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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

Bello's Beauties


Stew Aficionado

Name: Lightningdash
Previous Names: Lightningpaw, Zigzag
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Female
Clan: TreeClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Mapleshade (NatiStorm)
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: Strongclaw (Sami)
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: E N E R G E T I C
Lightningdash is a bouncy cat with a lot of energy and not a lot of attention span. She has a deep love for her mate, Strongpaw, who is about the only cat who can hold her in one place for an extended amount of time. She loves climbing trees, tussling with her mate and hunting for her Clanmates. Hunting didn't always come easily to her, as stealth isn't her strongest suit, but speed sure is! She may not be able to catch a bird but she can outrun a rabbit! Too bad most of the prey the Clan hunts is above ground.
Bio Blurb: Before she was a warrior of TreeClan, Lightningdash was a loner named Zigzag. She slowed down for no cat, not suitors nor enemies. She raced to the speed of her own rhythm and it wasn't until her mate Brawn (Strongpaw) came along that she found someone to match her speed. It was after she decided to slow down (just a little) that she realized that she ought to be apart of a community and when she found out about the tree-climbing, er, TreeClan, she leaped at the chance. What luck - most of these cats, warriors as they called themselves, seemed to be on her level too! Not everyone, of course, but they enjoyed training to better themselves. While Zigzag knew she was already pretty great, she was happy to be around good company!

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Strongjaw
Previous Names: n/a
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Female
Clan: MountainClan
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor: TBD
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Extended Family: n/a
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: A silent and strong type, Strongjaw is incredibly hostile and fierce to anyone who dares to threaten the safety of her mate, Legend, or his harem. While she knows of Legend's love for her and she cares for him, as time passes she can't help but feel that it's more of a familial love than one between two mates. Maybe things would be different if she had a litter with him. Respectful of other strong she-cats, Strongjaw values strength of heart and of claw above most other values.
Bio Blurb: Strongjaw's mother had left her to her own devices, determined that the juvenile could hunt and fend for herself. Two moons later, scared of any unfamiliar noise and starved for the companionship her mother provided, Legend found Strongjaw. His fur was tangled with moss and branches, his face morose. Amused by his state, Strongjaw set to trying to aid him. It took more than three days to complete the task and so determined was Strongjaw to see her work preserved, she set to accompany him thereafter. Good thing she did, too else Legend may have become more mud than cat sooner than later.

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Ripplegaze
Previous Names: Ripplepaw, Ripple
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: Female
Clan: StoneClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Riversurge
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: Riot x ???
Siblings: Catastrophe (brother - Nym). Weep (sister - ChexaRain), Patch (sister - pyrrh), Starlight (sister - pyrrh)
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: Hushpaw (Nym)
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: A protective she-cat who in turn, just wants to be protected. Ripplegaze found her community and safety net in StoneClan and found herself comfortable enough to open her heart to the cat who would become her truest love. While Ripplegaze still loves her siblings, wherever they are, she's had enough of protecting them with little respect or regard for her own feelings. If they're all dead by now, it's on them, not her. She has a great deal of disdain for her father, Riot, for what he put her through, whether he was aware of it or not.
Bio Blurb: Ripple was always the responsible one in her family. Her father, Riot, was always taking his children on adventures that ranged in levels of danger and Ripple stepped up quickly to try and keep her siblings from any true danger. She didn't trust Riot to keep them safe or to even have their best interests in mind. Why he didn't see them off to Twoleg homes where the kits would have less freedom, but more safety, she could never guess. Eventually, when they had reached their grown sizes, Ripple had enough - she left her family to strike out on her own. If her siblings were grown and they STILL couldn't take care of themselves on their own, maybe they weren't meant to be apart of this world any longer. With a hardened heart, Ripple sought out a community that would keep her safe from harm, so long as she did her part to keep it safe, and well fed. She found it in StoneClan and has been there ever since.
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1)
Unfinished RPs: text
Finished RPs: text
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Spiderbite
Previous Names: Spiderpaw, Lacey
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Male
Clan: TreeClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Brackencloud (kovak)
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: Firedust (DavyJnah)
Kits: Grasskit (daughter), Ashkit (daughter - DavyJnah) Flamekit (daughter - ZRXChris),
Purrsonality: Adventurous and even-tempered, Spiderbite has no regrets about leaving his kittypet home for a life of wonder and wilderness. He's kept his curious spirit and there are things every day that he finds easy joy in.
Bio Blurb: A former kittypet that left his life of comfort for a life of adventure! He found exactly all this in TreeClan - and his lady love, to boot!
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Fathered 3 Kits (3)
Unfinished RPs: text
Finished RPs: text
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Honeytooth
Previous Names: Honeypaw, Honeykit
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: Female
Clan: LostClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Salmonstripe
Apprentices: N/A
Parents: Salmonstripe x Aspenswirl
Siblings: Fennelfur (brother - Blinded By Silence, Burnetdew (brother - Weylin)
Extended Family: N/A
Mate: Ruthless (pyrrh)
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: A battle-oriented she-cat, she takes the most delight in improving her skills with training to fight and keep light on her paws.
Bio Blurb: Grown and raised in LostClan, she wasn't particularly close to either of her parents, until her father was killed. Now especially protective of her loved ones and more than a little jealous of her mate Ruthless and their past, she tries to ensure that everyone stay close and know how much she values them.
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1)
Unfinished RPs: text
Finished RPs: text
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Sweetfang
Previous Names: Cornflake, Sweetpaw
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Female
Clan: StoneClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Darkrose - Nym
Apprentices: N/A
Parents: N/A
Siblings: Reese (brother - Sami)
Extended Family: N/A
Mate: Splitnose (DragonGirl1031)
Kits: N/A
Purrsonality: Sweet, energetic, naïve kittycat. She misses her brother and always wonders what became of him. She doesn't want to ruin her place in StoneClan, so she hasn't tried to go back to the Twolegplace to find out what that may be.
Bio Blurb: Kittypet wanted to adventure, told her brother and expected him to follow her. She joined StoneClan, but never saw her brother again. Managed to fit in and find love in an older warrior, Splitnose, but she still thinks of Reese and hopes that he may have just gotten lost and is still out there, somewhere, looking for her. Or at least, let him have stayed home so that he never got into any sort of danger at all.
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Mother of Six (6)
Unfinished RPs: text
Finished RPs: text
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Pinedapple
Previous Names: Pinepaw, Pinekit
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: Male
Clan: TreeClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Nutpelt - PeterPan_da144
Apprentices: N/A
Parents: Sunflight x Fin
Siblings: Birchleaf (sister - PeterPan_da144), Sprucetail (sister - Bello), Mapleshade (sister - NatiStorm)
Extended Family: TBD
Mate: Elmripple (Weylin)
Kits: Stumptail (son - Bello), Needlepaw (deceased daughter), Tangleroot (brother - Weylin)
Purrsonality: He's handsome and he knows it. Loyal to his mothers and his Clan, he was intrigued by Fudge the kittypet (now called Elmripple of TreeClan) and showed her a real life of the wild. No surprise when she fell for his looks and good graces.
Bio Blurb: text Raised by his mothers, Sunflight and Riversong, he never knew his father and never cared to. In a litter where he was the only tomcat, he took on the role to be the most self-absorbed and daring cat in the group. He was always trying to climb onto the highest branches of the trees which caused his mothers quite a scare. As he grew up, his daring adventures leveled out into seducing kittypets and hunting birds mid-flight.

