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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 40 22 62
Roll(s): 40, 22

"What in the seven seas of fable is goin' on there?"

Captain Svana Moonswell, sole sailor aboard the little pirate ship she called the Starfish, was merely out enjoying the waters and a break from doing pirate things, when she noticed quite the gathering along the shoreline! Curiosity got the better of her, and she pulled up her 'bring-em-closer' for a better look...

"Summer Fishing Tournament of xx23... huh."

The words on the large banner beckoned her, and she figured it wouldn't hurt to join the fun.
[87 words]
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Grizzled Veteran
Roll(s): 28

Hatchet rubbed his nose where the flying fish had hit. The lil guy seemed friendly enough if his constant swimming around Hatchet was any indication. Tilting his head he called out to the nakostu who looked the most freaked out.

"You don't like being splashed?" Hatchet asked. It was the only thing he could think that would make the other freak out. He didn't even have any of his hatchets to freak anyone out with! "But you're in the water???"

"I'm Hatchet, what's your names?" He was so excited to have immediately found a group of other foals to play with right away. His brain was already racing to figure out a fun game they could play.

@Zakiax @PeterPan_da144 @Bluedemonwolf


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 40 88 128
Roll(s): 40, 88

Thadius was not pleased to be drug out of his tower where he was, quite happily he might add, making and fulfilling quests of the many denizens that live in Everchange. He was only here because the son he, quite forcefully, given wanted to spend quality time. His son being the living embodiment of adventure meant coming out and watching as he competed in the Fishing Tournament.

He sighed as he kept pace with his overly eager son, and little towards the beach.
"Are you quite sure this is necessary, Dante, I could have drafted you a quest log and the result would still be the same. I'd be able to track your progress, and you would gain new prizes"

Dante was super excited to finally have an excuse to drag his dad out of the tower. What better way of doing so by joining a fishing tourney! Nothing says Adventure like fishing on a beach at the ocean. Dante was soaking in the sun while looking around at all the entrants in the tourney, oh there was a cute family of aquatic natured ponies, SO adorable gotta check off finding a cute family off the adventure quest log. OH there are deep sea creatures being found too, AWESOME I wanna arm wrestle one.

"Oh come on dad, Where is your sense of adventure! You watching through a quest log is not the same as being here. Plus I like exploring with you!"


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 56 42 98
Roll(s): 56, 42
An aquaila drops down and snatches your bait! Take home an aquaila!

You notice a lump of sand that looks suspicious.... Take home a glass fish figurine!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 57 40 97
It's past midnight so I'm rolling muehehehehehehehe

Roll(s): 57 and 40



Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 88 61 149
Roll(s): 88, 61

Fuwa was a winter pony, but she liked to explore, when and where she could despite this. Usually, she kept within a short walking distance of her mates' homes, but when she heard that Summri was celebrating in a big way - and that there was a fishing tournament on an ocean beach, she'd jumped at the chance to go. She'd enlisted the help of many a unicorn who could provide her with enough cooling charms that she wouldn't faint away as soon as she stepped into the hot region, but even know it seemed as though no matter how many charms she draped over her shoulders and around her ankles - Fuwa just couldn't beat the heat!

She'd asked Dyno Phish to go with her - he was a summer pony, and she asked (though she suspected he would have come even if she didn't) Toxic to join her too. Dyno had declined to go, however, so Fuwa wasn't sure if this meant that Toxic would be coming with her, or staying behind to ensure that Dyno was alright. Either way, she'd promised to bring home something for the chaser.

Rather than focus on fishing as she first got there, she found herself wading out into the water. She breathed in the sea air and hoped that the waters would be cold - but, alas, they seemed warm today. Though admittedly she didn't know if this was always the case, or just her misfortune. Walking away from the sea with sand clinging unpleasantly to the bottom of her hooves, she perked up when she spotted Tox - so he HAD come!

