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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 96 36 132
Roll(s): 96, 36

Lofi always enjoyed engaging with the locals above the waters - usually other ponies were good company and he was eager to see where the day would take him. Of course, when he heard about the fishing competition - er, wait, no, the fishing tourney, he reminded himself - he knew that he would have to make an appearance.

He was never without his enchanted balloons, which kept his tail afloat on land - and buoyant in the water, so leaving his home, he moved himself towards the festivities. Luckily, they weren't too far away and soon enough he seemed to be surrounded with ponies. Lofi didn't quite care for fishing - being too close to a fish himself, practically, but he liked to be in good company with others and he suspected that this may very well be one of those days.

'Maybe I should've told Daisy about this event.' He thought and then shrugged. 'No, surely she must know already.' Lofi rationalized. 'Maybe she's already here!' He turned his attention to the crowd and was beginning to start forward when it seemed two things happened at once - a maow was kneading its claws into Lofi's not-so-tough scales and he pulled back in surprise, only to have his front leg nearly stepping on a young phytox! Goodness - that was a fright! Fortunately, after reeling back and identifying both creatures, he smiled at them. Daisy was going to be so excited when Lofi returned with an abundance of pets to take care of - at least, he hoped so. (wc: 253)
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 28 28
Roll(s): 28

Hatchet eagerly popped out of the forest nearest to the beach. He was pretty confident he'd told Isolabella that he was going to the summer beach party, so she wouldn't get upset if he was missing for a bit. His float charm was doing a great job of letting him "swim" around but he was looking forward to plopping into the water of the beach.

So that's exactly what he did when he arrived. Hopping in with as large a splash as he could get, Hatchet laughed as he managed to splash two other foals that were in the water as well. "Gotcha, gotcha!!' he called out to the pair of them, right before a bright pink and yellow flyingfish swam smack into his face.
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Stew Aficionado

Scald was quiet in the back of the wagon, staring out at all the ponies around them. There were so many... Scald ducked back under the water as the wagons trundled on. They were thankful to their newfound parents, and being able to stay with their perma siblings, but... They were still scared. There were... So many ponies... Scald quivered in the water, gently brushing against their siblings. Looking for comfort. So when their parents dipped them into the free water... Scald let out a little yelp and dragged themself into the shallows to try to be closer to their parents. There was nowhere to really hide... Some reeds nearby, yet too far away... Scald huffed a little and hunched down in the shallow water, as if trying to submerge themself but also stay as close to their parents as possible.

@Zakiax @Natty-chan (in case you wanna jump in too)


Stew Aficionado

Daisy slowly maneuvered towards Lofi Chillhop. "Fancy meeting you here," she giggled brushing against him very lightly. Her eyes then drifted down to the two little creatures at his hooves. "Oh! They're so cute!" A little giggle was given and she'd gently kneel down, pulling her legs up underneath her as she settled into the grass. "Are you two lost?"


Stew Aficionado

Malik had been convinced by a friend to join them at the fishing tournament. Malik wasn't really looking forward to it, but Nishi seemed interested! So he would entertain his friend. He adjusted his summer charm around his neck, letting out a little sigh. Even with the charm to help him survive in summer heat, Malik was still a bit uncomfortable. Still, he floated alongside Nishi with a very intent RBF.

Nishigikoi was barely paying attention to Malik. "Oh look over here! There's so many little pets running around!" They continued to giggle as they 'floated' through the air thanks to their charm, a similar one on Malik allowing him to move freely as well.


Grizzled Veteran

Mokosh had been swimming in the ocean near the beach where the party and fishing tourney was being held. She had watched things get set up, keeping to the water where most weren't looking at. She watched as a big family of various aquatic ponies came up and set a bunch of kids in the shallows.

The various different looking kids caught her attention and she stealthily swam closer. She stopped when a young Vuhor splashed into the water near a couple of the kids, her attention immediately caught by the bright purple hair and fins. A yelp soon after caught her attention and she spotted a golden hued Nakotsu huddling in the shallows as close to the adults as they could get without being out of the water. She dipped under the water and swam slowly and stealthily as she could getting closer and closer to the golden Nakotsu. Why weren't they splashing around having a good time like everyone else?

@Zakiax @PeterPan_da144 @Rano713


Stew Aficionado

Scald noticed the shadow of what he would later identify as a young - or perma foal - Vuhor coming straight at him. Eyes wide, he backpeddled, unable to go anywhere but dig his rear end into the sand. "Help!" he shrieked, looking around wildly for his parents. "Mom! Da--!"

Something touched him beneath the surface of the water. Something that wasn't sand. Scald immediately stuck his butt further into the sand, trying to dig it up around himself frantically as if to hide. Why were all these ponies targeting him?!

@Bluedemonwolf @Rano713


Stew Aficionado
Splash stayed near his twin Scald knowing how well the other did not do with crowds that were not their own little pod. When another perma seemed to jump in and splash them. He got a face full of water but to the aquatic that did not really mean much. "Its okay" He spoke trying to calm Scald down.

Flail remained where they were watching their surroundings. She noticed another aproaching under the water that wasn't their sister. Failing about, just as their name suggested she started calling out to her other two siblings. "Watch out!"

Aqua Ring had sunken pretty deep within the shallows of the ocean, her blue body blending very well into the blues of the ocean. She watched as another approched her other siblings and slowly decided to follow the kraken.

