- 176
- #148
Dice Rolled:
Roll(s): 42, 7
It took a while it seemed for the crew to all settle in together, with Capt'n Doubloons occasionally swatting curiously at the other two non-bucketed new friends, but eventually a calm finally eased over them. It was peaceful... Svana managed to catch a few actual fish, none of which very note worthy, but fish all the same. Mostly, she just watched the gentle waves, and kept an eye on the strange looking crew that had just... assembled around her.
"A cat, a dragon fish, and an... octopus?" She mused out loud. "Seriously, what are you??" A gentle shake of her head and she turned to focus on another tug on her rod. Instead of pulling up a fish this time, though, she pulled up a shiny glass fish trinket!
"Well... that's a purty little thing right there... How bout something to look at 'sides metal?" She set it in the Angelfish's bucket for decoration, receiving a happy little fin wiggle in response, and cast her rod out again...
[word count = 168]

It took a while it seemed for the crew to all settle in together, with Capt'n Doubloons occasionally swatting curiously at the other two non-bucketed new friends, but eventually a calm finally eased over them. It was peaceful... Svana managed to catch a few actual fish, none of which very note worthy, but fish all the same. Mostly, she just watched the gentle waves, and kept an eye on the strange looking crew that had just... assembled around her.
"A cat, a dragon fish, and an... octopus?" She mused out loud. "Seriously, what are you??" A gentle shake of her head and she turned to focus on another tug on her rod. Instead of pulling up a fish this time, though, she pulled up a shiny glass fish trinket!
"Well... that's a purty little thing right there... How bout something to look at 'sides metal?" She set it in the Angelfish's bucket for decoration, receiving a happy little fin wiggle in response, and cast her rod out again...
[word count = 168]
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- 110
- #149

Yeong paused in getting ready to cast to stop Midnis from digging around the geode that she had dug up already. He set it next to the bait bucket and then nudged her to come lay next to him. She flopped down with a huff and made little sand mounds in front of her. Finally able to start fishing he cast out his line and settled in to fish. He made sure to keep an eye on Deku, the ghoulie tail seemed content to just float in the water with it's mouth open. Yeong didn't think that it would work for catching fish but he supposed stranger things could happen.
- 250
- #150
Reaching the tables and booths with the buckets, food, and drinks, Razzleberry picked out a bucket for herself. She noted that Blushes took a bucket as well and was stocking it with water. She looked about to figure out what sort of fare was being offered and saw that some basic snacks like trail mix, fresh fruit, and oooo snow cones were being offered! She grabbed a couple small bags of trail mix and a small container of fruit and placed them in her bucket. She'd have to come back later for a snow cone.
Moving towards the drinks she saw that there were some simple juices, some smoothies, and even some adult beverages being served. While some alcohol would be nice and good way to help relax while on the beach, Razzleberry wasn't sure it was the best choice considering how hot it was. She settled on getting a smoothie and once it was finished being made she added it to her bucket.
Turning back to Blushes, she looked at the spot being pointed out. Turns out there was an empty umbrella just waiting for them to claim it's spot. Well there were actually quite a few of them but this one looked like a good spot. "Good eye Blushes! It's a perfect spot!" She beamed quickly grabbing her things and moving towards it. She could lay out the blanket under it for them to rest on and could start to make some notes on the beach scene.
Moving towards the drinks she saw that there were some simple juices, some smoothies, and even some adult beverages being served. While some alcohol would be nice and good way to help relax while on the beach, Razzleberry wasn't sure it was the best choice considering how hot it was. She settled on getting a smoothie and once it was finished being made she added it to her bucket.
Turning back to Blushes, she looked at the spot being pointed out. Turns out there was an empty umbrella just waiting for them to claim it's spot. Well there were actually quite a few of them but this one looked like a good spot. "Good eye Blushes! It's a perfect spot!" She beamed quickly grabbing her things and moving towards it. She could lay out the blanket under it for them to rest on and could start to make some notes on the beach scene.
- 96
- #151

It was hot. Even for a summer pony, this heat was almost unbearable to Tetra. She wasn't really interested in the fishing tournament but the chance to just soak in some water and get free food and drink wasn't something she could really pass up. It didn't take much to convince her to come to this beach party. She paused at the entrance to the beach and looked over at her mate. "Stellar... should we pick out a spot and then swim? Or should we relax on the beach first with some drinks?" She asked.
- 138
- #152

Rockette probably looked like he should be dying with a coat on at the beach but for whatever reason the heat never really bothered him even with it on. Granted he would take it off, especially if he went swimming, but for now he'd be fine. He had suggested to his mate, Lillia, to have a date at the beach. Maybe they could do some fishing but for the most part they could just enjoy the beach and each other's company. He had brought a bucket and filled it with cold drinks. He spotted some empty umbrellas open on the beach and turned to Lillia. "So what do you think? Should we get a spot with an umbrella to relax under and enjoy some drinks? Or do you want to enter the tournament and catch some fish?"
- 233
- #156
Dice Rolled:
Roll(s): 98
Lord Sesshomaru followed behind his sly little mate. How she talked him into this he didn't know....or well he did. He and his other mate Victoria tended to travel a lot. Sometimes together and sometimes a part while Sakura stayed in one area. He periodically would stop in and check on her. Depending on how much time he had it would be a quick visit or a long one with dates thrown in. He normally didn't object because he was the one away and would tell as you wish but when she had said there was to be a fishing tournament he hadn't expected quite so many ponies.
He had an intimidating aura and look in his eyes as they swept over other ponies giving thr unsaid warning to stay away if they wanted to live. He watched as Sakura picked her way delicately through the sand and other festive goers. It brought a smirk to his lips to watch. He did not rush her for it was her day for them to do as she pleased. He shook his head at her when she just tossed the blanket to the ground and tossed out her line. He fixed a the blanket while asking, "Do you find this spot suitable? " before tossing out his own lone. For even if it wasn't there wasn't any harm in a cast.

Lord Sesshomaru followed behind his sly little mate. How she talked him into this he didn't know....or well he did. He and his other mate Victoria tended to travel a lot. Sometimes together and sometimes a part while Sakura stayed in one area. He periodically would stop in and check on her. Depending on how much time he had it would be a quick visit or a long one with dates thrown in. He normally didn't object because he was the one away and would tell as you wish but when she had said there was to be a fishing tournament he hadn't expected quite so many ponies.
He had an intimidating aura and look in his eyes as they swept over other ponies giving thr unsaid warning to stay away if they wanted to live. He watched as Sakura picked her way delicately through the sand and other festive goers. It brought a smirk to his lips to watch. He did not rush her for it was her day for them to do as she pleased. He shook his head at her when she just tossed the blanket to the ground and tossed out her line. He fixed a the blanket while asking, "Do you find this spot suitable? " before tossing out his own lone. For even if it wasn't there wasn't any harm in a cast.
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- 3
- #158
Dice Rolled:
Roll(s): 72,42
wottle for ruby figure to be placed later

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- 5
- #159
Dice Rolled:
Roll(s): 47 & 92
The line is heavy! You pull up a... geode? Take home a geode!
Something sparkles at the end- oh, is that coral? Take home coral!
You notice a lump of sand that looks suspicious.... Take home a glass fish figurine!
You feel a tug on your leg. It's a phytox who wants to play! Take home a phytox.
Something sparkles at the end- oh, is that coral? Take home coral!
You notice a lump of sand that looks suspicious.... Take home a glass fish figurine!

You feel a tug on your leg. It's a phytox who wants to play! Take home a phytox.