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Bello's Excellent Equines


Stew Aficionado

Name: Velma Doo
Uncert: Uncert
Gender: Female
Breed: Kelain
Availability: Will be mated to Nienna (Ruler) [Agreement]
Personality: Velma is a hardworking writer. When she's on a deadline, she lives off of microwave ramen noodles and coffee. Specializing in mysteries, she's never been considered a romantic. Even when one of her filly friends set her up on a blind date - all she got from it was a new friend, Nienna. Only then... Nienna started to hang out more often. Then she started sleeping over and... Well, now the two are mates - not that Velma minds! Hm... Maybe she was a quiet romantic this whole time. What a mysterious plot twist.
Occupation: Velma Doo is a novelist that specializes in mysteries. While she writes about elaborate schemes in her books, her at-home life isn't nearly as exciting. Sitting in front of a typewriter trying to come up with the latest novel can be exhausting. The biggest mystery is where all of her ice cream has gone? She just bought the carton yesterday and now it's empty!
Ambitions: To write a wonderful mystery series.
Living Arrangements: A house in Bone Town.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Rock Kandy
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Kelain (Panther/Skunk Morph)
Availability: Happily mated to Metamora [Agreement]
Personality: Kandy LOVES everything spooky! Witches and cobwebs, black maus and mutants! Despite being raised in Melting Point with her parents, she was able to save up enough to go travel to Bone Town - her dream living destination! It was there that she met Metamora and the rest is history! She never went home, writing her parents that she was moving in with a handsome stranger (nearly giving them a heart attack in the process - whoops!)
Since moving in with Metamora, she's been working hard to craft the best haunted house in Bone Town - one that's open year round! She still sells rock candy as a side gig to earn some bits, but she wants to put everything she can into the future of her haunted house. When the Nightday Circus came around, she spent a lot of time at that haunted house... only, she may have uncovered something a little more than she'd expected. She met the seasonal queens! She has Summri's autograph! And now she's off on an adventure even greater than haunted houses! She's met a real ghost! Why, what's possibly going to come next? Eek! How exciting!
Occupation: She makes rock candy jewelry and rock candy on a stick/string that she sells at festivals.
Ambitions: To find a perfectly spooky mate to celebrate the holidays with.
Living Arrangements: She lives with her mate, Metamora, in Bone Town.
Korn is Kandy's little helper = whether it's being a ghost-like creature in her haunted houses, or handing out candies to foals and adults alike who come by. Korn's been with her for a while now, appearing soon after she had moved to Bone Town, apparently as a stray. She started feeding it bits of rock candy and he stuck around. Now, if he's not floating around helping her, he lounges around her neck and purrs like a locomotive.
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Bordeaux Bliss
Uncert: Uncert
Gender: Female
Breed: Pegasus
Availability: Single
Personality: Bordeaux...
Occupation: Busker
Ambitions: To bring joy to those who she meets on her travels.
Living Arrangements: Nomadic, she travels with a tent in her saddlebags and tends to rough it.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Cap'n Cookie Crunch
Uncert: Uncert
Gender: Female
Breed: Hybrid (Aquatic/Unicorn)
Availability: Single
1. fling with Dokipsie (Luxona)
Personality: Cookie, sometimes called "Kooky" by her companions, acts as though she is on a perpetual sugar high. Intense energy radiates off of her and she has a tricky time of funneling it into something productive, rather than destructive. With irregular mood swings, it's safe to say that no matter whether she's happy or not, she's very high strung and feels her feelings very strongly.
Occupation: Unemployed
Ambitions: To... do... something!
Living Arrangements: Perhaps around the silver sea? Double check the map/locations. Winter aligned.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a​
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Ignis
Uncert: Here
Gender: Male
Breed: Mutated Kitsune
Availability: Happily mated with Jack Frost (Joshuality) ( Agreement )
1. OOC fling with Stellaluna and Nova Heartstrong [ Agreement ]
Personality: Much like an energetic puppy, Ignis likes to romp around and herd the cattle he owns. He's very loving and affectionate-he lives for cuddles. Not quite a dignified example of his breed, he tends to get down in the dirt more than those of his kin.
Occupation: Cow Rancher
Ambitions: To find a perfect cuddle buddy and raise cows.
Living Arrangements: On a ranch within Fall's Harvest.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Ochana
Uncert: Here
Gender: Female
Breed: Kitsune
Availability: Happily mated to Ayaka Fumi (RozeyBear) [ Agreement ]
Planned Breedings: 1. OOC Fling with Moonsilver (Polliwoggi) and Quintessence (Sharkberry Pizza) [ Shark's Agreement, My Agreement ]
