need to cast magic during the day, but these are very small reserves that only allow them to perform small spells.

same as above <3 for postings

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Snow

  1. Snow Globe: Make a localized snow-storm for a set period of time. Specifically, clouds appear overhead and begin sprinkling snow, the area affected is directly proportional to the length/heaviness of the storm. The maximum area would be 400m radius, with the clouds able to snow for max 1hr and it would be a light sprinkling of snow. Maximum time would be 6 hours over a 50m radius, and it can result in a 3-4ft of snow.
  2. Snow-Walking: blessing others to be able to walk across snow with ease for a set period of time. Max 1 day.
  3. Winter Coat: able to bless ponies with snow-colors to be able to blend in with snow for a set period of time. Max 1 day.
  4. Olaf the Snowman: Able to make semi-sentient snow-ponies for a short period of time. Size, number, and time all affect the extent of this power. One large snow-ogre can be sustained for a period of 2hrs, the equivalent of 6 small snow ponies. One small snow pony can be alive for a day. They have no individual thought, but are able to follow general directives. A small snow pony made to play would be able to bounce about play games as directed. A snow-ogre could be directed to carry something heavy.
  5. Winter's Hush: If he is actively in a snowy environment, he exudes an aura of peacefulness that affects a 10m radius. Like how everything gets really quiet and peaceful right after a snowstorm. Only works if he is actively in snow, either from a natural storm or during his "Snow Globe"
  6. Cold Sholder: While he himself is not cold to the touch, standing near him (3m radius) you feel slightly colder and unless the weather is extraordinarily warm, wherever he walks, Auror leave behind snowy footsteps

A 400m radius circle has an area of 502,654 sq meters, which is ~5410522.63 sq ft, which is 124 acres, which is in turn only about 20% of a square mile, and all of this I'm saying primarily so we can visualize how big that area is. x'D Since maximum area is only a light sprinkling of snow, I think that's fair, but we need some more info on the finer restrictions.

- when it's more localized, is it a harder snow? does it become an actual snowstorm?
- how often can it be activated (assume I'm talking about 'using the maximum energy', regardless of if it's a small, heavy storm or a large snowflurry)

snow walking
how many ponies per day?

winter coat
how many ponies can they bless per day?

how often can it be used

winter's hush
for clarification, is peacefulness just the quiet effect? :3 since snow has no actual emotional effect or w/e but I know exactly what you mean about the quiet / calm in terms of sound etc

cold shoulder is fine!

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Toxic Waste

  1. Radioactive: Spending too much time (2+hrs a day for 3+days) around this alicorn can make you sick and/or increase the likelihood of mutation in breeding (this latter part is ONLY for backstory/plotting purposes for ponies that already exist; i.e. Your First Gen pony Z has a mutation and their NPC Parent Y or X (who is NOT a mutant) had a run-in with this Alicorn in the past. Unless the shop asks me for event purposes, you cannot use an rp of ours as a way to ask for random mutations in breedings with non-mutant parents. )
  2. Drippy: He constantly oozes a toxic sludge, but he can keep it from dripping off his body with active concentration. When weak, sick, or asleep, however, he will ooze uncontrollably. This sludge is highly unhealthy to come in contact with and can cause skin and eye irritation and possibly death if ingested.
  3. Radiate: Can irradiate objects so they glow. Note: this is dangerous and the items are now radioactive and will make anyone around it sick. Can also undo this, per Absorb power below.
  4. Absorb: Alicorn can attract garbage, sludge, or radioactive waste from a 50m radius to itself and absorb/dispose of it. Works best in polluted waterways. The more polluted an area, the less effective the power. If over-polluted, they will begin oozing uncontrollably and will have to find a safe place to dispose of the remnants.
  5. Ooze: Though they generally don't, the Alicorn does have the ability to purposefully ooze toxic sludge and leave it behind in their wake in order to pollute an area purposefully.

I don't know that this power would be allowed, regardless of your intentions for it - it could still be a point of heavy contention because the alicorn exists at all, and currently to my knowledge alicorns that affect actual shop mechanics (like fertility or overgrowth) belong only to staff members. There is also the problem that radioactivity-induced mutations have a tendency to be fatal, not survivable or simply cosmetic, but also that M4S has magic breedings that it wouldn't affect as well as non-magical. I'm going to ping @Nym for this one but I'm currently leaning towards not allowable. (Please note currently Nym is unwell so it may take a few days to get a ruling on this one.)

how often can he irradiate objects, do they have a limit on like how BIG an object they can irradiate / a max amount of volume they can irradiate before recharging?

this reads like an opposite power to me currently (would be more the domain of cleansing, cleanup, etc). I think absorption itself would be fine, but simply absorbing to clean up not so much. if they're absorbing it into themselves, perhaps giving themselves a sickening / dangerous radioactive aura? a la they have consumed this material and now it is a part of themselves thus making their toxic waste stronger, basically.

how often, how large an area, what sorts of ill effects / to what degree are things polluted

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Rejuvination

  1. Wakey-wakey!: Persephone can bring things out of dormancy, specifically at the end of winter (she would not really use this power otherwise except maybe to heal a coma victim or something like that). She makes it her duty to make sure that all the hibernating animals and plants wake up in spring. Just a small bit of energy is spared per creature; just enough to give them a nudge in the direction of spring.
  2. Growth-spurt: Persephone can bless a small area with energy for growth. Nothing will simply sprout out of the ground, but she can bless a small meadow or an orchard so that over the next few days the plants will grow faster and stronger (plants cannot be abused in the meantime, not watering them or hurting them will negate her blessing).
  3. Rejuvenation: Persephone can bring energy and youthfulness back to a select individual. Depending on how unwell or aged the pony is, affects the overall effectiveness of the blessing. Asking Persephone for this blessing too often can lead to depressive side effects, just like any kind of false euphoria would. She can only do this three times a day Max. This is different than her passive envigorating aura as it is supposed to very specifically help an individual who needs a little more energy or to be in less pain. Basically squish all the good feeling you would get from a full spa-day into an insta-spell.
  4. Envigorating Aura: Being around Persephone (10m radius) makes you feel energized and well rested. The longer the presence, the longer the effect lingers. Being around her for an hour can give a sense of well-being that will last the rest of the day.
  5. Warm hugs: Snuggling Persephone feels particularly amazing, both exceptionally energizing and relaxing
  6. Green thumb: Any place that Persephone lives in for a prolonged period of time will see an increase in the health and vigorousness of the flora/fauna that live with her. Max 50m radius to call "home", requires she be there at least several hours a day for at least 4 days a week.

rejuvenation deals with making things fresh and new again; I get the direction you're going with this, but I don't know that she could necessarily wake things up directly as a power. I think more appropriate would be something along the lines of making something who has recently awoken shake off the grogginess or tiredness and bounce back into energy would be more appropriate?

growth spurt
again, not quitttte domain related; more appropriate would be perhaps rejuvenating the land to a more fertile state - blessing it with magic so that minerals that have been sapped are returned to the soil, or maybe that plants growing there are particularly hardy or seem to recover from downfalls more quickly (ie, are rejuvenated by the land itself) etc. direct growth rate increase would be under the domain of something like ... growth, overgrowth, plants, maybe farming, etc.

fine, also cute :3

warm hugs
does this have any actual effect? is it greater than envigorating aura?

green thumb
also fine. does the effect immediately end if she hasn't been around in the past I suppose seven days or does it fade gradually?

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Forrests
Pony: Here

  1. Entangle: Grasping weeds or vines sprout from the ground in a 20 ft radius starting from a point around him. This traps anyone in the area and holds them in place. (No damage is caused from this).They are magical vines or weeds meant only for short term restraining. They can last up to an hour unless Leshy dismisses (or leaves the 20 foot radius) sooner. He will use this for questioning motives, or perhaps escaping a situation.
  2. Keep Out: Leshy is able to summon a wall of trees impenetrable and creates a natural barrier. This is a permanent physical barrier (it can be cut , burnt, ect. down).They are just average oak like trees, They grow up close together and act as a barrier 10-30 feet wide. Thye are normal trees which can be broken down as any other trees would.
  3. Plant growth, can cause forests to sprout up seemingly overnight can also just aid in the growth of Forrest plants. The amount of growth is proportionate to the amount of time until it can be used again. 6 acres would be the max if done overnight and he would be physically and mentally drained for the following 3 months, leaving him nearly incapacitated. Also, he can't use this power in a settled vicinity, no towns, or monuments. He can only use this power in a place that would have space for a forest.
  4. Speak with forests: Leshy is able to undertand the needs, or fears of all living things in the forest. This includes plants and animals.
  5. Commune with forests: Leshy enters a trance during which he can hear, smell, see anything and everything going on within the forest he is in. Once awoken from the trap he will have some memories of it and will know the general location of things in the Forest. The length trance is proportionate with the size of the forest he is communing with. Anywhere from an hour for the smallest forest, to 6 hours for a large, even up to 12 hours for a MASSIVE forest.
  6. Transport Via Forest: Leshy uses the root system of the forest he is in to travel between one part of the Forrest and another part of the same forest.

