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▷ [Permafoal Adoption Event] To Find a Home


signed an NDA
Staff member

Ends: January 5th, 11:59pm EST

The permafoal infliction is a mysterious case struggling to be cracked, having appeared suddenly and without warning and offering little answers. Regardless of the how or why, many families afflicted aren't prepared for what their new future will look like, and eventually, they can crumble. Many little ones found themselves roaming the cold streets, seeking a new place to call home and praying that, someday, someone would offer them what they had lost. As the permafoal infliction made itself known there was a visible effort by the queens to round up all roaming permafoals and relocate them into specialized orphanages, where they could live their lives comfortably and safely. Bellies were fed, hooves and paws were warmed, and wounds were healed under the careful and loving care of the established sanctuaries.
And for some, that's enough! They're welcomed to stay there as long as they wish or, should they desire to explore the greater beyond, are provided support and means to care for themselves past the orphanages. But for some, well, it isn't. They still desire what they've lost, hoping someday they'll find their new family who is equipped for what it means to be a permafoal.
And that, my dear reader, is where you come in.

How To Play:
  • This is an adoption event. There will be several premades and CC based permafoals given out that need homes, but there may not be enough for everyone who enters.
  • Fill out the form below! The form has optional sections that you can choose to fill out or not, but you must answer at least one section if you hope to take home a permafoal!
  • You CAN fill both prompts in your post!
  • Artists will periodically check this thread. If an entry sways either their heart or visual eye, they can home a premade or design a CC based permafoal for that entry. It is entirely up to the artist, and not every entry is required to be selected, so please remember to be good sports.
  • Be a good sport. Prizes can either be a CC based permafoal, or a premade, which means edit levels will vary and breeds will be random. Do not enter if this is not something you're comfortable signing up for.
  • One entry per person.
  • Only one prize can be won per player for this specific game.
The Form:
[SIZE=24px][COLOR=rgb(83, 180, 231)][FONT=Starborn]I Have A Home To Offer![/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[b]Username:[/b] -username here!-
[b]Three No Breeds:[/b] -only three. you will not receive a permafoal from the indicated breeds. this does lower your chances for a premade, as a note.-

[b][Optional] Writing Prompt:[/b] -have a pony who wants to adopt? tell us about them! you can RP them speaking to a worker about their interest, describe the ponies feelings, or another creative writing method of expressing how your pony wants a new member of their family! lack a pony? you can create a NPC! you can delete this section if you don't wish to fill this prompt out-

[b][Optional] Visual Prompt:[/b] -have an idea of the general look for a permafoal? post an image here! please keep unspoilered and consider resizing large images. lack an image but have a set of colors you like? you can also list colors here, instead! REMEMBER, these are entirely cc prizes! you can delete this section if you don't wish to fill this prompt out-
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Stew Aficionado
Permafoal Ghoulie by Jay

I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: PeterPan_da144
Three No Breeds: Changeling, Noolah, Suli

[Optional] Writing Prompt: Vanya has been a baby sitter for a long time. They've always loved children, so much so that they've put bioluminescent powder over their scales to help look like twinkling stars, even under the water. As a way to help foals calm down and center themselves. But they've always felt like something is missing. No matter how much they love the foals they've watched over through the years, they've never really felt like their own. Vanya always said they treated them like their own, but it felt wrong. Perhaps it was time for them to find their own child. And with this happening of permas surging in the world, Vanya figured now might be a good time. Perhaps they could find a perma foal who would mesh with them nicely, and help them out with babysitting other foals. This would especially help with the foals who were single children, and didn't have playmates. Plus, Vanya could take them home and dote on them even after hours, and bring more warmth and life into their own home.

[Optional] Visual Prompt:
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Grizzled Veteran
I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: Joshuality
Three No Breeds: Slime, Ray

[Optional] Writing Prompt: Roachie is a loving stallion with a lot of compassion in his heart but, unfortunately, it often falls on deaf ears to shallow ponies. This has caused a lot of heartache in Roachie's life, and it's the very reason, in Roachie's eyes, why he is without family. Despite this, Roachie still leads a decent life and is an incredible dancer. Masking himself, Roachie finds the stage is the only place he can truly be seen. In recent years, he's yearned for something more- companionship, perhaps? Or the ability to care for somepony, maybe even somepony just as unconventional as he is, to show them they aren't alone and to teach them there is still kindness in the world.