Personality: Calm and level-minded, Ochana never speaks above a quiet-speaking voice. She has a strong love of tea and wants to promote tranquility to her customers in the busy tourist town of Drizzletown. She enjoys sitting on her porch of her tea house with a cup of tea and watching the rain fall. The sound of rainfall is very soothing, as is the warmth of a cup of jasmine tea (her personal favorite) and wants to combine the essence of two wonderful things into something that may alleviate any stress her customers may be feeling.
Occupation: Tea House Owner
Ambitions: To provide serenity and peace to the minds of her customers, through tea and tranquility.
Living Arrangements: In the second floor above her tea house, which is located in an off-street in Drizzletown.
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Smile Creeps
Uncert: Here
Gender: Female
Breed: Mutated Unicorn/Bat/Ghoulie Hybrid
Availability: Happily mated to All Eyes On Me (Joshuality) [ Agreeement ]
Personality: Despite her mother's welcoming personality and constant reassurances that she was welcome in the Twisted Circus, Smile couldn't feel comfortable there. She didn't like being called apart of a "Freak Show" and having other ponies come to stare at her because of her mutations. She didn't like traveling without having a place to call home. Eventually, she had to leave, packing a bag and running away. Now, she wanders alone, scared of the judgement of others. She tends to stick to the shadows and travel at night, not realizing that that may make her seem even more scary than she worries she is.
Occupation: Unemployed, though she will eventually find her calling in arts n' crafts.
Ambitions: To live without fear, in a place she calls home.
Living Arrangements: She's moving all over Fall's Harvest right now, trying to find a place to finally call home.
Pets: n/a
Parents: Spooky Tooth (Mother) x ??? (rogue breeding)
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Fudge Scoop
Uncert: Here
Gender: Female
Breed: Unicorn
Availability: Happily mated to Madeleine (bitsie spider) [ Agreement ]
1. Fling with Ginger Snap (RozeyBear) [ Agreement ] - Completed
2. Fling with Blackberry Blitz (ChexaRain) [ Agreement ]
Personality: Plucky and energetic, Fudge inherited her family's love of food. It took her a while to get a feel for the dessert she wanted to plunge into, but when she found ice cream, she ran with it! She loves her family and does her best to arrange meetings between her sisters and her family too. With her two sisters living in episode seasonal alignments, that makes it even more important for her to act as the neutral meeting place where both Sprinkleberry and Jubilee can be comfortable! She'll do anything for her family!
Occupation: Works in an ice cream shop.
Ambitions: To run her own ice cream shop, that specializes in sundaes.
Living Arrangements: Currently resides in Everville with her mother and grandparents, but hopes to one day live in Melting Point (which is also where she wants to run her ice cream shop.)
Pets: n/a
Parents: Neo Scoop (mother) x Funfetti (father)
Siblings: Sprinkleberry Scoop (sister - Joshuality), Cherry Jubilee Scoop (sister - Rulerr)
Offspring: Kissberry Scoop (daughter - Luxona), Shortbread Scoop (son - RozeyBear), Pecan Sandie Scoop (daughter)
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Neon Nightlite
Uncert: Here
Gender: Female
Breed: Aquatic (Deep Sea)
Availability: Will be mated to Lights in the Deep (RozeyBear)
1. Fling with Meadowsweet Thorn [ Agreement ]
Personality: Antisocial Nightlite keeps to herself unless she's on a job. She only ever leaves the water for work. She doesn't enjoy leaving the depths of her underwater home because she feels considerably more comfortable in the water, where it's too dark to see anything. Where it's too dark for others to judge her appearance. She knows she isn't as pretty as some aquatics or mers. She knows that she's got snaggle teeth. She knows that she doesn't fit in to the idea of what a beautiful pony is. Maybe in another life, she would be beautiful and in her beauty, she could dance as she does when she's home, for the amazement of others. Yeah, maybe in another life.
Occupation: Bouncer (but she secretly would prefer to be an underwater dancer somewhere.)
Ambitions: To be left alone. (Secretly to find other dancers and start an underwater dance club together.)
Living Arrangements: Secluded down below the Drowning Depths.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Starlit Fuse
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Earth
Availability: Happily mated to Glistening Stars (StarshineAngel) [Agreement]
Personality: Starlit Fuse, formally affectionately called Smol Fuse, was always had a fiery personality. Breaking into a stallion's world of law was tricky and she expressed herself by being a spitfire in her classes and demo trials. However, after a particularly shaky semester, she took to drinking regularly - which is where she met Apple Tini, the local bartender. It was only a few nights that they had spent together, but apparently with the alicorn of fertility that's more than enough time to interfere. Apple Tini had reached out when the baskets appeared in front of her apartment, but Starlit Fuse was in no position to take care of herself, much less foals.

So, she ran.

