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[CYOA] The Third Floor

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Grizzled Veteran

You approach the controls, and a sticker seems haphazardly slapped above the buttons.
You can barely make out what it says...
"Scalable Creation of Ulterior Presence"
Pressing a button or two, however, doesn't seem to do anything. You can only assume it means power to the panel is out.
There do seems to be blueprints stuck on a small table beside it, so you can get a grasp of what that big arm is for, at least?
Other than that, there's not much else in here... maybe we should just head back out to that middle room with those spare parts?
[Roll 1d100 with your post!]​


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 86 86
Well that was anti-climactic.

I guess I have to go back out to the room with the spare parts where I found this little Doom at.

I pat their head gently and usher them along before me, returning to that middle room.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 61 61
E.K.K. froze as he stepped towards the open doorway and another pony popped up. A very quiet shriek emitted from his mouth and he took a small step back, mostly out of surprise of the sudden appearance. While this pony gave off a silent, threatening energy.... they did seem kind of harmless. Plus they were an aquatic breed... how fast could they be on dry land (never mind the water on the ground which might help them move quickly). E.E.K. decided to try and be brave for once and held his ground. "I.....I-I-I'm not s-s-scare of you!" He stammered/shouted.


Grizzled Veteran
[Ballora rolled a 21, figured I'll toss this up real quick and free you. XD]

YOU DID IT! The figure makes a made lunge for you, and you swerve out of the way just in time, and the pony collapses on the floor.
And moans. You blink a few times, and they sit up to look you in the eyes, "Relax, it's just a game, you don't have to run THAT badly..."
Oh. Huh. You help them up, dust off some dirt, and make a face when realization hits.
This whole thing was an elaborate experiment, and as the pony in front of you hands you a 30% off coupon for their next haunted attraction, and you can't help but feel a little suckered into it.
Eh, at least they still promised to pay you for the night...

CONGRATS! You've bested the scare actor and they will follow you home, a completely normal thing for strangers to do! Yippee!
You can head over to the 'Game Over' thread and make a post there for a chance at ponies from other floors & a freebie companion.​


Grizzled Veteran

You head back the way you came, ready to try another direction... but you didn't quiiiite expect to see another figure in this room, silently waiting.

Uhhhh, well then... do you confront them head on? Or maybe you want to make a beeline for that other door across from you?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
[Alas, you had to beat a 27. X.x;]

The stranger fidgets, and you get the feeling they don't even want to be here. But then they suddenly reach for you, and with a very loose grip...
"Uhm... you're out."

Oh. Huh. Realization hits.
This whole thing was an elaborate experiment, and as the pony in front of you hands you a 30% off coupon for their next haunted attraction, and you can't help but feel a little suckered into it.
Eh, at least they still promised to pay you for the night...

OH NO! Oh dear, it seems you've run out of luck this time.
You can head over to the 'Game Over' thread and make a post there for a chance at ponies from other floors & a freebie companion.
And Funtime Freddy joins the pool!

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 23 23
The only sign of B0wz3rs contempt for the disappointing room was a nose scrunch at the odd leg. He was tempted to rifle among the objects, but everything seemed to have a layer of dust to it. Maybe the dressing room would fulfill his curiosity better.



Grizzled Veteran
@Jackariah Beckett

Pressing on, you go to open the door... and it seems locked?
You contemplate going around, but no sooner do you turn you back on the door, you hear the soft click of the lock.
Although it wasn't the brightest decision, you decide to try the handle again, and it opens with ease...

The room beyond is certainly not a dressing room, had it not been for the coats along the wall hung on hooks you might've just thought of it as a lounge.
A wall of mirrors takes up the entire left wall, with a few dusty chairs pushed up against it.
The right wall seems to be covered in face masks of varying paint styles, or 'makeup', and a few what you can only assume are mannequins, with different skirts made of metal placed on them.
It looks like there might be a vent on the wall with the door, tucked behind one said mannequin, you could always try poking around in there and see what happens...
Or maybe you'd rather just head back out too the main room and try a new direction?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 41 41
Lefty looked around the stage, irritable from the buzzing of the fans so incessant in his ear. Also a little eeked out, Lefty heaved a sigh. Surely, if something, or someone, important were back here, the would be in the dressing room right? Or if someone were to be so crazy as to break in, that's where they'd think to find the valuables? Standing up a little straighter, Lefty headed for the dressing room hoping to find nothing but peace and quiet.​


