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Bello's Excellent Equines


Stew Aficionado

Name: Lady Noelle Silverleaf
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Season: Winter
Breed: Pegasus (Deer Morph)
Orientation: Gay/Monogamous
Availability: Happily mated to Elspeth Toriel [Agreement]
Personality: Noelle is partially blind; she can perceive areas of light. Guided by candlelight that helps her get around, she wishes to be a guiding light for others as well. With a compassionate heart and a love of traditions, she is ready to pass down the traditions of this herd for generations to come. While her herd is always her first priority, she seeks to help others through the winter region that she comes across and will aide their return to their own cozy homes if she finds anyone unfamiliar struggling through the snow.
Occupation: Guide. Mountain Guide - She works with the Whimsnow Peaks Rescue Foundation most often, going out to find lost hikers or tourists during snowstorms, but she has also been known to go out in search of lost ponies following a usual storm, even if she hasn't been called in to assist officially.
Ambitions: To grow her herd and establish beautiful traditions within it.
Living Arrangements: Somewhere hidden within Winter's Breath, though she travels often to the Whimsnow Peaks so it's guessed that her cottage may be somewhere nearby - though she doesn't give this information out to just anyone.
Pets: Fauna - A fae frolic who bonded with her at a young age. Fauna acts as Noelle's seeing eye animal and helper when she's out searching for lost ponies in snowstorms.
Parents: n/a
Known Ponies: Oathkeeper (brother - Valdmir Talamore ), Orellana (herd member - PeterPan_da144 ), Wysteria Mint (herd member - PeterPan_da144 ), Dasher (herd member - Natty-chan) St. Nikolaus Alewind (herd member - Natty-chan)
Offspring: n/a
Likes: Warmth (sitting by the fireplace, curled up with Elspeth and a mug of cocoa), helping others (whether it's her herd members or brother, her mate or strangers in need of assistance, Noelle desires to help where she can), celebrating winter holidays (specifically Snowflake Day and New Years Eve. She makes a point to always kiss Elspeth for good luck - multiple times!)
Dislikes: Wasting materials (from anything from food to glass jars, even broken candles have their uses! She gets irate if anyone throws anything out), stubborn tourists (some ponies will insist they aren't lost and refuse her help, and then she has to follow them around until they finally give up the act, which can be immensely tedious), hot weather (she won't visit the summer region nor will she visit Dream Valley if the summer queen is residing over her season there.)
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Ladybuggle
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Season: Spring
Breed: Pegasus
Orientation: Bisexual/Monogamous
Availability: Will be mated to Rai (Ruler)
1. Fling with Amema Koro (SwordoftheNagas) [Agreement]
Personality: Ladybuggle is a sweet, whimsical pony. She sews dolls for foals and wants to open a toy store - because she loves putting smiles on foals faces. She wanted her happily ever after too and thought she'd found it in this stallion, Amema Koro.

However, it wasn't meant to be. Amema wasn't the prince charming she thought he was, he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. A malicious changeling with a penchant towards heartbreak, he managed to wiggle into Ladybuggle's mind and convince her that she wasn't worth love. When she finds out she's got foals on the way, she thinks - maybe this is the solution to our failing relationship! At the very least her foals will love her and she'll be ready to put everything she can into loving them too.

Yet the moment the baskets arrive, Amema takes them and disappears. Ladybuggle will be crushed. Her own children, gone where she cannot follow. She'll try to find them, but they'll be lost to the world (stolen away to the Grove, where lost things cannot be found.) Her life from there will be an uphill climb. Trying to figure out how to move on, how to process all that ever happened to her. She'll go to grief counseling and slowly start to patch herself back together, but she'll never trust changelings - or stallions - ever again.

