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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney


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Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 30 30
Roll(s): 30

Pail in mouth with a wide grin, Strawberri Kiss brushed up against Ruby Rose affectionately and set the bucket down to reveal the flyingfish lazily coiling in warm water within. "A new friend for the house," she hummed softly as she set up her fishing pole.
Lychee, Kiwi, and Juniper had scattered throughout the beach in search of their own adventure, but it was still a family outing, something she had missed sorely over the past few years. Oh, the family was always close, but life had taken everyone in different directions once the children had become adults. Juniper, the youngest addition, had finally left her adoptive parents' house to pursue her own career and goals, leaving Strawberri Kiss nostalgic for the days when tiny hooves ran throughout the house and shelter. It was nice to see everyone again, even Eclipse, her adopted grandson, who she loved dearly but wished he'd keep Jaws from eating the pet treats she had brought for the trip.
"Did you catch anything? I overheard there's a ton of companions running around without owners. That's how I got this lil' guy!" She nodded towards the bucket. "Jumped right into my bucket! It was full of sand at the time, but we figured it out, didn't we?" She cooed softly towards the sleeping flyingfish, who didn't make any sign of hearing her comment.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 97 69 166
Roll(s): 97, 69

opy and paste the image of the prize(s) you're taking! remember to only grab 1 per the prompt rolled. if the prize rolled requires to ping Nym then note so here and use the Quote Nym form in a separate post)

Nidra and Mark continued to fish with each other and Nidra frowned as she fished up some clips. Ewww that was gross who even liters like that? She saw they were nice clips. maybe they weren't junk but lost and found items. she wondered if there were any lost and found here. she would check on that later. tucking the clips aside she figured it would be easy to check when she was all done fishing.
Mark was surprised when he felt the tug on his fur only to see a little strange plant like creature. the phofox went from him to playing with the fish that he had in the bucket which was nice.
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Kiwi had withered under the umbrella he had previously set up for his fishing spot to destress from the fish attack. He was mortified, truthfully. The scream had been far louder than he had originally considered and he had received quite a few glances, which now lingered in his general direction between him and his massive son, who had begun tossing himself in the waters with bright laughter.
The fish had been safely allocated into the proper bucket and left beside Kiwi's hooves, where it'd remain until Kiwi mustered the energy to find his mother and deposit the creature on her pure heart. Either she'd want them, or she'd put them in the shelter -- regardless, it was a win-win.
His eyes had been locked on the bucket in quiet frustration when the shadow of a pony cast over it, drawing his eyes to spot a very pickle-themed pony. He twitched into an upright position immediately, his cheeks tinting a darker red. Great, they had totally heard his shrieks earlier.
"Ah- uhm, yes, I was just startled by this one." He gently tapped his hoof in the sand beside the offending bucket before glancing back at the pony, his head lowering sheepishly. "Sorry. I'll keep it down, I'm sure that was distracting."


signed an NDA
Staff member
Your semi-custom deepling has found its way home!

Congrats! You won a deepling! These large companions are the newest addition to the companion roster and will have their lore filled out after the event! They're friendly little large octolings who are known for their shy and reclusive nature, but this one has chosen you!

A delighted smile crept across her face as she turned her gaze to Strawberri Kiss, this pony's voice and cheerful warmth filled ruby with a feeling of comfort and love, Oh how she adored her Wife. " A new friend?" she peered int o the bucket watching the fly fish, it was quite a lovely one at that it reminded her of her own markings. she brought her face close to Strawberri's and nuzzled gently in to her. she smelled like sunshine to her. as she listened to her, ruby's smile only grew bigger as she listened carefully to her " Well I did see so many wondering about, I'm sure they will all receive good homes today, and if not we can cox whats left back home and find them some homes." She said in thought as she moved her nose closer to the pail and gently nuzzled it with her nose before raising her head. " No I have not caught a thing really however I did find a lovely red coral in my net, but not much else. However it will look wonderful with the rest of my coral collection and maybe I'll get lucky and find a cutie like to did." she said with a hopeful thought. She had a rabbit at home but it would be nice to find a new friend to ad to the family, she pondered another matter losing herself in thought all the while peppering her wife in affection.