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Good Luck
Pony: Fortune

  1. A Good Day: Fortune blesses a single pony with good luck for a day. i.e. they will have fortunes aura. They might find money that day or meet the love of their life. Can use this once a day on one pony.
  2. A Good Trait: Fortune blesses a single aspect of a single pony's life with good luck. i.e. If someone wants money he can give them good luck in welth and they have a higher chance of finding money or winning money. (This is never a gaurenteed thing as it is just luck and therefore still a chance thing) Can use this once a day on one pony.
  3. A Good Time: Fortune blesses a group of ponies with good luck, this lasts a short amount of time and less time the more ponies being blessed. (1 pony lasts a day, 5 ponies last 6 hours, 10 or more ponies last 1 hour)
  4. A Good year: Fortune blesses a single pony with a good year of luck. He can only use this once a year on a single pony.
  5. A Good Life: Fortune blesses a single pony with a blessed life. He can use this 5 times his whole life. The fifth time is Fatal for him.

I'm gonna add this here because I'd like it to be on his offical post in the offical list thread.
What Good luck is for him Fortune is surrounded by an aura of good luck. Wherever he goes good things happen, he finds money, gets free things, never gets caught in the rain unprepared. He has an easy time making friends and anything he puts his mind to he tends to succeed. He also seems to cheat death but it is all by luck.

What it is for others, unexpected good and weird things that might seem like a coincidence will happen. How this effects a pony blessed will always be left up to the owner of the pony being blessed. Can be anything from winning money, finding a lost object, meeting a lost (or new) loved one.

His twin and his powers cancel out to neutral. i.e If a pony has bad luck from Favor Fortune can bless them but it will only go back to thier normal amount of luck.

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Bad Luck

  1. A Bad Day: Favor curses a single poney with bad luck for a day. i.e. They will have a bad day where everything seems to be against them. They will loose money, loose things break things, they could even possibly get hurt from random things. (This would be up to the person rping and would never be me godmoding what happens to them) Can use this once a day on one pony.
  2. A Bad Trait: Favor curses a single aspect of a single pony's life with Bad luck.i.e. wealth- they will loose money (how much and how will always be up to the owner) can use this once a day on one pony.
  3. A Bad Time: Favor curses a group of ponies with bad luck, this lasts a short amount of time and less time the more ponies being cursed.(1 pony a day 5 ponies 6 hours 10 or more 1 hour)
  4. A Bad year: Favor curses a single pony with a bad year of luck. He can only use this once a year on a single pony. And never twice to the same pony.
  5. A Bad Life: Favor curses a single pony with Bad luck in life. He can use this 5 times his whole life. The fifth time is Fatal for him.


I'm gonna add this here because I'd like it to be on his offical post in the offical list thread.
What Bad Luck is for him, He is surrounded by an Aura of bad luck, he is always breaking things, getting caught in the rain, never wins or finds money, always caught in the rain. Others tend to not want to be around him for too long.

What it is for others, unexpected bad and weird things that might seem like a coincidence will happen. How this effects a pony cursed will always be left up to the owner of the pony being cursed. Can be anything from loosing money, breaking a prized object, stubbing thier hoof, to serious injuries.

His twin and his powers cancel out to neutral. i.e If a pony has bad luck from Favor Fortune can bless them but it will only go back to thier normal amount of luck.

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Mending
Pony: RLC order from last year


  1. [1] Mend object: Pony can seal up tears, rips, and cuts in most material. If material is lost or missing, it remains gone. This works by basically zipping the fibers, layers of partials back to the original shape. EX can mend a plate cracked in half. If at the site - get a nearly complete plate, if brought to him, any tiny shards left behind do not fill in, leaving gaps. Leaves behind a faint path of the mend.
    (can not 100 % return to original) (Does not work with dents, rust, etc)

    [2] Mend Body: Pony can seal up cuts, breaks, etc. He can reattach a limb, or set a bone, or seal up a cut to stop the bleeding. While his powers cleanly seal up injuries, they do no do anything about pain management, bruising, blood loss etc.

how large of an object can he fix with mend object and how often can he do it (fixing max size objects, as I assume he could fix more smaller ones with the same power)

same questions with mend body, and also - you mention it cleanly seals up injuries, but mending on its own doesn't guarantee that something is done correctly. does he have to set things properly in order for them to heal right? i.e, if he reattaches a limb backwards, will it heal "cleanly" but obviously still be uh, messed up?

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Warding

  1. Regeants- Needed for any of his powers to work, these inks, dyes, or oils are magically enhanced to channel different forms of magic, warding, luck, love, etc - they don't work by them selves but with him drawing out the symbol to channel it. Example - Jin would buy some charcoal, some gemstones, and some flowers that are suited for what ward he would be completing, as he renders the material into ink, he casts as he works, pulling out the innate magics and uses and strengthening them to make the base of the ward. The second part the runes and symbols he etches, embroiders, inks makes the frame work of how it will settle, cast, appear? effect the piece being warded.
  2. Etching- time consuming, this allows Jin to apply symbols to metal, and glass applying magic to objects such as swords, window plane glass, etc. EX a ward that keeps window planes from shattering , or a ward to keep a object from being stolen. Most etch wards last up to a year, perhaps two before it needs to be reapplied.
  3. Embroider- most time consuming but using specially dyed threads or oiled in the case of white, allows Jin to apply spells to clothing, keep a shirt or dress from catching on fire/ from being stained. Embroider wards tend to last the life of the piece of clothing. Embroider wards can both be visible and not, as the ward can be tucked into the seams and hems and be hidden.
  4. Writing- Using ink, Jin can write wards on paper making spells to increase luck, love, protection, usually stuck to some place but can be carried. These wards tend to only last a few weeks at most before the power burns up.

Think I got everything
okay! how often can he make an etch ward, and how big of a thing can they affect? all of them must be some kind of warding/protective magic, I assume

same question for embroidering

writing - :v I don't think increasing luck counts as a ~ward~ ... protection spells are totally valid though, and I like the idea. how many can he make per day, and are they one time use scrolls? ie, use the scroll, scroll is burnt up, magic is applied for a few weeks?

*i am relinquishing my claim on Virtual Games, and re-purposing the powers for his awakened stage*

Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: RAEG

  • NERF'D: when this power is used, any pony that is opposing the alicorn is weakened for up to 15 minutes, give or take
    • a 10-15% lessening of powers/strength
  • Blip! Blip! Blip!: this lets anyone that he is working with to see whoever is coming like a blip on radar
    • gain an extra 10 feet of sight
  • Loading Screen: when used, this power is meant to piss others off
    • whoever is the target of it becomes stuck in a time loop, doing the same five second action over and over, while painfully aware of the fact that they are stuck.
    • The effect of this power can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute
    • he adds a buffering circle over their face just to further piss them off
  • Who Forgot the Lights?: this power targets up to five or so "enemies", causing temporary blindness as if they were in a completely blackout environment
    • it's a cheap shot that lets this alicorn gtfo of dodge
    • lasts 1-3 minutes
  • Rage Quit: when freaking the f*ck out, this power causes a wave of anger to hit those around him that is pissing him off
    • This, in turn, causes them all to throw down their sh*t and leave
    • a 10-15 foot range
  • Everything Breaks: you broke your sh*t when you rage quit
    • game over dude, game over

*powers were weakened to be more appropriate of an awakened vs alicorn*

all of these need some idea of how often he can use 'em xD esp loading screen
rage quit needs to be rewritten into the form of a suggestion (ie, it can cause anger, but it can't FORCE them to ragequit)
everything breaks :v what it do bitsie what it do xD

Hallucinations -▷-claims-and-power-approvals.495/post-36527

Forests -▷-claims-and-power-approvals.495/post-36662

Good Luck -▷-claims-and-power-approvals.495/post-36681

Bad Luck -▷-claims-and-power-approvals.495/post-36683


late to the party
Staff member
Just letting all of you know I will be finishing approvals tomorrow and TRYING to stay weekly from now on. I am very braindead at this point. x'D

I'll do Learning then! Just saw a preview of his art and he is perfect *_*

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Learning
Pony: Animal Crossing RLC Sheet on Discord

  1. Book Wyrm: A pony may come to him with a book and ask that they be blessed with all the knowledge within it. When granted, the pony will be able to recite the book verbatim if they so choose. This does NOT equate to applicable physical skill (i.e. memorizing a book on bodybuilding does not mean they can go out and bench 200lbs). Only one book can be learned a day by any individual pony, and repeated blessings over time will cause headaches. Alicorn will refuse to perform blessing more than 10 times in any given span of 3 months, as it can eventually cause mania and confusion if abused.
  2. Did You Know?: Alicorn has the passive ability to spout facts about just about anything and have the listener remember it. The literal 'magic phrase' is "Did you know...?". When started with this phrase, whatever follows will magically stick in the mind of any ponies who physically heard it. Ponies must therefore be in hearing range and be actively listening to what the Alicorn is saying.
  3. Brain Juice: Alicorn can bless a pony with prolonged energy and concentration for studying or learning a particular task of their choosing. He cannot give someone the ability to play the cello, but he can provide the pony with the stamina and extra ability to retain what they learn. The blessing lasts a week, with the first day being the most potent and then waning over time. Interest in other activities will be markedly decreased, and a pony can only ask for Brain Juice for one skill at a time.
  4. Studious Aura: Hanging out around the Alicorn within the same room (i.e. everyone studying around them in a Library-like-space) will find their knowledge retention and interest in the subject matter they are studying increased. Much less potent than Book Wyrm or Brain Juice, just a general aura of studiousness within a 40ft radius (the area of a large room).