Grizzled Veteran
I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: ChexaRain
Three No Breeds: Slime, Seabell, Polpo

[Optional] Visual Prompt:


Stew Aficionado
I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: Zakiax
Three No Breeds: Dullahans

[Optional] Writing Prompt: (May fill this out later once i figure out which pony would adopt)

[Optional] Visual Prompt:


Stew Aficionado
I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: Natty-chan
Three No Breeds: Polpo, Noolah

[Optional] Writing Prompt: N/A

[Optional] Visual Prompt:


I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: YupItReallyIsMe
Three No Breeds: Polpo, Changeling, Noolah

[Optional] Writing Prompt: Fira had never really considered adopting, or kids in general until one day, passing the perma-orphanage on the way to a gig, she spotted this one young child in the yard, playing alone. That's when she knew she wanted to take in a foal who may not feel loved or even felt disdain towards a family who left them. She wanted to teach them to paint the town red and not let what other people thought bother them. To not let what happened to them define them. So she resolved to stop in until she met just the perfect foal she could take under her wing.

[Optional] Visual Prompt:
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Grizzled Veteran
I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: Reoake
Three No Breeds: any breed perma is fine

[Optional] Writing Prompt:

Arid waited patiently for his turn to speak to speak to the adoption representative in the other room. There were a fair number of other ponies in the waiting room he was in who also seemed to be adopting lately. He couldn’t say he was surprised. There were a lot of ponies who wanted more members to the their family like them and quite a few foals who were unable to grow up. That is what had caught his attention after all. He tried to imagine what it was like to be small and stuck that way. He didn’t know most permafoals were childlike or adults who were just stuck in small bodies. He supposed it varied based on the pony themselves like anything else. He shifted uneasily. Being in this room felt more like a school reprimand then an adoption application. It brought back memories of how he hated school and felt it was more a jail cell then a learning institution. A bit ironic since he went into the study of law and had become a law clerk. Still soon enough it was time for him to head in. He reviewed his form with the sharp looking pony behind the counter. Yes he had a stable job and home life. In fact his life was edging boring but still very stable. He had a fair number of active hobbies theater, tennis, learning new languages, playing card games, escapology, meditation etc.. the list went on. He had space in his home for a foal. Then came the question he knew was coming since it was clear and obvious. Why do you want to adopt a permafoal who had this affliction? Blessing or curse it was not something that everyone could handle and anyone who adopted a permafoal would have it changing their life forever. “Because they deserve a chance as well.” He spread his paws out as if he could hold up the world to show the adoption representative. “In this world I’m sure there are permafoals who are childlike and innocent who had this happen and were kicked out to the streets or dropped off here without anything explained to them. They deserve a chance for a home that will let them be them and is willing to change and adapt to their needs as well as give them a chance to grow and mature in their own way. I’m also sure there are foals who are bright and intelligent who aren’t given a chance to be the young adults they are and are always treated as foals no matter how old they actually are. Those foals deserve a chance to be spoken with and interacted with like young adults. It doesn’t mean they don’t need more education or even scolding. I’ve met several adults who needed to be spoken with like they were a new foal to get a simple point across.” He closed his paws slowly as if to bring his thoughts to a close. “But those adults are given a chance while these foals are not. That’s why I’m here. I want to be that chance for one of these permafoals.” Adult or child mind didn’t matter. He had the means to help both kinds of permafoal and he knew not every pony did so he was going to do what he could to make at least one permafoals life better if he could.