Grizzled Veteran

Keawe remained still for a moment as the creature gripped her legs. She did not make a peep but she looked down at the creature and then smiled. What an absolute cutie! "Come on little one." She said, allowing it to crawl up her some more. Such a pretty creature and matching her aesthetic very nicely. So things from the water weren't that scary. "I hope you don't mind hanging around me and sorry for almost stepping on you!" Not that really spoke back to her, which was okay. It was the other creature too that startled her. A cute little wotter who seemed to follow her around. Well, now she had two friendly critters. Back to attempting to fish out other things from the water.

WC: 126


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 48 48
Roll(s): 48

Tropicana strode onto the crowded beach flaring his wings impressively to draw attention and announce his arrival in flamboyant fashion. This may not be his party but he would do his part to dial up the fun with style. Not far behind him Cosmo pulled a small cart decorated to look, and act as a mobile mini bar. "Come Cosmo! Nothing livens up a party quite like a tall tropical drink!" He called back as he led the way to a prime spot in the center of the beach.

Cosmo smiled and followed along. Not one of many words they always seemed to feel emboldened in the presence of their ever outgoing and lively companion. They also didn't mind being delegated to drink mixing. It was after all something they were both good and and greatly enjoyed. Once the spot had been decided by Tropicana, Cosmo unhitched the cart and swiftly popped open the vibrant floral print umbrella and began prepping to make drinks.

Tropicana beamed at Cosmo as they set to work. His shy little companion really had quite the passion for mixing drinks and he loved watching them bloom. His gaze however, drifted curiously to the ocean where ponies were fishing and his eyes lit up with curious energy. He had to try that, it wouldn't do to not try to win a competition. "Holla if ya need me Cosmo! I just gotta try to catch the coolest thing!" He called brightly as he made his way to the water to fish.

Cosmo turned to watch Tropicana stride off to try and show off with a slight smile. So bold and completive as usual. Cosmo turned back and finished prep before making a drink for their self and sipping it in the umbrella's shade as they waited for others to take interest in their setup.
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Grizzled Veteran

Nerissa had come to investigate the area after hearing about the disturbance on a beach not too far from the waters she typically called her domain. Though in her mind all the waters belonged to her. She peeked the top of her head above the water's surface to look over at everypony on the beach. Her eyes narrowed and a low grumble of dissatisfaction rolled from her throat. How dare they have such a gathering on her shores. Her eyes narrowed and she lashed her tail under the water several times.

Her anger rose as she felt they had slighted her personally with this celebration. They had the nerve to not only not personally invite her but to pull out treasures and sea life from the waters without her knowledge or permission. She just kept riling herself up as she stared balefully at the gather pones and their fun as she considered what she should do.
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Grizzled Veteran

Mokosh slowed down as she approached Scald, keeping a few feet from him. It helped that another Nakotsu swam up and inserted herself between Mokosh and the scared kid. "Why is he scared? Was it the other kid, the Vuhor who scared him?" She asked, her voice not very clear as she spoke underwater. She was answered pretty quickly by another perma who said the scared one didn't do well with crowds. Was two other kids approaching considered a crowd? She thought that the various different permas that made up that family was more of a crowd than her and the Vuhor.

As she stopped and just worked on staying in place one of her tentacles drooped down and ended up touching the Seabell who had been following her. She flinched and looked down to spot a perma who naturally blended in with the water. Ah how the hunter became the hunted. She concentrated trying to use her camouflage ability to disappear and move away from the Seabell perma under her. However as she concentrated trying to force herself to camouflage a dark cloud poof out around her. Mokosh accidentally inked instead of camouflaging! How mortifying! She just stopped moving at all, staying in her ink cloud for a moment turning an almost dark red/red-purple as she blushed.

@PeterPan_da144 @Zakiax @Natty-chan @Rano713


Grizzled Veteran

Yeong continued to walk in the direction of the family and soon was walking by them. He was eyeing a spot about 15 yards away from them that was empty of other ponies fishing and thought it would be a good spot, far enough away from the family. He paused for a moment when the awakened moved between Yeong and the kids. He gave a nod in return to the greeting.

