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Bello's Excellent Equines


Stew Aficionado

Name: Soleil
Breed: Dragon
Availability: Mated to Max Ether (Mooger)

Ambitions: To...
Living Arrangements: Within...
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Mlem
Breed: Slime
Availability: Mated to Aura Dial (Mooger)
Living Arrangements: Within...
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a

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Stew Aficionado

Name: Odyssey
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Mutated Ghoulie
Availability: Single
I’d like to see her with someone who can ground her - but not expect her to drop her entire career for the sake of self care. She wouldn’t feel good about dating someone who works directly under her, but maybe someone associated with the company? Or a PA perhaps? Her entire life revolves around OE so I’m having a hard time thinking about where else she could meet someone, but any ideas you might have are more than welcome!
The owner and CEO of successful and world renowned Odyssey Enterprises, Odyssey has three sides to her: her public relations side, her business side and her private side. She tries not to let the three mix and is very dutiful about staying cool-headed and strategic in the best of times.
Her PR nature has her attending media releases when her company (think of it like Apple, as it’s the main tech company) a new product. Also she’ll attend conventions from time to time, so interviews and contribute a great deal of her yearly funds to projects of lesser known creators in her company. She makes sure to fund the outreach program for recent graduates of various schools and also to offer scholarships/internships for ponies looking to eventually learn how to thrive in a tech industry.

She likes to contribute to a big part of how good OE is seen in the face of the public eye, because their reputation goes hand in hand with their sales. Her business side is less garnered to pleasing others and more strategic and straightforward- she relies heavily on her department leaders to keep up their good work, but she also relies on her business partners from outside the company. There are a few skeletons in her closet that she would like to keep quiet from the public eye and these business partners can help her ensure that it never gets out, so long as she pays them a yearly lump sum.

Her private side… on the rare moments that she gets to herself before starting the work day, or on the even more rare days that she takes off, she tries to relax with some self care, though usually that looks like drinking two glasses of wine and lamenting over past trauma (the bite in one of her spikes didn’t come out of no where.)
Occupation: Owner and CEO of Odyssey Enterprises
Ambitions: To continue to run a successful company and see it flourish.
Living Arrangements: Within...
Pets: Nova
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Creature
Uncert: Cloaked (Official), Masked, Nekkid
Gender: Male
Breed: Mutated Pegasus
Availability: Experimenting with Bael (Nym)
Personality: Creature is cowardly by nature. He prefers the darkness of his home and territory rather than the sun that most ponies seem to seek out. Ponies... what a thought. He certainly doesn't consider himself a pony, or even a pegasus, for his wings are much too small and frail to carry him. Superstitious and jumpy, Creature tends to stay within the central murk of the swamp. The only thing that Creature doesn't seem to fear are the other denizens of the Blackmurk Swamp. Sure, he reasons that there are certainly some unsavory sorts nestled within, but who could be more ugly and unsettling to the eye than him? Surely any who look upon him will flee at the first chance they get, like many outsiders that have come into contact with him in the past.

Despite his fear of the world, Creature is inclined towards a good nature. On his brave days, he will circle the outer border of the Blackmurk and spook off travelers. It's at these times that he dons a cloak and thick mask. While he means to scare away anyone who tries to come into the swamp (believing that it's for their own good, as the swamp is not an easy place to traverse, and his own as a hermit) he doesn't want to traumatize them. His hooves and ominous eyes are usually enough to send others running for the hills. If a pony is persistent, he may reveal his entirety, but due to a conflicting fear of rejection, he'll rarely do as much.

Creature has heard of an interesting magic - of the glamour magic that changlings possess, or the illusion spells that kitsunes wield so well. While he's much too scared to venture out of the Blackmurk Swamp any time soon, if he should come across a changeling or kitsune within the swamp, he may try to tail them for several days, if it gives him any open ideas to how they work their craft and if there could be such a way to better cover his own, grotesque appearance that he loathes so much.

Creature tumbled out of his basket alone in the Blackmurk Swamp. Not knowing that there was anything "wrong" with him - for he was young and new to the world, Creature set out on his own to try and locate the aid of another, or perhaps just out of the desire to explore. While he did come across others, both locals and travelers alike, all took one look at him and screamed about how he was horrid swamp creature, a ghost or something called an "AAAAARGH". He realized it was not a positive reception and so began to seclude himself within the safety of the shadows that the swamp had to offer. He observed others from afar, learning how to fend for himself and learning time and time again not to approach the ponies, as they called themselves. They didn't want anything to do with Creature then and they never would later. Creature learned independence and capability on his own and while he is scared to approach any others, for the most part, he has grown into a descent, abominable thing, if he does say so himself.
Occupation: Resident swamp monster
Ambitions: To take the day one step at a time, I would like for him to eventually explore a future that dabbles between the following plots:
- Finding the courage to interact with traveling ponies, even if they flee from him at first sight.
- Interacting with a kitsune for the purpose of learning more about their illusion spells.
-Interaction with one (or several) changelings to try and figure out their glamour magic and if it can be recreated in other breeds.
- (partially joking) finding his way into a beauty salon and having his skincare routine updated
- Interacting with the current (or future) denizens of the Blackmurk Swamp

