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✧ Cemetery Acres ✧ Population: 113


Grizzled Veteran


Name Dokipsie (Kip, Doki)
Pronouns he/him
Orientation bi/poly
Mate -​
Obtained on 1.7.2023 - RLC
Colored by Tea - 2323
Breed(s) Mystic Earth
Notes fur tail, unique ears​
🌸 Kip is a dessert maker! What kind of dessert? All of them! He specializes in cake decoration, but no sweet is off the table~ You're not likely to catch him taking credit or running his own store, however, as he much prefers to stay behind-the-scenes! Currently working at Sakurako's ice cream parlor with Poppet and Napola~

Quiet, sweet, romantic, but keeps to himself as much as he can! He doesn't mind showing up for gatherings, but mostly ends up in a corner dunking a donut in his coffee. Don't let his pastel palette and soft demeanor fool you, though, because he'll be the first to ditch his apron and go 'bouncer mode' if need be. Kip is not the pony to push around, or push others around in front of!

Due to his location in Dream Valley and his passion for sweets, you'd expect to find him in the Bakers Dozen or Sweet Seekers herd, right? Nope. Ask him about herds and he'll tell you he's just "not a 'herd' pony", but the reality is he's secretly in the Nebula Network! Beneath that cupcake exterior is a pony obsessed with the supernatural and unknown, but good luck ever getting that info out of him! Aside from his herd-mates, there's only one pony who knows about this, and she's keeping his secrete safe~

LUX NOTES: IC fling with Bello's Cookie Shark, and OOC fling with Bello's Fluffy Birb
- Donuts
- Coffee
- Spooky Books/Movies​
- Being center of attention
- Bread in soups
- Conversations​
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Grizzled Veteran

?/?ID Card / Nebula Network
Dokipsie spent some time traveling around Everchange, exploring what he could and generally just seeking to satisfy curiosities...

Before he left, though, he was involved with the beautiful Cocoa Melon, who runs Better Morning Donuts in Everville! Kip cared for her deeply, and allowed her to see the side of him that he keeps most personal. Things were lovely between them, but alas, sometimes it's not meant to be. He wanted to explore, she wanted a family, and neither were in a place to give the other their desires...

Now that he's home, Kip and Cocoa remain dear friends, and he's not-unfamiliar with a couple other ponies as well! Kizzy is his emotional support bestie, since they both like attending dessert-related gatherings but neither is very social... He's met Bob from the Network, too, who enjoys weirding him out on purpose but has slowly chipped away at Kip's frozen-dessert exterior, sometimes even enticing him to be a little more playful than most others see. And of course, we can't forget about the cousin he's reconnected with, Puck, who drives him absolutely up the wall but what can ya do, she's family~
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Grizzled Veteran


Name Alaric Oswald Lupine (Ozzy)
Pronouns he/him
Orientation demi/mono
Mate Moth Bae - Blue
Obtained on 1.20.2023 - RLC Twin
Colored by Nym - 1086
Breed(s) Mystic Earth/Dragon
Notes unique tail/ears​
🍁 Quiet, goofy, and kind of nerdy, Alaric comes from a wealthy family and wants little to do with the 'nobility' of it. He's definitely the black sheep of the family, having moved out of the home and into a low-end rent house, but his remarkable computer (and hacking) skills make him valuable enough that they don't cut him out.​
- Rock Music
- Computers
- Energy Drinks​
- Formal Gatherings
- Fancy Dinners
- etc.​
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Grizzled Veteran


Name Hadeon von Gotha (Hade)
Pronouns he/him
Orientation bi/poly
Mates Angelo & Jinx
Obtained on 1.25.2023 - RLC
Colored by Tea - 2351
Breed(s) Mystic Flightless
Notes unique tail, chest-mouth​
🍁 When ponies talk about evil twins, Hadeon is who they mean. While his sister Mriya is compassionate, Hade is... not. Absolutely not the type of pony you want to meet in a dark alley... Unless you've been injured doing some shady stuff, anyways. Hade is highly skilled with a scalpel, or any sharp object really, but his... bedside manner has caused him to be barred from even looking at any sort of medical instrument. Officially. Unofficially, he works in the sketchy shadows of Everchange, keeping the nightlife alive.​
- Sharp instruments
- Being 'nice'
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Grizzled Veteran


Name Wednesday (Ness)
Pronouns she/her
Orientation bi
Mate -​
Obtained on 2.8.2023 - RLC Twin
Colored by Tea - 2372
Breed Mystic Kitsune/Unicorn
Notes bun ears & tail, unique unicorn horn​
🍁 personality/occupation​


Grizzled Veteran


Name Krow
Pronouns he/him
Orientation pan/poly
Mate -​
Obtained on 2.9.2023 - RLC Twin
Colored by Tea - 2381
Breed Mystic Dragon
Notes feathering & wings, unique forehead horns, fluffy​
🍁 personality/occupation​


Grizzled Veteran


Name Cheshire Tybalt (Tibby)
Pronouns he/him
Orientation chaos
Mate -​
Obtained on 2.9.2023 - RLC Twin
Colored by Tea - 2386
Breed Mystic Awakened Ryujin/Kitsune
Notes unique tail, ears, and muzzle​
🍁 personality/occupation​