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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney


Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 90 90
Roll(s): 90

Lights nuzzled her as she snuggled into his chest. He blinked when he felt his tail push another turtle towards Vermillion. "Look my heart...he's trying to butter you up." he chuckled. Then gave the tail a warning glare after he saw a tooth scrape on the shell. "Or...apologizing."

The tail whimpered.

@-Ghastly Demise-


Grizzled Veteran
Nerissa felt Lola swim up beside her and slid her gaze over to her finder. Her expression was still soured by her irritation, however the presence of one of her lovely mates alone soothed her somewhat irrational thoughts. Then her scowling slowly grew into a devious toothy smile as Lola spoke. Her wrath began to morph into cunning malice as her mind took in the musings of her finder and began to work.

She dipped her head back below the surface and deliberately leaned into Lola, casually draping her tail over the chaser's own. The contact was soothing and encouraging. Allowing her to fill that possessive greed by drawing them closer together. Besides, it was only fitting to reward loyal minions for their deeds and she very much liked it when other agreed with her and offered amazing ideas.

With a slight hiss to her melodic tone she spoke. "Marvelous ideas, my dear. Just marvelous." She leaned her head into Lola's neck and looked up with a gleam in her eyes. "And as much as it would please me to see these foolish ponies suffer for their thoughtlessness. I do believe extracting a tax for their idiocy would be more pleasing." She practically purred now as she thought of the potential great treasures or even followers they may be able to add to her collection if they took a less overtly aggressive act against such a large group of ponies. Land walkers they may be but she was not fool enough to not know of alicorn power. Besides it was such a nice warm day would be a shame to waste.

Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 46 24 70
Roll(s): 46,24
her hair danced in the light wind blowing past her, Her eyes fixated on the pole in front of her as the bobber which was shaped like a succulent plant. slightly bobbed up and down showing no signs of going under any time soon. She had been relaxing on her own a content hum escaped her as she placed her adorable blue and cloud patterned sun hat on her head her ears poking threw the holes on either side for her ears, the hat provided a welcome shade from the sun rays for her fish friends as she looked over in to a blue bucket at her side, filled with water and a adorable little Draxocoeti she had caught earlier in the day, as she admired them she had felt a tug she pulled carefully and suddenly a small splash as an angelfish came flying out, Clovers eyes glittered as she gazed up and quickly grabbed her bucket to catch the little fish. she made sure it landed safely and lowered the bucket carefully at her paws gazing in to it " Hello friend." she spoke softly to the blue and purple spotted Angelfish that to her, Looked like starlight.

A gleeful feeling washing over her as her little bob tail swayed. she reached in carefully popping the hook-less bait lure from its mouth and adding some food she had made just for today in to the bucket. She smiled gazing up from the bucket and wondered when Calico- the hybrid stalker pony she had she had met would arrive, she was looking forward to their planed day out together, She didn't mind the wait, it gave her time to collect more of theses adorable fish, maybe she would meet other ponies and make some new friends. after all she was way to excited to wait, she arrived much to early to the agreed meeting time, she wanted to catch some adorable fish while she waited. whilst she was lost in thought something had caught her eye, when she glanced over their was a lump in the sand, upon brushing away the sand with her paw she discovered a purple fish glass figure there she perked her ears up and took it from the sand , she dusted it off and added it to her bag. What a lucky day!
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 58 58
🎲d100 100 100
Rolling for the day 7/19

Roll(s): 58 and 100
An aquaila drops down and snatches your bait! Take home an aquaila!
A school of Draxocoeti flies by, but one pauses to inspect your bait. Take home a draxocoeti!



signed an NDA
Staff member

Roll(s): 100

Something tugs on your line quickly, but it lets go before it snaps. The tip of a dark head can be seen, and then three green gems. The deepling peers at you are first, pondering its next course of action. Finally, after sizing you up, it swims closer and offers its tentacle, as if to shake "hands".

Congrats! You won a deepling! These large companions are the newest addition to the companion roster and will have their lore filled out after the event! They're friendly little large octolings who are known for their shy and reclusive nature, but this one has chosen you!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 91 91
Roll(s): 91

Sunspot took a great deal of delight in events like these - and it was a great opportunity to meet new ponies. He could spend all day with Caustic Candescence, if the pony would've let him, but Sunspot had learned over their time spent together, that Caustic needed his own levels of peace and quiet. Sunspot would continue to invite his mate out, of course, but he made it apparent that there was no pressure in his requests and that he'd bring home something for Caustic on any of his trips out into the world.

He'd explored into the shallows, a watchful eye on the foals nearby, to make sure that he didn't spook or swim through them, he soon caught the eye of a curious phytox.
"Oh dear, you can't come home with me, I live in the ocean." He told it, but the phytox leaped from the shore onto his head and Sunspot squeaked his surprise. "Oh, I...Mm, well, you can stay there so long as you're comfortable, but it won't be long-term. You might want to find an earth pony... or a suli to take you in." Sunspot frowned. Could that be considered racial stereotyping?
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 85 85
Roll(s): 85

Lola let out a pleased trill at Nerissa's touch, which sent up a swirl of bubbles to pop at the surface, when Nerissa leaned into her and draped her tail over Lola's own. Weightless in the water, cuddling was always made easier. She nodded her agreement and cast her eyes out towards the shore once more. She'd proposed the idea, but she wouldn't lead the charge - that privilege would go to Nerissa, naturally.

She could see a stray lotoise in the corner of her eye, but paid it little heed. A snack for later, perhaps. There was plenty of meat to be found in a lotoise, once you get through its shell. Turning her attention swiftly back to her mate, she asked.