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Wild cats
Pony: [X]

  1. Roar: She can understand wild cats to an extent. Being able to tell their basic needs/wants from their cries and calls and, roughly, able to convey that
  2. Catnip comfort: Passive She has a calming aura around them that soothes wild cats. It varies on the size of the cat, the effect being stronger for smaller wild cats than it is for the larger ones. It also only works when within five (5) feet of the alicorn.
  3. Suggested purrsuasion: While she cannot control wild cats outright, she can offer suggestions for them to do. The cats don't often listen, but the smaller ones are willing to do so more often than not compared to larger wild cats.

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: changing over to Peace
Pony: Morrigan

  • Resounding Call: this power makes her feel more in tune with the words and feelings of others
    • if she feels like someone is truly hurting--be it physical, emotional, psychological--she will find them to help in which ever way she can
  • The Dancing Twilight: an illusionary power that allows her to make auroras appear
    • this power is known to cause a sense of awe in others have a calming affect on those who have a heavy heart
  • The Walk Between: a teleportation spell that allows her to teleport herself and 1-2 others
    • she will usually take others to her secret garden, being mostly roses, that she tends to and where wildlife thrives
    • this place is enchanted to have a relaxing affect on others, allowing them peace, especially in their hardest of times
    • the animals happily flock to visitors, finding the ponies to be great company, too
  • The Weight of Your Heart: when a pony is baring their heart and soul to her, she takes on some of their sorrows to lighten their load
    • this does cause her to experience a flood of emotions or pain that lasts for approximately a day
    • to her, it is worth it to help take part of the burden of another to keep it from crushing them

i look forward to input!
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Emotions
Pony: Lex


  1. 1. Emotional perception manipulation - With a touch, Pon can manipulation how other ponies emotional view the effected pony - lasts up to five minutes
    ex.- Highly Suspectious - Effected pony seems very suspicious, they are hiding things, can't be trusted
    notes- Works with how well the effective pon is known to others. A pony that is close friends to effect pon might be able to fight off the persuasion laid by logic and knowing they are truly not like that

    2. Surge- Area affect within 100 ft of Pon - Pon radiates a vibe of current emotion out, effecting everyone in the area.
    ex - Hyperthymic temperament - surrounding ponies are suddenly lost in feel of great and fanatic energy and good mood. Everything is sunny and wonderful and need to do things right now. Omg, everyone! Watch me do the thing.

    3. Rally: Pon can use their ability to effect their words, giving them an emotional weight to those that hear them. They can seem like the most truthworthy pon in the area. Can use up to three times.

    4. Changeling map: Pon can sense changelings as they fed on emotion even if they are disguised. Sort of glow of drawn emotions from one to another. Can only known if a changeling is actively feeding. Otherwise they are hidden.

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Adventure
Pony: SC Purchase

  1. Join Me Friend: Able to gain allies to form a group or party for adventure, targets must be willing and effects only last 24 hours. Can not be used in quick succession on the same pony, must wait 48 hours after the effect has ended.

  2. It's only a Scratch: Able to convince a fellow pony that a wound isn't as bad as it seems to continue the journey. The effect of the convincing only lasts 4 hours and can be used multiple times on the target until a destination for a quick rest is located and the party stops. Has a chance to fail (user rolls a d20 anything below 10 is a fail).
    (note, does not heal, and does not take the pain away only makes them believe the journey is worth the pain to continue on)

  3. Arrow to the knee: Able to talk for hours about the adventures the user has gone on themselves, annoys adults, fascinates foals. The user can exaggerate the story to make it seem more than it was.
    Those in range can let the power take hold or ignore it entirely to negate the effect of compelled listening.
  4. Noble Call: The user gives a pep talk to a large group of ponies in an attempt to send them on an adventure for a pony, place, or thing. Can be resisted, does not effect foals or the elderly. Those caught in the power feel compelled to go an adventure and complete it. Can be broken by ignoring the compulsion.

  5. Destination: Allows targets to be able to know the destination of their journey to; an item, location, or pony, at the start of the adventure, not able to see or pin point on a map, but a sense of "This is the way, I can feel it"

Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Reve

  1. Soothing Touch: Any pony that comes into physical contact with Reve will experience relief from what ails them, to an extent (i.e. if one has pain of say, an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10, he can lessen that pain to around a 3 or 4). Physical pain is much easier to soothe than emotional or mental trauma. Periods of contact longer than 2 hours will leave him feeling fatigued, sometimes dangerously so. The only time this power does not work is when he is asleep or otherwise incapacitated.
  2. Comfort Zone: When a pony is in obvious distress, Reve can surround them in an aura of comfort. The pony will perceive this as anything bring them the most comfort (ie. the smell of their mother's/spouse's favourite fragrance or the feel of their favourite blanket wrapped around their shoulders, etc..). This power will only last as long as Reve keeps the pony in question within his field of vision, though the farther he moves away from them, the less distinct the affects are. After around three hours, the affects will fade significantly until they can no longer be felt; this is when the extent of this power has been used up and he must rest. He can only do this once, maybe twice, every three days. It's very draining to ease someone else's pain.
  3. As a note; using either power will leave Reve weak, disoriented and in severe cases, quite sick.


Question; would I need to repost the others you approved with the links to their certs?
Venus Help-Me Chain!
Pony: Dayglow Luster

  1. Can light up their body on command, will last until turned off.
  2. Can generate and absorb light: they can create a spectrum of true light to true dark in a 30ft area.
  3. Can travel at speed of light for a specified amount of time (plz help)
  4. Can shift how light travels allowing for invisibility or color shifting.
  5. Can concentrate light at different levels: low level being things like lasers, and higher levels being solid hard light constructs (armor, weapons, bridges, buildings). They need to take a break and recharge for anywhere from 15mins to a few hours depending upon their level of usage.
  6. They can produce light energy. The use of this ability is only for emergencies and can cause them to pass out, or at the very least be weak for a couple of days. This allows them to make hard light batteries, generators, and many other power sources.

I know my domain will be light, and I can narrow that down to light physics if you think that would be better, but I need to make sure I broke all this up appropriately and made sufficient drawbacks for the more powerful abilities (if they are needed). I also wanted an opinion on a good time limit on the light travel ability simply because you can travel very far in short periods so would it be better for like a few seconds or a few minutes?
Also do I need to give the abilities names?

