Animal Country: Big City


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Everytime Charlie the cat wanted to nap, snoopy the dog would scurry around loudly

Midnight Holographic

Long-Term Resident
How is everyone? It's snowing out right now as I type, and it's really getting me in the mood for the winter season to come. It was snowing even before Halloween. It didn't make for a very festive autumn this year, I think we only had 40 trick or treaters at the door, but I know at least this the weather for Yule will be a lot more seasonally appropriate.

I suppose some of those who are south of my boarder will be preparing for American Thanksgiving. Are there certain things that you enjoy cooking or having at Thanksgiving that you are looking forward to?


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Hi bitsie!

It's cold here, no snow. We might get some this year if it keeps being this cold. I'm already looking forward to stews and chili. :LOL:

We don't do anything for Thanksgiving personally. More like ... winter stuff, I guess? But @polliwoggi likes to cook, soooooooo maybe we'll have a bigger dinner at some point anyway.

bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran
we got snow last night *sob* i love snow and all [[my Pokemon trainer used to always be named Snow, but has thusly been replaced by Bitsie now XD]], but soooo not ready for it. buuuut, since we're moving, it wouldn't be moving season without snow included *snicker*

i don't think we'll be having a big Thanksgiving this year since we'll have just been moved in to our new house and all of us will be broke, but we certainly have a lot to be thankful for! i think it'll be nice just relaxing in our new place and spending time together~ maybe we'll even play some board games since we'll be able to sit around a dining table together! and we will def be having our orange rolls, cinnamon rolls, and hot chocolate while we watched the parade <3


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
I want to love it but I'm originally from the northeast and, well, I have fond memories of trying to drive up hills in it and black ice, freezing my butt off hiking up 'em instead.

... jk, there's still something enchanting about falling snow as long as I don't have to be out in it. It's just incredibly rare for here. Like, sort of to the point it's only happened twice and people were freaking out both times. The first time was really funny to me, 'cause I was still in school then, and everyone was like "O AO ARE WE SUPPOSED TO COME IN!?" even though it wasn't even sticking. It didn't stick either time, iirc.

Congrats on your move though! Board games sound so great. So do orange rolls? We already bought hot cocoa this year too. 💜