DaD (Hiring! CYO in Discord! NEW Gargoyle race!)

Mule Account

Hello! Welcome to the world of Dungeons and Dice! This is a B/C shop based loosely on Dungeons and Dragons (credit to Wizards of the Coast).

The world is called Vigala and is based on fantasy in a world where adventuring is common and monsters are numerous. This is a world where you could choose to stay a commoner and raise a family, or perhaps you dream of becoming a hero or even a villain.

This is currently a soft opening, some things are still in the works, including some lore.

Please note that this shop is mostly Discord only, so please join! - Discord Link/Guild

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Mule Account

- Follow the Gaia ToS.

- Be courteous and kind to all members of the shop, be it newbies, regulars or staff. All customers are loved, especially newbies as they help move the shop forward and help it to grow!

- Please be aware that the colorists/staff are people too! They are doing this for free (other than Staff Credits/Gaia Gold), so please be kind and patient. If you have trouble with any staff member please try to work it out, or ignore them, if not possible please direct your concerns to the mule (Dungeon Master Lyra) or Koiasi.

- Please no chat speak and try to refrain from constant curse words. Cursing is allowed, but please do not do it every other word or more.

- Please do not whine or beg for a character. There will be plenty of chances in the future for characters, just stick around!

- Be a good sport. There is a chance that you won't win that character you've had your eye on and that someone else will. Please do not throw a fit if you lose or gloat if you do win.

- Do not steal the art! Please do not copy, take or alter any of the art or graphics in the shop. This includes staff and user-made content. You are free to use your owned characters in your sig or banners, etc, just do not alter the art.

- Please do not use mules to get more characters. If we find out that you are doing this you will be Blacklisted.

- No selling characters. If you no longer want a character please pm the mule (Dungeon Master Lyra) and we will find a home for it.

- Roleplay is not required, however, there are perks for doing so!

- Cosplays are not allowed. However, you can get a custom inspired by a cosplay. It must be at least 30% different and cannot have the same name, background or personality.

- Lines are Masc and Fem, however, they may be any gender, including androgynous!

- Same sex couples are allowed and may breed.

- Customs and Breedings are currently PWYW. Please send all trades within 48 hours.

- Rules are subject to change.

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Mule Account

How long do growths take?
It'll take 2 weeks from infant to child and a month from child to adult.

Can we co-own?
Yep! Only up to two owners though.

How many characters can breed together?
Currently 4 partners are allowed.

Are hybrids a possibility?
Yep! The only races that don't currently hybrid are ElvesxHumans as they make Half-Elves (or any combination of the parent races with Half-Elves).

Is same sex breeding allowed?

How many children can you have in a breeding?
Generally it's one child per parent in a breeding, however, identical twins are a low possibility. With roleplay you can get an extra. Lifemating can get you a possibility of an extra child (will be rolled).

Is incest allowed?
Cousins are allowed, but no further than that. Colorists are allowed to choose rather they're okay with doing breedings for these pairings or not.

What can Commoners do?
Commoners are your every day people, they can own shops, work at taverns, warehouses, bakeries, be sailors, clergymen, etc, the possibilities are endless!

Are lines restricted by gender?
Not at all! You may choose the gender for each regardless of rather the lines are feminine or masculine, they may even be Androgynous.

Is rp required?
No. The only thing that is rp will be required for is leveling, however, there still may be other ways to do so.

What benefits are there to roleplay?
With roleplay you get the chance to earn in-shop currency that can buy a multitude of things. You can also level which can earn you certain perks. Roleplay can also get you an extra child in a breeding.

What about the battle system/leveling?
The battle system is currently up in our RP Server.

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Mule Account

The B/C takes place in a world called Vigala in a city called Bastion's Rise. Up until now, the world has been ravaged by a plague that has killed millions and those that survived are trying to make it in an unforgiving world. The plague has made everyone in the world infertile so they must reach out to magic to reproduce. Bastion's Rise is one of the few major places that has risen out of the calamity and is giving all races the chance to live and thrive if they can manage to get along... and to not fall prey to the monsters lurking outside the walls. No one is quite sure of all the dangers that might be in the wilds. The lack of humanoid presence has given the monsters plenty of time to regroup and thrive and to make the world their own. There are a few scattered civilizations that have survived but they are few and far between and traveling is a gamble. This has allowed adventurers to rise, securing their place in the world as their presence has been needed to give humanoids a foothold once again.

You play one of these characters that are now living in Bastion's Rise. Rather they choose to fight or stay behind as a common member of society is up to you. Perhaps they fight the good fight and want to see humanoids thrive once again, maybe they just want to peddle their wares and raise a family (etc.), or maybe they have devious plans... The fate of the world could be held in the hands of these people...