Not trying to hide her delight, she ran over to him, rearing back onto her hind legs so that she could just reach the underside of his chin to nuzzle.
"You came!" She said cheerily. "Tox, isn't this a wonderful party? Dreamer, it's HOT, but I'm so happy to be here. Happier now that you're here too!" She chimed up at him, before her eyes lowered to his hooves curiously. It seemed like he'd already fished up some prizes. "Ooh, what have you found?" (wc: 351) @SwordOfTheNagas
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signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 27 27
Roll(s): 27

Kiwi hadn't wanted to come, but his mother had reminded him he needed to get out from time to time. He didn't want to, he had wanted to counter, but when his son looked up at him with that large toothy grin and teased that Kiwi was too afraid of being bitten by the "fishies", well.... that had been enough for him to try and prove everyone wrong.
He just hadn't expected the fishies to smack him right in the face and illicit a shrill scream from him, either.
Mortified, Kiwi did his best to hide his face under his hair and ignore the brightly colored flyingfish now flopping at his hooves, but he'd eventually cave and scoop them into his water-filled bucket. Maybe his mom would like them...


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 81 81
Roll(s): 81

"I knew it." Eclipse grinned from behind Kiwi and shoulder-bumped his father, his tail bending down to nuzzle Kiwi's cheek. He peered down at the offending fish with a wide, toothy grin. His tail rumbled behind him. "No, Jaws, you can't. They're family now," he chided the overly large tail, who had positioned itself above the bucket. Jaws huffed and deflated behind their host, dejected.
Eclipse slid into the water after checking in on his father and was promptly met by a friendly wotter. After reminding his tail, again, that you don't just eat random animals for fun, Eclipse befriended the spooky-looking wotter and brought them to their father with another wide and toothy grin.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 7 7

Roll(s): 7

She wanted to see the event since it had been so long since she had last left home, she enjoyed the sights and sounds but the crowd made her unbelievably nervous, what was she thinking? she wasn't exactly a social pony. But she had heard that their would be many lovely bugs around due to the summer weather, this made her prance with glee. She thankfully knew some of the pony that had some, very few but at least some. she starred contently at the shes and other ponys that where fishing whilst siting a bit of a ways away. she smiled at the warm yet soft breeze and sighed contently, suddenly TWACK, right in to her snoot a little Scarab, she was taken aback by the sudden pain to her snoot but opened her eyes to see a little scarab on her nose, she waged her tail excitedly and scooped it in to her hooves She couldn't wait to show lights the new friend she had made. Hopefully he wouldn't mind. her other little scarab was a bit of a handful.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 60 60

Roll(s): 60
Her tail swayed her paws gripping the pole her mind intently, she wanted fish, all the fish, Oh how she adored them. she watched as fish came and went, many of all kinds, she wondered how many she could catch, a few times she felt a tug, but when she pulled, it yielded nothing, again she baited her hook and waited she wondered if she should of used some shrimp crackers rather than worms from a garden. but it didn't take long before she saw a pretty purple and pale yellow fish, it reminded her of the night sky and of course her Betta fish! it had decided to stay and now she had yet another new friend. she greeted it and held out a paw. it nestled in to her paw as she pressed her nose against it and added it to her bucket to keep it safe while she fished. she was delightful happy. she felt like this was the start of her good luck. maybe she would make more friends or find something shiny to decorate her new home
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Stew Aficionado

It wasn't long before his mate appeared beside him, laying down to inspect the unexpected companions that Lofi had recently found.
"Daisy! Hello! Fancy indeed - though you always fancy up a joint." He said with a fond smile, before turning his attention to the maow and the phytox who had come up beside him. "I don't reckon their lost, lovie. Wild, maybe?" Though admittedly he'd never met a feral maow before. Raising his head, he looked around and squinted to see a number of other ponies dealing with their own critter encounters. "Or maybe they're gifts from Summri? There seem to be many companions out and about today." He remarked to his mate. "Suppose... suppose if we don't find out that they have homes by the end of the day, and if they just so happen to follow us home... we might be able to take them?" He asked Daisy with a hopeful look.

If Lofi had his way, he'd be scooping up all the companions that came his way and ensuring that they all lived at his and Daisy's home, but his relationship was as much a partnership as it was a love match. He would often defer to Daisy's judgement (which tended to be more rational than his own, he found, though seldom admitted aloud) when it came to life changing decisions, such as the inclusion of newcomers to their household. (wc: 233) @PeterPan_da144


Stew Aficionado

Dill was pleased as could be when his beach - that was to say, the beach where his underwater home was the closest - suddenly became a party of a place, with ponies coming through from all walks of life to get in on the fishing tourney action. He smiled pleasantly at everyone that came through, watching land-ponies distribute their fishy children from pails of water into the shallows. Turning his head to the sky, he saw a great deal many of flying fish darting about through the air. Wherever he looked, ponies seemed to be having a good time - except for one, who screamed abruptly, causing Dill to look over sharply in alarm. Had someone gotten injured?

