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▷ Exploring The Daycare!


Stew Aficionado
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Res: 6
trying to tempt the cute little black/white bb ...


Stew Aficionado
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Res: 3
nope... maybe i need to shake the candy bag.... trying to bribe again

this is a stubborn bb



Grizzled Veteran
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Res: 9
Bribe fail


C.A.A still feeling very uncomfortable backed up and bumped into something. Turning he saw a very creepy little unicorn that was grinning. “Hey there…” He reached out only to get kicked in the leg and the little took off. He had a feeling they were an artist since there were crayons in the ponies main. It was a strange thought while he was biting back a curse at the little monster. He was beginning to wish he wore armor to check around this daycare.

  • Apple - xx
  • Pretty stones- xxx
  • item - link to roll
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Grizzled Veteran
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Max: 9
Res: 4
Bribe fail

It was then he saw a flash of red down the hallway and turned to see the feather stealing permafoal. They seemed to be intent on him staring. Maybe hoping for round two. What was their deal with feathers? Narrowing his eyes he charged at them hoping to scoop them up and scold them. But they were nimble and quick. They dipped into a small class and C.A.A dipped into the room only to see them half out a window. C.A.A was glad that they were on a ground floor but really these Permafoals were insane. “STOP THERE.” Of course they didn’t stop and were long gone.

  • Apple - xx
  • Pretty stones- xxx
  • item - link to roll
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Grizzled Veteran
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Max: 30
Res: 15

Deciding that maybe she'd have better luck in another room Bedazzle Mint switched locations to another teacher's room. She immediately headed for the teacher's desk. It looked like it had more stuff on it than the last one she searched. As she reached it and began to search the desk she realized that she was half right. It had a lot of heart shaped sticky notes but not much else. These sticky notes were quite cute but not what she was looking for.
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Grizzled Veteran
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Res: 30

Moving away from the desk Bedazzle Mint had to pause for a moment to look around the room. She wasn't sure where to search next as so far she wasn't having much luck with finding any of the noted items needed to lure the foals out. She sighed a little to herself and told herself to not give up and to keep going! Figuring she might find something in this room's storage area she headed for the cabinets. As she approached another cabinet door swung open but reveal only a single crafting kit. Was someone just leaving a single one in each room?

  • candy - link
  • item - link to roll
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Grizzled Veteran
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Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 14
Exploring! Okay so Apples, Blind Boxes, and Pretty Feathers! I will format all this when I write my RP responses! :3

  1. Near the art room, you spot a cluster of pretty feathers. Was this someone's craft? [ + Pretty Feathers ]

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Stew Aficionado
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Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 15

15. You check the teachers desk and find sticky notes shaped like hearts. Cute, but neither useful in your search of something one of the missing kids might want!

Some how, Itto found his way into the classroom. Honestly though, it was more than likely to get some distance between him and that tiny pegasus. “Man… what was that guy’s problem?!” He huffed to himself. Maybe that you nearly bowled him over, or the fact that you confused him with a foal. He thought to himself before snorting. “Pfft… whatever it was, I’m not going to let it stop me from finding these foals. Right, Glue?” The Doom just ‘looked’ ahead, though did tilt its head a bit- not that it really understood what the stallion was talking about. They both roamed around the classroom, Itto checking out spots he may have missed the first time. So far, everything looked the same. Even his addition to the dinosaur drawing was still there, which he was happy to see wasn’t erased. He headed to the teacher’s desk once more. Like before, there was a ton of sticky notes, the only difference this time was that he finally noticed the heart shaped ones. Those are cool and all, but didn’t really help him any. He looks to the left, then to the right, making sure there was no one around as he swipes two of those sticky notes and applies it to where Glue’s eyes would be- quickly leaving before someone could say something.

Word count: 223​
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Stew Aficionado
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 24

24. The tunnel in the playroom is certainly fun to explore, but you find nothing.

Itto, once again, finds himself in the playroom. “Ugh… it’s like I’m running out of places to look.” He complains, not caring if there was anyone to really complain to or not- Glue wasn’t much of a conversationalist. Letting out a sigh, he tried his best to focus while he roams around the room. Once again, he looked through as much as he possibly could- overturning things as he went to check if there was anything underneath… though carefully, so not to break anything either. He knew he would be mad if his toys… er, things were broken. Then something caught his eye, that he was pretty sure that he didn’t see the first time he entered the playroom to search. Is that a tunnel?! Woah man, how did I miss that? He thought to himself as he approached it. If only he wasn’t so large, he would be able to go through it. Although, that might be a good thing, because he would probably spend a lot of time in there if he did manage to fit. Getting over his disappointment, he checks as best he could within the tunnel and still couldn’t find anything that was on that list… though by this point, he was starting to forget what he needed to find. He needed to hurry up, so he trotted to the next spot.

Word count: 227​
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