It'll take a move to Twilight Town and the support of Rai, a plucky, pleasant mare who will help her get back on her hooves, introduce her back to the world of love of how it's meant to be, and who will ultimately become her one and only.
Occupation: Doll-maker - She specializes in baby-dolls and soft toys, but all of her products are high quality. She doesn't have a store front, so she keeps her own hours, usually working through the night which are her most productive hours. When eventually opens her store, she wants to call it Sew N Sew, but that may change as she gets closer to her goal, who knows, really.
Ambitions: To own a cozy front selling stuffed dolls.
To be able to repair her trust in others after her devastating fling.
To reconnect with her foals?
Living Arrangements: Her journey begins with a tiny apartment in Everville, but after her fling, this mare is going to move to Twilight Town for a new start - getting a house and, at last, the store that she'd dreamed of.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Known Ponies: n/a
Offspring: n/a
Likes: Dry shampoo (she hates getting wet, so dry shampoo? it's her best friend), charity (she donates her dolls to charities and orphanages often, especially around the holidays - it just makes her feel warm and fuzzy inside), coconut cream pie (it's a guilty pleasure.)
Dislikes: Changelings (she doesn't just dislike them, she outright panics whenever she sees one. This mare is gonna need some serious therapy before she gets to a point where she'll be able to push past her trauma) stallions (don't give her that "not all stallions" - she knows that. The point is that there was one bad experience and that was more than enough. She'd be happy to never deal with them directly again, if she can help it) getting her feathers wet (they never seem to dry the right way and always stick up in awkward angles after she bathes.)
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Torrid Disarray
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Season: Fall
Orientation: Pansexual/Monogamous
Breed: Unicorn (Vampire Morph)
Availability: Will be mated to Aquablaze (Joshuality) ( Agreement )
1. Fling with Mister Danger Man (One Little Jay) [Agreement]
2. Fling with Xyla (Ruler) [Agreement ]
2. (OOC) Fling with Sugar Gheist (Tigeria) and Ink Dies (One Little Jay) [ Agreement Pt 1, Pt 2 ]
Personality: Torrid is weary around non-vampires. Nocturnal to avoid the sun, after getting mixed looks from any "normal" creatures, she chose to start lying low in dive bars and more... uncouth establishments - which is where she met Aquablaze.
Occupation: n/a
Ambitions: To always look out for No.1 - herself.
Living Arrangements: She's a vagabond.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a

Known Ponies: Elisabeta (vampire acquaintance - Shadrya)
Offspring: n/a
Likes: Causing trouble (whether she's picking fights, breaking windows, or roughing up some non-vamp that got too close, she likes causing others problems), dancing (in dark clubs and bars), dancers (the sultry kind - Aquablaze is her favorite of all of the dancers she's seen), lotus turtle blood (it takes like nectar.)