[Optional] Visual Prompt:


Grizzled Veteran

Edited Permafoal Nakotsu [edits: scarf, bow] by Livewire

I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: Bluedemonwolf
Three No Breeds: Lamia, Polpo, Vuhor

[Optional] Writing Prompt: Sylvie had never really considered adopting before but after hearing the news about these permafoals and how they needed loving homes she felt a fire in her heart ignite. She so wanted to do something to help them. She started by making a knit doll thinking to donate it and a bunch of others for the foals to have. But as she did she began to feel daunted by the task of making so many of them so each foal at the special orphanages. Maybe she should start by just trying to help one. This thought eventually led to the idea of maybe adopting a foal. She never really thought of having a family of her own, since she still hadn't found a mate, but the idea of adopting continue to grow. Plus so many ponies told her she'd make a great mother. With a nervous sigh she looked down at the doll she had made as she stood at the steps of the orphanage. It was a cute little knit pony in blues and purples. Hopefully it would make the foal she would hopefully be adopting happy. She took a deep breath and stepped inside ready to meet a foal to become her family.

[Optional] Visual Prompt:
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran

Edited Permafoal Bat [edits: flower necklace and headband] by OneLittleJay

I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: Bouquet of Diamonds
Three No Breeds: None. All babies are good babies.

[Optional] Writing Prompt: Nightshade is the sole caretaker of a centuries old cemetery close to the edge of a forest and, unbeknownst to the living who come to visit their dearly departed, they've been there for a very long time. How long? ... Long enough to see multiple lines of families grow, thrive, and eventually be interred with their ancestors before them. It doesn't really matter to them, though. They love their job and find their daily tasks of cleaning, maintaining, and restoration to be calming, almost meditative in nature. They feel that they were always meant to be in that graveyard, working from dusk 'til dawn to make sure the dead stay peaceful and rested and free from any potential vandals or gravediggers.

Still, they're very well aware that their condition isn't guaranteed to keep them around forever, and the thought of leaving the graveyard unguarded at night after they've left this world unsettles them. No one else works with them, not since the old stallion that ran the morning shift gave up the ghost, and even though they have two wonderful pets to keep them company... They'd feel so much more content if they had someone to pass their knowledge down to. They'd watched many a family pass their abilities from generation to generation, and adopting a child seemed like just the right idea. After all, they had plenty of space, liked kids, and they could definitely afford to raise one...

However, they'd need to be a child who wouldn't pale at the idea of living and working in a graveyard full time. (Being nocturnal would be a plus, but not a deal-breaker in the long-run.) It would be difficult to find that perfect match, but they've been here long enough to know that anything was possible. There had to be at least one foal out there that would love to make their home amongst these graves, and they'd be more than happy to have them.

[Optional] Visual Prompt:
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perma-foal Banshee with vamp morph by bitsie! 12.25.2022

I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: AlicornPlayhouse
Three No Breeds: N/A

[Optional] Writing Prompt: N/A

[Optional] Visual Prompt:
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Stew Aficionado
I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: Revel
Three No Breeds: N/A, all babies are fun <3

[Optional] Writing Prompt: Grammy Rose was fairly well known in the area for bringing knitted and baked goods to less fortunate, or just gifts for foals and struggling families, her home also being open to anyone who needs her, she was always baking and giving, though she never seemed to have any real blood family of her own, she'd taken in older ponies under her wing so to speak and she gives anyone a room to sleep if needed but she sometimes longs to have someone of her own, even adopted to take care of, someone who REALLY needs her.

[Optional] Visual Prompt:

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran

Permafoal pixie by Jay

I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: Blinded By Silence
Three No Breeds: No banshee please <3
[Optional] Visual Prompt:
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Grizzled Veteran
I Have A Home To Offer!
Username: PZMJNP
Three No Breeds: N/A

[Optional] Writing Prompt: Cocoa Melon has felt increasingly lonely over the years. Trying to fill it by befriending some of her customers at 'Better Morning Donuts' has helped a little but she still craves a deeper connection. A family connection. Cocoa hasn't had any luck in the romance department nor does she want to wait. Especially not after hearing about the recent influx of permafoals and how many have been abandoned. In her opinion one loving parent is better than none and so she feels both ready and excited to give her whole heart to one of these poor dears. And hopefully in time they'll be able to give her some of theirs. Thankfully, helping create (and consume!) gourmet donuts should help be a good icebreaker and also distraction from possible woes.

[Optional] Visual Prompt:
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