@Rano713 @PeterPan_da144 @Bluedemonwolf


Grizzled Veteran

Yeong, or Link as he was better known as at times, had heard about the fishing tourney while on his journey and decided to head there immediately. He was glad that he was in the area so he could make it on time. His blind Ferregon, Midnis, was chilling on his head for once. He was hoping to catch lots of fish to make a variety of fish dishes to eat. Just thinking about eating made his stomach grumble. Midnis chattered at him a bunch of noise clearly not thinking highly of her owner's stomach grumbles. She pat his head as if to say 'move faster let's go already!'.

Yeong sighed as he paused after registering for the tourney and getting his fishing pole and bait. He heard some splashing and noise from some kids and decided to stay away from that area. However he was going to have to walk past the family as the spot he had noticed was beyond them a little bit. He looked back at his tail, Deku, to make sure it was behaving before starting to walk in the direction of the family.

(click cert to see uncert with Midnis)
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Grizzled Veteran
Mokosh swam up closer than she had originally intended but now that she was here she decided to see what was going on with this kid. After all he had started to backpedal and was just backing up into the sand. She ended up touching him by accident with one of her tentacles which caused a panic worse than what was already happening. 'Oops' she thought to herself noticing the water getting disturb by more than just this one kid digging in the sand to escape. Another kid had spotted her and was just flailing around. She couldn't quite make out what she was saying due to being underwater still. All the while she oblivious to someone beginning to follow her as she moved closer to the panicking Scald.

@Zakiax @PeterPan_da144 @Rano713


signed an NDA
Staff member
Roll(s): 100

Bubbles languidly roll to the surface of the water surrounding your hook, and for a glimpse of a second the lure vanishes underneath the water completely, popping to the surface only moments later. A dark shadow grows alongside the rapidly rising bubbles, swallowing the lure in its entirety and snapping the line clean. The darkness wiggles, and from its depths rises a.... tentacle?

It takes a moment to process the approaching deepling, the realization not fully clicking until it has pulled itself from the waters and flopped onto the sands to deposit the lure gently in front of you. It waits there, dipping its head as if hopping you'd pat it. A soft trill emits from the gems on its head.

Congrats! You won a deepling! These large companions are the newest addition to the companion roster and will have their lore filled out after the event! They're friendly little large octolings who are known for their shy and reclusive nature, but this one has chosen you!


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 100 100
Roll(s): 100
Not quoting myself >>

Artemis was keen to explore the upcoming festival upon its announcement, despite being a winter pony. Ever since his partner had left him he had found himself holed up in his son's observatory, counting the days going by without purpose. He had hated it, truly, but Artemis couldn't bring himself to return to his travels. His long lost brother hated him, the father of his children and the pony he thought was his one true love didn't want him, and his attempts to travel past the fog barrier surrounding the continent had proved uneventful. Artemis was, in his definition, a failure of a traveler, and that coupled with his family relations had left a sour note on his tongue.
So, when the festivities came to light and he saw how his son chanced a glance his way he knew he had to do something. Get out of the house, step out of his comfort zone -- anything. Armed with a summer charm and determination, Artemis had settled himself by the shore with his fishing rod in hoof and a nice sparkling coconut rum set neatly on the nearby rocks.
He was going to have fun, damn it.
What he hadn't expected was for something to begin approaching from the water, casting a dark shadow under where his lure had previously been. The familiar feeling of excitement that had lulled him into his travels originally flickered in the depths of his stomach, rooting Artemis in place.
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signed an NDA
Staff member

From the deeps comes a deepling, pulling itself from the water to return Artemis' lure at their hooves. A soft vibrating chirp emits from them as they settle neatly beside Artemis and coil a tentacle loosely around Artemis' drink.

Congrats! You won a deepling! These large companions are the newest addition to the companion roster and will have their lore filled out after the event! They're friendly little large octolings who are known for their shy and reclusive nature, but this one has chosen you!


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 14 14
Roll(s): 14

Astraeus was a glutton for free things and new experiences. The event in itself was nice enough, but the cherries on top were the hat they had been given, the bucket they had unceremoniously emptied upon receiving, and the strange-looking flyingfish who swam within the now water-filled pail. They hadn't expected a friend along the way, but the seabell had been considering adopting a companion sometime soon and were more than eager to accept the offered fish. It was a win-win in their book.
They had chosen a remote spot by the shore to fish and placed their belongings above the tide. "You watch this, okay?" They would murmur affectionately toward their new flyingfish while they set down their levitation charm against its bucket. Wait, weren't flyingfish known for throwing themselves out of their habitats? Sure, they could breathe out of the water, but Astraeus didn't want to leave the poor guy in the sand to be swooped by a predator while they were out fishing....
Luckily, they spotted a blanket half-buried in the sand without any identifying owner nearby. Swiftly, they plucked the blanket and spread it over the bucket gently before heading to the water.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 45 50 95
Roll(s): 45, 50

Toxic La Faye hummed softly as he stepped out and looked around. He was going to see where his treasures had gone off to. The large framed curiosity rumbled in his chest as he moved. Head slowly moved back and forth like a serpent looking for prey. He took up post at a fishing spot, flickering his tails out he used them as natural fishing lures. Instead of fish however he brought up....oh a Geode!!! Pretty green.

He went for another round and his tail hook on something that made him flinch. Now....what....he lifted his poor tail that got jammed in the figurine. "Ow." he rasped.
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