"What may I do for you first, my love? You have me at your beck and call. How shall we ensnare these land-ponies into your realm... or make them suffer for trespassing in your waters?" @I--LiveWire--I
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 91 91
Roll(s): 91

As much as Bouncy Bubble would have liked to return to being sunk in the sand, or just floating around in the water, she remained in front of Scald for as long as he was upset. There was no word from the Vuhor, but the Polpo asked a few questions- only to be answered by Flail. They still didn't seem to back away though. This whole time, even with half of his body buried in the sand back, Bouncy would brush comfortingly against her sibling- doing her best to calm him down, while watching the others. She didn't see where Aqua Ring went, not realizing she was following after Mokosh. For a moment, she looked back to shore to her parents. Briefly, she thought about calling out to them, but Scald already did that... quite loudly in fact, and they just did nothing. This made her tilt her head. What if something bad was really happening? Because of this, Bouncy didn't really see the point in shouting for them.

With that, she turns back around- only for her eyes to widen at the patch of black now spreading through the water. She blinks in confusion for a moment, looking around in the water- probably for the source of it. After a short minute or so, she lost all sort of motivation once again. Remaining near Scald, her body starts to turn in the water so she was floating belly up once again- letting the waves rock her back and forth.
@PeterPan_da144 @Bluedemonwolf @Zakiax @Rano713


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 74 74
Roll(s): 74

Sakura had heard of a fishing tournament that was happening, and while she wasn't really skilled in fishing, she had thought it would be a good thing to bring Sesshoumaru to. Even if they don't catch anything, or even win, it would be a good bonding experience. She had thought of inviting Victoria as well, but she hadn't seen the other in quite some time... and because her and Sessh tended to wander a lot, didn't know of a way to get in touch with her. Perhaps another time.

For now, she lead the way to the location that the tournament was being held at. "This way Sesshoumaru. Hm... it seems it has already started." Despite being late, the Ghoulie seemed to take her time as she stepped upon the beach. Sakura didn't know about her mate, but it was definitely her first time in this sort of environment- and feeling the sand between her paws was a curious, and exhilarating, sensation... she couldn't help but walk a little slower. "There's so many other ponies around. Come now, let's find us a spot." She looked back to him, giving a soft smile to him as she still walked ahead and toward a water- finding one spot that wasn't too crowded, setting up and... ungracefully, tossing out a line.

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 74 30 104
Roll(s): 74, 30
Freebies of the day:

74: As you're fishing a wotter peeks their head from the water and waves. Take home a wotter!

You caught a fish, but it's too cute to eat! Take home an angelfish!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 71 71
Roll(s): 71
The fish you caught coughs up two hairclips. Ewww.... Take home a pair of hairclips!

the fish! (freebie)

Gallant’s borderline hostile expression as he scowled at the new fish on his line altered just slightly when his green eyes met the other alicorn’s gaze. For a moment, he stayed silent while his eyes bounced back and forth between the newcomer and their maow companion. When their words fully registered, a bit of the tension in his shoulders eased and his narrowed eyes widened just enough to be approachable. They weren’t here to hound him over his domain – it even seemed as if they had no idea what his domain would even be, which meant they didn’t know of him or his family.

Good. Maybe they wouldn’t want to be introduced to his mother and siblings and their incessant love of love.

Takin’ mine would be easier than fishing…” His eyes slid from the other alicorn just long enough to cast his line back out.

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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 4 4
Roll(s): 4
Something hits you right in the face! Take home a scarab!


The third scarab of the day just so happened to be the heaviest of the day as well. Glittery and fast, this little guy scuttled his heavy thorax right up into Sunny's hair.

Sunny wigged out. No questions asked, he immediately began shaking his head almost violently to dislodge the little guy. His voice pitched higher than normal as he squealed and practically danced about the water's edge, working his hardest to get the scarab out of his hair.

When the shiny little guy finally came out and perched next to the other two simply watching the aquatic freak out, he calmed a little.

Okay.... maybe just.... watch the horizon for a minute.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 9 22 31
Roll(s): 9, 22
Something hits you right in the face! Take home a scarab!

You caught a fish, but it's too cute to eat! Take home an angelfish or flyingfish!

Snagging two freebies

Calian headed to the fishing tourney because why not. It wasn't like he was going to be competitive or anything, just there to catch and release because that's just how he was. Though maybe there would be something that would catch his eye that he would proudly show off. So he waded near the others, grabbing up the items that he needed and began casting into the water. He didn't even really mingle with anyone, but if anyone wanted to come up to him he wouldn't be too upset. Just wouldn't chat up a storm. A little small talk but he was not much of a talker anyway.

WC: 108
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 60 67 127
Roll(s): 60,67
copy and paste the image of the prize(s) you're taking! remember to only grab 1 per the prompt rolled. if the prize rolled requires to ping Nym then note so here and use the Quote Nym form in a separate post)

Nidra about jumped out of her skin when another bird decided to go and attack her sweater which was covering the other aquilia. Oh geeze! Mark actually had to help her and in a few moments they had the two birds sitting side by side and settled down after having to share their bait with them. Now both were settled and seemed to be relaxed but not leaving so Nidra just sighed and decided she would work on fishing as she was just not catching any fish. When she got back to her line she relized it had snagged on more cllips. she was really going to have to stop by the lost and found now.

Mark on the other hoof was reeling in a nice sized fish with a grin on his face. Nidra wanted to shove him into the water.
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