Dislikes: Animal Rights Activists (it's not enough that she's not drinking pony blood - now they're trying to police the animals she can drink from too? This is why she never goes to a blood bank and just hunts for her own meals), non-vamps or self-righteous vampires (anyone who looks down on her, pretty much. Torrid always assumes the worst of others who aren't like her, or who are, but clearly have a holier-than-thou attitude), Vampire Queen (Torrid hasn't seen this wonderful vampire alicorn handing out any freebies - she seems content to act prissy and not actually look out for any of the vampires who aren't kissing up to her. Hard pass.)
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Twilight Charm
Uncert: Basket, Foal, Adult
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual/Monogamous
Breed: Ghoulie/Pegasus (Bunny Morph)
Availability: Will eventually be mated to Fusco "Fiasco" [Agreement]
Personality: Having accepted that she won't be the world's best thief, Twilight has relaxed a little. Now content to help her mother, Dawn in her apothecary, she'll still steal herbs for her mother from time to time, but is it really stealing if nopony needs them as much as her mother does?
Occupation: The family's gofer - she runs errands to anyone she can help with their own projects/cases. Twi's always on call. Since she wasn't able to make her own way with a thieving career, she's decided that she can at least support her loved ones. Family sticks together, after all, no matter the cost.
Ambitions: To be useful, in some form or another, to her family.
Living Arrangements: Modest house in Bone Town.
Pets: n/a
Parents: Dawn Charm (mother - me) x Bonnie (mom - PeterPan_da144)
Known Ponies: Moon-Belle Charm (sister - Reoakee), Moonshine Charm (brother - Valdmir Talamore), Hyde Charm (brother - PeterPan_da144) , Strawberry Charm (adopted brother - me), Blueberry Charm (adopted sister - me), Southern Charm (adopted brother - Cheyriddle4), Dusk Charm (uncle - lisais-fire619)
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Oil Slick
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Mutated Ghoulie
Availability: Mated to Scaramel Apple and apart of her poly group.
Planned Breedings: 1. Fling with Chusi (Shadrya) and Scaramel Apple (me) [Agreement]
Personality: Slick is a shy guy, preferring to keep to himself than going out and meeting with others. Not particularly social, the only soft spot he holds is for his pet Doom, Hexus. It's through Hexus that he's able to open up more to others.
Occupation: Full-time Doom owner. Part-time janitor.
Ambitions: To one day become a successful Doom breeder.
Living Arrangements: He's settled in with Scaramel Apple in Bonetown.
Pets: Hexus
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Pumpkin Glow
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Kelain
Availability: Happily mated to Briar Patch (Moonie)
Personality: Pumpkin is a shy mare, only ever feeling comfortable around Earth ponies or other Kelain. She doesn't want to cause trouble for any creature and tends to keep to herself as a result, but she loves to grow pumpkins and bake them into tasty treats too.
Occupation: Baker.
Ambitions: To grow her bakery.
To be able to find a way to live happily with every creature, magical or otherwise.
Living Arrangements: A charming cottage turned bakery (she lives in the upstairs and works in the downstairs) in Harvest Town.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Neo Scoop
Uncert: Basket. Foal, Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Pegasus
Availability: Happily mated to Cupcake (SSBrosB) [Agreement]
1. Fling with Funfetti (my own pony!) -- Completed!
Personality: Ambitious and excitable, Neo loves to write about food venues. This fast-talking mare can breeze through an interview and get it printed up the following day. She has strong family values and has inherited a love of sweets thanks to her family. After attending a party in Winterbloom and coming home with an unexpected party favor, she's since become a mother of three daughters. Her daughters are since grown and she's so proud of them! She would offer them all the world if she could! Now, she's settled with her own mate and hopes to have more foals some day, among her other career goals too. Like mother like daughter, Neo will stop at nothing to ensure that her family is happy and taken care of.
Occupation: Newspaper writer.
Ambitions: To run her own news column relating to food.
To run her own magazine called "Foodies Digest".
Living Arrangements: With her parents in Everville.
Pets: n/a
Parents: Rosa Latte (mother) x Sundae Scoop (father - PeterPan_da144)
Siblings: Tipsy Berry Scoop (sister - PeterPan_da144), Milk Tea Scoop (brother - Trinkuh)
Offspring: Fudge Scoop (daughter - me), Cherry Jubilee Scoop (daughter - Ruler), Sprinkleberry Scoop (daughter - Joshuality), Kissberry Scoop (granddaughter - Luxona), Shortbread Scoop (grandson - RozeyBear), Pecan Sandie Scoop (granddaughter - me)
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Stellaluna
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Unicorn (Fox Morph)
Availability: Single
Personality: Patient and wise, Stellaluna reads the stars and is able to tell a pony their fate. Specializing in love readings, she adores being able to help destined lovers to finding one another. A lover of the winter and starry skies, if you're not one of her customers, you'll find her out hiking in the Whimsnow Peaks, enjoying the snow and living for the night sky above. In fact, after a particularly interesting hike - she found her mate to be, Ad Astra! They now live together happily and who knows... maybe the stars align, they'll be blessed with little ones of their very own.

Unfortunately, it seems that the stars didn't align well enough. Like a star during supernova, their romance came to a big explosion that left with Stellaluna kicking Ad Astra out of her home. She's shut down her fortune telling business to mourn what she was SURE was true love.
Occupation: Psychic/Fortune-Teller
Ambitions: To help lovers find their paths to one another.
Living Arrangements: A cozy cabin in Whimsnow Peaks.
Pets: Oracle
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Pastel Grimace
Uncert: Uncert
Gender: Male
Breed: Alicorn (of Hallucinations)
Availability: To be mated to Kirlyam (Ruler)
Planned Breedings: 1. With Precis
2. Fling with Cathartic Carcinogen (Polliwoggi) and Sweet Malignance (Sharkberrypizza) [ Shark's Agreement, My Agreement ] - SC Breeding, I won't post for this.
OOC Breedings: Agreement Pt 1, Pt 2
Personality: Grimace is a mischief maker by nature, if only because nopony can see him! Being the alicorn of hallucinations, one of his powers is that after he's left the room, nopony seems to recall who he was... maybe he was only a figment of their imagination or a trick of the light. As a result, Grimace often walks through life playing minor tricks - making flowers grow mouths and sing, or having clocks go around backwards with their letters all askew. Nothing truly awful, just... disorienting, at best.