Swimming swiftly over, he hauled himself onto the sand as he spotted the shrieker - another water-bound pony, with a flying fish flopping at its paws and behind the pink and green pony... Something coursed through Dill - an instinct to push himself back into the water as fast as possible. The gholie was massive and its tail had so many TEETH. But as he stared in horror at the ghoulie, he watched it get into the water and swim as well as any mer Dill had ever seen. Even the waters weren't safe, he realized with a deep sense of dread, with that ghoulie around.

Turning his gaze to the pony who had screamed, who had seemed friendly with the beast, questions raced through his mind, before he finally managed to ask.
"Are you alright?" (wc: 250)

@Nym (talking to Kiwi, referencing Eclipse (and Jaws) in his post.)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 23 23
Roll(s): 23

Bouncy Bubble ‘deadman’ floated in the water of the wagon she was in with her siblings, her body sloshing back and forth while belly up from the movement. She had no idea why her new parents had decided to gather them all, now carting them off somewhere… honestly, she didn’t care. If she had a choice, she would much rather had stayed home and just lied around- maybe play some games or colored. From her angle in the wagon, the little Nakotsu did start to see quite the number of other ponies start to appear but still didn’t seem to show any interest. In fact, she remained in this floating position up until Scald brushed against her- righting herself just long enough to nuzzle into her comfortingly. Finally upright, she slowly peeks her head over the edge of the wagon to see that they were now at the beach. Ugh… really? She thought to herself as the wagons were rolled to the water, watching her siblings get dumped out. Realizing their wagon was next, Bouncy Bubble did her best to try to remain in the water- but eventually, lost grip and tumbled into the water with a splash… just too lazy to even bother righting herself, or even float, as she sank until she hit the sand below. There the lazy Nakotsu lied too, on her side with her eyes on her siblings. She didn’t even get a chance to complain. She sighs, blowing out bubbles but still watched none the less.

The appearance of a Vuhor splashing into the water elicits a lift of a brow, but didn’t cause any stirring from her. It was when a Kraken showed up and started to approach the timid Scald that she shifted. Bouncy may be lazy, but when it comes to her siblings, she wasn’t a slouch. In a flurry of bubbles in her wake, she quickly races over to Scald and put herself between him and the other two permas. “Okay… back off. Can’t you see you’re freaking him out?!
@Zakiax @PeterPan_da144 @Rano713 @Bluedemonwolf


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 2 2
Roll(s): 23 | 2

Will edit with RP post because I don't know who else to enter right now (It's late)


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 5 5
Roll(s): 5
Something hits you right in the face! Take home a scarab!

Sunny blinked rapidly at the rather large tentacled being now politely perched before him. He'd come here to fish and enjoy the day, maybe take his daughter's advice and mingle with other ponies. She wanted him to get himself back on the market, but honestly, he just wasn't sure if he was ready yet -- or if that was the best thing for him right now.

Shaking his head slightly, the aquatic reached down and gently patted the creature's head with a small smile.

Firelight wouldn't be amused, but he had made one new friend so far. With an amused snort at imagining his daughter's reaction, Sunny turned to gather up a new lure.

Now, he was expecting a lot of things to happen today. However, he was not at all prepared for an overly friendly scarab to decide his face looked as good a spot as any to soak up some sun. The sound he made as the beetle collided with his nose was highly undignified and he was so glad he'd come alone -- he'd never have heard the end of the teasing for that one had he brought someone along.

Once his heart rate settled, Sunny eyed his two new companions for a moment before once more trying to attach a new lure to his line. Hopefully, in peace this time. Though, honestly he doubted he would get that – there was just this feeling deep down that told him peace wasn’t an option on this beautiful day.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 93 93
Roll(s): 93
You feel a tug on your leg. It's a phytox who wants to play! Take home a phytox.

(fill in RP later, probably gonna slap Blep in here -- she'd love coming to something like this)
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 50 15 65
Prizes for 7/17
Roll: 50, 15
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