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▷ Exploring The Daycare!


signed an NDA
Staff member

Ends: When all are won!
Oh, thank goodness you're here! The preschool has been absolutely obliterated by its rowdy students, and now they've fled the scene when its time to clean up! We're all about holding students accountable here (really, the staff is just tired of cleaning their mess up...), but how can we get them to right their wrongs if we can't even find them?
We're going to need some help, if you got the free time. What's in it for you? Uhhhh... anyway! Lets get looking!
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signed an NDA
Staff member

"They've started a war in the daycare," Sanrio sighs. "Of course, now that it's time to clean up, I can't find them anywhere."

He rubs his temples with his hooves and turns to paw through a decorated folder, his mouth tight at the edges. "Hmmmm... ah, there it is." He tugs a paper free and places it on the nearest table with a jab of his hoof.

"All the information needed to bribe them out of their hiding spots. If we use this, we should be done by lunchtime."


How to Play:
  • Decide what you're going to do for the day. Players can choose to explore the daycare or bribe a perma, and can only act twice a day! It is up to the player how they use their actions.
  • If exploring the daycare, RNG 1-30 . Reference the first sheet below to determine what item you find during your explorations.
  • If bribing a perma, RNG 1-9. Reference the second chart below to determine which perma you find. Players with the correct item for that perma will win them and take them home!
  • Ping Nym upon winning and wait for your confirmation post before showing off your win!
  • Log the items you're carrying in the form provided.
  • Players can only win one perma.
  • Proxies are not allowed.
  • The game runs until all permafoals have homes, or until it's been a month since last post.
  • You can generate AP for choosing to RP each prompt. Please edit roll posts with your RP response and do not make extra posts to continue the RP (limit them to your daily rolls). Point accrual will follow the RP system. Please post for your AP in the Activity Points thread to be added at the end of the event, all in one post. You must RP as one of your ponies to accumulate these points.
  • Days roll over at midnight EST time.

Daycare Exploration Sheet
RNG 1-30. This counts as one of your two actions for the day.
  1. You peek under a chair in the art room and find a crayon. It's not what you needed, but someone is going to miss this!
  2. Rattling from the AC ducts startles you. Against your better judgement, you look inside. It's just a forgotten cute eraser! [ + Cute Eraser ]
  3. One of the drawers is jammed in the math room. After a lot of tugging and pulling, you open it to find... just some paper scraps.
  4. The bucket in the janitors closet falls over as you pass by, distracting you.
  5. You follow a trail of glitter through the hallway and into the art room, where it stops abruptly in the middle of the room. Odd.
  6. The basket of apples in the library are all fake, except... wait, one of them is real? [ + Apple ]
  7. A tower of building blocks clatter to the ground as you accidentally bump into it. Take a moment to fix your mess, yeah?
  8. Near the cubbies, you notice a damp scarf. Ew...
  9. As you explore the library you hear something fall from the shelves. Upon further investigation, you find an unopened blindbox. [ + Blindbox ]
  10. The large, haphazardly drawn dinosaur on the blackboard takes up your attention. It deserves it, too.
  11. It's snack time! The staff don't mind you pawing around the kitchen, thankfully. Someone left out a carrot on the counter, too! [ + Carrot ]
  12. You paw through the toy bin and find.... dried beans?
  13. Look out! A small toy car speeds down the hallway and trips you. You can hear giggling in the distance.
  14. Near the art room, you spot a cluster of pretty feathers. Was this someone's craft? [ + Pretty Feathers ]
  15. You check the teachers desk and find sticky notes shaped like hearts. Cute, but neither useful in your search of something one of the missing kids might want!
  16. It seems obvious that the garden will have some pretty rocks for bribing! [ + Pretty Rocks ]
  17. You poke around the reading corner and find a torn homework assignment!
  18. You found a student- wait, they're not one of the lost permas. Actually, they're just a really short pegasus, and they look annoyed. Oops!
  19. There's an unopened candy bar on the snack table! Score! [ + Candy ]
  20. The art teacher's apron has some pretty loose buttons in the pocket. Too bad they're not yours.
  21. The stack of color books in the art room topple over!
  22. You find a small bottle of pop in the fridge! [ + Soda Pop ]
  23. The dress-up bin has little to offer except broken costumes. Maybe you should consider donating your old clothes?
  24. The tunnel in the playroom is certainly fun to explore, but you find nothing.
  25. The teacher's desk is barren, except for piles of unused sticky notes.
  26. Someone left their blueberries in the science room! [ + Blueberries ]
  27. You peek behind a door and find nothing but a dust bunny! Boo!
  28. Near the toy trains you find a series of figurines, seemingly marching to nowhere.
  29. You spot a tiny clay pot outside in the garden! There's nothing exciting inside.
  30. A cabinet door creaks open, revealing a forgotten craft kit.