He probably would've gone on like that forever, playing tricks and the like, but as fate would have it, he met one mare who didn't seem affected by his powers. So surprised was he when she saw him initially when he approached...and then followed after him as he began to leave! She could see him for who he was - not imagination, but reality! He bonded with her near instantly for that, taking every joy in being near her, being remembered and being able to be seen by others too, when she was near.

It was this way that he found his mate, Kirlyam, the alicorn of clarity. They are never seen apart from one another for very long as a result, for Grimace is determined to let himself be known of by any and all.
Occupation: Unemployed
Ambitions: To be noticed and adored.
Living Arrangements: A house in Drizzletown, not that anyone seems to remember it's there.
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
Really There? - Pastel Grimace seems to give off the impression that he's not really there. Ponies have a hard time looking directly at him and when they leave they have side effects of lingering confusion/may feel disoriented. Who were they talking to? Was anypony really there?

Heart's Desire - If Pastel Grimace touches a creature's heart/over their heart directly, he can bring forth illusions of that ponies greatest desire, whether it be the memory of a loved one lost or piles of wealth, to surround the pony. This effect lasts for three minutes and can be used up to three times a day.

Pink Ponies on Parade - If a pony is already under an influence that may cause them to hallucinate on their own (alcohol, certain plants, etc) when Pastel Grimace is near, they will find their hallucinations to become more vivid and longer-lasting. Pastel Grimace must be within a 20 foot radius of the inebriated pony for this to take affect.

Prestidigitation: Wonders - Pastel Grimace is able to create minor effects that don't quite seem right. Singing flowers, backwards clocks and haunting, off-tune melodies are what he tends to create most often. He can create these illusions from up to 6 feet away from him.

You Too, Huh? - Pastel Grimace knows when a creature is experiencing hallucinations.

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Rhinestone Glamour
Uncert: Adult, Kimono
Gender: Female
Breed: Unicorn
Availability: Happily mated to Aurelius [LiveWire]) [Agreement]

Personality: Eloquent and charming, this beauty is the heiress to The Glamour Family fortune! Determined to make her own name for herself, Rhi has decided to pursue her interest in modeling and fashion! She's had quite the experience modeling her family's jewelry, but clothing is really where her interests lie. Excitable at time, she tries to ooze poise and charm wherever she roams, for she never knows who could be listening in! She only ever tends to relax when she's at home with the curtains drawn, with a warm bath with petals floating in it or out at the salon to get her hooves polished.
Occupation: Model and Businesspony

