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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

Bello's Beauties


Stew Aficionado

Name: Miser
Previous Names: n/a
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Female
Clan: Garden Colony
Rank: Head Farmer
Mentor: n/a
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: n/a
Flings: Silverwind (Natty-chan), Willow (Sami)
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: Miser is a miserable old crone. She's never been truly content with her life, safe for the times when the tomcats she spent her time with would fawn over her, but truly, even that grew old over time. She gets easily jealous of younger she-cats and enjoys bossing others around. She hoards resources and will throw herself into work if she's particularly upset about something. She doesn't have any personal attachments to the idea of how her kits will grow up to be, but since joining the Garden Colony and securing the position of their Head Farmer, she's begun to loosen up a little amongst her subordinates... at least to the extent that if they groom her back, she'll groom theirs, so to speak.
Bio Blurb: Once a kittypet who had it all, a loving twoleg, a warm home and a tomcat named Brutus to visit and who would tell her that she was pretty whenever she wanted to hear it. Oh... and the heaps of painful boredom, too. Can't forget that. Miser didn't want her kits to grow up in the same plush boredom she faced so when her belly got round (well, rounder than usual) she started to explore her options.
Luckily for her, it didn't take too much time to find the Garden Colony. She traded the lives of her kits for the position of the Head Farmer and started spending her time learning about dangerous plants. She's been there ever since and has grown no more or less interested in her life, but at least she has a job to do, instead of just laying on the sofa and waiting around to die. Besides... there are more than a few pretty faces in the Garden Colony. Maybe she can provide a few more sacrifices to the soil, if she takes in with their company.
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Elsa
Previous Names: n/a
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Male
Clan: Kittypet
Rank: n/a
Mentor: n/a
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: n/a
Flings: Tigereye (Blinded By Silence), Strut (ChexaRain - completed), Lady Adelaide (Lunar Fea)
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: Elsa would be, by Clan cat standards, an unusually patient time. Or perhaps, more accurately, a pushover. He dislikes conflict so he rarely unsheathes his claws towards violence and besides, he's aware that no one really means to make him uncomfortable. He's very fond of his adult Twolegs, though their kit has proven to be much more of a handful since she came into his life. Patient though he may be, calm he is not. More resigned to his fate, he's been taking his daily excitement in slipping out through the cat flap into his backyard and hopping the fence to satisfy his need for escapism and adventure! Equipped with a tired sense of humor and a wearily optimistic perspective on life, who knows what manner of cats Elsa will find as he begins his search into the wild.
Bio Blurb: Raised in a home with two twoleg parents and their kit who named him after her favorite Disney princess, Elsa is a pampered feline. He's had to put up with a lot of nonsense from his twoleg kit, which includes but is not limited to, an attempt to tie dye his fur (with fingerpaint), involving him in dress up (you should see him in a crown) and trying to get set up on dates with the neighbor's cat, Lin.
As the kit has finally started going to work with her parents (or to school, but he's not familiar with the term yet) he's been having some enjoyable time to himself and has started to explore the neighborhood around him. With access to a cat flap on the front and back doors, the whole world is his yard, so to speak. At least, until his people come home, that is.
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Fathered 4 Kits (4)
Unfinished RPs: n/a
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Generosity "Gen"
Previous Names: n/a
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: Female
Clan: Loner
Rank: n/a
Mentor: n/a
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: Smoke x Split (NatiStorm)
Siblings: Humility (sister -LiveWire), Honesty (sister - Sami), Kindness (sister, NatiStorm), Bravery (sister - Absolutiones)
Extended Family: Strongclaw (older brother - Sami), Sharp (older sister - NatiStorm) and Strikedrop (older brother)
Mate: n/a
Flings: n/a
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: Despite her name, Generosity has always been a resource hoarder among her family. Maybe she wouldn't MIND sharing if she didn't have four other sisters to worry about! She loves her family, but some wiggle of distrust has penetrated Gen's mind and sewn doubt about whether she'll ever get her moment to shine in the spotlight with her sisters around. With an ambition to be the favorite from a litter, despite her parents saying they won't pick a favorite, Gen will stay with her family, of course, she loves them... but she'll also try to one-up them when an opportunity presents itself.
