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▷ The Breeds

My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Welcome to the breed guide, where information on the current breeds within Everchange can be found! There are a few terms you'll need to know going forward:
“Breed:” indicates a unique race of pony with its own individualizing features.
“Type:” indicates the general zone/environment a pony can live in: terrestrial, amphibious, aquatic, and aerial!
“Trait:” is defined as a ‘physical feature a pony has or can have.’
“Exclusive trait:” this is what makes a pony its breed. Every breed has at least one exclusive trait that no other breed can have, and having it in any form - template or curiosity - makes a pony at least partially that breed (hybrid). Examples include the mouth tail for ghoulies or the singular forehead horn for unicorns.
“Shared trait” is a feature that a breed has that others can have without making them a mystic. Examples would be dragons’ horns or kitsunes having a multi-tailed trait. Restrictions listed under any particular breed (such as kitsunes having at least two tails) apply only to that breed.
“Curiosity/Mystic:” any trait on a pony that isn’t a template is considered a curiosity, and ponies with those are called mystics. If a curiosity is of an exclusive trait, it makes that pony that breed or a hybrid, and if it is a shared or unlisted trait, then it’s a simple curiousity. A long, spiraling, curved unicorn horn is always a unicorn trait, even if placed on a mer base or kitsune base etc, whereas multiple dragon tails on a dragon is just a curiosity.
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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Earth :: UHRth
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁
Earth ponies were recorded as the first breed within Everchange, although they were swiftly followed by pegasus and unicorn! They're also the most common breed, as well as the most adaptable, making it easy for their kind to spread throughout the different regions and grow in numbers.

▷ Abilities ◁

Typically built for endurance and strength, earth ponies are as resilient as they come, making up for their natural lack of magic with tougher-than-diamond hooves and incredible stamina. While they're physically adept, earth ponies do not have a natural resistance towards magic -- in fact, they're fairly weak to it, finding themselves succumbing easily to all sorts of spells and magical attacks sent their way.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
▷ Shared Traits ◁

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Pegasus: :: Peg-uh-suhs
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁
The sky is the limit for pegasus ponies -- literally. These ponies were made to rule the air above and even had a hoof in aiding the growth of civilization above the horizon. They're a fairly old and common breed, making them easily recognizable amongst Everchange's populations.

▷ Abilities ◁

Equipped with wings and the ability to quite literally walk on clouds, pegasus ponies have magic that allows them to fly without regard to their weight or wingspan, and since standing and walking on clouds is no issue, they're free to choose between living on the ground or in the sky above. Their coats are naturally wind and rain resistant and keep them warm and dry.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Medium-sized feathered wings​
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Feathered wings (general)
Feathers on non-pegasi wings​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Unicorn :: YOO-nuh-korn
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

The third and final "old" breed, unicorns are the pioneers of magical advancements made throughout Everchange. Blessed with the ability to use and learn magical spells and charms, unicorns often rely heavily on their magic to help with everyday life. They're seen as particularly valued and useful amongst pony society, although it has bred a culture that heavily emphasizes the mastery of one's magic (adding strain to younger generations). They're a common breed and can be found just about anywhere, much like earth and pegasus ponies.

▷ Abilities ◁
Telekinetic magic
Lesser spells​

All unicorns inherently have telekinetic magic that stems from their horn, emitting a colorful glow and mist when used. Unicorns, with careful studying and patient mastering, can learn additional spells and charms. While they will never rival an alicorn in magical capability, they can imbue nearby objects to affect daily life (i.e; seasonal alignment resistance, health charms, water breathing, tools to assist disabilities, etc) and cast minor elemental spells.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Singular horn, forehead center​
▷ Shared Traits ◁

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Mer :: MEHR
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

One of many underwater loving breeds, mers are a commonly found breed of pony that has only recently been able to traverse land with their fellow aquatics! For the longest time, their kind generally stayed deep in the secluded waters, but now with modern inventions, they can be found just about anywhere (although more likely somewhere still close to a body of water).

