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▷ Exploring The Daycare!


Grizzled Veteran
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Res: 15

  1. You check the teachers desk and find sticky notes shaped like hearts. Cute, but neither useful in your search of something one of the missing kids might want!

Searching the teacher's desk seemed to be the natural place to try next. Peep Pie checked on the desk, underneath, back of the chair, and finally the drawers. The heart sticky notes were so cute! There were a couple of toys that had been taken away as punishment but to be given back at the end of the day. A whole day was such a long time, and he felt for those that had just been goofing around. Kids were kids, they were silly and always testing their boundaries. But he was not the sort to grab them and return them to their owners. Or worse, to keep them for himself. He closed the drawer without so much as a little touch.

Now, where to next?

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Grizzled Veteran
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Res: 20

  1. The art teacher's apron has some pretty loose buttons in the pocket. Too bad they're not yours.
Peep Pie saw the aprons hooked up on the wall. Several teachers were represented there. With the time-out drawer in mind, peep started searching for something, anything, that would help. All he found were buttons, pretty pretty buttons, but nothing that would help now. He was sorely tempted to take these so he could use them in mending the costumes. But he did not. Instead he left them alone; he would ask the art teacher if he could use them for his task. Surely they would say it was all right.

He looked around. So far he had not been successful in finding anyone or anything they wanted. He was beginning to get a little discouraged. No. No, he would not cry! His classmates would be found soon. Maybe they were already found?

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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
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Res: 11
More beans or something new? Let's find out!
11. It's snack time! The staff don't mind you pawing around the kitchen, thankfully. Someone left out a carrot on the counter, too! [ + Carrot ]

Nice! A carrot to go with my bean lunch! 8'D All a part of a balanced... Life.



Grizzled Veteran
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Res: 23

The dress-up bin has little to offer except broken costumes. Maybe you should consider donating your old clothes?

Peep Pie found the dress-up bin to be a perfect mess. It looked as if an explosion on the inside had spewed forth clothes of many sorts, and some of the more fragile accessories haad broken with the impact. He gasped and hurried over, gathering up the broken pieces to place on the teacher's desk, carefully. Then he swept the clothing into a big multicolored pile before the bin and peeked inside. It was empty of not just costumes, but preschoolers as well. With a sigh he started diminishing the pile and filling the bin, he realized that many of the costumes were themselves in need of mending. Frowning to himself, he wondered if he was up to the task of sewing up some clothes by hand. Perhaps his sister Piper would let him use her sewing machine.

When he was done, he looked around before deciding which way he would go next."


Grizzled Veteran
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Res: 8

Near the cubbies, you notice a damp scarf. Ew...

For starters, Peep went over to the cubbies where all the kids kept their stuff for the day. Boots were toppled and stacked. It was not very neat but it worked. Then there were the coats and the lunchboxes for everyone to eat snacks and lunch. To Peep's horror, someone had pulled out another's scarf and wrapped it around things and tied in a knot. He started to try to untie it when he noticed a smell. It was a nose-grabbing stench that seemed to ooze through the air instead of wafting like normal smells. What WAS it? It was so nasty. Nearly gagging, Chick looked around until he realized it was the scarf. "Ew, gross." But now it was on his hooves and his beak. He couldn't get away from the smell. It walked away with him. It spun with him. It was with him when spun away and swallowed the urge to vomit. Then he ran to the bathroom to wash the gunk of the funk off of him.
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Grizzled Veteran
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Res: 25

Moving on from the blackboard the next logical spot to look was the teacher's desk. Bedazzle Mint turned her attention to it and was a little taken aback. She had never seen a teacher's desk so barren of anything. Well save for the piles of unused sticky notes but still! She usually saw all sorts of papers, maybe a little knickknack or two, a water bottle, basically anything the teacher used on a daily basis. A little dismayed over the lack of items on the desk save for those sticky notes, Bedazzle moved away from the desk not really paying attention to where she was going.
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Grizzled Veteran
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Res: 20

Since she wasn't paying attention to where she was going Bedazzle Mint ended up back in the art area. She began to go through another apron she saw hanging up. It wasn't until she spotted the pretty buttons that she realized her mistake. She was searching a spot, in fact the same apron, she had searched already! Feeling a little sheepish she glanced around hoping that no one had saw her doing this. Seeing no one paying attention to her made her feel a little bit better.
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