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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1), Fathered 3 Kits (3)
Unfinished RPs: text
Finished RPs: text
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Sprucetail
Previous Names: Sprucepaw, Sprucekit
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: Female
Clan: TreeClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Talonfang - Blinded By Silence
Apprentices: N/A
Parents: Sunflight x Fin
Siblings: Birchleaf (sister - PeterPan_da144), Mapleshade (sister - NatiStorm), Pinedapple (brother - Bello)
Extended Family: TBD
Kits: With Twisted Bark - Firstripe (daughter), Tulipkit (dead daughter - Zakiax), Ashroot (son - ChexaRain)
Purrsonality: Sprucetail is more reserved than her siblings. She wants to be a warrior that her mothers can be proud of - she's the daughter of the deputy and leader for SunClan's sake! She'll pour herself into trying to impress her mothers, her siblings and all of her Clanmates. Every time she looks at Riversong's scars, she makes a vow to never let that happen to any of her loved ones as long as she lives.
Bio Blurb: A proud she-cat raised by the two leaders of TreeClan. She trained newcomer Twisted Bark and ended up falling in love with the loner. How could she not? He's so handsome and they both have a love of trees, which seems to be a commonality that brings the Clan together. She's aware of how fortunate her life is, but she can't help think of the journey her mothers had to go on to find the river. Will something like that ever befall TreeClan?

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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1), Mothered 3 Kits (3)
Unfinished RPs: text
Finished RPs: text
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Foam
Previous Names: N/A
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Female
Clan: Loner
Rank: N/A
Mentor: N/A
Apprentices: N/A
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Extended Family: N/A
Mate: Void (LiveWire)
Kits: N/A
Purrsonality: A friendly if stealthy she-cat. She's used to keeping on the down-low which is how she was able to meet with Void. Where he is nervous, she's calm and poised. Fiercely protective of her tomcat, she doesn't let herself lose her temper often in front of him, but luckily - they spent so little time with other cats, that such a thing hasn't come up... yet.
Bio Blurb: Born and raised on the streets, she was named by her mother for foam on the rushing river. It was at that river that she was left by her mother who could swim, but Foam could not. Rather than trying to follow her mother, she turned and walked away to better things. It took a long while to find it, but now that she's found him, she's not inclined to let him go.
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: text
Unfinished RPs: text
Finished RPs: text
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Stormborn
Previous Names: n/a
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Female
Clan: MountainClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Songcall
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: Stormsong (DragonGirl1031)
Kits: TBD
Purrsonality: A striking she-cat with a steely gaze and personality. She respects those who are autoreactive and worthy of her.
Bio Blurb: TBD
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