- 46
- #229

Congrats! You won a deepling! These large companions are the newest addition to the companion roster and will have their lore filled out after the event! They're friendly
- 164
- #231

Kiwi withered as the other pony flicked their gaze from him, the fish, and then back to him. The pit in his stomach deepened, catching his breath as he fought the urge to wither into an even smaller stature. He hadn't asked for the pony to involve themselves, had he? Yet there they were, the expression on their face teetering into pity and reminding Kiwi that he desperately hated interacting with strangers. A brief flicker of resentment licked his chest, but he managed to keep it from showing.
"That's my son," was all he managed when the pony mentioned the ghoulie currently throwing his weight in the ocean, Kiwi's voice soft and subdued. He was relieved when the pickle-colored pony quite literally flopped back into the ocean (why did they not have a floatation device? he heard they were quite accessible... was this a new trend?) and vanished from his sight. Then, finally, he flopped onto the sand and deflated with a groan.
- 99
- #232

Yeong managed to wrangle Deku's mouth open and out popped a fish. It didn't look hurt per say but it definitely looked stunned that this whole encounter happened. "Deku no." He said seeing the tail tense up getting ready to strike, "This one is not for eating." The fish finally swam away and Yeong walked out of the water. He shot his tail a look that said he was watching it, not that Deku could see it. He resumed baiting his line and casting out. Maybe he would get lucky and catch a fish they could keep for food.
- 372
- #233

Oh, yes! Strawberri quite agreed that wotter would be an excellent friend for their hares, or a phytox! She'd have to keep her eyes out, then. The pegasus nodded softly in agreement as she began placing bait on her fishing rod, pausing once her wife began speaking again. Her head tilted, hair draping over her shoulders as she set the rod down to give Ruby Rose her full attention. She was quite glad she did, for the next thing out of her wife's mouth quite literally winded her.
Now, everyone in Everchange knew babies didn't just happen when ponies wanted them. More often than not, it was either sporadic or occurred without anyone being the wiser. That's where Seraphim-- the Alicorn in charge of intentionally harnessing the "fertility" magic of Everchange --came in. Those who desperately wanted children now could speak to her and request her aide, but Strawberri Kiss and Ruby Rose hadn't needed her at first. Their children had been a surprise -- a blessing from the magic of Everchange, if Strawberri was asked. She had loved and celebrated them dearly. Juniper eventually joined their family years after, when Strawberri Kiss stumbled upon the homeless orphan and found herself pining for more little hooves running around the house. Strawberri had considered that was it -- they were done having children. The conversation never came up, the magic didn't surprise them again, and all their children had grown. Kiwi even adopted his own child! That chapter of her life had seemed over.
But then there her wife was, and Strawberri Kiss' eyes lit up at the thought. She must have been quiet for long enough, as by the time she snapped from her stupor her wife had bent down to address a wotter (how cute!), but once Strawberri found her voice she swept to Ruby's side and placed a hoof on hers.
"I'd love that! We can redecorate the kid's old bedroom and schedule an appointment to see Seraphim! Oh, Ruby, I'd be so happy to!" In the rush of her excitement, she found herself squishing the wotter's cheeks gently, cooing affectionately at the newest companion of the family. "You'd like to play with little ones, wouldn't you?~"
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- #234

Rocke grinned at his mate being so clever. "Divide and conquer!" He cheered with a small wag of his tail, "That sounds perfect. It looks like there's a wide variety of drinks we can get." He glanced away for a moment to look at the various tables and booths that were giving away drinks and food before looking back at Lillia. "Doesn't look like it'll take long to get drinks so why don't we find a spot to claim and then go conquer our tasks?" He thought for a moment taking a quick look at the beach, "I see a bunch of umbrellas spread out that are getting claimed but there looks to be a few left that are near other ponies, or it looks like there's a small grouping of unclaimed umbrellas but we'll have neighbors once more ponies show up." He didn't have a real preference on their location so long as it was close the the water so they could fish.
- 144
- #235

Tetra smiled brightly at Stellar agreeing with the spot she picked. "Great!" She exclaimed as she bounced after Stellar who was headings towards said spot, "O-tay! I'll get some juice for us both once we have claimed the spot." It wasn't a long walk to the spot they had chosen and once there they'd be able to plop down the stuff they brought with them. She looked around confident that everypony present now knew this spot was theirs. With a small nod to herself she turned around. "I'll go get the drinks! It shouldn't take me long so our stuff should be fine while you go sign up." She gave Stellar a quick peck on the cheek before taking off towards all the food and drink stalls. She'd get them both a juice and while near the food would pick up some snacks.
- 148
- #238
Dice Rolled:

Roll(s): 80

Sesshomaru let out a sigh as his mate's tail nudged him. It knew he wasn't thrilled with all the others around them and had just alerted Sakura to his unhappy mood. Darn thing...honestly he liked the tail most of the time...except when it gave him away like this. "Fine fine." He told her as she sassed him. Ooh she was lucky he cared for her for no others would get away with that without harm befallen them. When his first cast came back he had acquired a companion it seemed. It was white with rainbow marking. He set the Phytox at Sakura's feet before casting again.
This time a black wotter appeared and he set that at her feet to.
you can look beside you, and your best friend will be there."