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▷ Exploring The Daycare!


Grizzled Veteran
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Max: 30
Res: 16
Exploring found some pretty stones

After leaving the creepy glitter room C.A.A peeked out a window into the garden out back. Nope. No little rascals here. His luck was still holding strong. Some pony even put a few pretty rocks on the ledge of the window. Shrugging he took them with him figuring he would use them as a distraction if needed.
  • Apple - xx
  • Pretty stones- xxx
  • item - link to roll
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Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 23

He was pretty sure someone had checked this bin before him. At least he hoped they had. Yep nothing here. There was a lot of broken things in here. The little ones were really rough or was this stuff old. A part of him kinda felt bad looking at it. Maybe he should volunteer more or donate something? Donation seemed like a lot less hassle.

  • Apple - xx
  • Pretty stones- xxx
  • item - link to roll
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Stew Aficionado
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 25

25. The teacher's desk is barren, except for piles of unused sticky notes.

After a few more minutes of improving the drawing on the blackboard, Itto finally seems to remember he was trying to look for items. Pulling away from the board, he cleared his throat and looked around to make sure there was no one around to see that he was goofing off instead of helping with this task. A sigh of relief escapes him when the coast seems to be clear, casually walking away from the blackboard as if he was investigating it the whole time. No one would know what he was really up to. With that, he resumes with his original ‘quest’ to check the teacher’s desk. Approaching the piece of furniture, he circles around it. Nothing. He peeked under it. Nothing. He even rifled through the drawers. Still no luck. These foals did a good job hiding their favorite things, so they could stay hidden. All he found at the desk was a bunch of unused sticky notes, which was odd. Wouldn’t the teacher need those to… you know, make notes on? Well, since there was so many, Itto was certain one wouldn’t be missed as he swiped one- drawing a little doodle of a vicious looking face on it and attaching it to where Glue’s face would be.

Word count: 211​
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Stew Aficionado
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 12

12. You paw through the toy bin and find.... dried beans?

Still with empty hooves, Itto roams into the playroom. Surely, the foals’ favorite things wouldn’t be too far from their toys… right? He knows his wouldn’t be. The playroom was the biggest mess, so it was probably safe for him to say that this was where the foals started their chaos before spreading out. Going through the room, he shuffled through the toys that were strewn about the floor, moving and gathering them in one spot as he looked under them. He wasn’t going to pick them up and put them away, because he remembered hearing that it was going to be the foals’ responsibility once they’re found, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t make it easier for them in the process. He was a nice guy like that. There was a brief moment where he did think about putting the toys away, and that lead to the toy bin coming to his mind. That would be the perfect place to hide a trinket or two. Part of him also thought that sort of hiding spot would be too obvious as well, but it didn’t hurt to look, at least. Stepping over toys and other knickknacks, Itto makes his way over to the bin and peers inside. “. . . Huh?” His head tilts in confusion as he stares down and sees some dried beans. Well, they look dried… he wasn’t going to touch them because of his allergy, even taking a couple of cautious steps back just in case, but they definitely weren’t fresh. The question was, were they already dried out when they were put in there… or were they fresh? If they were fresh, just how long were they hiding in there? He shudders at the thought, and at the beans. It seemed someone was a bean hater like himself, he could get behind that. Either way, there was nothing of interest there and he moves on.

Word count: 320​
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Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 27
12/3 Explorin' 1

27. You peek behind a door and find nothing but a dust bunny! Boo!


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 21
12/3 Explorin' 12

21. The stack of color books in the art room topple over!

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 6
12/4 exploration~

6. The basket of apples in the library are all fake, except... wait, one of them is real? [ + Apple ]


signed an NDA
Staff member
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Max: 30
Res: 15
roll 1 placeholder


signed an NDA
Staff member
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 17
roll 2 placeholder


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 9
Res: 8
Bribe a perma (because I should do this at least once to watch CAA fail.


C.A.A heard a noise and spun around to see some blue little permafoal. He froze staring at them while having a small amount of an internal panic attack. When he had turned they were close enough his first response was to want to kick them because he was startled he managed to restrain that response but that just left him in a panicked frozen state. His crest had flared up and he let out a slightly freaked out noise which seemed to cause the permafoal to scatter. Shiiii…. He must have scared them. He had to go after them.


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 9
Res: 8
Bribe a perma for further drama and mess
(i love RNG, perfection for this mess)

C.A.A chased the blue permafoal but lost them quickly around a corner when he knocked into a coat hanger toppling the metal rack and all the cloaks making a mess in the hall. Cursing not so quietly he untangled himself from the coats and reset up the rack before someone could see the mess. The whole place might be a mess but he didn’t want to be accused of adding to it. He looked around for signs the blue permafoal was still around and didn’t see a hint of them. Shoot he would have to explore some more.
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Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 19

Moving right along Bedazzle Mint wandered over to the area set up for snack time. The area itself seemed pretty clean. However the actual snack table was another story. There were all kinds of opened candy wrappers strewn about the table. Bedazzle began to look around, wondering if she should just clear these away, when she spotted what looked to be an unopened candy bar. She picked it up and sure enough the wrapper was still sealed! If she remembered correctly one of the foals liked candy so this could be used to help bribe them out of their hiding spot.
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Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 30
Res: 8
Candy! More exploring!

Placing the unopened candy bar in a bag she was carrying for safekeeping, Bedazzle Mint wondered if she should immediately try to find the foal that liked candy. She decided against it. Maybe if she found a couple more things to use a bribes she'd have a better chance of finding one of the troublemakers. With that decision made she began to search again heading towards the cubbies to look there. As she got closer to them she noticed a strange shape on the floor. That strange shape turned out to be a damp scarf that was just left there. It was pretty gross looking and she wasn't really sure what had gotten on it. Hopefully just water....

  • candy - link
  • item - link to roll
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