Ambitions: To become a famous pony, known for her beauty and charisma!
Living Arrangements: Her house in Drizzletown, bought for her by her parents.
Pets: Radiance
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
RP: Window Shopping - Rhinestone x Aurelius
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Dizzy Dreamer
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Earth
Availability: Mated to Tourmaline (Sami) [Agreement]
Personality: Dizzy has always had headaches and he's never been able to find out the reason why. As a result, it tends to make him pretty grumpy when dealing with other ponies. Tending to stay at home and order out food where he can, Dizzy doesn't have a lot of friends as a result. As much as he'd like them, he gets so sour whenever his headaches start! So, he's shut himself off from the rest of society, where he can do less damage to others.
Occupation: Farmer.
Ambitions: To find a source for his headaches.
To make friends... eventually.
Living Arrangements: A tucked away house in Harvest Town.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Galactic Starpath
Uncert: Basket, Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Mutated Pixie
Availability: Happily mated to Poveglia (Joshuality) [ Agreement ]
Personality: Aliens are real! One of her parents is an alien and her sibling too! Why doesn't anypony want to face up to the facts? Clearly it's up to Gal to show them the truth of things. A lover of conspiracy theories, ghost stories and anything outer space, Gal is the sort to wear a tin foil hat and hold a sign about her alien experiences, if she believes that it'll make the general public believe in them more.
Occupation: Alien researcher.
Ambitions: To prove to every creature that aliens are real!
Living Arrangements: Central Winterbloom!
Pets: n/a
Parents: Rainbow Road x White Star x Alianne
Siblings: Ecksterest'Rial (sibling - Natty-Chan), Rigel Aerglo Star (brother - Sesshiyasha)
Offspring: Starburst Enigma (child - me), Edel (daughter - Natty), Space Oddity (child - ChexaRain), Ren (daughter - RozeyBear)
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Captain Morgan
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Alicorn
Availability: Apart of Nerissa Maelstrom's harem. (Beloved)
1. Fling with Aqua Lilypad (StarshineAngel01)
Personality: Yer typical swash-buckling pirate captain! Full of bravado and with a lust for two things: the open sea and treasure! That said, he won't turn down any pretty ponies to sweep off their hooves, nor some rum if you happen to spare it.
Occupation: Pirate Captain.
Ambitions: To rule the seas!
To capture a great treasure bounty!
To sweep ponies off their hooves with his charm.
Living Arrangements: At sea.
Pets: Sirena - Every pirate needs a parrot and Sirena is so much more to Morgan than that. A lifelong companion of his given to him by a lovely oceanic alicorn in return to a deed he did for her. His life has since belonged to this alicorn, but in her absence, Sirena is the most important thing to Morgan. She aids in guiding his ship and calling out warnings for enemies or obstacles ahead.
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: Lady Abbadon (daughter - Joshuality), Dastardly Dubloon (daughter - me), ??? (child - Shaddaling)
Cutlasses, Not Cutthroats - Can pass the mastery of a cutlass to another pony for up to four hours, so long as that pony has a cutlass on their body at the time. (Strapped to their flank on a sheath, or out being used.)

Cartography, Piracy...Same Thing - Can read any map, regardless of whether its in code or not.
Drink Up Me Hearties - Is it a power or are they an alcoholic? Either way, they have a remarkably high tolerance when alcohol is involved.

Set Sail, You Scallywags! - Bestows the knowledge of how to sail a ship to anypony in an five foot radius in order to crew their ship. Once they leave this radius, the knowledge fades over the next couple of hours, unless A - Captain Morgan calls upon this power again and they happen to be in the area or B - They find that if they decide to take on sailing as a career, that they still have the muscle memory of when they were under the enchantment's influence and it's easier for these ponies to learn it. Captain Morgan can use this power up two twice a day.

Thar Be Treasure - Can sense the nearest treasure (objects with monetary value such that they can steal) (much like a compass in this way) so long as they are at sea. Once they get onto land, they can no longer tell where the treasure is hidden.