▷ Abilities ◁
Bubble breath
Enchanting voice​

Mers have enhanced stamina that allows them to swim for ages before tiring, which you'll find them doing plenty as they have a need to stay somewhat damp or risk illness. Drying out is particularly dangerous for their kind, who are weaker to the dry air of above than other natural underwater breeds.

Mers also have the ability to create and direct bubbles from their throat as a weapon, which is more powerful when submerged. They also possess musical ability, using songs to influence moods and make themselves more likable to the listener. This ability does not mind control and is usually best towards cooperative individuals.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Long, snake-like lower half
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body fins
Body scales (optional)

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Lakeskimmer :: LAYk-skim-mur
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Lakeskimmers were the very first amphibian to grace Everchange, making them a common breed to find! Their beautiful fins can catch easily on various foliage and fixtures, forcing them to be conscious of their surroundings at all times.

▷ Abilities ◁

It's an odd sight to behold, but lakeskimmers can consciously decide to walk on water! Named for their ability to skim gracefully above any watery surface, these ponies can traverse great distances with their inherent ability, regardless of weight or size.

Some lakeskimmers have extra fins on their shoulders (often referred to as "fin wings"), which boost their speed while swimming and skimming!

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Delicate/wispy fin-tail
Fin "wings" (optional)
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body fins
Head fins​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Bat :: Bæt
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Bat ponies are not the most common to find within Everchange. Oh, they're certainly there, but sunlight is exceptionally rough on their eyes, making them quite effectively blind in its direct brightness - giving many a nocturnal preference over time and making them natural dwellers of the night. Though they benefit from the same inclination and love for the skies above as pegasi, the similarities end there as well; instead of choosing the same to dwell, darker locations such as caves and underground cities are often preferred in order to protect themselves from that bothersome, bright ball in the sky.

▷ Abilities ◁

Much like pegasus ponies, as stated above, bats too can walk on clouds and have wings that defy all science and logic by supporting them regardless of weight or strength. To counteract their visibility disability they have both perfect night vision and the ability to echolocate with their mouth, helping them navigate the world regardless of time and (unfortunate) day.

They're also speedy on their hooves and wings, making this breed hard to catch when they really don't want to be, and their tails help them steer quickly while flying, making them skilled at quick movements and evasion tactics even while in the air.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Bat wings
Bat tail​
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body fluff​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Ghoulie :: GHOUL-ee
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Pawed ponies with a friend attached, ghoulies have lived in the shadows for generations and only recently returned to civilization. Regardless, they're a common breed in numbers and have slowly begun to scatter throughout all of Everchange. Still recovering from what had sent them into hiding in the first place, these former reclusives are still finding their place in the world and establishing roots once again.

▷ Abilities ◁
Shadow manipulation
Shadow traveling​

Ghoulies are unique in the fact they, unless heavily morphed, share their body with another sentient and living being. Their tails share the same digestive system as their host and experience the same pains and pleasures, but they also have their own developed brain and personalities. While the tails can communicate and speak, their intelligence is not as advanced as the host's brain, limiting their vocabulary and emotional responses.

Masters of the shadows, ghoulies protect themselves with their shadow magic. Able to manipulate shadows at will and independently move them from their sources, they're extremely adept at fear tactics and shrouding their presence. Additionally, ghoulies can travel within shadows and darker corners, dissolving into them with ease. Naturally, they can see perfectly at night.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body spikes
Multiple eyes
Clawed paws
Body fluff​

▷ Morph Warping ◁
Removal of the tail to include a different morphed tail
Morphed tails can have a basic mouth added without it being a curiosity​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Dragon :: DRA-gun
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Uncommonly found within Everchange due to their smaller numbers and original settlements secluding themselves from society for a time, dragons live a life between air and land. While they are powerful fliers and their large wings can take them far, they also have a natural inclination towards the discovery and consumption of gemstones and ore. As such, they're inclined to flock towards ore-rich mountains, where their preferred diet can always be satiated.