Grizzled Veteran

The room before you is certainly not a dressing room, had it not been for the coats along the wall hung on hooks you might've just thought of it as a lounge.
A wall of mirrors takes up the entire left wall, with a few dusty chairs pushed up against it.
The right wall seems to be covered in face masks of varying paint styles, or 'makeup', and a few what you can only assume are mannequins, with different skirts made of metal placed on them.
It looks like there might be a vent on the wall with the door, tucked behind one said mannequin, you could always try poking around in there and see what happens...
Or I suppose you could go try to check out the prop room?
Or maybe you'd rather just head back out too the main room and try a new direction?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 1 1
Again B0wz3rs brow crinkled. Was there any place in this building that made sense? It was practically a circus with its twisting turns and walls of mirrors. At first he was intreagued by the masks, but they soon wore on his patience. Not that he really had any to begin with.

He let a huge sigh escape him. He had thought being a night guard would be more interesting than this. Not to mention all the dust that lingered about. Was there even any working air flow to this place? He walked over to the vent to see if anything was coming from it



Grizzled Veteran
@Jackariah Beckett

The mannequin is a little heavier than you expected, and it takes you a solid amount of time to wiggle it out of the way of the vent.
Once you get down to it, you can definitely hear the faint whirring of blades from deep within the vents, and you can only assume that somewhere in this building there is a mechanism that runs it, and it's still very operational.
However, this also means the vent itself, despite being large enough to climb into, doesn't seem like quite the good idea to do.
Hmm... maybe we should head back out to the main room and poke around the rest of the building, you've seen most of what's in this side already...
[Roll 1d100 with your post!]​


Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 12 12
When Lefty found no one in the dressing room, he sighed. Whether is was of relief or something else entirely, he couldn't say. After a quick bit thorough search to make sure no one was in the room, Lefty backtracked. He should probably check the
prop room before heading back to check everything else out.​


Grizzled Veteran

While you had assumed it to be a room for props, it seemed more like a room for spare parts, and the leg leaning up against the wall was a little creepy.
The rest of the room was loitered with tables stacked with little things here and there, some of them even labelled with masking tape for their purpose, though the marker seemed to be faded from constant handling and you couldn't read it.
The option to rifle through the tables was a tempting one, for sure. You never know what you can find down here...
Or maybe heading back out to the main hall seemed like a better idea, to find somewhere new to start nosing around?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 73 73
The slight bit of air moving from the vent made B0wz3r cough on the dust it blew into his mouth and nose. Well this night was turning out to be a real bad piece of cake so far. Maybe if he turned around and returned to the main room.



Grizzled Veteran
@Jackariah Beckett

You mosey on back to the main hall... and there's someone waiting for you in the doorway.

Oh goody, a new friend?
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

Anywhere, where were we... ah, right.
Right ahead of you, the door is shut, but you hear something almost like static, but it comes and goes periodically. To the right, the only doorway that's open, you can see light, but it doesn't seem to be coming from the room itself, maybe another room further in?
Which way will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 55 55
B0wz3rs eyebrows scrunched together as the little beetle with the bow scurried towards him. He lifted a leg to squish it, then thought better if it. If it had a bow, maybe it was someone's friend. Better to ignore it and go about his night. Bugs like the dark, right? Maybe if he went towards the light the bug would go back to looking for it's friend.

((So cute! I am gladly keeping, just B0wz3r would have a different reaction lol))



Grizzled Veteran
@Jackariah Beckett

The open doorway just leads to another room, just as clinically sterile as the first one. Luckily it seems the water hasn't seeped this far in, so within a few steps you're on dry tile again.
Just as before, everything looks to be perfectly functional.
If you didn't know any better, you'd think this was just some normal lab setting, strangely blank stacks of paper sat on tables next to plenty of monitors, eerily devoid of dust and flickering on and off, like the signals had been cut off.
The source of the light, it seems, was coming from a room to the left, the door slightly ajar and flickering ever so slightly, with a soft buzzing noise.
In front of you are what look to be abandoned parts of old animatronics, so new they almost look polished. But did something.. shift just now? Or is it a trick of the flickering light?
To the right is another door, but this one seems pretty heavy duty, you can only assume what lies beyond is pretty important to the entire structure here...

Will you choose Left? Right? Or maybe you want to examine those strange parts?

[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​

Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 51 51
B0wz3r's lids hung halfway down in an unamused expression. How had this night turned like this? All he had wanted was some pizza to munch on while laying around watching cameras. Instead, he was wandering the halls he meant to be just staring at.

By this time he was needing to get some annoyance out of his system. Coming across a thick door he thought to himself it being the perfect distraction. He backed up to it and lifted his back leg, intending to kick the thick door down

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