"Hello. Good day for fishing and a swim apparently." He replied feeling Midnis turn around and lift off his head. He could only assume his companion was moving to sit on Deku's 'head'. He waited a moment to glance back and make sure she was settled before starting to take a couple steps away. He didn't get far before a thought hit and he turned to look at the two parents. "I'll be fishing over there..." He pointed to the spot he had been eyeing, "So you may want to warn the little ones to watch out. Don't want them to get tangled in the line or get hooked."

Not wanting to disturb the family anymore he began to walk away. He moved to the spot he wanted and began to set up to fish. He put the bait bucket next to him, warning Deku to not touch it or there would be no fish later, and got ready to cast his line. Midnis, up on Deku, began to smack the tail trying to get it to put her down gently on the ground. Instead it dumped her on the sand, right next to a geode that was half buried. She ran into it and began to frantically unearth it, unable to tell what it was.

No longer carrying the Ferregon, Deku ignored the bait bucket (no matter how tempting it was) and instead stretched out as far as it could towards the water. It'd do it's own fishing. Floating on top of the shallow water it opened its mouth and just waited for something to swim in.



Grizzled Veteran

While the fishing tourney was underway, Razzleberry had come to it not to partake in the fishing. No no no... there were far better ways to spend her time, especially as she asked her mate to join her. She had seen a flyer for it noting the free food and drink, plus live music. It sounded like a great way to take a small vacation during this hot summer. She had a blanket to lay on in the sand, along with a wide brimmed summer hat, and of course a notebook and pen so she could make notes. After all this would be the perfect time to get reference material on other ponies behaviors while at the beach. She was planning on doing a novel that featured beach scenes soon.



Stew Aficionado

Blushes in Spring was as shy as ever. They had been coming out of their shell ever since meeting Razzleberry, and were more than eager to read the Pegasus pony's next book. But to be part of the studying... Still made them anxious. The Suli stayed close to their partner, even though Razzleberry was smaller, and Blushes' tree made them stand out size wise...

"Let's get something to snack on... And then maybe... Find a shady spot to sit?"



Grizzled Veteran
Razzleberry nodded looking up slightly to smile at her partner. "Oooo yes snacks are a must! Drinks too. I think I saw a couple of booths on the way to the beach that had snacks and drinks. I think one was giving away little sand buckets too. We could use that to help carry the snacks and drinks." She replied while moving towards said booths. She made sure to say close to her shy mate. "Hmmm a shady spot on the sand. Maybe they have some spots with umbrellas set up to make shade? I'd hate to get stuck off of the beach and sand because there's no shaded spots."

It wasn't long until the booths with the food and drink were before them. And indeed they were giving away sand buckets for ponies to take, either to play with in the sand or like Razzleberry suggested to help haul goodies. "Hm... let's see.... we should definitely take some water but maybe a fruity drink would be good too?"



Stew Aficionado
Blushes nodded a bit, ducking his head low. "I think that's a good idea," he would say softly. Plodding along with the other as the tables came into view. He would move closer to the tables and pick out some snacks. As well as some water bottles. If Razzleberry wanted something more elaborate, he wouldn't stop them. But he did use one of the clean buckets they were handing out to put the water bottles in.

"Theres a nice spot over there," he flicked his ears towards a particularly large umbrella that was opened and currently had nothing beneath it. It seemed a lot of umbrellas and towels dotted the sands, bit not every one of them had Pony belongings. Were they really free to use?



Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 94 94
Roll(s): 94

Lola Pop had, appropriately, chased after Nerissa the moment that her beloved left their home. Lola had heard the commotion on the beach so near to the Menagerie, but while her precious Nerissa saw it as a thread, Lola couldn't help, but see it as an opportunity. An opportunity to find more treasures for her herd leader and lover, an opportunity to defend the waters nearest to the Menagerie from dangers and, she clicked her sharp jaws together, an opportunity for a bit of bloody violence.

Swimming swiftly up beside Nerissa, Lola - the herd's Finder - wouldn't touch her lover unless Nerissa herself initiated. It was a sign of respect and something that she'd spoken of with her leader before. Even now, while being so close to Nerissa, she refrained from touching the aggravated mare (though Lola secretly wished she could reach out in attempts to sooth Nerissa's sour mood.)