▷ Abilities ◁
Gem/ore sensor
Elemental breath (fire, ice, electricity)​

Dragons can fly regardless of their weight or wingspan, although they have a harder time quickly changing direction than some sky-mates. Their long tail aids in flight, however, and often can be used as a weapon due to its length and strength. Dragons also benefit from being able to breathe in the thinnest of atmospheres and adapt to various surroundings quickly, allowing them to move their homes freely and explore the continent without much hindrance.

For food, dragons can sense nearby ores and gemstones and consume them with near-indestructible teeth and jaws, finding nourishment in their unusual diet. These gemstones and ores, in turn, help power their magically elemental breath. Dragon breath is predetermined at birth, but one can slowly change their element by consuming certain ores/gemstones.

As for the elements themselves? Fire and ice came first, with the newest - electricity - having only recently been added through generations of reproduction.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Dragon wings
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Horns behind ears (optional)
Whiskers (optional)
Back spikes (optional)
Long tail with fluff (optional)
Long tail with spade (optional)
Fluffy chest (optional)​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Changeling :: CHAYNJ-leeng
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Rumored to be far removed from what they once were, changelings are a breed that has adapted and evolved dramatically through the many, many years they've existed within Everchange. While records do not have any logs of their original abilities and appearance, their kind inherently knows that they were once something else. Changelings are a rarer sight due to forced exile that has only lifted in the last generation. Many ponies still feel uncomfortable around any member of this breed due to their required diet: the consumption of emotions.

▷ Abilities ◁
Emotion eating (required diet)
Disguise magic​

A changeling's most noticeable characteristic is also their namesake; each possesses the ability to physically transform themselves into any other pony appearance. This can be done from something as simple as a description of a pony or envisioning the target in mind, either to imitate another, right down to sounding the same, or to create their own individual appearance.

There is a downside to this ability; to change one's self is incredibly taxing. Even the most disciplined and trained of their kind will struggle to keep up the transformation for extended periods of time. Changelings also require emotion as their diet, which fuels their abilities in turn. The hungrier a changeling is, the less potent their abilities are and the quicker they run out of strength.

Consumption is relatively harmless. They can consciously begin sucking an emotion from someone or something near them, which does temporarily alleviate the feeling from the target. This is not a permanent experience, and, of course, there are breed-specific laws about ethical consumption. Luckily, as they've begun to join society, unicorn magic has allowed items to be imbued with emotion.

Like certain bugs, changelings share a oneness with their hive. Hiveminds are much like herds, although ruled by an awakened changeling who protects and leads their hive in turn. Those within this hive can communicate telepathically, and unlike bugs, it can be turned on and off.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Veined, insectoid wings
Body holes​
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Segmented body​

▷ Morph Warping ◁
Holes added to morphs​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Kitsune :: kit-SOO-nay
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

These fluffy and multi-tailed citizens are an uncommon sight within Everchange, being one of the newer (by only a few hundred years) introductions to the world. Paired with an orb that seems to always roll or float behind them and several tails (all kitsune have between 2-6 tails), they're fairly easy to spot from a distance. Built magically for illusions and persuasion, kitsune are a popular figure in the entertainment scene.

▷ Abilities ◁
Illusion magic
Persuasion magic​

Kitsune are a magical breed through and through, heavily protected by their illusion and persuasion magic. Their ability to cast an illusion onto anyone or anything is a fairly powerful one, although it's limited by a long recharge period and how strenuous it can be on the user. These illusions do not mask touch, smell, or taste, no matter how convincing or powerful they may seem otherwise. They also do not depend on a host, requiring no item or presence to look like any sight or spectacle imaginable.