Bio Blurb: Born to two problematic parents trying to make things work, it's not hard to believe that Gen and her siblings were raised in an environment where they became a little more extra than their previous litter. Honesty would lie and Kindness was mean. Not all of her siblings followed in this contrary path but the kitten named Generosity would growl over any prey that was brought in by her parents until she'd get the first bite and eaten her share. You know, the share of the prey that was the most tasty and soft. Growing through adolescence would see the she-cat starting to drift from her family. Not enough to join a Clan, like some of her older siblings did (weirdos) but enough that she began to express her independence and desire to get away from such a large family.
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1)
Unfinished RPs: n/a
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Leafdapple
Previous Names: Leafpaw, Leafkit
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: Female
Clan: MountainClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Waterfall (Sami)
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: Flickerfly x Goldenfreckle (NatiStorm)
Siblings: Rushpaw (brother - Nym), Mousepaw (brother - Sami), Twilightpaw (brother = NatiStorm)
Extended Family: Silverstreak (grandmother), Rainbowfish (grandfather - Nym)
Mate: n/a
Flings: n/a
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: Skittish and sensitive, Leafdapple is deeply afraid of eagles and has more of an interest in Clan gossip or pestering Fernfire in the medicine cat den. She becomes tired quickly, but doesn't wish to bring this up lest she cause concern to her family or friends. She holds a great deal of admiration for her mother and wishes to grow up and find love as easily as Goldenfreckle found within Flickerfly. The young she-cat has envisioned herself being able to have kits of her own as a personal goal and fantasy of her own for some time. She just has no real idea on where to start. How many loners are expected to come up the mountain? Should she look within her Clan or beyond it?
Bio Blurb: Born to two loyal warriors to MountainClan, Leafpaw grew up with the stories of the large golden eagles that her mother, Goldenfreckle, had to fight off, time and time again. While the stories were meant to inspire, they left Leafdapple with deep fear of eagles, such that she look anxiously at the sky whenever they're brought up. Beyond this, Leafdapple hasn't made a deep impression on history thus far.
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Bleeding Heart
Previous Names: n/a
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Female
Clan: Loner
Rank: n/a
Mentor: n/a
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: Leopold (Nym)
Flings: n/a
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: A protector of the small and a warrior in nature, but not by rank, Bleeding Heart spends her time exploring the wilderness. While many loners stay out of the way of one another, Bleeding Heart has never been shy about introducing herself to other cats - which is how she met her mate, Leopold. She has a keen desire to help the helpless and will go far out of her way to make sure that any cat she comes across leaves with the skills needed to help them survive in the wilderness, better than how she'd found them. She fancies the idea of becoming a mother one day, and maybe joining a colony, so that any kits she and Leopold may have together, have a better chance at protection, but for the time being, she's plenty happy with her current lot in life.
Bio Blurb: Born to loner parents, Bleeding Heart was raised solely by her mother who believed firmly in two things: survival of the fittest and sharing was caring. Her mother raised her with the values that skills were better given away than prey. Give a cat a mouse and it'll feed them for the morning. Teach a cat to hunt and you can see them on their way, yadda yadda. Bleeding Heart would witness her mother teaching a great deal many cats over the course of her life, before she eventually parted ways and sought her independence elsewhere. They could help more cats separately, though Bleeding Heart quickly missed the companionship of her mother and longed to be close to another cat.
Fortunately, that came in the form of Leopold. A cat who she found at some campgrounds who had absolutely no sense of survival instincts. Taking him under her wing was easy enough, but the idea of leaving him to fend for himself and casting herself into another period of loneliness was enough to make Bleeding Heart hesitate to bring it up to him. As moons passed, she became so close to the large golden tomcat that the idea of leaving him to find his own independence was painful and she confessed all her feelings and worries and love to him. Much to her delight and surprise, Leopold had returned her affections and Bleeding Heart thought no more of the idea to leave him henceforth.

