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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

Bello's Beauties


Stew Aficionado

Name: Songcall
Previous Names: Songkit, Songpaw
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: F
Clan: MountainClan
Rank: Warrior (Mentor: Damsonflower)
Family: Silverstreak (mother), Rainbowfish (father - Nym), Flickerfly (brother), Whisperpaw (brother - Nym), Starbright (sister - Nym)
Mate: Canary (Nym)
Kits: Dawnglow (daughter), Evepaw (daughter - Nym), Duskpaw (daughter - GalaxyStar01)

Purrsonality: She's pretty and she knows it, Songcall is simultaneously spoiled - and determined to spoil her siblings with love and prey. She's a determined hunter and possesses a quick, sassy attitude. She can often be found around Whisperpaw and is willing to do everything she can to ensure that her sibling gets their deserved warrior name. She (secretly) resents Tigersun for holding them back.
Bio Blurb:
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas:

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Warrior Stage (1), Mothered 3 Kits (3)
Unfinished RPs:
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Quiet
Previous Names: --
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: F
Clan: Loner
Rank: Warrior (Mentor: Smoke)
Family: Smoke (adoptive mother), Split (adoptive father - NatiStorm)
Mate: Flameheart (Nat)
Kits: Kindlepaw (son - Nym), Firetail (daughter), Blazekit (dead son - Nat)
Purrsonality: Quiet is adventurous! She's always been curious to know about new cats, as she only grew up in Smoke's cautious care for a great portion of her lifetime. She has a deep rooted fear of the water (having nearly drowned in the river as a kit) and a dislike for humans. She was accidentally named when Split kept shouting "quiet!" at her and it stuck, but she's actually quite the chatterbox and loves to learn any new skill she can.
Bio Blurb: Adopted by Smoke after being saved by Split.

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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas:

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Meta Ch 3 (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Warrior Stage (1), Mothered 3 Kits (3)
Unfinished RPs:
Finished RPs:
Chapter 3 - Friend or Foe - Quiet, MountainClan, Loners
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Floppyear
Previous Names: Floppykit, Floppypaw
Stage Started At: Warrior
Gender: F
Clan: SunClan
Rank: Warrior
Family: n/a
Mate: n/a
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: --
Bio Blurb:



Stew Aficionado

Oof he's dead.
Previous Names: Aspen
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: M
Clan: LostClan
Rank: Warrior
Family: n/a
Mate: Trying with Sorrow (Nati)
Kits: Honeytooth (daughter), Fennelfur (daughter - Blinded) and Burnetdew (son - Weylin)
Purrsonality: Soft-spirited, feminine fella who loves being coddled by big strong tomcats. Despite his demure attitude, he's actually quite able to take care of himself - he was a loner before he was a warrior, after all.
Bio Blurb:
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas:

Death Point Count: Fathered 3 kits (3)
Unfinished RPs:
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Burningpaw (Burningroar)
Previous Names: Legend
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: M
Clan: MountainClan
Rank: n/a
Family: n/a
Mate: Danger (Absol) + Payback (Nym)
Kits: n/a Night Daze (daughter - Absolutiones), Snarlpaw (daughter), Swift (son - Nym)
Purrsonality: A himbo! Legend is polyamrous in nature and jokes that he wants a harem of cats to work in shifts to clean his ever tangled fur. He is a generous jokester, both in that he will offer his prey to those who come into his small patch of territory, and that he tells puns at any given moment.
Bio Blurb: Former kittypet.

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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas:

Death Point Count: Fathered 3 Kits (3)
Unfinished RPs:
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Sporecloud
Previous Names: --
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: M
Clan: MountainClan
Rank: n/a
Family: n/a
Mate: Buzzardstrike (kovak)
Kits: n/a Finchpaw (son - pyrrh), Woodear (son - kovak), Bonedust (daughter)
Purrsonality: Morel has an obsession with plants, he has no clue that they can actually be used for things, but he likes the way they look and has a keen memory for the appearances, textures and smells of flowers, leaves and stems. He is very protective of his Twoleg garden, but often wonders what plant life there might be outside of his fenced in yard. Rather than leaving prey at his Twolegs (or his feline friend's doorsteps) he tends to pluck flowers and leave them on the doorstep - though never from his own garden.
Bio Blurb: --

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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas:

Death Point Count: Fathered 3 Kits (3)
Unfinished RPs:
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Thunderfoot
Previous Names: Mama, Thunderpaw
Stage Started At: Warrior
Gender: Male
Clan: StoneClan
Rank: Warrior
Family: n/a
Mate: Bearwhisker (Sami)
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: Mama spends his time around the suburbs. As a kit, he would go from door to door begging food off of humans, never needing to learn how to hunt for himself. Now an adult, he lives off the same lifestyle. The Twolegs regard him as a neighborhood cat, but they aren't sure who actually owns him. Similarly, many Twolegs take one look at his round belly and mistake him for a pregnant she-cat, hence the name Mama (though he couldn't tell you what that name means, only that he's been answering to it for a while.) He's perfectly secure in himself and is more than happy to travel through the Twolegplace, or beyond, to experience life to the fullest. (NEED TO UPDATE)
Bio Blurb:
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Siltwater
Previous Names: Siltkit, Siltpaw
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: M
Clan: StoneClan
Rank: Warrior (Mentored by Skysong)
Family: n/a
Mate: Nightcall (Absol)
Kits: n/a Mudpuddle (daughter - pyrrh), Earthshine (son - Absol), Thrushthroat (son - Sami), Puddleglow (son - Umbrefox), Skybloom (daughter), Raindance (daughter - Blinded)
Purrsonality: A nosey tomcat who demands to be let into everyone's personal lives at any given time. Honest, never lies, he will give you a straight answer even to the most embarrassing question. He has little regard for personal space and enjoys grooming others as he listens to them regale him about their day.
Bio Blurb: --

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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas:

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1), Fathered 6 Kits (6)
Unfinished RPs:
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Sleek
Previous Names: --
Stage Started At: Warrior
Gender: F
Clan: Loner (Stormborn)
Rank: n/a (Healer)
Family: n/a
Mate: Stomp (Sami)
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: The calculating brains of the operation she runs with her mate. She's willing to do anything to protect her family, even if those lead her down morally grey paths. With a sharp mind and shaper claws, Sleek is the embodiment of Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss - with the exception of when she's more true to herself, more open, when she's solely in Stomp's company.
Bio Blurb: Sleek was incredibly lucky to have found Stomp, for without his protection, she wouldn't feel nearly as confident as she does now. She led a cautious lifestyle before she became Stomp's mate and now, she feels powerful at his side.​
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Strike
Previous Names: --
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: M
Clan: Loner (Will join StoneClan)
Rank: n/a
Family: Smoke (mother), Split (father - NatiStorm), Sharp (sister - NatiStorm), Brawn (brother - Sami)
Mate: Priderunner (Weylin)
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: The Brooding and bitter, Strike struggles to connect with others who don't display similar trauma patterns that he does. Prior to his daddy issues, Strike was often described as a sneaky, playful and ferocious kit.
Bio Blurb: Strike's always been seen as the weakest of his siblings by his father (for his floppy ears, but also for his more pacifist nature.) His siblings and mother always tried to instill within him confidence, but he spent a great deal of time trying to prove himself to a father who wouldn't ever acknowledge him. He ended up splitting off from his family because their sympathy felt more like pity and he couldn't stand the feeling that they were only trying to make him feel better in something that could never be changed.

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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas:

Death Point Count:
Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1)
Unfinished RPs:
Finished RPs:
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