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Bello's Excellent Equines


Stew Aficionado

Name: Brioche
Uncert: Basket, Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Bat
Availability: Happily mated to Amalahle (Ruler)
Personality: Brioche comes from a family of bakers. While her mother deals in savory treats like garlic bread and cheese twists, her father goes in for breads of many varieties. In turn, Brioche chose that she wanted to continue in her parents' hoofsteps: in the form of spicy baked goods! With a taste palette that enjoys hot spices and herbal additions, Brioche is excited to explore the world of baking in her own personal streak! She would love to find another foodie that would be willing to taste her baked goods or even another chef to spend her life with!
Occupation: A baker in her parents' bakery.
Ambitions: To become a baker specializing in spicy baked goods.
Living Arrangements: With her parents Chip and Cinnamon Sugar.
Pets: n/a
Parents: Cinnamon Sugar x Chip
Siblings: Rye (sister - Ruler), Bannock (brother - One Little Jay)
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Buttercream Bounty
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Mutated Kitsune
Availability: Mated to Cosmic Brownie (Lady Angel Heart) [Agreement]
Personality: A blind food critic that is renowned for her sense of taste and smell. Bounty's tongue can determine how a dish was baked and what ingredients were used in it. She is unable to judge by appearance and so leads her life by approaching ponies the same way she does with the food she judges: by their flavor of personality. Are they too salty? Overly sweet with an underlying bitterness? Maybe they're a pleasant mix of sweet and savory. Bounty enjoys meeting all manner of ponies and by extension, trying out all the flavors that life has to offer.
Occupation: A food critic - she occasionally shows up on baking shows as a judge.
Ambitions: To be a region-renowned food critic. To be respected, despite her blindness.
Living Arrangements: She owns a house in Harvest Town, but often travels for work.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Tundra
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Dragon (Lion Morph)
Availability: Mated to Candlelit Honeysuckle (Joshuality) [ Agreement ]
Personality: More dragon than dragon pony, Tundra leads a solitary life in a mountain cave. He doesn't speak so much as communicate with body language and growls. He does know how to speak, but has gotten out of the habit, since he prefers a solitary lifestyle.
Occupation: An ice sculptor.
Ambitions: To be left alone on his cave, with his sculptures.
Living Arrangements: He lives in a chilly mountain cave high up in the Whimsnow Peaks.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: Boreas (twin brother - Bluedemonwolf)
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Libra
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Nonbinary (Alternates between she/he)
Breed: Dragon/Pixie
Availability: Taken by Enilari Solarin (Sami) [ Agreement ]
Personality: Libra has a desire to ensure that everything in their life is perfectly balanced, whether that's their work, their relationships or their day to day activities. They have strong morals and tend to see the world in black and white. Not confrontational enough to become a guard or official law enforcement, they are brought in as a diplomatic mediator when the time calls for it.
Occupation: A mediator.
Ambitions: To help keep an even balance in Everchange.
Living Arrangements: They live in Everville.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Connie
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Mutated Kelain/Pegasus
Availability: Happily mated to Savage Reef (Natty) [ Agreement ]
Personality: Suspicious and skittish, Connie acts as the stalwart scout, reading lips and tapping out a morse code for her siblings if she sees anyone else appear remotely threatening, she'll get them to move out fast. Her family has undergone too much tragedy, she's going to do her part to ensure that it's protected whatever the cost.
Occupation: Unemployed
Ambitions: To be the lookout for her siblings.
Living Arrangements: She's constantly on the move.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: Creia (sister - Ruler), Curloz (brother - Straye)
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Scaramel Apple
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Mutated Ghoulie
Availability: She's happily mated to Oil Slick! (me) and is also apart of Profound Piet's poly group! (Joshuality)
Personality: Scaramel is a charming pony with a sugary sweet disposition. Having been raised in customer service with parents who owned a candy shoppe, she's seen the good and the bad of giving others sweets. With a sense of irony about her, her interest in dental school was a joke initially... until she actually got in and then realized that it made so much money that she decided to stick around.

Nowadays she primarily works as a family dentist, helping both foals and adults and teasing them that if they eat too much candy, they'll end up looking like her tail. She hands out scented stickers of candy pieces along with their go home toothbrush goodie bags.
Occupation: Dentist.
Ambitions: To raise encourage dental hygiene in her community.
Living Arrangements: A humble abode in Bone Town.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Toby
Uncert: Here
Gender: Genderfluid
Breed: Earth
Availability: Single
Personality: Started her biz by posting on social media every day, doing glow ups - with real glow paint. Expanded into DIY for glowy collectible statues. Tampered with the gaming community and now they're all in.
Occupation: Convention Organizer/Host + Social Media Personality
Ambitions: To be the very best, like no one ever was.