Pony Bribe Chart
RNG 1-9. This counts as one of your two actions for the day.
You'll find them if you roll a 1!​
They like candy!​
You'll find them if you roll a 2!​
They like pretty rocks!​
You'll find them if you roll a 3!​
They like apples!​
You'll find them if you roll a 4!​
They like pretty feathers!​
You'll find them if you roll a 5!​
They like carrots!​
You'll find them if you roll a 6!​
They like little cute erasers!​
You'll find them if you roll a 7!​
They like soda pop!​
You'll find them if you roll a 8!​
They like blueberries!​
You'll find them if you roll a 9!​
They like blindboxes!​
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signed an NDA
Staff member

"Ah, you found one? Thanks. I got it from here."

You can hear the disappointed whining of the student as they're dragged to help clean the mess they've caused.

You can hear them whisper "traitor" under their breath as they pass you.


  • Please fill out the form below once you've won a perma!
  • Wait until a staff-member has dropped your win officially in the drop gallery before celebrating your win.
  • Please edit your last post of the day with an updated logging form, to track all your items you've won!
Logging Form:
[*]item - link to roll
[*]item - link to roll
[*]item - link to roll 
Winning Form:
[b]Winning Roll:[/b] -link to the roll where you offered the correct item to the perma!-

quote Nym here!
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Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 24
Got an apple, but gonna explore once again!

  • Apple - link to roll
  • item - link to roll
  • item - link to roll
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 20

Wisper couldn't believe how totally awful her friends were being right now! Playing hide and seek with the adults, without telling her first? Oh, they were going to be in so much trouble when she found them!

... If she found them at all. It felt like ages since she'd seen hide or tail of any of them, like five whole minutes, and to her that was forever and ever ago! Where could they have gone, and so quickly? Were they all secretly superheroes or something? Honestly, how rude of them not to tell her! She could keep a secret! ... Maybe.

Okay, she had to focus! She'd snuck into the art room when the adults weren't looking because it was the biggest room with the most spots for hiding. She knew that because she was smart and totally not because she'd hidden in one of the closets before nap time once and didn't get found until lunch time! The teachers weren't very happy, but she thought that was very clever!

Anyway, after they'd found her, the teachers always kept the key to the closets in their aprons and hung them up when they left. If one of her friends had snuck inside the closet earlier, like a rotten little copy-cat, all she had to do was grab the key and bust them out! Then she could tell them off for hiding without her!

It took a bit of strength, but she successfully nudged a table across the floor and over to the coat rack, wiggled her way on top, and stuck a paw into the big center apron pocket. However, instead of pulling out the key she'd been hoping for, she found some... Pretty buttons?


No! They weren't hers! She couldn't take them. Besides, pretty buttons couldn't open a closet door. She'd have to keep looking.
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 1
Off I go exploring again!
1. You peek under a chair in the art room and find a crayon. It's not what you needed, but someone is going to miss this!





  • No bribing items! Found some pretty buttons and a nice crayon instead.
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