Thank you for your help!



signed an NDA
Staff member
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Fertility
Pony: Seraphim

  1. The Miracle of Life: Seraphim is, unfortunately, able to mix the DNA of up to three ponies/pets together to create life without impregnating a pony. These newborn infants are just like any, resembling a baby born naturally in all ways. They also are entirely genetically related to their parents. This process is instant and painless. Seraphim needs to be within 10 meters of the "lucky" parents and hold conscious desire for children to actually appear. This power does not have a cool-down, which is why she's incredibly useful for the kingdoms in populating Everchange. This doesn't mean she doesn't feel strain from such an activity. Periods of constant power use can feel draining, as if she might have taken a long run or moved heavy boxes. This does not increase in strain, but the feeling can last longer and longer if she doesn't take a break. (10 times in a 24 hour window seems to be enough to cause the strain effect)
  2. Restore Fertility: While all ponies can breed magically thanks to her previous power, some ponies may actually wish to physically reproduce and unfortunately can not be. Seraphim can temporarily restore the loss of fertility by touching her forehead to another's with the intent to restore. Her blessing lasts for a year and reverts the pony to a normal and healthy fertility level. This power does not have a cool-down. She cannot restore lost body parts nor can she create new body parts. Those who would not biologically be able to experience pregnancy cannot do so through her. Just like the power above she feels a faint strain if she persists too long.
  3. The Sight: A passive power, Seraphim can tell who is pregnant and the breed(s) the babies will be. This is just inherent knowledge she possesses and does not question. She cannot actually see within the parent. This power can be used within 10 meters of a pregnant pony. She can not see if a non-pregnant pony has bred, however, and remains in the dark with those ponies.


signed an NDA
Staff member
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Love
Pony: Valentine

  1. Love Alarm: Valentine is able to bestow clarity upon a pony, blessing them with the ability to truly understand if they love a pony once they're 10 meters within their presence. This power does not enforce love nor create it -- it only allows the pony to see past what may be standing between knowing they're in-love or not. Sometimes you just don't realize your feelings, but he has your back. Valentine can provide this gift if he's within 10 meters of the pony. This is power that does not require touch, he can just send the blessing over. A pony will feel the effects of this power for 48 hours before the clarity dissipates. This power does not have a cool-down, but much like his sister he will feel physical light strain from constant usage. (10 times in a 24 hour window seems to be enough to cause the strain effect)
  2. Love Dilution: Valentine can smother the feeling of love, locking it so it cannot blossom or even, if he's angry enough, make a pony unable to feel love they may have. Which technically that feeling isn't taken away, he's blocking a pony from triggering the sensation and feeling of it. This power lasts indefinitely, which is why most call it a curse (and why the Four keep a close eye on him so he doesn't go rampant). If he removes this curse, which he can, the pony will restore their ability to trigger the experience of love. This power does not require touch, either, but luckily it's fairly draining and he cannot do it more than once every 24 hours or he'll put himself into a deliriously tired state for a full day.
  3. What is Love: Valentine can restore or give the ability to feel love that may have been unable to be felt for numerous reasons. This includes overpowering Love Dilution, breaking other's curses, or giving the ability to someone born without it. This power does not have a cool-down, but inherits the strain Love Alarm has.
  4. Love is in the Air: He can amplify the feelings of affection one may have for either a specific thing or in general. This makes a pony more susceptible to falling in-love as well as more open to general affection. Being around Valentine (within 10 meter) causes a pony who is capable of affectionate feelings to lower guards they may have and be more welcoming to love. This is both a passive and active power which grows stronger when he wants it to.

    Note: The word love does not mean just romantic. Platonic is included, and so is love for things or passions.


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Mending
Pony: RLC order from last year


  1. [1] Mend object: Pony can seal up tears, rips, and cuts in most material. If material is lost or missing, it remains gone. This works by basically zipping the fibers, layers of partials back to the original shape. EX can mend a plate cracked in half. If at the site - get a nearly complete plate, if brought to him, any tiny shards left behind do not fill in, leaving gaps. Leaves behind a faint path of the mend. Max size of item able to fix is probably a large kitchen table, certainly can't zip up a roof if it cracked in half. Objects are easier to mend then people and such can usually mange to mend around 3 to 4 large things a day and a few dozen minor things.
    (can not 100 % return to original) (Does not work with dents, rust, etc)

    [2] Mend Body: Pony can seal up cuts, breaks, etc. He can reattach a limb, or set a bone, or seal up a cut to stop the bleeding. While his powers cleanly seal up injuries, they do no do anything about pain management, bruising, blood loss etc. Cuts are easiest leaving just a faint line of where the flesh was basically zipped in a way back together. Bone needs to be set, unusually by using telekinesis. Mending works by what separates naturally wants to return so attaching limbs backwards would be a lot more difficult since the edges would not line up property.
Mending body takes longer - probably only manages one or two really large mendings a day, but has an easier time sealing up cuts.

think I got everything ?

bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: RAEG

  • NERF'D: when this power is used, any pony that is opposing him is weakened for up to 15 minutes, give or take
    • a 10-15% lessening of powers/strength
      • Reload Time: 2 hours
  • Blip! Blip! Blip!: this lets anyone that he is working with to see whoever is coming like a blip on radar
    • gain an extra 10 feet of sight
      • Reload Time: 30 minutes
  • Loading Screen: when used, this power is meant to piss others off
    • whoever is the target of it becomes stuck in a time loop, doing the same five second action over and over, while painfully aware of the fact that they are stuck.
    • The effect of this power can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute
    • he adds a buffering circle over their face just to further piss them off
      • Reload Time: 3 hours
  • Who Forgot the Lights?: this power targets up to five or so "enemies", causing temporary blindness as if they were in a completely blackout environment
    • it's a cheap shot that lets this alicorn gtfo of dodge
    • lasts 1-3 minutes
      • Reload Time: 1 hour
  • Rage Quit: when freaking the f*ck out, this power causes a wave of anger to hit those around him that is pissing him off
    • This, in turn, causes them all to throw down their weapons/tools/whatever sh*t for 1 minute
    • a 10-15 foot range
      • Reload Time: 24 hours

*added reload times for each power and got rid of one*



Grizzled Veteran
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Ling Dark

  1. Echolocation
    • His antenna vibrate, sending out high pitched sounds that are reflected back to reveal his surroundings in shape and size.
    • Range: 20yrds Sphere
    • Limitations:
      • Relies on his antenna.
      • Cannot see colors.
      • Cannot see through solid objects. (walls/ground/etc)
  2. Darkness Sense
    • Can sense or feel levels of darkness/light around him.
    • Range: 50yrds
  3. Indomitable Will
    • Reduces effects directed at him that would make him act contrary to his nature.
    • It only applies to self.
    • Reduces regular magic/awakened abilities by 50%
    • Reduces Alicorn abilities/magic by 25%
  4. Shadow Meld
    • He can literally merge into any shadow twice a day.
    • A shadow must be visually distinct from the surrounding light/darkness.
    • He is forced out if a light is shone onto the shadow or if it is otherwise dispersed.
    • He can only observe from the shadow and is unable to interact with anything while inside.
  5. Shadow Reach
    • Can use the shadows/darkness around him to create a physical claw/manipulator.
    • It can be used for a hand, weapon, binding, etc.
    • It cannot exceed 1 Yrd in length.
    • It cannot change shape once formed until dismissed and resummoned.
    • Limitations:
      • 2 uses daily
      • Can only use when shadows/darkness is available.



Stew Aficionado
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Swapping Piracy for Pirates!
Pony: Captain Morgan

  1. Cutlasses, Not Cutthroats - Can pass the mastery of a cutlass to another pony for up to four hours, so long as that pony has a cutlass on their body at the time. (Strapped to their flank on a sheath, or out being used.)
  2. Cartography, Piracy...Same Thing - Can read any map, regardless of whether its in code or not.
  3. Drink Up Me Hearties - Is it a power or are they an alcoholic? Either way, they have a remarkably high tolerance when alcohol is involved.
  4. Set Sail, You Scallywags! - Bestows the knowledge of how to sail a ship to anypony in an five foot radius in order to crew their ship. Once they leave this radius, the knowledge fades over the next couple of hours, unless A - Captain Morgan calls upon this power again and they happen to be in the area or B - They find that if they decide to take on sailing as a career, that they still have the muscle memory of when they were under the enchantment's influence and it's easier for these ponies to learn it. Captain Morgan can use this power up two twice a day.
  5. Thar Be Treasure - Can sense the nearest treasure (objects with monetary value such that they can steal) (much like a compass in this way) so long as they are at sea. Once they get onto land, they can no longer tell where the treasure is hidden.



Grizzled Veteran
Wow I'm finally replying after so long. 😅

For Memories:
Memory Refresher - It doesn't get stronger when she does it on purpose. It's more of when she does it on purpose she can turn the ability on or off instead of it being just an aura about her effecting anyone in that 10-20 feet radius. She could instead choose to direct it to one pony in that space instead of all.

Memory Share - Okay I'll remove that part from it. As for how often she can do it I would say since she can only go into the Mindscape to get a memory for only 4 hours a day I would say that she could only do this once per day since she can only use it on one memory at a time. So for that day it would be the only memory she could show and it would only be for the 4 hours she can access another pony's mind.

Photographic Memory - Okay!

For Forgetfulness:
Mindscape: This is the one that I've thought about the most. I was mainly using it as a way for her to know that a memory exists and also be able to 'lock' it so the person can't access it. She can't really view the memory itself without her sister, just more of seeing like a book spine or a file tab that says something about it like a day or person and then she can make it so that the pony she's making forget can't access that particular thing. I also realized that forgetfulness doesn't work on just memories but can be ideas, thoughts, words, people, objects, etc. So I was thinking of making this some sort of ability that grants her basic access to 'see' what a pony knows. Like a filing room of the mind that shows things that a pony would know and that when there she can then use her other abilities to make them forget a particular thing (like locking a filing cabinet that would be about apples or something).