Star isn't proud of what she did, but in doing so, she was able to get herself back on track. She changed her name and started off on the right hoof down her life path. Now, she is a well-regarded lawyer. She feels confident in her career and has reached out to her daughters and is on good terms with them, mostly. With her job secured, this friendly and peppy mare is looking to try again with a mate who can support her and be her forever.
Occupation: Lawyer
Ambitions: To find a loving relationship and maintain her great career.
Living Arrangements: In a house in Bone Town - the same town as her law firm's building.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: Apple Crisp (daughter - me) & Apple Chutney (daughter - Jackariah Beckett)
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Starburst Enigma
Uncert: Basket, Adult
Gender: Nonbinary
Breed: Mutated Pixie
Availability: Happily mated to Nite Life (Sami)
Personality: Enigma feels exactly like their name: an unknown. Uncertain about their origins, as their mother told them that they just dropped out of the sky onto her doorstep one day, they want to know more about them. Convinced they and their sibling are aliens, they want to know more about aliens... and about ponies too. Taking an interest in biology, they'll do whatever they can to figure out just how they came to be.
Occupation: Alien Researcher/Biologist
Ambitions: To find out who he is and where he came from.
Living Arrangements: With his mother in central Winterbloom.
Pets: n/a
Parents: Galactic Starpath x Indominus x Wicked Whims
Siblings: Edel (Nat) , Space Oddity (ChexaRain), Ren (RozeyBear)
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Cremino Latte
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Unicorn
Availability: Mated to Sprinkles (Lady Angel Heart) [ Agreement ]
Personality: Always happier at his house in Drizzletown, Cremino was surprised when his sister, Rosa, moved to Everville to start her own path. That surprise has turned into insecurity as he is left wondering, if he hadn't chosen to stay in the comforts of his home, would he have a successful business and a loving mate, not to mention grandkids, like Rosa went on to?
Occupation: Barista
Ambitions: To own his own cozy corner cafe and raise a family that loves coffee as much as he does.
Living Arrangements: His family home in Drizzletown.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: Rosa Latte (sister)
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Yokan
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Pixie (Bunny Morph)
Availability: Happily mated to Seafoam Synergy (AlicornPlayhouse) [ Agreement ]
Personality: Yokan is a simple stallion of few words. Charming and sincere, he creates a home in his own home, for any tourists come to enjoy the beaches of his little town. Yokan enjoys eating sweets and roasted foods via bonfires. He wishes deeply for recognition for his establishment and side dishes.
Occupation: Yokan runs a B&B on the beach front of Summer's Touch. His B&B in particular is known for its tasty chilled jelly, among other side dishes.
Ambitions: To receive consistent five star ratings on his B&B and have his sweets become widely popular.
Living Arrangements: A beach house in Summer's Touch.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Periwinkle Wish
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Mutated Unicorn (Winter)
Availability: Will be mated to Azrael (Ruler)
1. Fling with Brilliant Shimmer (Nat) [ Agreement ]
Personality: When her kin finally ventured out of the cave and came into the world, Peri realized that she didn't know anything after all. She had been so self-righteous. She was a descendant of their noble leader, after all. They had no reason to lie to their kin, their herd. They had a heritage to preserve and she was ready to do what she had to! But then, things started to change and when it became clear that they had to leave... She wasn't ready for what she found. Her herd wasn't among the last unicorns, not at all. Walking among others, seeing unicorns around that were giving HER strange looks? It was too much. She ran off into the woods and has been hiding there ever since. She doesn't know anything anymore and she's too shaken up to learn. How could everything she knew be such a large lie?!
Occupation: She doesn't have a job and she's too skittish to come close enough to get one.
Ambitions: To find her place in the world. To learn not to be afraid.
Living Arrangements: She doesn't have a home anymore... and she doesn't know what to do.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Entrapta
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Mutated Awakened Earth
Availability: Mated with Lunar Tone (self pair)
Personality: Entrapta has a hard time connecting with other ponies or pets. With an interest in science and technology, Entrapta is always looking to improving upon the tech of Everchange. In particular, she desires to create an artificial intelligence robot pony: the first of its kind! It's her dream, her drive, her purpose!
Occupation: Robotics Engineer
Ambitions: To create an AI pony.

Living Arrangements: An abandoned (but upgraded with her hardwork) laboratory located in Lost Town.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Cinnamon Sugar
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Bat
Availability: Happily mated to Chip (Ruler) [Agreement]
Personality: Growing up, Cin was only ever told by her parents that baked goods had to be sweet and that savory baked goods (like garlic bread or cheese souffle, etc) weren't up to a bakery standard. Since Cin gets sick if she eats foods with too much added sugar, she set off on her own to prove to ponies that savory baked goods are just as valid as their more sugary cousins.

