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▷ Submit Locations/Holidays

My Four Seasons

Mule Account
Want to offer us some location ideas and holidays? Well, we want you to, too! We love hearing customer ideas and are thrilled to include creations by our writers. Please feel free to read the form below and submit your idea!
  • Please post once per suggestion.
    If you have multiple ideas that's great! Post multiple posts, then. Every post should only have one form submitted.
  • We have the right to reject an idea.
    Sometimes an idea conflicts with lore or might actually be something we've been secretly planning. While we dislike saying 'no', we might have to time to time!
  • We can tinker with suggestions.
    We might need to adjust a suggestion to properly fit into lore.
  • Once you donate your lore to the shop it is ours to keep.
    Donations are just that; donations. You are submitting lore for us to keep and use for the shop. It will become shop property. If you leave the shop it will not leave with you.

Suggestion Form:
Username: name
Location or Holiday: tell us which!
Describe: tell us details!


Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Location or Holiday: Location
Describe: The Dark Grove was made by a Alicorn for a foal that no one wanted. It borders Fall's Harvest, not exactly inside the territory proper. The Grove itself always has this mist on the floor, you never see the grass properly without feeling it beneath your hooves. Those who enter here are those who feel out of place with all others. This is the haven for Monsters. Beware: There are Beasts here who Hunt.

*Note I am making a full out Document of information that would answer questions as this is a large place. Once this Document is finished I will send it to the Lore Masters for final approval.

My Four Seasons

Mule Account
Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Location or Holiday: Location
Describe: The Dark Grove was made by a Alicorn for a foal that no one wanted. It borders Fall's Harvest, not exactly inside the territory proper. The Grove itself always has this mist on the floor, you never see the grass properly without feeling it beneath your hooves. Those who enter here are those who feel out of place with all others. This is the haven for Monsters. Beware: There are Beasts here who Hunt.

*Note I am making a full out Document of information that would answer questions as this is a large place. Once this Document is finished I will send it to the Lore Masters for final approval.
Approving with a note I will add it into the upcoming new locations guide! Wording will alter a tad.


Username: LadyAngelHeart

Location or Holiday: Location

Grazing Acres is a large patch of green in Summers Touch divided by a flowing river. To one side of a cluster of country shops which serve as a warm welcome to travelers. The cozy store fronts reflect the variety of talents living across the flowing waters. On the other side of the wide wooden bridge you can see a rolling pasture of houses which surprisingly resemble barns of various colors and styles. This place is home to many farm like morphs but also serves as base of operations for the Legend Dairy Cow Herd who have taken up residence here.

(I am not good with visual details so any "spice" suggestions would be welcomed, it looks like below)



Grizzled Veteran
Username: Bluedemonwolf
Location or Holiday: Location
Describe: Snowbank is located in Winter's Breath closer to Winter Castle than Winterbloom is (it's close to about half way between each location, just a little closer to Winter Castle). Due to it's location it is always cold there and is almost always covered in snow. The city is fairly lively despite the cold and in the month of January it hosts a gathering to compete in making snowponies, ice sculptures, and other winter fun events.


Grizzled Veteran
Username: KisaValkyrie
Location or Holiday: Location
Describe: Ok so Imagine a ski lodge up the side of Frost Breath Canyon. Owned by a dragon family. Its now run and owned by Princess Caracalla as her family has all passed on. The Lodge is large and holds up to 200 guests + The staff who will live here if they wish to. Its made from wood and stone with dragon statues all around and gargoyles around the roof. There are guides available to take ponies around to places on the mountain side that wish to try skiing or boarding on different difficulty slopes. It is set up with several large dining halls on the main floor, an indoor swimming pool, hot springs off the back of it. Its run by trusted ponies of the Caracalla family and is a wonderful safe spot for anyone who has gotten lost on the mountains. Its beautiful and well kept up and has been made to feel like one of the most wonderful homes away from home places that you can find for vacation in the colder areas of the land.