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Some ponies will have their eyes closed or covered in some form. This thread is where you, the player, will document the color of their eyes, whether it be for breeding purposes, general logging, or to remind yourself of your character details! There are very few rules behind eye color selection, but make sure to read what is written anyway!

Only the owner should post for a singular pony.
We will not accept any posts for someone not the owner.
Note if the pony was received via a swap within the notes section.
This is so we can double-check if they already had a post and adjust it correctly to fit the new color you've selected. If you haven't changed their eye details you do not need to post a new form.
Moderators will keep the official eye color list updated to the best of their ability.
When a form is posted it will be given a [ADD CHECK MARK EMOTE] to indicate a moderator has both seen the post and logged in within the official list. The list is kept for convenience, both for staff and customers, and thus maintained by moderators.
Do not edit posts with new information!
Do not edit your posts with new information! You may fix errors, but not change the eye color or details. If you wish to change your pony's eye color, just repost a new form and, within the notes section, indicate it's an adjustment.
Characters from breedings should have eye colors that make sense.
The eye color should be related, in some way, to any color on the parents. Rogue breedings or corrupted breedings do not need to follow this rule!
The pony must be certed and you must use the official link from the shop.
To ensure you own the pony in question we require you to have them certed before logging their eye color here!
[SIZE=14px][INDENT=2][SIZE=14px][INDENT=2][SIZE=14px][INDENT=2][SIZE=14px][INDENT=2][SIZE=14px][INDENT=2][SIZE=14px][INDENT=2][SIZE=14px][INDENT=2][SIZE=14px][INDENT=2][b]Cert:[/b] -post cert here, please remember to use official link-[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][INDENT=2][INDENT=2][INDENT=2][INDENT=2][INDENT=2][INDENT=2][INDENT=2][b]Their eye colour:[/b] -e.g. #C0FF33, or a small swatch-[/INDENT][/size][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]

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