Memory Haze- Same as Memory Refresher. It doesn't get stronger when it's done on purpose, just turns it on or off instead of being an aura.

Memory Wipe- Going off what you said about shared memories not fading then yes she would be able to use this on another pony to remove those memories. I would say she could use this safely once per day to erase false memories from others and to use it more than that would hit the consequences. Consequences to Lethe would be for her to forget something as it'd be a sort of kickback to her and she would have no control over what it is that she forgets. She also would completely drained like when she uses Amnesia.


late to the party
Staff member
I'll do Learning then! Just saw a preview of his art and he is perfect *_*

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Learning

Pony: Animal Crossing RLC Sheet on Discord


Book Wyrm: A pony may come to him with a book and ask that they be blessed with all the knowledge within it. When granted, the pony will be able to recite the book verbatim if they so choose. This does NOT equate to applicable physical skill (i.e. memorizing a book on bodybuilding does not mean they can go out and bench 200lbs). Only one book can be learned a day by any individual pony, and repeated blessings over time will cause headaches. Alicorn will refuse to perform blessing more than 10 times in any given span of 3 months, as it can eventually cause mania and confusion if abused.
Did You Know?: Alicorn has the passive ability to spout facts about just about anything and have the listener remember it. The literal 'magic phrase' is "Did you know...?". When started with this phrase, whatever follows will magically stick in the mind of any ponies who physically heard it. Ponies must therefore be in hearing range and be actively listening to what the Alicorn is saying.
Brain Juice: Alicorn can bless a pony with prolonged energy and concentration for studying or learning a particular task of their choosing. He cannot give someone the ability to play the cello, but he can provide the pony with the stamina and extra ability to retain what they learn. The blessing lasts a week, with the first day being the most potent and then waning over time. Interest in other activities will be markedly decreased, and a pony can only ask for Brain Juice for one skill at a time.
Studious Aura: Hanging out around the Alicorn within the same room (i.e. everyone studying around them in a Library-like-space) will find their knowledge retention and interest in the subject matter they are studying increased. Much less potent than Book Wyrm or Brain Juice, just a general aura of studiousness within a 40ft radius (the area of a large room).

book wyrm: how often can he do it in general - I know once per pony per day, but how many times per day/week/month/etc total? also, right now this is more along the lines of memorization - do they at least have to do some token action of learning, like reading the book through?

did you know: how many facts from him can stick in one pony's head at a time? does the fact gradually fade, or does it become part of their long term memory over time? is it simple memorization of a fact ("Did you know Example Mountain is 1500ft tall?" vs having an understanding of why that fact is important or how it came to be)? does it have to be an actual FACT or could it be something he made up entirely?

brain juice: how often can he bless ponies with this, about how much faster can they learn (twice, three times, etc) compared to their normal speed?

studious aura: ok! this is fine :3

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Wild cats

Pony: [X]


Roar: She can understand wild cats to an extent. Being able to tell their basic needs/wants from their cries and calls and, roughly, able to convey that
Catnip comfort: Passive She has a calming aura around them that soothes wild cats. It varies on the size of the cat, the effect being stronger for smaller wild cats than it is for the larger ones. It also only works when within five (5) feet of the alicorn.
Suggested purrsuasion: While she cannot control wild cats outright, she can offer suggestions for them to do. The cats don't often listen, but the smaller ones are willing to do so more often than not compared to larger wild cats.

suggested purrsuasion: what sorts of things can she get them to do - actions like trained animal sorts of things? I think this would be fine to write as a 'gentle compulsion' - it's fine if she's generally successful as long as you give me a limit to the number of cats she can push towards action at a time (say for big cats and small wild cats so we have a range to understand)

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: changing over to Peace

Pony: Morrigan


Resounding Call: this power makes her feel more in tune with the words and feelings of others
if she feels like someone is truly hurting--be it physical, emotional, psychological--she will find them to help in which ever way she can
The Dancing Twilight: an illusionary power that allows her to make auroras appear
this power is known to cause a sense of awe in others have a calming affect on those who have a heavy heart
The Walk Between: a teleportation spell that allows her to teleport herself and 1-2 others
she will usually take others to her secret garden, being mostly roses, that she tends to and where wildlife thrives
this place is enchanted to have a relaxing affect on others, allowing them peace, especially in their hardest of times
the animals happily flock to visitors, finding the ponies to be great company, too
The Weight of Your Heart: when a pony is baring their heart and soul to her, she takes on some of their sorrows to lighten their load
this does cause her to experience a flood of emotions or pain that lasts for approximately a day
to her, it is worth it to help take part of the burden of another to keep it from crushing them


i look forward to input!
resounding call: ok, I get how that works with the domain - does it only work if someone is hurting or at odds with themself, etc?

dancing twilight: interesting take on it but I like it, it's basically a peaceful projection? how often can she do it and how many ponies can it affect at once - also the sense of awe doesn't really make sense for her domain as much as simply bringing a peaceful serenity to those it affects, maybe?

walk between: justify this power re: peace, please. there's nothing inherently teleporty that I can think about with it. I could see transforming a place to a peaceful setting, or possibly even a small pocket dimension or a singular teleport location that is calming, but not an anywhere teleport.

weight of your heart: okay, how does this affect the pony? does it lighten their pain or emotions, making them feel less pain or weight? how often can she do this?

suggestion - change the domain to something like Soothing, Tranquility, Repose, or even Catharsis if you want to work more with getting bad emotions out. Peace could lend itself to what you're going for, but could also work for ending conflicts, diplomatic negotiations, etc, and I think that something along those lines might be more concise for the direction you seem to want to take her? o vo)a

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Emotions

Pony: Lex


1. Emotional perception manipulation - With a touch, Pon can manipulation how other ponies emotional view the effected pony - lasts up to five minutes
ex.- Highly Suspectious - Effected pony seems very suspicious, they are hiding things, can't be trusted
notes- Works with how well the effective pon is known to others. A pony that is close friends to effect pon might be able to fight off the persuasion laid by logic and knowing they are truly not like that

2. Surge- Area affect within 100 ft of Pon - Pon radiates a vibe of current emotion out, effecting everyone in the area.
ex - Hyperthymic temperament - surrounding ponies are suddenly lost in feel of great and fanatic energy and good mood. Everything is sunny and wonderful and need to do things right now. Omg, everyone! Watch me do the thing.

3. Rally: Pon can use their ability to effect their words, giving them an emotional weight to those that hear them. They can seem like the most truthworthy pon in the area. Can use up to three times.

4. Changeling map: Pon can sense changelings as they fed on emotion even if they are disguised. Sort of glow of drawn emotions from one to another. Can only known if a changeling is actively feeding. Otherwise they are hidden.

emotional manip - cool, I like it. how often can they do it?

surge - clarification - okay, so this basically fills over ponies with their current emotional state, right? just wanna make sure I'm reading it right. how often for this one too?

rally - so their words carry an emotional weight or instill that feeling into those who can hear them? I think that can work too, but I don't think something like making them seem trustworthy exactly would work - since that's not really an emotion... but something like feeling charged up or READY TO GO at a rally, or super sad at a funeral, or something like that? that could work. how many ponies can they affect at once and how long does the effect last?

changeling: that works since it's only while feeding since they could sense the emotion being transferred. can we re-word to indicate that they can sense any unnatural change in emotions in others, including sensing changelings when they are feeding? since it would make sense to apply to other things too, like emotion-altering magics!

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Adventure

Pony: SC Purchase


Join Me Friend: Able to gain allies to form a group or party for adventure, targets must be willing and effects only last 24 hours. Can not be used in quick succession on the same pony, must wait 48 hours after the effect has ended.

It's only a Scratch: Able to convince a fellow pony that a wound isn't as bad as it seems to continue the journey. The effect of the convincing only lasts 4 hours and can be used multiple times on the target until a destination for a quick rest is located and the party stops. Has a chance to fail (user rolls a d20 anything below 10 is a fail).
(note, does not heal, and does not take the pain away only makes them believe the journey is worth the pain to continue on)

Arrow to the knee: Able to talk for hours about the adventures the user has gone on themselves, annoys adults, fascinates foals. The user can exaggerate the story to make it seem more than it was.
Those in range can let the power take hold or ignore it entirely to negate the effect of compelled listening.
Noble Call: The user gives a pep talk to a large group of ponies in an attempt to send them on an adventure for a pony, place, or thing. Can be resisted, does not effect foals or the elderly. Those caught in the power feel compelled to go an adventure and complete it. Can be broken by ignoring the compulsion.