Living Arrangements: She's...
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Lynn
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Unicorn
Availability: Happily mated to Cotton Peacock (Ruler) [Agreement0
Personality: Lynn lives in an aesthetic paradox. Despite hating her green birth marks, she loves her sister's complexion - pale patches and all. Eva is easily the most beautiful mare to Lynn, and she'll fight anyone with a surprising right hook if they say anything bad about her sister! Initially ashamed of her own birthmarks, Lynn's careful practice with covering up her "undesirable" patches will give her a knack for make up in general. She'll start doing make up tutorials online and go on to do make up as a career!
It'll take a bit of a revelation for her to realize she's beautiful even with her birthmarks, but once she gets there, she'll promote self love in all of her tutorials and well into her own make up lines!
Occupation: She's a professional make-up artist and is in the process of making a water resistant make up line.
Ambitions: To be recognized as one of the best beauty/make-up experts in all of Everchange!
Living Arrangements: She lives in a cottage in Drizzletown.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: Eva (twin sister - Joshuality)
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Pastel Goth
Uncert: Adult, Basket
Gender: Male
Breed: Mutated Pixie (Vampire Morph)
Availability: Happily mated to Grim Grace (Absolutiones)
Personality: Pastel Goth is a mixologist specializing in mixing palatable drinks with blood. Nonvamps tend to get squeamish when vamps whip out sippy cups full of sheep's blood, after all. However, if it's in a smoothie or alcoholic beverage... well, once you mix enough ingredients in there - who can tell what you're drinking, right?
Occupation: Mixologist
Ambitions: To bring vampires and non-vamps closer together through a mutual love of good drinks.
Living Arrangements: ???
Pets: n/a
Parents: Sugar Snap x Cassia Melody x Ditzy Charm
Siblings: Sibling 1, (sibling - Nym?) Honeydribble (sibling - Joshuality)
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Echo
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Mutated Ghoulie
Availability: Will be happily mated to Xyla (Ruler)
Fling 1. With Vladamore (Medigel) [ Agreement ]
Personality: Echo runs a small theatre, Echo's Location, hosting a lot of open mic nights and renting it out to various acting groups for months on end. He loves the theatre and all that comes with a happening stage production. While he specializes in running the business or doing back stage production, he has been known to take to the stage to fill in for someone who couldn't make it last second. Echo's got a pretty open door policy when it comes to flings and who he welcomes into his life, but he would love to find another pony (bonus points if they're theatrical in some manner) to share his life and career with.
Occupation: Theatre Owner
Ambitions: To encourage theatre ponies to shine, to house some of "the greats" as far as upcoming show ponies go.
Living Arrangements: The upstairs of his theatre, located in Bonetown.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Gummy Rot
Uncert: Here
Gender: Female
Breed: Hybrid (Dullahan/Pixie)
Availability: Happily mated to Scaramel Apple and Oil Slick.
Personality: Gummy....
Occupation: Manager at a local candy shoppe, across from Scaramel Apple's dentist building.
Ambitions: To...
Living Arrangements: With her partners, Scaramel and Slick.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Wisteria Wishes
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Pegasus (Owl Morph)
Availability: Happily mated to Pastel Sunset (Starshine) [ Agreement ]
Personality: Wisteria Wishes is a peppy pony! Extroverted and social, she loves fashion and loves it on other ponies too! She has a limited idea of personal boundaries, but that's what got her into Pastel Sunset's company! If there's one thing that Wisty loves even more than fashion, it's her marefriend, Pastel! She's such a beauty, oh oh! Do you want to hear about how they met? You DO? Okay, well it starts with Wisteria wanting a cup of coffee, so she went into a cafe and...
Occupation: Part time model, full-time fashionista and girlfriend.
Ambitions: To become a decently famous model!
Living Arrangements: A house in Dream Valley.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Pecan Sandie Scoop
Uncert: Adult, Foal, Basket
Gender: Female
Breed: Unicorn
Availability: Happily mated to Buttercream (Sami) [ Agreement ]
Personality: Pecan Sandie Scoop comes from a long line of bakers and confectioners. Despite being named after a cookie, Sandie's found herself enjoying a life based around making chocolatey delights! With a specialty in rocky road - this adventurous mare is on the path to create the perfect sweet for traveling, as she rarely finds the willpower to settle in one place.
Occupation: Confectioner - rocky road specialty
Ambitions: To discover a tasty treat to eat easily on the road!
Living Arrangements: She's nomadic and goes where she likes to.
Pets: n/a
Parents: Fudge Scoop (mother - me) x Gingersnap (father - RozeyBear)
Siblings: Shortbread Scoop (brother - RozeyBear), Kissberry Scoop (sister - Luxona)
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Kimi Onna suffers from the New Years Delusion!!