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Apple Crisp
Uncert: Basket, Foal, Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Earth
Availability: Happily mated to Tallulah-Belle
Personality: Relaxed and easy-going, Crisp lives to have fun! With a sparkle in her eye, a skip in her step and a smile on her face, Crisp just wants to go where her hooves take her. She admires her mother, Apple Tini, for being able to raise her and her sister single-hooved.
Occupation: Unemployed (she does odd jobs wherever she travels.)
Ambitions: None! She doesn't have anything in mind for the direction she'll go, and she likes it that way.
Living Arrangements: Crisp is a pony on the go!
Pets: n/a
Parents: Apple Tini (mother - me) x Starlit Fuse (mother - me)
Siblings: Apple Chutney (sister - Jackariah Beckett)
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Evergreen Frost
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Kitsune (Raccoon Morph)
Availability: Happily mated to Borealis and Tsuneo (Natty) [ Agreement ]
Personality: Evergreen works as a theatre pony in special effects. With her illusion magic, she is able to make it snow over a crowd of ponies or summon lightning during a storm scene. She enjoys preforming weather illusion magic, but she doesn't rely on her magic for all of her theatrical tricks. She is particularly fond of Giving Day and will go the extra distance to make a foal's eyes glow with wonder where she can.
Occupation: Back stage theatre - special affects specialist
Ambitions: To spread Giving Day joy!
Living Arrangements: A house in Winterbloom.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Bianca Blizzard
Uncert: Uncert, Nekkid
Gender: Female
Breed: Earth (Leopard Morph)
Availability: Happily lifemated to Myst Mahana ( Agreement)
Personality: Bianca loves the snow! Athletic and energetic, this prancing panther likes to ski and works at a ski lodge to teach both new and experienced skiers some new tricks! She adores her winter season and the sports that come with it. A bit of a homebody, she's made roots in her cabin in Whimsnow Peaks and she's not intending to move any time soon!
Occupation: Ski guide and trainer
Ambitions: To continue to make creatures happy in the snow!
Living Arrangements: A log cabin in Whimsnow Peaks.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Razor Whirlwind
Uncert: Uncert
Gender: Female
Breed: Dragon
Availability: Lifemated to Moontide (Joshuality) and Spill the Tea (ChexaRain) [ Josh's Agreement, Chez's Agreement ]
Personality: Confident to the point of being pushy, Razor knows what she wants and is ready to take it. Razor has a big heart and a big stomach too. She has a love for gems and can discern different cuts to have different tastes. With the ambition to become the first dragon food-gem critic! With a hidden temper and a protective streak, take care not to get in-between this dragon and what she wants, lest she take a swipe at you. She's been around a couple fights, earning her her battle scars, but she would much rather eat in peace than find her way into a fight.
Occupation: Chef (she doesn't especially like to make food for other ponies, but its a way she can make bits to buy gems.)
Ambitions: To become a popular gem/food critic, traveling from jeweler to jeweler to taste their delectable gems.
Living Arrangements: Razor is a dragon on the go! You can find her anywhere, so long as there are gems nearby.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Odette
Uncert: Uncert
Gender: Female
Breed: Earth
Availability: Mated to Ephemeris (Nym)
1. Fling with Celestial Dreamscape (Lisais-Fire) [ Agreement ] Bought via RLC!
Personality: Ambitious in writing, yet uncertain in love. Odette writes novels based on what she would like to hear herself. She's a romantic at heart, but she knows that she can't get by simply by imagining. So, she tends to follow other couples from afar, walking behind them half a block away or across the street. She wants to find out what real romance is and observation is a powerful tool... It's NOT stalking! She swears!
Occupation: Young adult romance novelist.
Ambitions: To write the best novel pertaining to her genre of all time! And several following! And to sell tons of books! And to fall in love and settle down with a glorious lifemate who loves her.
Living Arrangements: Odette resides in an apartment in Everville.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: Basket (belloblossom), Basket 2 (Lisaisfire619)
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Funfetti
Uncert: Uncert
Gender: Male
Breed: Unicorn
Availability: Happily mated to Foster (RozeyBear) and Cosmic Cocoa (Sami)
1. Fling with Neo Scoop (my pony) - Completed!
2. Fling with Jasper (Jackariah Beckett) [Agreement]
3. OOC Fling with Apple Tini and Scrumptious Delight (Nat) [ Agreement ]
Personality: Funfetti lives for parties. Dedicated to make other ponies smile and laugh, Funfetti puts on extravagant parties to do just that! Most of his flings are probably going to be meet n' greets with fellow party ponies, but if he happens to find a group that he really clicks with, well, he's happy to join a loving team! Extroverted and charismatic, this party hedgehog is far from prickly!
Occupation: Party organizer.
Ambitions: To host the best parties in Winterbloom!
Living Arrangements: A house in Winterbloom.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: Fudge Scoop (daughter - me), Cherry Jubilee Scoop (daughter - Ruler), Sprinkleberry Scoop (daughter - Joshuality)
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Starberry Slush
Uncert: Uncert
Gender: Male
Breed: Flightless
Availability: Lifemated to Akane (Joshuality) and Rose Blush (StarshineAngel).
Personality: Big, bold and beautiful, Starberry Slush is really to show the world his talent! With a desire to express himself through fashion and makeup, Starberry prefers a feminine look. Determined to become a proper style icon and become the best popstar he knows he can become... He's gonna work hard and do anything he has to do to make his dream come true!
Occupation: Amateur popstar.
Ambitions: To become a famous popstar and fashion icon!
Living Arrangements: A house in Dream Valley.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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