Their persuasion magic, on the other hand, is still confusing under study. It directly plays off their illusion magic, but for all intents it's unexplainable. With enough will, these cunning creatures can encourage other ponies to believe unlikely situations, redirect attention, pass on information without bringing attention to themselves, and generally have a paw in manipulating situations via voice.

In what some consider a drawback, their orb is their lifeline. As long as it is healthy and in one piece, a kitsune will also remain so. Their orb naturally rolls after them or floats, depending on the situation, and are possessed of a strange force which will crush objects and ponies alike which prevent the orb from returning to its owner.

This orb is naturally strong, much like a diamond, but can ultimately be damaged. Damage to an orb also inflicts illness and disabilities upon the paired kitsune, but like a biological sort will slowly regenerate over time. Destroying an orb directly, however, kills its owner.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Long, fluffy tails
Fluffy body
Claws (optional)
Fox muzzle​

▷ Morph Warping ◁

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Suli :: SOO-lee
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Suli smell like the plant attached to their body, which can make their company either very enjoyable or unpleasant. Physically fragile, this breed is a rare one that requires a lot of upkeep to stay healthy and strong. Suli naturally feel more comfortable around heavily forested or plant-overridden areas, especially if their plant naturally grows within that area.

▷ Abilities ◁
Plant growth acceleration
Plant manipulation
Required diet of sunlight​

Delicate and plant-based, suli shy away from physical activity and have a weaker defense. While they can partially negate this with their ability to manipulate plants, doing so is draining for even the most powerful of their kind, typically only used as a last-minute defense or attempt to grow a damaged or dying plant. Said fragility is even further agitated by an innate requirement for sunlight, as while they can eat food like any other pony, a healthy diet of sunlight is the only way to keep this breed healthy and happy.

Delicate as they may seem, or perhaps in part because of it, suli can communicate clearly with plant life, understanding their needs inherently and even being able to comfort a distressed plant. Their prolonged presence encourages plants to grow faster and healthier without any effort on their part. This ability also benefits their own plant, which is attached to their hip and acts as their life source. This particular plant is thankfully hardier than most and grows quickly, but requires careful trimming and care to keep manageable. Damage to this plant lowers a suli's naturally strong immune system and even risks death if the plant is fully destroyed.

Many Suli can acutely sense when a pony is physically able to grow into an awakened due to their direct connection to the forest and the flower that ascends ponies.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Plant on hip/butt
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Cloven hooves
Goat snout​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Pixie :: PICK-see
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Pixies are a hard-to-find breed despite how common they are within the world, mostly because they're right under your hoof! Gifted with the defensive ability to shrink their size to that of a butterfly or moth, they're quite a flighty breed when they want to be. Check your surroundings thoroughly next time you think you're alone!

▷ Abilities ◁
Size shrinking
Intention scanning​

Pixies are considered a physically weaker breed for good reason. Their wings rip easily, they're vulnerable to physical and magical attacks, and they aren't particularly fast. What they do have is an ability to shrink themselves as small as a moth or butterfly and maintain that sizing for as long as they'd like. While in this form they emit faint sparkling dust from their wings while flying, which is magically soothing upon consumption.

As added defense, over time pixies developed the strange but extremely useful ability to sense the intentions of another pony with their antenna, keeping them further out of harm's way. While they
cannot read minds, they can perceive if a pony has malicious intent or might even be deceptive, allowing them to flutter away from harm at the earliest notice.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Unveined insectoid wings
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body fluff (optional)

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Ryujin:: ree-yoo-JIN
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Cousins of the dragon, ryujin have developed into their own distinct breed over generations, sacrificing great wings and the skies above in favor of mastery over medicines and good health. Those with scales will find themselves particularly blessed, as not only are they used in hundreds of medications but they also fetch a pretty price on the market.

▷ Abilities ◁
Water purification
Elemental breath (water, steam)​

While they've lost quite a few abilities from their dragon ancestry, ryujin have begun to develop their own unique powers, although they've kept the ability and traits to adapt to just about any surrounding and environment. Those with scales are exceptionally fortunate in life, as their scales can be crushed into a powder that can cure numerous illnesses and diseases.

