- 180
- #183

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- #185

Mauna hadn't really been feeling great lately but when Spectral wanted to go to see something that was majorly out of her comfort zone, Mauna was more than happy to tag along. She didn't really care about fishing but she did care about Spectral. She laughed as her mate danced at the shore's edge, casting her line out "Well it certainly looks like fun" she said, standing slightly further back than Spectral was standing so that she didn't interfere with her love's fishing. "ooooh maybe some lovely plants, we could build a pond if you fish up something that needs to be in the water" she said, watching intently now "Maybe we'll build a pond anyway" she mumured to herself "The stars look lovely reflected in still water after all"
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- #186

Ruby felt a bit embarrassed that she was caught , she let out a giggle and looked to Strawberri " Well my love, I was thinking maybe one day we should have more baskets." she said blushing. "maybe one day we will have grand-foals from our adorable children." she placed a kiss on her forehead and nestled under strawberries wing after setting up her met again. but it wasn't long before ruby noticed something in the water not far from them, It was a little wotter! "Well look at that." she said as she tried to cox over the little thing with some food. "Come here little one come join us." she said as it crawled out and took the food from her " looks like I got my wish." she said smiling as she carefully picked it up and showed it to her lovely wife. " Aren't they adorable!" she cooed.
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- #187
Stars danced in her eyes at the mention of a pond as she pulled a large beautiful geode out of the water that drug her line down deep before nearly tripping on the glass figurine. Two whammies in one it seemed! Straightening up she gave her mate a grin as she pulled the two objects up. "I would love to build the pond with you, gazing up at the stars with some lovely blooms going. Plus we already have some stuff to put in the center." Fishing was not her forte by any stretch as she really didn't catch anything at that moment, but at least these looked really pretty either way. So she tucked them into her bag for now, being very careful with the pretty glass fish.
WC: 129
WC: 129
- 91
- #189
Mauna couldn't help but smile at Spectral's happiness "Oooh those are lovely" she cooed, scooching closer to get a closer look "The Geode would look lovely in our windowsill but i bet that figurine would look lovely in a water feature" she commented, leaning her head against Spectral's neck, her head felt a little fuzzy today. She knew Spectral was a little disappointed she didn't catch any fish though "Fishing is about the fun my love, and those two things are gorgeous, just like you" she said with a chuckle.
- 294
- #190
Dice Rolled:
Roll(s): 62, 84
Bitsie and her daughter made their way to a spot for fishing! They both carried different supplies and their fishing poles for their time together... whilst simultaneously trying to hold onto their hats in the breeze. As they decided that they found their spot, Bitsie set down the things she was carrying, and fished out the blanket, then began to spread it out. There was no way that she wasn't going to have protection from the sand. Getting clean from that was always a pain.
She settled in on a spot on the blanket and began to dig out the fishing lures. After getting it on her pole, she cast her line out, watching the bobber bob with the ripples. As soon as she felt a tug on her line, she began to reel it in as best she could!
62 The fish you caught coughs up two hairclips. Ewww.... Take home a pair of hairclips!
Deathie followed her mother as best she could, stumbling a bit and almost losing her fishing pole and hat at the same time. With a little grumble, she did her best to gather herself back up, along with the stuff she was carrying. As her mom picked out their spot, Deathie gladly set the supplies down on the blanket that was just laid out. The less the she had to hold, the better.
While her mom jumped right into fishing, Deathie was content to settle down beside her and watch. Dodging her mother's movements as she reeled in her catch, she noticed a critter near by. Her eyes glistened as it made it's way toward her!
84 The lotoise lounging in the sun notices you and shuffles over. Take home a lotoise!
Replies later

Bitsie and her daughter made their way to a spot for fishing! They both carried different supplies and their fishing poles for their time together... whilst simultaneously trying to hold onto their hats in the breeze. As they decided that they found their spot, Bitsie set down the things she was carrying, and fished out the blanket, then began to spread it out. There was no way that she wasn't going to have protection from the sand. Getting clean from that was always a pain.
She settled in on a spot on the blanket and began to dig out the fishing lures. After getting it on her pole, she cast her line out, watching the bobber bob with the ripples. As soon as she felt a tug on her line, she began to reel it in as best she could!
62 The fish you caught coughs up two hairclips. Ewww.... Take home a pair of hairclips!