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Grasshop
Previous Names: Grasspaw, Grasskit
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: Female
Clan: TreeClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Viperfang (Sami)
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: Firedust (mother - DavyJnah) x Spiderbite
Siblings: Flamekit (sister - ZRXChris), Ashbeetle (sister - DavyJnah)
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: Mudstreak (Lunar Fea)
Flings: n/a
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: Grasshop tries her best to be the best daughter and sister to her parents and to Ashbeetle as she can be. She feels the loss of her sister, Flamekit, more heavily on some days than others and wants to try and fill the gap that her sister's absence has left in the family. She has a fondness for Ashkit and Firkit and a great deal of sympathy for Sprucetail, who was also meant to be a mother of three, but lost one of her kits. She wishes that Errol could find a way to prevent mothers from losing their kits, isn't he supposed to be their healer? Or maybe he has too much to worry about and he is in need of assistance to find such a thing. She'd always assumed she would become a warrior, but if she could dedicate her time to making sure that any expecting mothers knew what they had to expect, or how to prepare themselves for their pregnancies, maybe things could go a little more smoothly.
Bio Blurb: Born and raised in TreeClan, Grasshop was born around the woes of kit loss. First and foremost was Flamekit, Grasshop's own sister. Then was Sprucetail's litter, where Tulipkit was lost. Experiencing loss around her, Grasshop decided from a young age that she wanted to be the best she could be to try and heal the losses that surrounded her. As she grew into apprenticehood and gained Viperfang as her mentor, she couldn't help but going over to Errol's den, depositing fresh moss into his herb storage and wondering if there was anything their medicine cat could've done to save Flamekit or Tulipkit. Such thoughts would continue to plague her as she grew into adulthood and the lingering thoughts of whether she should've become a medicine cat herself to try and help any future mothers, made her moods foggier as her life went on.
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1)
Unfinished RPs: n/a
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Ember
Previous Names: n/a
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Male
Clan: Loner
Rank: n/a
Mentor: n/a
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Extended Family: n/a
Flings: n/a
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: TBD
Bio Blurb: TBD
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Firstripe
Previous Names: Firpaw, Firkit
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: Female
Clan: TreeClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: n/a
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: Sprucetail (mother) x Twisted Bark (father - Zakiax)
Siblings: Ashroot (brother - ChexaRain), Tulipkit (deceased sister - Zakiax)
Extended Family: Riversong (grandmother - NatiStorm), Sunflight (grandma), Fin (who's that guy? bio gramps - Sami), Mapleshade (aunt - NatiStorm), Birchleaf (aunt - Sami), Pinedapple (uncle)
Mate: Wrenpaw (Natty-chan)
Flings: n/a
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: Firstripe craves independence from her family. Her mother was so overbearing in her youth and with her grandmothers being the leaders of the Clan... it's very hard to try to seek out company that doesn't idolize her family in one way or another. She knows she'll never leave TreeClan, of course not, but she does spend her time looking over the branches into StoneClan and wondering what it might be like to fish and swim, rather than to climb up and down trees all day.
Bio Blurb: Firstripe was born to a mother who had expected to have three kits, but only got two. Sprucetail took Tulipkit's death incredibly hard and while Firkit didn't know how to cope with her mother's irregular moods in the moment as a child as an apprentice and an adult, she did everything she could to get away from Sprucetail's clinginess. She would frequently try to sneak out of camp as an apprentice and would always beg her mentor to take her out on training sessions, asking for them to be longer and longer, just so she wouldn't have to come home to her parents at the end of the day. Of course she mourned the loss of Tulipkit, but she couldn't also help but resent the idea of her lost sister. If only she hadn't died - then maybe Sprucetail could act normal and Firstripe could have a normal kithood instead of one where she was always confined to the Nursery with a crying mother.
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1)
Unfinished RPs: n/a
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Ginger
Previous Names: n/a
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Female
Clan: Storm Born (Colony)
Rank: Thunder Guard
Mentor: n/a
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: Swift (Nym)
Flings: n/a
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: A strong-minded she-cat who wants to be doted on, but is just as able to hold her own. She's a little spicier on the night of a new moon, when she enjoys pranking her fellow colony members. She is extremely devoted to her mate, Swift, who she can spend endless hours grooming his ridiculously long and perfect fur.
Bio Blurb: A former she-cat, Ginger decided to strike out on her own and boy oh boy did she. Traveling all the way up the mountain on a whim, she found herself amidst the Storm Born and joined among their ranks when she found her interests met with them.

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