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▷ Exploring The Daycare!


Grizzled Veteran
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Peep Pie was asked to help find his friends, who were playing hide-and-go-seek without him. When they had decided to play the game, it was at naptime after lunch. Peep had waited with the others, but by the time they had opportune moments to hide, he had fallen irresistibly asleep.

He was not worried about consequences with his friends. They had left without him and he did not realize that while sleeping, he had been unresponsive despite their efforts to wake him. He did not know this either, but he also held no grudges.

After all, in exchange for his help, he had been offered a big chocolate bar. Anybody would have made his same decision!

His first order of business was to begin exploring the daycare. And so he did...

A cabinet door creaks open, revealing a forgotten craft kit.

"The craft kit left Peep wanting to do crafts! Then, he even saw glitter! Glitter on the floor, on a nearby counter. Someone had made a mess of the glitter and not picked up! He was overjoyed and reached out for it. All the possibilities within that glitter surged through his mind. He could make a lovely a painting with glitter! But wait, no. He could not do this now, there was no time. He made a mental note to come back to it later.

Wishing for a juice box, Peep Pie continued on to explore.

The bucket in the janitors closet falls over as you pass by, distracting you.

Peep nearly jumped right out of his skin, he was so "distracted" by that bucket. Feathers standing on end, he hurried onward."
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Grizzled Veteran
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Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 28
I want to break free

Day 2, GO​

I want to break free


Grizzled Veteran
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Max: 30
Res: 29
I want to break free


I want to break free


Stew Aficionado
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 27

27. You peek behind a door and find nothing but a dust bunny! Boo!

Arataki Itto, as weird as it was, liked to stop by the daycare. Did he usually volunteer to help the workers? No, not really. He came by for awesome snacks and to have amazing beetle fights with the foals that were there, much to the chagrin of the workers. Unlike the foals, he usually did his best to clean up any messes he may have made- mostly to avoid an earful from his Deputy Leader. Today was no exception, though he brought his new Doom, Glue with him in hopes to snag some extra snacks. When he got to the daycare, he found himself in what looked like ground zero where a bomb just went off. “Woah… whatta mess.” He muttered to himself, before he finds himself talked into looking for the culprits who caused it. It wasn’t on his list of things to do today, but he was already here, and it was the least he could do- the workers already had their hooves full with the foals… he didn’t need to make it worse today.

So… all I have to do is find these items and it will lure the kids out. Gottit! He confirmed to himself, walking through the building. Maybe there was still hope in getting some snacks while searching, so he was quite diligent while looking around. There was an open door to the next room, the space between the door and the wall seemed to be a perfect spot for a foal to hide. Big, goofy, toothy grin on his face, Itto sneaks his way over to the door- pushing it open to pop his head behind it “A-ha-ooh...” A bit of confusion, but then disappointment on his face at what he saw ‘hiding’. Something shifting caught his eye, but it was only a dust bunny that moved from the wind he stirred up from opening the door. “Darn.” He muttered to himself, moving away and keeping up his search.

Word count: 326 (Not including prompt and word counter)​
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Stew Aficionado
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 10

10. The large, haphazardly drawn dinosaur on the blackboard takes up your attention. It deserves it, too.

The first attempt to find something useful, or a foal, proved unsuccessful. That wasn’t going to stop Itto. He was either too determined to let it get him down, or too stubborn. Either way, he was going to find something at some point. With Glue in tow, making sure nothing important attached itself to the Doom, the large stallion makes his way into the classroom. He was looking under desks, in desks, through drawers- anywhere that might hold one of the items from the list. Though, honestly, he just skimmed it so he doesn’t really remember what was needed or not. That was a problem, but he was certain that if he did happen to find something that was on the list, he would just know because it would just look like something that he may need. Heading to the front of the class to check the teacher’s desk, he pauses in place when he approaches the blackboard. His eyes go wide, lighting up in excitement at the sight of the dinosaur that had been drawn there. It didn’t occur to him that a foal might have doodled it recently. Heck, for all he knew, it was drawn way before the mess occurred and the foals went into hiding. Either way, it was awesome and had him distracted for some time. So much so, that he picked up a piece of chalk as well to add a city for the dinosaur to rampage through- drawn just as crudely as the doodle he was trying to ‘enhance’. This is so awesome!