A ryujin's touch can purify a small section of water, making it safe to consume and even aid in recovery from minor illnesses! This obviously growing affinity for water is echoed in their elemental breath, similar enough in useability to their dragon cousins', but "limited" to imbuing their breath with water and steam.

It's clear this breed is still settling into something wholly unique, with theories believing in a few centuries they'll further distinguish themselves from their dragon roots even more, if not completely.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Silky back fur along spine
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Horns behind ears (optional)
Whiskers (optional)
Long tail
Fluff (optional)
Body scales (optional)​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Flightless :: FLYTE-less
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Recently brought into the world of Everchange, flightless were and continue to be a mystery to the world. This isn't unusual, as ponies have no clue where each breed even originates from, but the flightless' collective unease around the concept of wings--as if the concept is offensive just in thought--is peculiar at best. Luckily, with each new generation born it seems this feeling is slowly fading. Still, though ... what could it have meant?

▷ Abilities ◁
Information absorbing​

Flightless have extremely dexterous claws that make them quick and agile with any work that they do, making them in turn especially useful with delicate crafts and art. Strangely enough, they also seem able to absorb information better than most breeds without even trying, making them collect hobbies and knowledge like a magnet. While originally this was perceived as talent, it has now been categorized as something that could only be magic in nature.

Their body temperatures are naturally lower than other ponies, making them fairly susceptible to the cold, regardless of alignment or charms.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Feather hair (optional)
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body feathers


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Kelain :: Kee-LAYN
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Built like a magical battery, kelain are in tune with the magical energy of Everchange, benefitting from the consumption and redistribution of magic in the interest of themselves and others. Many reports show that a fully charged one even emits a faint sound often compared to an electrical buzz. It's important to note that they cannot fly, with their wings being more of a battery to supply their magical needs.

▷ Abilities ◁
Magic storing
Magic redistribution​

While a fully magically inclined breed, kelain cannot actually use it. Instead, they absorb it within their wings and head gem to maintain their excellent health, with magic actually acting as their main diet (supplemented with double the amount of food normally needed for basic survival). This magic is essential to allow a kelain to heal from illness and regenerate their wings after damage is done, with their breed bouncing back from ailment and injury quicker the more they have stowed away. While they are not immortal, they are, when powered correctly, fairly hard to take down.

Absorption temporarily takes magic from wherever they consume it from, but it's never a permanent action on living life, who will eventually restore their lost magic. In opposite action, they can also redistribute magic at will, helping those with harsher limits to recover quicker or even powering objects or locations that need it to recharge.

Their wings, head gems, and tail "feathers" are made out of a powerful crystal. Damage to them hurts the ability to channel magic and makes their owner susceptible to illness. It can take years for damaged parts to heal if they're beyond the ability to store magic.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Floating crystal-cluster "wings"
Long, feather tipped tail​
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body gems


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Dullahan :: dull-a-HAN
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Strong, stocky, and a little unsettling to some, dullahan have a mixed reputation. Some see them as a harbinger of death due to their keen ability to sense when it's coming, which in turn is a fairly unwelcomed interpretation that their kind struggles to eliminate. How they survive is fairly mysterious, but this breed lives within Everchange just like any other pony.

▷ Abilities ◁
Death sensing
Conscious redirecting

It isn't hard to physically see what makes dullahan different than the other breeds!

Foals look like standard earth foals with a tiny rip forming in their neck. Once near adulthood, their neck explodes in a fiery show and their head detaches. Sometimes this burst of magic strips the head of its skin, further adding to their spooky rep, but if not this flesh never decomposes unless they die, despite not being "attached".

