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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

Bello's Beauties


Stew Aficionado

Name: Illuminata (or Lumie for short)
Previous Names: n/a
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Female
Clan: Kittypet
Rank: n/a
Mentor: n/a
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: Sorrelpaw? (check with Nym)
Flings: Starlight Pride (NatiStorm)
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: Motherly and kind-hearted, Illuminata wishes for the day she might be able to have kits of her own. Of course, that would come with the help of a tomcat and there aren't any tomcats that she knows or trusts to make that connection with in her current social circle. She has pondered the idea of adventuring elsewhere - so many kittypets seem to be leaving the Twolegplace these days, but how far could she possibly get on her own? She's never had to hunt for herself before and she couldn't even imagine the idea of having to fight anyone!
Bio Blurb: text Born to kittypet parents, she only vaguely remembers her mother and while she never met her father nor has memory of him, she assumes that she must have had one, for otherwise how would she be here herself? She spent some months with her mother, before being taken in by her current twoleg, a young female who is content to let Illuminata roam through the nest and outside as far as the patio.

Ah, the patio! Lumie loves the way the sun is somehow always alit upon the smooth pavement. Why, she could spend all day sunning herself on the ground and often she can be found there, lying on her side, enjoying the feeling of it all... until night falls and the sounds of the forest and cold concrete scare her back into her safe home again, that is.

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Mosstail
Previous Names: Mosskit, Mosspaw
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: Female
Clan: TreeClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Open
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: Branchtail x Nutpelt
Siblings: Tigerkit (brother - Sami), Poplarkit (sister - Umbrefox), Thistlekit (sister - Lunar Fea) Beechkit (brother - ChaosT), Lynxstride (older brother), Owlsbane (older sister - Sami), Harebound (older sister - Weylin)
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: n/a
Flings: n/a
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: A precocious kit who enjoys "practicing" her climbing skills by climbing all over her siblings, her parents and any other cat she can grab her tiny claws into. She can hardly wait until she's an apprentice and allowed to learn how to Treewalk!
Bio Blurb: A kit from Branchtail and Nutpelt's second litter, she hasn't developed much of a history - other than being notorious for having sharp kitten claws.

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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1)
Unfinished RPs: n/a
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Six
Previous Names: n/a
Stage Started At: Adult
Gender: Female
Clan: Loner
Rank: n/a
Mentor: n/a
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: Wind Chaser (NatiStorm)
Flings: OPEN
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: Tomboyish and hard-headed, Six enjoys her independence and likes the freedom to travel.
Bio Blurb: Born into a litter of six, she was the youngest of the litter. Her mother preached self survival and once they'd learned how to live on their own, they departed into their own lives.

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Thymeswirl
Previous Names: Thymepaw, Thymekit
Stage Started At: Kit
Gender: Male
Clan: LostClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor: Aspenswirl
Apprentices: n/a
Parents: Leopardthroat x Bone
Siblings: Sorrelpaw (brother - Nym) Fennelkit (brother - Tigeria)
Extended Family: n/a
Mate: Fennelfur (Blinded)
Flings: n/a
Kits: n/a
Purrsonality: TBD
Bio Blurb: TBD


Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1)
Unfinished RPs: n/a
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Lady Helena - Female - Kittypet
Gen 2: Lady Tart (mother) x Arthur (father, ChaosT)
Siblings: Edward (brother, ChaosT)
Mate: Raiju (Lunar Fea)​
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1)
Unfinished RPs: n/a
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Wormkit (Wormtail) - Female - TreeClan
Gen 3: Orioletalon (mother) x Gullscreech (father, StoneClan)
Sibs: Beesting (sister - Nym), Cricketcall (brother - Tig)​
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1)
Unfinished RPs: n/a
Finished RPs:
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Stew Aficionado

Roach - Male - Loner
Gen 3: Rowan (father) x Willow (mother, Nym)
Sibs: Memento (sibling - Nym), Cypress (deceased sister - NatiStorm), Fright (sister - Sami)​
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Stew Aficionado
Plot Ideas: text

Death Point Count: Kit Stage (1), Apprentice Stage (1), Adult Stage (1)
Unfinished RPs: n/a
Finished RPs:
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