- 95
- #822
mother Pikesplash
owner of mother Revel
father Mudstreak
owner of father Lunar Fea
generations of parents 2nd, 1st
name Salmonkit to Salmonrush
name origin Fishy name to match mom
sex Male
owner Revel
clan Mountainclan
uncert [X]
special purchases n/a
name Jaggedkit - Jaggedmoon
name origin For the mark on his forehead, looks like a moon
sex Male
owner Lunar Fea
clan Mountainclan
uncert [X]
special purchases n/a
name Nightkit
name origin Dark fur
sex Female
owner NatiStorm
clan Sunclan
uncert [X]
special purchases n/a
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- 52
- #826
owner Umbrefox
name Stormy
name originTwo legs thought her blotchy pelt pattern reminded them of a storm cloud
sex Female
clan Kittypet
rank what rank is your cat? If not a clan cat, leave blank.
uncert Link
special purchases none
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- 122
- #827
mother Nettlesting
owner of mother belloblossom
father Ash
owner of father Natty-chan
generations of parents 1 x 1
name Soot
name origin Soft, ashy dirt (like their father!) for a soft kitten.
sex Female
owner Natty-chan
clan Loner
uncert Here
special purchases n/a
name Powder
name origin Soft ground cover (like snow, or dirt) for a soft kitten.
sex Female
owner Nym
clan Loner
uncert Here
special purchases n/a
name Dust
name origin Soft dirt for a soft kitten.
sex Female
owner belloblossom
clan what clan are they in? if your cat is a sunclan cat, please include their previous clan. if loner/kittypet, state here.
uncert Here
special purchases n/a
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- 152
- #831
mother Stormsong
owner of mother NatiStorm
father Thunderstorm
owner of father NatiStorm
generations of parents 1st & 1st
name Fogcrash
name origin Weather related naming theme by parents (Fog after the white chest fur)
sex Boy
owner Luna
clan TreeClan
uncert Kitten #1
special purchases N/A
name Cloudburst
name origin Weather related naming theme by parents (Cloud after the white chest fur)
sex Boy
owner Belloblossom
clan TreeClan
uncert Kitten #2
special purchases N/A
name Snowswirl
name origin Weather related naming theme by parents (Snow after the white fur)
sex Girl
owner NatiStorm
clan TreeClan
uncert Kitten #3
special purchases N/A
name Rainbowdash
name origin Weather related naming theme by parents (They hope she found the rainbow after the storm when she dashed off to SunClan)
sex Girl
owner Revel
clan SunClan - TreeClan
uncert Kitten #4
special purchases N/A
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- 55
- #833
cert xXx
old name/clan Aati / Kittypet
new name/clan Rustle / Loner
name origin Named after the sound of dry brittle leaves in autumn when they are stirred by the wind
reason for the change swap
is this a swap? Yes
special purchases
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- 52
- #834
cert Cert
old name/clan Jersey / Kittypet
new name/clan Jersey / Kittypet
name origin Kittypet name for a kittypet gal
reason for the change Change of ownership
is this a swap? Yes? This is a rehome <3
special purchases N/A
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- 102
- #835
mother Equinox
owner of mother Kovak
father Recollection
owner of father NatiStorm
generations of parents 1st gen, 2nd gen
name Crisp Rustle
name origin The sound of wind blowing through autumn trees.
sex Girl
owner Kovak
clan Loner
uncert Kitten #1
special purchases N/A
name Distant Thunder
name origin The sound of well, distant thunder.
sex Boy
owner Umbrefox
clan Loner
uncert Kitten #2
special purchases N/A
name Eerie Silence
name origin The lack of sound on a moonless night.
sex Boy
owner NatiStorm
clan Loner
uncert Kitten #3
special purchases N/A
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- 156
- #836
mother Mapleshade
owner of mother NatiStorm
father Merlinfeather
owner of father Tigeria
generations of parents 2nd, 2nd
name Hawkwing
name origin Parents had a bird theme
sex Boy
owner PeterPan_da144
clan TreeClan
uncert Kitten #1
special purchases N/A
name Owlsight
name origin Parents had a bird theme
sex Girl
owner Lunar Fea
clan TreeClan
uncert Kitten #2
special purchases N/A
name Pipitsong
name origin Parents had a bird theme
sex Girl
owner Umbrefox
clan TreeClan
uncert Kitten #3
special purchases N/A
name Kitebite
name origin Parents had a bird theme
sex Girl
owner NatiStorm
clan TreeClan
uncert Kitten #4
special purchases N/A
name Goosesnap
name origin Parents had a bird theme
sex Boy
owner belloblossom
clan TreeClan
uncert Kitten #5
special purchases N/A
name Doveheart
name origin Parents had a bird theme
sex Girl
owner Tigeria
clan TreeClan
uncert Kitten #6
special purchases N/A
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