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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 62 95 157
Roll(s): 62, 95

Dastardly Dubloon left her hoof hanging in the air for a moment, before slowly placing it on the sand beneath with a soft snort. At the other alicorn's question, she was able to answer relatively quickly.
"You just got it, right? So you shouldn't have any emotional attachment to it yet. I'm having a difficult time comprehending why you won't just let me touch it." She paused for a moment, eyeing the crystal necklace and then the alicorn. "Or maybe it's a gift for a lover?" She inquired, though she couldn't help but scrunch up her nose a little at her own suggestion. Romance was on her mind very little these days, unless it came to stealing the hearts of other ponies and admittedly, she wasn't very good at that either.

Yet when it comes to Abaddon, my elder sister fair, every pony absolutely treasures her. They can't get enough of her and her powers. Loony thought, jealousy flaring up within her faster than a flash flood. She turned her attention back to the pale alicorn across from her, her ears perking up when they mentioned that he could be just as stubborn as she was persistent. She leaned forward with a smile, her eyes practically glowing with interest.

"I look forward to seeing that; if you're telling the truth about it." She told them, and glanced down at the crystal necklace again at their final question. "If it's worth nothing, or some approximation of nothing, then my interest with the necklace will fade and I'll find something new to pursue." She leaned back, shifting her weight. She became vaguely aware of her maow nearby, tussling with a new creature that looked like a pile of dead leaves, over a pair of hairclips. She didn't spare the companion creatures a second glance, as her interest was held much more intently by the alicorn she was speaking to.

Even if the necklace ends up being worthless, she reflected silently, I doubt my interest in this fellow will fade so quickly. @RozeyBear
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 70 70
Roll(s): 70

Lillia’s tail swished behind them, seemingly happy that their partner was happy with their suggestion. They nodded, looking to the booths as well. “Alright, that sounds good to me.” With a warm smile they took a few more steps onto the beach, not really to a particular spot yet, but just moving closer to the water. When Rockette did mention locations to set up at though, their attention shifted to look around the beach. They noticed a lot of the good spots were already taken, but had a feeling that would have been the case for not showing up prior to the event starting. Fortunately though, there were still a few decent ones around. The two of them didn’t show up that late that they had to set up some where far. “Well, honestly, as long as there’s shade and you… I don’t mind where we sit. Even if we do sit next to someone else, perhaps we could make some new acquaintances while we all fished together.” A beaming smile, Lillia’s fluffy tail still wagging behind them.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 20 20
Roll(s): 20

Stellar couldn’t help but giggle softly at the way Tetra said ‘okay’, giving a little shake of her head. Still walking just slightly ahead, she tells her mate her preference. “I would love some mango juice if they have it. If not, then pineapple or just apple juice will be fine too.” She hums, as if she could already taste the refreshing liquid already. As she walked, she watched some of the other ponies that were already there- some casting out their lines, others reeling them in, others talking with one another… there even seems to be a large family splashing about in the water. That sight made her smile. She looked to Tetra as they both reach the spot they picked and set up, giving the other a playful bap with her wing. “Alright. We’ll meet back here.” Stellar giggles again at the kiss she received, before turning and strolling to where she can register for the tournament- getting that done relatively quickly and heading back.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 32 50 82
Roll(s): 32, 50
32: A maow meows pointedly, hoping you'll share some fish. Take home a maow!

50: The line is heavy! You pull up a... geode? Take home a geode!

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 9 29 38
Roll(s): 9, 29
9: Something hits you right in the face! Take home a scarab!

29: You caught a fish, but it's too cute to eat! Take home an angelfish!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 36 1 37
Roll(s): 37, 1
A maow meows pointedly, hoping you'll share some fish. Take home a maow!

Something hits you right in the face! Take home a scarab!

Grabbing some freebies too.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 38 2 40
Roll(s): 38, 2
1-10 - Something hits you right in the face! Take home a scarab!

31-40 - A maow meows pointedly, hoping you'll share some fish. Take home a maow!

Upon their answer, the hint of a smile tugged at Gallant’s the corners of Gallant’s lips. That is… until they mentioned a lover. His nose scrunched slightly, eyes snapping the necklace with disdain evident in the green depths. He had no intention of any sort! He was simply holding onto it because the other alicorn was so determined to get their hooves on it–it was a rather fun back and forth, was all.

Out of instinct or habit–he honestly wasn’t sure which won out at the moment–he leaned back just a smidgen when the darkly pelted alicorn leaned toward him. After another moment, the fishing pole in his hooves lost all his interest and he set it aside for some other pony to come along and find. Perhaps they would have better luck than he had–so far he’d only caught one thing of interest and they were currently staring at him much more intently than earlier.

“I’ll give you the necklace on one condition–you tell me why you winced when you mentioned the possibility of the trinket being for a lover.” He spoke slowly, watching their eye dart only once to a new creature amidst the ones slowly gathering around them. He very rarely met another pony that didn’t love the idea of romance and all that came with it, and when he did, it usually turned out to be enlightening at the least.

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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 99 53 152
Roll(s): 99 53


Won't be getting to rp replies till after the weekend now
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She was swaying her tail happily taking care of the turtles before she heard lights again " oh my another one?" she stooped hearing that it wasn't another turtle but a Maow. she smiled and couldn't help but laugh with delight " Yes of course I wouldn't turn down a new animal friend, we shell take them all home and give give them love" she said nuzzling the kitty back. @SwordOfTheNagas
Ruby watched her wife lovingly it felt like she had been waiting so long for an answer. Even though she knew not of what her wife was thinking, ruby to had wanted more children. she loves her already big family, she felt selfish wanting more but having family together with strawberri was like a taste of a perfectly made fruit tart, it was sweet and filled her heart full. Every day was a new adventure for ruby she had once never thought that she would feel like this as she had always been Withdrawn she had always buried herself in her work. Then she heard a sound that brought her back along with strawberries approval to ask the Seraphim she imminently buried herself in to her. " Even if it would be just one more time Would be so delighted to raise more foals with you, I'm so happy you agree." She said as the wotter squeaked and tilted its head at strawberry and made a another sound (Sound for enjoyment) It seemed rather happy. as it accepted strawberri's affection and began to climb her after to give her some affection ruby promptly joined in " look Truffle agrees!" she said playfully she pondered on what to do with colors and decoration in the room and then planted a kiss on her wife's forehead.​