- Finding love?? I always want the best romantic lives for my ponies, but he would require some serious plotting to get to a point where he can open his heart up like that to someone - to anyone, really!
Living Arrangements: Within the Blackmurk Swamp.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Lullaby
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Pegasus
Availability: Mated to Kisa's awakened unicorn
Personality: Lullaby has always been interested in light magic! As a foal, she was often told that as a pegasus, she would be better off in a career that fitted her species, rather than trying to master the magics that unicorns or other breeds were born with. Determined to prove all her nay-sayers (or should I say, neigh-sayers?) wrong, Lullaby has been avidly studying magic herself. While she can't perform the traditional telekinesis that unicorns can, she has started mixing herbal potions that help improve your night's sleep. (Heavily in denial... she makes chamomile tea and mixes lavender into salves.)
Occupation: Practitioner of magic! Seller of "potions" (herbal teas and salves)
Ambitions: To prove that pegasi can be just as magical as unicorns!
Living Arrangements: Within the summer district.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Lavendula
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Unicorn
Availability: Mated to Ghost Wishwing (MoogerMint)
Personality: Lavendula is big on embroidery and quilt-making. Usually it's wholesome stuff, flowers lining pillows and "home is where the heart is" on throw cushions etc, but sometimes he'll donate some "naughty" quilts or blankets (naughty ranging from "I hope that's a chocolate stain" to "yes, this is my outfit for today" etc) to charities anonymously.
Occupation: Quilt-Maker
Ambitions: To bring comfort to those who need it.
Living Arrangements: Bone Town
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Hazel Snap
Uncert: Adult
Breed: Suli
Availability: Single
Personality: Hazel is a moody pony. Wracked with anxiety and depression, she connects to others by buying them gifts or food - a trick of her foalhood, where she realized that feeding one's friends was the best way to get them to stick around. Despite being a suli, she's terrible with plants and feels more of a kinship with companions that are easy to take care and don't require a lot from her emotionally or physically. That said, generally speaking, ponies regard her as a sweet soul. She donates bits to charities, is artistic and creative, and tries her best to set healthy boundaries for herself. She wants to be able to help other ponies through their issues, but sometimes, it can be hard to face her own. She still lives at home with her parents and the idea of moving out scares the jelly right out of her. She wants to be independent, but she has no idea how when some days, getting up in the morning is a struggle by itself.
She works at a local grocery store.
Ambitions: To get through the days, one at a time.
Living Arrangements: In a beach town in the summer region.
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Rosalie
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Mutated Hybrid (Pixie/Suli)
Availability: Single
Personality: A botanist that promotes healthy habits in gardeners within the spring district - she teaches her profession as a part-time teacher (three days out of a week) and volunteers at community gardens. She is especially fond of promoting natural wild flowers, rather than imported flora. She works closely with her twin, Lacey, to rehome any companions that he rescues.
Occupation: Botanist/part-time teacher
Ambitions: To enlighten minds about natural flora and the care required for successful gardening.
Living Arrangements: Drizzletown
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Name: Lacey
Uncert: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Mutated Pixie/Suli
Availability: Taken by Shadrya's Arcanine Lantern pony
Personality: Lacey always enjoys seeing ponies who love and treasure their companions, but sometimes, it becomes evident that some ponies aren't prepared to take care of them. There are many rescues that focus on the furry friends, like Owlgriffs or Boofs, but when it came to the plant-like companions, there were none that Lacey could find. So, he started his own - rescuing flower fae and Babal alike from owners who can't take care of them any longer, he's made it his goal to see that any wilted petals or leaves are up and springing brightly by the time these companions leave his nursery. He is quite thorough when it comes to rehoming any companions that come into his care... though he has foster failed more than a few of the companions that have come his way.
Occupation: Founder of the WBN (Winter's Blooming Nursery)
Ambitions: To rescue and rehabilitate any flower fae or babal that comes into his rescue, to educate others about proper companion care.
Living Arrangements: In central Winterbloom
Pets: n/a
Parents: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
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Stew Aficionado

Earl Grey Gumdrop - NB - Plotted with Tzadkiel (Josh)
Selectively mute - infinitely curious - feral​
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Stew Aficionado

Copse - often mistakenly called Corpse - corpse flower specialist
Seeking mares or femboys​
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