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Every month we will have Monthly CC Breedings open! You may post five forms for colorists to choose from. If a colorist is interested in the form presented to them they will claim the post and make you a breeding! This thread will be deleted at the end of the month and reposted, so save any forms you want!

You are entering for anyone to take your breeding.
You understand when entering any artist may take on your form. You cannot request changes in what you end up receiving.
These are free.
These do not cost anything. You may not offer funds to change what you receive or tempt an artist to pick your slot.
We will delete this thread at the end of the month.
Please save any forms you need before we do so.
Keep all forms in one post.
We will delete any extra posts you make.
You may change your forms!
As long as a colorist hasn't taken the form you may switch it out! Leave forms taken.
You may win twice a month and enter five forms.
We will mark you as maxxed once you do. This counts for the user who posted the breeding.
You must use the official urls.
We will ignore breedings that do not use the official uncerts and certs!

Breeding Form (Pairs/Triads):
[center][color=#766CC3][b][March] We Want To Breed![/b][/color][/CENTER]
[b]Owner One:[/b] -insert username-
[b]Pony Cert:[/b] -post image + link uncert-
[b]Mutant:[/b] -are they mutated?-
[b]Hybrid:[/b] -are they a hybrid?-
[b]Closed Eyes:[/b] -link to the closed eye directory post you made if yes!-
[b]Owner Two:[/b] -insert username-
[b]Pony Cert:[/b] -post image + link uncert-
[b]Mutant:[/b] -are they mutated?-
[b]Hybrid:[/b] -are they a hybrid?-
[b]Closed Eyes:[/b] -link to the closed eye directory post you made if yes!-
[b]Owner Three:[/b] -insert username DELETE IF NOT NEEDED-
[b]Pony Cert:[/b] -post image + link uncert-
[b]Mutant:[/b] -are they mutated?-
[b]Hybrid:[/b] -are they a hybrid?-
[b]Closed Eyes:[/b] -link to the closed eye directory post you made if yes!-
[b]Breeding Permissions:[/b]
Rogue Breeding Form:
[center][color=#766CC3][b][March] I Want to Breed![/b][/color][/CENTER]
[b]Owner:[/b] -insert username-
[b]Pony Cert:[/b] -post image + link uncert-
[b]Mutant:[/b] -are they mutated?-
[b]Hybrid:[/b] -are they a hybrid?-
[b]Closed Eyes:[/b] -link to the closed eye directory post you made if yes!-
[b]Do You Understand This is Random?:[/b] -what their child will look like is random, and any traits the other "parent" has is completely CC.-
- Cheyriddle4- Bouquet of Diamonds

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