Their neck ends in a smooth stump where smoke-like tendrils twist and turn, burning at the touch for anyone not the pony or another of their kind. To "make matters worse", dullahan heads are not limited to the head they were born with; these odd ponies can switch their consciousness to other objects if they so wish. It's important to note that while that is the case, all still posses their "original head".

Many hide this head for sentimental purposes.

They can sense incoming death up to a few days before someone or something loses its life, although they cannot foretell just how it will occur. They also do not need to eat, although their heads with mouths can consume food (which just magically vanishes). Lastly, dullahan communicate telepathically to those within speaking distance.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Object head
Tendrils from the neck
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Detached head
Thick body
Shaggy fur​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Abyssal :: UH-bis-uhl
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

These deep-water loving amphibians are nocturnal in nature and have a preference towards cooler locations, finding themselves drawn to the deep sea and cave-like homes. Their teeth can hinder some speech, although they're excellent for tearing into fish and meat.

▷ Abilities ◁
Poison immunity​

Quick and able to deliver a fierce bite, abyssals are not a breed to trifle with. They're able to safely unhinge their jaw to aid in consuming just about anything, as well as fit their teeth around limbs in combat. With their teeth regrowing within weeks if lost, they don't have much to lose using them - so watch out!

Their eyesight is particularly bad, however, with extreme light or darkness rendering them directionless and thus defenseless. To combat this, they've evolved the ability to echolocate over time and, recently, a few of their kind have even been born with glowing lures to help them navigate.

Abyssals have a natural taste for poison, inherently near-completely immune to all poisons created from plants and foods.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Spine-stretched fin tail
Forehead lure (optional)
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Body fins
Large teeth​

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My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Vuhor :: VOO-hore
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

Vuhor are a rare sight these days, both due to the small numbers of their kind and a preference for the deepest of waters. Their more reclusive nature and the ability to constrain and shock others have given them a particularly stand-offish reputation, but vuhors are just like any other breed and many of their kind find this label unfair!

▷ Abilities ◁
Electric shock​

Able to generate an electric discharge of up to 500 volts, these aquatic folk can stun smaller prey and give a nasty shock to those who dare to disturb them. Some vuhor might even struggle to keep the ability under constant control when excited or agitated, with others still relying on charms until they have it fully mastered.

Their lower half is pure muscle and, much like a snake, can be used to constrict and crush. This, paired additionally with toxic blood that, if ingested, causes immobilization makes them a disaster to deal with at close range. Their speed also assists them in catching up with their target, although with their aversion to bright lights (which nearly renders them blind, akin to bats) and low stamina, they're more built for short bursts of activity.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Long, snake-like smooth and finned lower half​
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Large teeth​


My Four Seasons

Mule Account

Noolah :: NOO-la
▷ Type ◁
▷ Plural ◁
▷ Rarity ◁

A fairly recent breed, noolah can nonetheless be found widely spread in the cooler climates of Everchange. Their fluffy coats make it difficult for them to travel to warmer regions without magical charms, but their predisposition to befriending everyone they can is slowly leading them to leak outward anyway. Though no one knows how they got there to begin with, their home is one of the tallest mountains in the land, where they've built a lovely little village into the rock and indeed misty clouds alike!

▷ Abilities ◁
Natural featherfall​

Like pegasi, noolah have the ability to walk on clouds! No one really knows how they developed this ability, since they lack wings, but as long as they're able to touch clouds they can step into and climb up on them! This has led them to have colonized not only the rocky walls of their mountain home but also several of the permanent clouds hovering around it.

Perhaps to compensate for this unusual skill, noolah also have a natural soft-falling ability, leading them to slow down shortly before hitting the ground no matter how far they've fallen! In addition, they're naturally quite bouncy, leading them to easily accomplish quite impressive feats of acrobatics as they quite literally leap and bound from heights that would quickly destroy other ponies.

▷ Exclusive Traits ◁
Puffy body
Floppy feet
▷ Shared Traits ◁
Nubby tail
Wooly spine fur​

▷ Morph Warping ◁

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