Kimi Onna
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Earth
Availability: Happily mated to Tuck Sito (Joshuality) ( Agreement )
Personality: --
Occupation: Co-owner of a famous attire company, overseer of kimono production.
Ambitions: To continue to run Everchange's biggest attire company and ensure that paw/hoof-stitched kimonos don't go out of fashion.
Living Arrangements: A large home in Winterbloom...?
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Bittersweet Symphony
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Suli
Availability: Mated to Vilkas Lowe (Josh) ( Agreement )
Personality: A soft-spoken boy with a singsong voice, Bittersweet Symphony loves tending to the flowers in what remains of Lost Town. Living in the ruins of an theatre, Symph has a habit of unintentionally scaring off any visitors with his wispy, lilting voice or his tendency to sing through the corridors of the ruins. He does enjoy the company of others, though when you live in the ruins of a city even the locals avoid, it can be hard to find new friends.
Occupation: Gardener.
Ambitions: To see the flora in the ruins flourish.
Living Arrangements: The ruins of a theatre in Lost Town.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Cheerly Beloved
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Earth (Bear/Panther Morph)
Availability: 1. Fling with Dirtnap (bitsie spider) ( Agreement )
Will be mated to Jaxon Heartdrop (Nat)
Personality: The extroverted "mom friend" of her group, Cheer is happiest when she's witnessing everyone being happy and getting along. A professional party planner and an unprofessional motivational speaker, Cheer wants to spread joy around Everchange however she can! While she tends towards the optimistic side of things, Cheer can get discouraged if she finds a friend particularly down in the dumps and sometimes can get depressed herself, if she can't find a way to put a smile on somepony's face.
Occupation: Party Organizer and Motivational Speaker
Ambitions: To cheer up everypony who needs it!
Living Arrangements: A humble abode in Everville.
Pets: n/a
Parents: Rainbow Brite (Gen 1 - Mother, me)
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Cloudy Daze
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Earth (Winter and Leopard Morph)
Availability: Happily mated to Snickerdoodle (Ghastly) [Agreement]
Personality: Cloudy Daze is a a cuddler. His life goal is to organize the continent's largest cuddle session. He speaks in a soft monotone which tends to drone on and compel others towards being drowsy. While Daze's primary job is a weatherpony, he has started to record meditation tapes and sleep guides. He wants to find someone equally affectionate and prone to snuggles - bonus if they happen to remind him to eat between his nap sessions and work.
Occupation: Weatherpony. He also records sleep and meditation guides.
Ambitions: To organize the continent's largest cuddle session.
Living Arrangements: A two bedroom house in Drizzletown.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Palette Prince
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Mutated Unicorn
Availability: Happily mated to Sidewalk Memorial (AlicornPlayhouse) [Agreement]
Personality: Pal is among the most relaxed ponies you'll find. He's got a passion for travel and has spent plenty of time on the road. He is a wandering historian, collecting pony's stories and publishing them - he thinks it's important to document the lives of the living. "We'll all become history one day" is something he often remarks. He tends to write down the truth of things, rather than embellishing a story to fuel somepony's pride, which has gotten him into a fair bit of arguments in the past, but he hardly stops to let it bother him. Initially when he first began to travel, it was hard to keep him tied to one spot, but now that he's been around the continent a few loops, he takes time to stay in any one place for a while longer before he moves on. He's able to collect more stories particular to one town or region that way.
Occupation: Historian
Ambitions: To explore all of Everchange!
Living Arrangements: He lives on the road.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Rainbow Brite
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Pegasus (Bear/Crystal Morph)
Availability: Happily mated to Sweetheart (RozeyBear)
Personality: Rain has always loved foals and dreamed of having some of her own. When she was very young, she made some questionable choices and while it did give her a foal of her very own, she realized how unprepared she was for the responsibilities of motherhood. She became ill soon after the birth of her daughter and had to undergo a procedure that left her unable to have foals again. While she knows that there are magical means of going about having children or even adopting, she doesn't have the funds to do so. Resigned to living the life without any more foals of her own, she poured herself into her job, where she is able to work with foals and spread joy to them.
Occupation: Nurse in a foals' hospital.
Ambitions: To bring joy to all of her patients.
Living Arrangements: A house too large for her to be living in alone, located in Everville.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: Cheerly Beloved (daughter Gen 1 - me)
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Elaine
Uncert: Here
Gender: Nonbinary
Breed: Mystic Kelain
Availability: Single
Personality: Elaine is chill.
Occupation: They work in construction.
Ambitions: To exist.
Living Arrangements: An apartment in Dream Valley.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a

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