Word count: 260​
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Grizzled Veteran
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Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 4

The bucket in the janitors closet falls over as you pass by, distracting you.

Peep nearly jumped right out of his skin, he was so "distracted" by that bucket. Feathers standing on end, he hurried onward. Then he stopped, skidding on the smooth floor. That janitor's closet was a good hiding place! So he scrabbled back to the small room and looked around carefully. It was dark so he turned on the light. After close inspection, he discovered no pony-sized hiding spots, at least there were no preschoolers in there. Peep was disappointed, but he was being thorough. He rolled the bucket-on-wheels and mop back into the janitor's closet, flipping the switch on the wall and closing the door.
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Grizzled Veteran
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Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 6
Rolling to explore found one apple


C.A.A. rolled his eyes looking around the daycare seemed like a waste of time. Just wait long enough and the little brats would get hungry and come out. Still that being akin to some kind of abuse he figured that wasn't considered to much of an option for those who ran the daycare. Taking the slip and tucking it in a wing feather he started toward the library he figured he wouldn't likely be able to actually run into anyone there. let the others find the brats and he would just hide out. He padded down the library when a bowel of fruit caught his eye. it was quite realistic. Wait one of these was real? He picked it up and took it with him to help bribe one of the little ones should he actually be unlucky enough to run into one. or eat later. either way.
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Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 5
Rolling to explore


Getting bored of looking at books, some of which had been pulled out of the shelves and dropped on the floor. After picking up one or two he dipped out of the library and into the hallway where this was this odd trail of glitter down the hallway. Following it into another room he stopped and tipped his head confused how it just stopped. there was a vent above him but there was no way there would be one up there right? Yeah.... he was feeling a bit spooked out and his head crest lay back against his head and he backed out of that room real quick. Nope. not today.

  • Apple - xx
  • item - link to roll
  • item - link to roll
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Grizzled Veteran
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Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 20

Bedazzle Mint normally doesn't work at a Daycare but she had been called in by a friend as a favor to help out at this one's preschool. Since she was a teacher and loved helping out with foals she had readily agreed. The day had begun quite well up until just recently when a group of perma foals decided to absolutely wreck the place. Listening to Sanrio's plea for help and then advice on where to find the little rascals, Bedazzle immediately went to work. She ended up over in the art area and looking through the art teacher's apron yielded some neat buttons that she left alone. She made a mental note to ask the art teacher where they got those buttons.
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Grizzled Veteran
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Max: 30
Res: 10
Let’s explore again!

Moving right along Bedazzle walked away from the art area and more towards the open area near the blackboard. She was checking behind things along the way so she didn't immediately look at the blackboard. When she finally did look she had to pause to really absorb what she saw. There was a large, haphazardly drawn creature on the board. It took her a full minute to process that what she was looking at what a dinosaur. With a nod and a smile she muttered about how good of a drawing it was.
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 8
12/2 exploring pt 2!

1. Near the cubbies, you notice a damp scarf. Ew...

(No items found yet)


Grizzled Veteran
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Max: 30
Res: 22

"The dress-up bin has little to offer except broken costumes. Maybe you should consider donating your old clothes?"

Peep Pie found the dress-up bin to be a perfect mess. It looked as if an explosion on the inside had spewed forth clothes of many sorts, and some of the more fragile accessories haad broken with the impact. He gasped and hurried over, gathering up the broken pieces to place on the teacher's desk, carefully. Then he swept the clothing into a big multicolored pile before the bin and peeked inside. It was empty of not just costumes, but preschoolers as well. With a sigh he started diminishing the pile and filling the bin, he realized that many of the costumes were themselves in need of mending. Frowning to himself, he wondered if he was up to the task of sewing up some clothes by hand. Perhaps his sister Piper would let him use her sewing machine.

When he was done, he looked around before deciding which way he would go next."

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signed an NDA
Staff member
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Res: 26
And I explore!