"Many little land ponies unsuspecting of our might." She reflected softly. "Many floundering aquatic ponies, distracted by the celebrations. They would never see an attack coming." She mused. "If not an attack, then plenty chances to pull treasures off them when they are distracted." Lola Pop grinned pointedly, flashing her teeth. "I aim to please, my queen, tell me of your will and I shall execute it." She informed the beautiful mer who swam at her side. @I--LiveWire--I
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 39 39
Roll(s): 39

Dastardly Dubloon, alicorn of thieves, daughter of the alicorn of pirates, had already coerced a maow with the promise of fish and bait, to join her latest scheme. Loony, as her father often called her, had often said that a good companion paired with a good crowd would be the best place to pillage a village for treasure. Loony had never been particularly "pillage-savvy", preferring to be quiet on her hooves and using her powers of deception to blend in and pick pockets. She knew that maows were also light on their paws and besides - with such a cute maow at her side, who could ever suspect Loony of doing any manner of crime. So long as they kept the term 'maow burglar' out of their minds, that was.

Despite her domain, Loony had yet to establish herself among the big wig thieves. She was an expert when it came to petty crime, like stealing candy from a permafoal, but when it came to what her heart truly desired, like stealing precious museum pieces, or gemstones that adorned the Prism Palace, she was less than brave in her scheming. Why, she was so dark and brooding, she couldn't even manage to steal a pony's eye, much less their heart.

Maybe today would be different - it was a beach celebration and, at a glance, ponies were too distracted by the wild companions that sprung out of every bush and wave, to notice that she was sneaking away with their valuables (if you could count tubes of sunscreen lotion, towels and the occasional snacks as valuables.)

It wasn't until she spotted a crystal necklace that she really perked up. It was just fished out of the water on some unsuspecting pony's hook and before she knew fully what she was doing, she was approaching the pony - oh dear, the alicorn - with a gleam in her eye. One of her powers was the ability to judge how valuable something was, and Dreamer help her, she wanted to touch that crystal and - if it was worth anything - fly off with it. She couldn't very well say this all to the alicorn across from her, so seh settled instead with.

"Nice catch! Can I see it? I'll give it back, I promise. It's yours after all." Haha, yeah right. As if anything could ever belong truly to anyone. @RozeyBear
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 91 70 161
Roll(s): 91, 70

A dark figure rippled beneath the surface of the waves, one unlike anything Svana had seen before! There seemed to be many tentacles, but it was hard to tell... And before Svana could successfully hook it, off it zoomed! "OH!" She jumped up, nearly knocking over the bucket containing the now very startled Angelfish, and almost dove in after the shadowy thing as curiosity gripped her tight... But before she could, off went the Draxocoeti! It dove into the water, seemingly giving chase, but of course having just met this creature and knowing very little about their kind, Svana had zero idea what to expect...

And so they waited... and waited... and waited... and... oH!

Not too far from them, black and white tentacles sprung up from the surface of the ocean, and there was the Draxocoeti flying up and around them, weaving in and out, up and down... It looked as if they were playing! Pony and Maow watched in wonder, until suddenly the Draxocoeti zoomed back towards them! "LOOK OUT!" Svana dropped down, almost flattening Capt'n Doubloons, to avoid a collision with the excited dragon-fish. When she lifted her head back up... She came face-to-face with a large black and white creature with glistening violet orbs peeking back at her just above the oceans surface. "What... in tha seven... FABLED seas... are you??"

The creature didn't respond with a noise, opting instead to duck back into the water, throw a pretty crystal necklace at her, and then flop up on the deck with the rest of the gang to also inspect the bait that the Draxocoeti had re-focused on.

"What... what is with today???"
[word count : 276]
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 24 24
Roll(s): 24

The large male did pause to let Fuwa catch up. "Well at least we're here." he cooed at her. Blinking as he felt something smack his flank. He slowly turned his head to look down at the fish. "Bold of you...." he hummed a moment before sighing as he used his net to nab a bucket full of water. "In or be left here."

The fish happily jumped in, Toxic looked less than amused. He looked to Fuwa. "I'm going to start an aquarium or build a pond..."

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