Deathie followed her mother as best she could, stumbling a bit and almost losing her fishing pole and hat at the same time. With a little grumble, she did her best to gather herself back up, along with the stuff she was carrying. As her mom picked out their spot, Deathie gladly set the supplies down on the blanket that was just laid out. The less the she had to hold, the better.
While her mom jumped right into fishing, Deathie was content to settle down beside her and watch. Dodging her mother's movements as she reeled in her catch, she noticed a critter near by. Her eyes glistened as it made it's way toward her!
84 The lotoise lounging in the sun notices you and shuffles over. Take home a lotoise!
Replies later
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- #192

Yeong wasn't having much luck catching any fish in the beginning. He lost several worms very quickly. He wasn't going to let that stop him as he reeled his line in to rebait the hook. He checked on Midnis who seemed content to just dig in the sand. It looked like she made a sand pile and was attempting to dig a trench or moat but it wasn't going well as she couldn't see how to circle around the pile.
Deku was patiently waiting floating in the water, mouth open and slightly submerged. It's tongue was also slightly out and as it waited, something touched it. It felt like something swam by but instead of snapping it's jaws shut, it waited.... and waited. It wasn't long before a fish swam right into it's mouth which is when it snapped it's jaws shut.
Yeong heard the snapping of the jaw and looked up to see Deku rising from the water with what looked like a mouth full of something. He quickly set his pole off to the side in the sand and moved towards the water. "Spit it out! Deku don't you dare eat whatever it is!" He scolded before reaching his tail and starting to wrangle it's jaws open.
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- #193

Tetra nodded at Stellar's response. "That works perfectly." She said turning to look at the beach for a good spot. There were several ponies claiming open umbrellas but it looked like there were plenty more. "Oh! How about that spot?" She pointed to an open umbrella that was closer to the water line, "Doesn't look like any has taken that spot or are taking spots near it so you could fish in peace. I can lay in the shallow water nearby while you fish."
She looked back at Stellar and caught sight of some ponies handing out various drinks and snacks. "How about you go sign up for the fishing tournament and I'll grab some drinks and snacks? Do you want water, juice, or something else?"
(No worries! We've got time for you to get that reply in)
- 48
- #196

Jin walked toward the ocean, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his hide as he went to join the festival. A bit late but better then never.
Preciosa trotted close to him, the changeling viewing things with wide eyes as they approached the crowds. So many ponies.
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- #199

Dastardly Dubloon peered at the other alicorn, noting but not fully comprehending the intricacies of his expression. She could tell he wasn't exactly thrilled by her company, not many tended to be, once they realized what she was after. Had he somehow deduced her true intentions so quickly? How could that be? Unless his domain was intelligence. Oof, how tedious would that be - a domain for smart alecks.
"That's true." She agreed, "But I'm not hoping to take it, I'm hoping to appraise it." If he'd already figured her out, was there any point in hiding her intentions? "If it's worth anything, I'll tell you... and then I might try to take it." She said this with a smile and a shrug. "At least I'm honest about it?" She said, even though she would have preferred not to be. She was pretty sure there was already an alicorn of liars out there. Maybe she could persuade them to take her on as an apprentice!
Plopping herself down next to the dark-haired alicorn, she eyed them and added. "I'm willing to wait until you agree - and follow you around too. My father often said I ought to get a hobby. Turns out my favorite hobby is getting what I want. And I can be very persistent." She held out her hoof for the necklace. "So, what'll it be?" @RozeyBear
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- #200

Dill looked from the brightly colored pony who the fish that was swimming in the bucket and then back to the pony. The stallion's fins seemed to indicate an aquatic background, maybe a reefhopper or lakeskimmer? Yet, the fish had scared the pony and caused him to shriek like he had? Dill tried to smooth his expression into one of sympathy, but he felt as though it looked more pitying than anything else. He didn't interact too well with strangers on the land and now that he'd determined that this one wasn't in danger (and in fact, if he discovered the shark ghoulie again, that Dill himself may be the one in danger instead) he was eager to leave the interaction.
"Oh, well, no, you don't need to keep it down. I daresay plenty of ponies are making a great deal more noise than you were, laughing and joyous carryings-on and the like. I just feared that shark ghoulie had bitten a piece out of you - er, no offense meant, to them." Dill glanced around nervously and then shoved his weight backwards, using his front legs to throw himself in the opposite direction. "Please, do tell your many toothed friend that I meant no offense to you, or them, um... Good day!" And with a lurch, Dill flopped onto the sand and with a decent amount of effort (no matter how he practiced, he could never seem to make this return to the sea appear graceful) he rolled himself back into the water and out into the depths, his paranoia growing as he looked about frightfully.
He ended up spotting a mer and a chaser - who both had large teeth too, but in his panic, he chose aquatic creatures over the well-known dangers of a ghoulie and what their kind had been knownfor.
"Hello friends!" He said, swimming quickly over to them. "Might I swim with you for a moment or two? Safety in schools, you know, and there's a ghoulie with a shark tail that looks like it would fancy sushi today..." He stumbled off, hoping they'd accept him into their duo, at least for a few moments, for his nerves to calm enough that he could swim home with no problem. @Nym (Wrapping up convo with Kiwi - the idea of Eclipse is too spooky!) @I--LiveWire--I (Tagging Nerissa and Lola Pop)