Destination: Allows targets to be able to know the destination of their journey to; an item, location, or pony, at the start of the adventure, not able to see or pin point on a map, but a sense of "This is the way, I can feel it"

join me friend - basically gives someone the push they'd need to take the plunge and go on an adventure? (just clarifying). How many ponies can be affected per day?

only a scratch - since it's potentially endless, perhaps the DC increases every time? ie, must be below 10 the first time, then below 9, then 8, etc - so they couldn't ~technically~ keep pushing a pony to go on forever

arrow to the knee - so basically the old man you just can't stop listening to? A+ love it ahaha

noble call - how large a group and how often can it be attempted

destination - how often can they give this 'blessing' and how long does it last, or is it more until the adventure is over?

Venus Help-Me Chain!

Pony: Dayglow Luster


Can light up their body on command, will last until turned off.
Can generate and absorb light: they can create a spectrum of true light to true dark in a 30ft area.
Can travel at speed of light for a specified amount of time (plz help)
Can shift how light travels allowing for invisibility or color shifting.
Can concentrate light at different levels: low level being things like lasers, and higher levels being solid hard light constructs (armor, weapons, bridges, buildings). They need to take a break and recharge for anywhere from 15mins to a few hours depending upon their level of usage.
They can produce light energy. The use of this ability is only for emergencies and can cause them to pass out, or at the very least be weak for a couple of days. This allows them to make hard light batteries, generators, and many other power sources.

I know my domain will be light, and I can narrow that down to light physics if you think that would be better, but I need to make sure I broke all this up appropriately and made sufficient drawbacks for the more powerful abilities (if they are needed). I also wanted an opinion on a good time limit on the light travel ability simply because you can travel very far in short periods so would it be better for like a few seconds or a few minutes?

Also do I need to give the abilities names?

Thank you for your help!

before I start, nah you don't have to name them, it just kinda became a tradition because it's fun. xD

typically we don't ask for drawbacks because most of those are IC and still might affect other players (as like, if you have a SEVERE DRAWBACK THAT YOU CAN ONLY USE ONCE A YEAR ... you could still use it in RP basically whenever, so it's best to balance the power and not the side effects).

lighting up/creating a light spectrum seems fine, absorbing light would not - that's basically an opposite power, which we don't allow. (I use injury as my easiest example - it wouldn't make sense for the alicorn of injury to heal injuries, right? that's an opposite power. light absorption falls into this as it would be under the domain of something like darkness [which is the absence or absorption of light])

traveling at the speed of light I think due to how quickly light moves would be more of a ... let's say can more or less almost teleport - travel at the speed of light - x times a day rather than a set amount of time. I think also something say, like, must be able to travel in a straight, unobstructed line, and will bounce off of reflective surfaces, would make sense - as though they were transforming into a light beam, rather than just GO FAST? o vo something like that I'd say maybe a few times a day, no more than 4-5 - could reasonably be any distance they wanted, but would have to fill that requirement of 'be a location within a straight line that a sufficiently powerful beam of light would be able to reasonably reach from their starting point'. given that, they could travel at the speed of light

invisibility would be an optical illusion effect, but could definitely work - similar to how certain test camos work, essentially by projecting the light beams that indicate what SHOULD be behind the user? you'd definitely need a limit on how often / how long per day this could be done.

for hard light constructs, you will definitely need an upper bounds on how large an item can be made at one time and how often that can be done or ... perhaps more an upper bounds and how long they hae to recover (ie, max = a large gymnasium for 30 minutes, must recharge for two weeks), or somesuch.

producing energy is similar, and likewise since they aren't just electricity I don't know that they could necessarily produce a battery or generator - do they have the electrical knowledge to construct a hard light battery in such a way that it could hook up to a conduit? however, they could certainly produce energy to be absorbed by something already fitted for light or solar type energy? I'm pickier here because of how electrical currents work - vs a hard light building which they're simply willing to stay up and stable, this could interfere with how the electronics inside function and needs to be fairly precise

we've talked about yours and being NPCs so they're good to go

Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Mending

Pony: RLC order from last year


[1] Mend object: Pony can seal up tears, rips, and cuts in most material. If material is lost or missing, it remains gone. This works by basically zipping the fibers, layers of partials back to the original shape. EX can mend a plate cracked in half. If at the site - get a nearly complete plate, if brought to him, any tiny shards left behind do not fill in, leaving gaps. Leaves behind a faint path of the mend. Max size of item able to fix is probably a large kitchen table, certainly can't zip up a roof if it cracked in half. Objects are easier to mend then people and such can usually mange to mend around 3 to 4 large things a day and a few dozen minor things.
(can not 100 % return to original) (Does not work with dents, rust, etc)

[2] Mend Body: Pony can seal up cuts, breaks, etc. He can reattach a limb, or set a bone, or seal up a cut to stop the bleeding. While his powers cleanly seal up injuries, they do no do anything about pain management, bruising, blood loss etc. Cuts are easiest leaving just a faint line of where the flesh was basically zipped in a way back together. Bone needs to be set, unusually by using telekinesis. Mending works by what separates naturally wants to return so attaching limbs backwards would be a lot more difficult since the edges would not line up property.
Mending body takes longer - probably only manages one or two really large mendings a day, but has an easier time sealing up cuts.


think I got everything ?
okay approved!

Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: RAEG


NERF'D: when this power is used, any pony that is opposing him is weakened for up to 15 minutes, give or take
a 10-15% lessening of powers/strength
Reload Time: 2 hours
Blip! Blip! Blip!: this lets anyone that he is working with to see whoever is coming like a blip on radar
gain an extra 10 feet of sight
Reload Time: 30 minutes
Loading Screen: when used, this power is meant to piss others off
whoever is the target of it becomes stuck in a time loop, doing the same five second action over and over, while painfully aware of the fact that they are stuck.
The effect of this power can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute
he adds a buffering circle over their face just to further piss them off
Reload Time: 3 hours
Who Forgot the Lights?: this power targets up to five or so "enemies", causing temporary blindness as if they were in a completely blackout environment
it's a cheap shot that lets this alicorn gtfo of dodge
lasts 1-3 minutes
Reload Time: 1 hour
Rage Quit: when freaking the f*ck out, this power causes a wave of anger to hit those around him that is pissing him off
This, in turn, causes them all to throw down their weapons/tools/whatever sh*t for 1 minute
a 10-15 foot range
Reload Time: 24 hours

*added reload times for each power and got rid of one*


Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Ling Dark


His antenna vibrate, sending out high pitched sounds that are reflected back to reveal his surroundings in shape and size.
Range: 20yrds Sphere
Relies on his antenna.
Cannot see colors.
Cannot see through solid objects. (walls/ground/etc)
Darkness Sense
Can sense or feel levels of darkness/light around him.
Range: 50yrds
Indomitable Will
Reduces effects directed at him that would make him act contrary to his nature.
It only applies to self.
Reduces regular magic/awakened abilities by 50%
Reduces Alicorn abilities/magic by 25%
Shadow Meld
He can literally merge into any shadow twice a day.
A shadow must be visually distinct from the surrounding light/darkness.
He is forced out if a light is shone onto the shadow or if it is otherwise dispersed.
He can only observe from the shadow and is unable to interact with anything while inside.
Shadow Reach
Can use the shadows/darkness around him to create a physical claw/manipulator.
It can be used for a hand, weapon, binding, etc.
It cannot exceed 1 Yrd in length.
It cannot change shape once formed until dismissed and resummoned.
2 uses daily
Can only use when shadows/darkness is available.



Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Swapping Piracy for Pirates!

Pony: Captain Morgan


Cutlasses, Not Cutthroats - Can pass the mastery of a cutlass to another pony for up to four hours, so long as that pony has a cutlass on their body at the time. (Strapped to their flank on a sheath, or out being used.)
Cartography, Piracy...Same Thing - Can read any map, regardless of whether its in code or not.
Drink Up Me Hearties - Is it a power or are they an alcoholic? Either way, they have a remarkably high tolerance when alcohol is involved.
Set Sail, You Scallywags! - Bestows the knowledge of how to sail a ship to anypony in an five foot radius in order to crew their ship. Once they leave this radius, the knowledge fades over the next couple of hours, unless A - Captain Morgan calls upon this power again and they happen to be in the area or B - They find that if they decide to take on sailing as a career, that they still have the muscle memory of when they were under the enchantment's influence and it's easier for these ponies to learn it. Captain Morgan can use this power up two twice a day.
Thar Be Treasure - Can sense the nearest treasure (objects with monetary value such that they can steal) (much like a compass in this way) so long as they are at sea. Once they get onto land, they can no longer tell where the treasure is hidden.



Wow I'm finally replying after so long. 😅

For Memories:

Memory Refresher - It doesn't get stronger when she does it on purpose. It's more of when she does it on purpose she can turn the ability on or off instead of it being just an aura about her effecting anyone in that 10-20 feet radius. She could instead choose to direct it to one pony in that space instead of all.