(Click for Larger Image)

Bastion's Rise has only been occupied for about 20 years, and even then only by a few hundred people in a city meant for tens of thousands. The city has since added more people as other races have learned of the sanctuary, but it still only numbers around 1500 give or take. Because of this, the city is very vacant in spots and a lot of it is still in disrepair. Construction is a constant war against material availability and the elements. Vendors still barter their wares and the marketplace is the most bustling of all the districts. Many other districts have maybe one or two buildings max operating.

The city is ruled by Queen Eliana, a Half-Elf, who was once an adventurer. She is a Cleric of Chasuer, the God of Light and Healing, and used her knack for healing to help others during the Plague. She gained a multitude of followers of whom accompanied her across the continent until they finally found sanctuary in the abandoned city. They have since tried to make the place a home for any who have survived the Plague but it has been a hard fought battle against the wild denizens that claimed the city. Though the city is mostly safe now, not everyone is happy about the unrest in the city, causing a few people to have ulterior motives...

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Mule Account

(We're always adding new races! So check out the Rp Discord for all of them. <3)

Warning: Spider Race
Dark Elves

You can learn more about Dark Elves here.​
Dusk Elves
Half Dragon

You can learn more about Half-Dragons here.
Half Elf

You can learn more about Half-Elves here.

You can learn more about Humans here.
Moon Elves
Waring: Bipedal Snake Race
Sun Elf

You can learn more about Tiefling here.
Wood Elf

You can learn more about Wood Elves here.


You can learn more about Woshryn here.
Warning: Snake People (Half snake body)

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Mule Account

L to R: Rabbit, Cat, Shih Tzu, Pug, Rat, Gazer, Tressym, Wyvern Hatchling, Raven, Dragon Hatchling, Kitsune, Butterfly, Owlbear, Cerberus, Bee, Couatl

Learn more about Familiars here

NOTE: There are a lot more familiars and even mounts that are not pictured here.

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Mule Account


Games can be held on occasion. The majority of these games will be free to the masses, anyone can win them. These games can include but not limited to, dice games, raffles, roleplay events and even CYOs.

Events may also happen, these may also have themes on occasion. Events are a coordinated group of games happening during a predetermined time in which can have many winners. We currently have a limit of 2 character wins per event.


Breedings are when adults join together to create offspring. Adults must be adults for 30 days. Characters (even males) do become pregnant (magic, man). Any gender may breed together as a magical potion from a strange vendor named Shena is needed. Shena uses DNA from each person wanting to breed and mixes it with unknown magics that no one else has been able to reproduce.

You can find more information here.


Customs are when you want to make a specific character. You must win a slot to be able to get one. We have different types of customs, such as Random, Semi and Full. Races must still follow their Racial Restrictions.

You can find more information here.

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Mule Account


Welcome to Advertising! This is the place to earn points for inviting people to the shop! Please read over the rules because this might work differently than you're use to.

There are several ways to earn points and for every 3 points you earn a ticket!

Earn 1 point for posting on BS everyday saying you're advertising (Must have the advert in your sig).

Earn 1 point for welcoming a new member on BS or Discord! (You can earn 2 for both!)

Earn 1 point for having a conversation in General or In Thread every day.

Earn 1 point for every time someone you referred enters a contest or raffle! (Up to 3!)

Earn 5 points for referring someone to the BS thread! (They must state that you referred them.)

Earn 10 points for referring someone to the Discord! (They must state that you referred them.)

Please Keep Points on Discord so they're all in one place. <33

[More May be Added in the future.]

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Mule Account

These are characters for the ORP that's being run in Discord!
Morphomon (Faerie), Sakuyamon (Human), Leomon (Leonin), Biyomon (Hybrid)

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Mule Account



gpprincess88 - Unedited Colorist (Part Time)
VerityHattress - Edited Colorist (Part Time)
Paper Falcons - Edited Colorist (Part Time)
FairySnails - Edited Colorist (Part Time)
OneWintersNite - Edited Colorist (Full Time)
Yepitreallyisme - Familiar colorist (Part Time)
lysia_nyteblade - Guest
Revel1984 - Guest
Circus of Values - Guest
AlicornPlayhouse - Hiatus

Paper Falcons
Straye (We miss you...)

Clerical Staff
Strawberri Stardust
Dea and #Teddy#

Lore Masters
LivelyDeath (Discord)


Lineart by - Koiasi (main) and Straye (Dwarves and babies)

Koiasi - Concept, Story, Banners, Familiars, Trinkets, Mounts

Yorugami, ChexaRain, Circus of Values, Koiasi, LordPocky, Straye, CanisLupisEvil (Discord) - Familiars/Mounts

VerityHattress, StormFyre (Discord) - Trinkets

Dungeons and Dragons - Wizards of the Coast



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