She's been put down a lot, since Everchange seems to be populated only by ponies who have a sweet tooth and it's been tricky for her to break through the mold with her savory treats. However, she's also a loyal friend and after a bit of much-needed reassurance that you don't secretly think all she's trying to do is pointless (because why would you want to make savory baked goods when you can buy cookies/cakes/pies etc) she'll stick with you and be there to defend you against anything others say.
Occupation: Baker
Ambitions: To gain recognition for her savory baked goods.
Living Arrangements: An apartment in Everville.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: Brioche (daughter - me), Rye (daughter - Ruler), Bannock (son - Jay)
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Cotton Candie
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male (he/him, she/her)
Breed: Mutated Awakened Ghoulie
Availability: Will be mated to Absolute Aesthetic (Nym) (Agreement)
1. Fling with Rainbow Sundae (Nat) [ Agreement ]
2. Fling with Gemini (Moolatte) [ Agreement ]
3. Fling with Champagne Cherry Frumpling (Rinial)
Personality: Candie loves to entertain. A showpony by nature, he has a secret fear of going out of style and so is driven to find a rich, handsome stallion so that he can continue to live lavishly, even in the event that he doesn't always have work.
Occupation: By day, he's a model, by night he's a drag queen.
Ambitions: To live comfortably for the rest of his life, on the arm of a tall, rich and handsome stallion.
Living Arrangements: A comfortable apartment in Drizzletown (though he travels for work on occasion.)
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Dastardly Dubloon
Uncert: Adult, Basket
Gender: Female
Breed: Alicorn of Thieves
Availability: Experimenting with Gallant Nymph (RozeyBear)
Personality: --
Occupation: Professional Thief
Ambitions: To be the best thief in Everchange and never get caught.
Living Arrangements: She travels for work, but often can be found on her father's ship.
Pets: n/a
Parents: Captain Morgan x Jin x Queen Venmity
Siblings: Lady Abaddon (sister - Joshuality) and ??? (sibling - Shaddaling)
Offspring: n/a
Thieves' Tools - Can transform a solid object (ex. fork, branch, pencil) into a traditional lock pick. Cannot transform object back to its original form and the transformed item has to be roughly the same size as a lockpick would be. (no giant clubs turning into tiny lockpicks on the go.) It can happen up to twice a day, with a three day recharge.

Light on Her Hooves - For up to fifteen minutes, Dubloon can summon silence around her, causing her to make no sound as she moves. This power has a recharge span of one day.

Blending In - For up to fifteen minutes, Dubloon can use this power to make herself look like your average pony. Why, she's just another face in the crowd, she doesn't have the prized jewel of such and such in her pocket, noooo, not at all. This power has a recharge span of one day.

Ooh, Shiny! - Can appraise and determine a general worth of an object if she touches it. Ex. - She touches a bejeweled goblet and knows that it's regarded as rare/expensive or she touches a gold box and senses it's worth next to nothing. This power can be used once a day and has a recharge span of one day.

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Cherry Zest
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Earth
Availability: Happily mated to Astral Breeze "Star Magic" [ Agreement ]
Personality: A popular singer on the continent, Zest let a good deal of his success go to his head as a youth, leading him to become a bit of a casanova type. With a habit of seducing his fans and groupies, he didn't expect to end up being one of the fans seduced by his favorite pop star, Star Magic, or as she was known to him, Astral Breeze. Through their relationship, they eventually found they were able to open up to one another about their lives outside of their gained stardom. They're considered one of the "it couples" when it comes to celebrities of Everchange.
Occupation: Country Singer
Ambitions: To become the most famous country singer in the continent.
Living Arrangements: He's often on tour, but he does have a house in Drizzletown.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Bitter Kale 'suffers' from the New Years' Delusion!!
Name: Bitter Kale
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Mutated Changeling/Ghoulie
Availability: Happily mated to Motheaten (Sami) [ Agreement ]
Personality: Sassy and sarcastic, while Kale is certainly a loyal hive member, that doesn't mean he has to do everything he's asked immediately, right? With a tendency to drag his paws, Kale wants to do his own thing, but have the protection of the hive. He sees through his queen's sugary sweetness for what Venmity really is like. He wishes his queen would drop his guard around him. Kale didn't join for a sweet, weak queen, he joined Venmity's hive because he thought he could be a force to be reckoned with, not a heart to be tamed. Yeesh.
Occupation: Hive Member (Queen Venmity's hive - Joshuality)
Ambitions: To due what he's asked... in the most sarcastic/sassy way possible. (Unbeknownst to him) to become an awakened changeling himself.
Living Arrangements: He lives with the rest of his hive (ask Josh where that is.)
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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