Memory Share - Okay I'll remove that part from it. As for how often she can do it I would say since she can only go into the Mindscape to get a memory for only 4 hours a day I would say that she could only do this once per day since she can only use it on one memory at a time. So for that day it would be the only memory she could show and it would only be for the 4 hours she can access another pony's mind.

Photographic Memory - Okay!

For Forgetfulness:

Mindscape: This is the one that I've thought about the most. I was mainly using it as a way for her to know that a memory exists and also be able to 'lock' it so the person can't access it. She can't really view the memory itself without her sister, just more of seeing like a book spine or a file tab that says something about it like a day or person and then she can make it so that the pony she's making forget can't access that particular thing. I also realized that forgetfulness doesn't work on just memories but can be ideas, thoughts, words, people, objects, etc. So I was thinking of making this some sort of ability that grants her basic access to 'see' what a pony knows. Like a filing room of the mind that shows things that a pony would know and that when there she can then use her other abilities to make them forget a particular thing (like locking a filing cabinet that would be about apples or something).

Memory Haze- Same as Memory Refresher. It doesn't get stronger when it's done on purpose, just turns it on or off instead of being an aura.

Memory Wipe- Going off what you said about shared memories not fading then yes she would be able to use this on another pony to remove those memories. I would say she could use this safely once per day to erase false memories from others and to use it more than that would hit the consequences. Consequences to Lethe would be for her to forget something as it'd be a sort of kickback to her and she would have no control over what it is that she forgets. She also would completely drained like when she uses Amnesia.
mindscape - it still unfortunately doesn't make sense for her to just be ABLE to do it - it's fine if it works on all of those things, but really I can't justify the filing for forgetfulness, she would need to know externally (maybe through her sister telling her) before being able to access. the act of pulling up what they know just seems to be directly the realm of memories as she's literally looking through their memories. :<a I really am trying to work with this one but I can't see how the act of pulling up memories relates to the domain of forgetfullness, as it's the opposite concept.

memory wipe - consequences are fine, but I do need an upper limit of how often she can physically do it regardless of the consequences - even if it's a how many times she could do it before she forgets how to exist. x'D and I don't rmeember now, is her loss of memory permanent for the kickback effect?

if you could repost your forms with your changes next time I would be v appreciative because I can probably approve memories by now! it's mostly forgetfulness we need to iron out


Alicorns: Love | Fertility | Mending | Pirates

Awakened: RAEG | Ling Dark


late to the party
Staff member
assume this is typo?

1. What would this do for ponies that aren't practicing a craft? Would they feel inspired to pick one up?

2. Does Art lose the aura upon transferring it to someone else?

3. How hard does he have to hit something to clean it? (I'm thinking of brushes and brittle palettes really. Would those be ruined/affected or is it more like a tap? What about a canvas?)

4. Is the pony in question a model or only on the receiving end?

5. & 6. are fine!
no it's a 20 food radius, the food being a 12" pizza 8D

1. not necessarily! if they are involved in literally nothing that is a creative expression, they'd just feel the environmental effects. if someone had thought about taking up an artistic endeavor but thought they'd be bad about it or etc, however, stopped by their own hand, they might be inspired to pick up that craft, but there would already need to be a seed there as his power doesn't provide that. his aura essentially isn't providing any direct inspiration/compelling to do, it just makes things more intense and seem in tune with one's emotions which can help provide inspiration and makes it easier to master an art.

2. nope, he essentially clones it for 8 hours while retaining his own. that's why it's weekly limited as it's quite a little pull of energy

3. he has to hit things hard enough that he could knock paint off - you've watched bob ross with me, think about how he beats the brushes. it's not hard enough to crack a sturdy palette or rip the bristles off a brush, but it'd crack a fragile vase. he could probably whack a canvas on the side and it would be fine as a well made canvas has a sturdy wooden frame, but it might crack or bend one of those flimsy cardboard and canvas cloth ones.

4. they are the receiving end, not necessarily the model! the image could be any manner of things in any manner of styles - technically it could be a song or a piece of literature, he just prefers to work in visual mediums. it's just something that speaks to them in a deep, resonating way. (though, if that pony is extremely narcissistic, it might well be an image of them, hah)


Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Memories
Pony: Mnemosyne

  1. Mindscape- Allows Mnemosyne to enter the mind of another pony so she can access their memories. Can only be used on one pony at a time and only for a duration of 4 hours (time does not have to be all at once) per day. She must be touching the pony with her horn for this to work. While in the Mindscape she views memories as sort of a movie/as if she was the pony.
  2. Memory Refresher- Can freshen up a memory that has become dull/faded allowing the pony to remember things more clearly. This tends to manifest itself as almost an aura where other ponies' memories are a bit clearer when in her presence (I'd say about a 10-20 feet radius) but she can also do it on purpose. It doesn't get stronger when she does it on purpose. It's more of when she does it on purpose she can turn the ability on or off instead of it being just an aura about her effecting anyone in that 10-20 feet radius. She could instead choose to direct it to one pony in that space instead of all.
  3. Memory Return- Can return memories that have been lost/forgotten, either due to her sister or natural events (like amnesia or old age).
  4. Memory Share- Can take a memory from one pony and share it with another. Can only do this for one memory at a time making it a once per day for the 4 hours she can access the Mindscape. She can do this one of two ways: taking the memory copy and going to another pony's mindscape to share it or by showing it in her markings (sort of a one on one situation or multiple viewers situation).
  5. Photographic Memory- Mnemosyne remembers every memory she encounters/views, giving her a photographic memory.

(Updated form)


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
repost with changes made please
no it's a 20 food radius, the food being a 12" pizza 8D

1. not necessarily! if they are involved in literally nothing that is a creative expression, they'd just feel the environmental effects. if someone had thought about taking up an artistic endeavor but thought they'd be bad about it or etc, however, stopped by their own hand, they might be inspired to pick up that craft, but there would already need to be a seed there as his power doesn't provide that. his aura essentially isn't providing any direct inspiration/compelling to do, it just makes things more intense and seem in tune with one's emotions which can help provide inspiration and makes it easier to master an art.

2. nope, he essentially clones it for 8 hours while retaining his own. that's why it's weekly limited as it's quite a little pull of energy

3. he has to hit things hard enough that he could knock paint off - you've watched bob ross with me, think about how he beats the brushes. it's not hard enough to crack a sturdy palette or rip the bristles off a brush, but it'd crack a fragile vase. he could probably whack a canvas on the side and it would be fine as a well made canvas has a sturdy wooden frame, but it might crack or bend one of those flimsy cardboard and canvas cloth ones.

4. they are the receiving end, not necessarily the model! the image could be any manner of things in any manner of styles - technically it could be a song or a piece of literature, he just prefers to work in visual mediums. it's just something that speaks to them in a deep, resonating way. (though, if that pony is extremely narcissistic, it might well be an image of them, hah)


late to the party
Staff member
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Art
Pony: SC Order

  1. A Different Breed - Artists tend to just look at the world differently, and under Art's influence, everyone can be an artist, even if just a little while. All ponies within a twenty food radius of him find the world just a touch more intense and a lot more inspiring. How this takes effect depends on the individual's current mood; in a good mood, colors seem brighter, sounds are clearer, and everything is crisp and inviting. In a dour mood, colors seem dimmer, the air seems heavy and oppresive, and even the smallest things seem set out to be an obstacle. Further, those within his aura seem to find mastery of their art of choice - whether visual, auditory, literary, or performant - comes faster than usual, allowing them to learn twice as fast as they normally would. This does not inspire someone to pick up a craft unless they already have a desire in their heart, as it's not direct inspiration, it simply intensifies how they perceive the world and their ability to learn a craft to channel that intensity into.

  2. Everyone Needs a Friend - Once a week, Art is able to grant his aura ability to another pony; the aura will function identically to his own, but will follow that pony, not him. It lasts for eight hours, and can't be turned off once started, allowing others to spread the joy (and sorrow) of the artistic experience. This does not remove his own aura, it simply clones it to someone else.

  3. Beat the Devil Out of It - One of the most important parts of art is keeping a clean work area and tools, and Art is the best out of it. At will, he can magically clean any tool of art related stains or tainting - paints, ink, clay, you name it! However, part of the ritual of doing it requires hitting the object on something else, effectively knocking loose the dirtiness, so fragile objects need not apply. Things like a well made brush, a wooden-framed canvas, or a sturdy palette would be fine, but things like fragile vases would be shattered.

  4. This is Your World - Once per month, Art can devote himself entirely to one singular work; he must start the work within proximity of pony of his choosing, though they do not have to stay for the entire time period. Once this power is activated, Art will become consumed by the creation of the piece; he will work at supernatural speeds to create it, but he will not eat or sleep for the duration. The result is a masterpiece - at least to the pony that was his initial target. It will represent some piece of them in a way that only they can truly understand (would be up to the player, akin to some deep spiritual experience), though other ponies may certainly appreciate the craftsmanship - no matter what medium he uses. While he is capable of doing this once a month, he must wait multiple months to create larger pieces; with only a single month rest, he can create something small, perhaps the size of a cell phone, with upwards of a year needed to create something like a large mural. The recipient is not necessarily the model for this image, and the 'something' can be any sort of art form - it could be a song, a novel, etc - he simply tends to work in visual art. The only consistency is that it is deeply moving to the one it is intended for.

  5. Just Relax - Once a day, Art may touch another pony and grant them a sort of artistic trance, allowing them to give up nervousness or internal pressure - but only with regards to creating or performing some kind of art. This effect will let a pony get "into the zone" of whatever it is they want to do, though any sort of violent or disturbing outside force will break it. Unhindered, the effect lasts up to two hours.

  6. Happy Little Trees - Art has a preternatural talent for adding trees into literally any composition. Does he actually have a talent for adding anything into a composition, and just chooses trees? We don't know. No one knows. But you know what your piece needs? Some happy little gatdang trees.



Grizzled Veteran
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Forgetfulness
Pony: Lethe

  1. Mindscape- Allows Lethe to enter the mind of another pony so she can lock away their memories and knowledge in order to make them forget things. Can only be used on one pony at a time and only for a duration of 4 hours (time does not have to be all at once) per day. She must be touching the pony with her horn for this to work.
    Would it work if she isn't able to actually know what the memory or knowledge is unless the pony whose mind she is in tells her what to look for (as they'd be thinking of whatever it is they want to forget so it'd be front and center in their mind) or with some direction from Mnemosyne? So she'd be in a say a filing room (just to keep the same imaging) but can't tell what the files are without direction and all that direction would do is make that particular file stand out in some way (either be right there in front of her or glowing or something like that). She wouldn't be able to access them either unless Mnemosyne was there to help. She'd just be able to place her own 'lock' upon the file so the pony whose mind she's in can't access it. So if she did this truly blind without help she'd have no idea what she made the pony forget.
  2. Memory Haze- Lethe can dull memories making it hard to remember details. You know all those times something was on the tip of your tongue.... Lethe is probably responsible. This tends to manifest itself as almost an aura where other ponies' memories are a bit harder to recall when in her presence (I'd say about a 10-20 feet radius) but she can also do it on purpose. It doesn't get stronger when she does it on purpose. It's more of when she does it on purpose she can turn the ability on or off instead of it being just an aura about her effecting anyone in that 10-20 feet radius. She could instead choose to direct it to one pony in that space instead of all.
  3. Memory Dump- Can make you forget a specific memory for seven days (1 week). She becomes extremely tired after this and usually cannot use it again until the seven days are up. While waiting for the time limit to be up if you look closely at her markings you may catch glimpses of the 'erased' memory. The forgotten memory will gradually come back during that time and the pony will fully remember it when the seven days has passed.
  4. Amnesia- Can make you forget all your memories for a full day. Again anything more takes too much power or has a backlash to her to where she forgets things. After using this power she cannot use it for a month and will become exhausted to the point that she must sleep almost immediately afterwards. During this time you can catch glimpses of the memories; mostly for the day the amnesia takes place but also during the month while she is recovering you can catch faded glimpses.
  5. Memory Wipe- Can be used on any pony to make them forget the memories that are not theirs. It targets memories that are not natural memories but ones that are given to them by Mnemosyne. To use this on any other pony would be virtually impossible and would have terrible consequences to Lethe. She could use this safely once per day to erase false memories from others and to use it more than that would hit the consequences. Consequences to Lethe would be for her to forget something as it'd be a sort of kickback to her and she would have no control over what it is that she forgets. This would be permanent unless her sister used Memory Share on her. She also would completely drained like when she uses Amnesia. I would say she'd only be able to do this once a month, to do it more than once a month would put her at risk at forgetting something needed to exist/be alive.



Does this work?
Moon Healing Awakening!

Pony: Gilt Mech

  1. Sparkling Touch :: Gilt is able to conduct electricity with their touch. Its a low voltage current that doesn't hurt. Its like static electricity, it helps them jump start computers and other such tech.
  2. Interface :: Gilt can, for only 8 hours a day, connect with their first ever computer to hack into the web. This also is how they play their favorite game like VR.
  3. Static Aura :: If Gilt gets angry, truly angry. Their aura sparks like their touch. Its a range affect of 10 feet which affects all electronics around them, mild distortion nothing like it stops more like it gets a wonky screen. This also causes the manes of those around them to lift. Like any Static effect.


Does this work?
Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Purification
Pony: Here She Is

  1. Come Closer :: Berry has a aura of roughly 10ft around her. It trails for about 15ft and lasts in this trail for up to 8 hours. While within this aura, a pony can slowly be eased of one poison or common illness that is greatly affecting them. This aura can also cure a region, roughly 25 miles in every direction, of a plague in its soil if she stays more than 30 days within the radius. She has no control over this aura and if more than 20 ponies are purified rapidly by this aura, it will cause her to be drained. If a region is under her aura's effects, malcontent spirits will have a harder time of harming the living.
  2. Just a Tap :: With a touch, Berry can replicate her aura's power. With more focus on what it is that she is purifying. She can use any part of her body for this ability. She can do this for up to 10 ponies a day before she starts feeling tired.
  3. And Just a Drop :: With a touch, Berry can also imbue this single purification into a object, this will remain active for up to 8 hours before it fades. She can do this for up to 5 objects in a single day before it starts to drain her.
  4. With a Song :: Her words carry so much meaning. Berry is able to purify negative thoughts and feelings with a hum or a simple conversation. Speaking with Berry will help clear your thoughts of any negative feeling or self harm, this conversation has to be for longer than five minutes. As for her song, she has to be singing for more than 2 minutes to clear the air of all sour mood. She can only use this song once a day.
  5. Purifying Wave :: Her last resort for when she's in the depths of a nightmare. If things get too much and there's too much negative energies around her. Berry can unleash a wave of purifying energy that banishes it all. This however will leave her totally drained and possibly comatose for several months. These energies consist of malicious spirits and extreme toxins, such as a airborne plague. She cannot clear negative thoughts or extreme negative emotions with this wave.



Starlight Alicorn Therapy Kiss!

Domain desired: Poison
Pony: Here he be

  1. Toxic Love: All he needs to do is touch a food item or a pony and they are inflicted with a mild poison. There is no real antidote as the poison is unique to him alone. All the poison does is cause mild headaches with a inability to keep heavy foods down. You can still eat and drink. This is a at will ability.
  2. Poisoned Thoughts: Toxic doesn't communicate like normal ponies, his mouth is sewed shut due to a horrible moment in his past. Now he's able to grunt and draw words in the ground, however he has a mild telepathy. It ponies headaches and sometimes drive them insane if he talks to them for more than two hours. There are very few who can withstand his thoughts. While he can use this at will, he can only talk to up to two other ponies at a time.
  3. Sickening Gaze: Due to his eyesight sneaking up on him is difficult, if not deadly depending on his mood. If he really wanted to he could make ponies sick just by looking at them. This takes a lot out of him when he does this, so its a last resort type of ability. He can only use this ability once a week, once he does use it he typically loses movement for 24 hours if he doesn't lose movement then he just passes out. The sickness typically follows the same line as the Toxic Love ability, with a minor difference of the chance for you to pass out if he looks at you for more than ten minutes.
  4. Poisoning Drop: His blood is poison, as such he is immune to poison itself. This is a extremely useful thing. If he puts a drop of his blood in any food or drink then there is a high chance that you don't recover. At that point its best to see the best healer you know. Herbal remedies will hinder the worst of it, not cleanse it all. If he bleeds on a pony the pony will suffer the Toxic Love effects for 8 hours.
  5. Poison Secretion: While he can't exactly spit, he can let out a deep breath through his nose. This breath contains a poison that causes nausea as well as the chance to fall out cold. Once breathed in the poison clings to your lungs. Another secretion is his tears and spit [when he can spit that is], which poison water upon contact. This poison by far might be the most harmful as it follows his bloods effects with being a bit more dodgy in being beaten back by common Herbal remedies.
  6. Don't Get Close: Toxic has a Poisonous Aura which he can control for up to three hours every other day. This Aura clouds around him for roughly 10 feet, trailing behind him as he walks. He can affect a region if he stays in it for too long and wanders consistently. Regional effects take mostly towards Swamps or Marshland, the waters within turning toxic to all plant life and animals. Plants wither when exposed for more than a week in his aura.
