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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[EVENT] A Family in Peril

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Stew Aficionado

Once upon a time, the lives of these two cats crossed paths, and from that crossing, came three beautiful kittens. Unlike most stories, this one doesn't have the happiest of endings. You see, all but one of these cats have died, for one reason or another.

But, death is not the end in this shop!
Let's take this opportunity to explore the afterlife here at Cats of the Sun!​
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Stew Aficionado

Winners: Kovak and NatiStorm!

Our story begins with these two; The parents of our poor, tragic family. It seems they took the vow of 'until death do we part' quite literally. We would like you to find a partner for this contest and tell us how these cats got to where they are now. What did the spotted one do to be cast into the Dark Forest? And why didn't their mate follow them into exile? Could make for quite a dramatic backstory!

Reminder: Eclipsed cats are Clan Cats who were denied access to SunClan when they died. They would have had to break the Warrior Code pretty badly to get here, so keep that in mind for them! Cats born outside of a Clan, or who have chosen to leave their Clan for the life of a loner or kittypet, become Ghosts when they pass.

Ghost Parent | Eclipsed Parent

This game will be open from 11/25 until 12/2 @ 10PM EST!

[B][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(139, 88, 183)]'Til Death We Part[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px]usernames [/SIZE][/B][SIZE=14px]username [eclipsed] x username [ghost]
[B]mother [/B]please link to which cat will be listed as the mother and provide an appropriate name for them
[B]father [/B]please link to which cat will be listed as the father and provide an appropriate name for them
[B]ghost concept[/B] write out a synopsis of the story behind the ghost cat. were they a clan cat once? what were they like when they were alive? how did they meet their mate? how did they end up wandering around the wild wood as a ghost? why didn't they end up in the dark forest like their mate?
[B]eclipsed concept[/B] write out a synopsis of the story behind the eclipsed cat. what were they like when they were alive? how did they meet their mate? what rule did they break so badly that they were banished to the dark forest?[/SIZE]
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Stew Aficionado

Winner: NatiStorm

What happens when you die? It's one of life's greatest questions. Here, at Cats of the Sun, death is not the end for your characters at all. Dead cats gain access to very special roleplay locations exclusive to them! This apprentice-aged cat here is what we call a Ghost. Their special place of wandering is called the Wild Wood. Here's a bit more information on that for you!

This raffle will run from 11/25 until 11/28 @ 10PM EST!
Cats born outside of a Clan, or who have chosen to leave their Clan for the life of a loner or kittypet, become Ghosts within the Wild Wood. While Ghosts will never be hungry again, any prey caught in the Wild Wood tastes of air, and the sunlight that shines down from the sky is cold. Ghosts cannot walk among the world of the living, nor can they do anything to influence the lives of those who move on without them. They can only observe from afar, through reflective puddles found few and far between within the Wild Wood.

As Clanless cats, Ghosts can never join SunClan, but it has been known for Ghosts to travel into the Dark Forest and become an Eclipsed cat instead. This is one of the few ways they could proceed and be able to walk among the living once more. Watching through a closed window can be very lonely, after all. Ghosts are easily identified by their pale, faded appearance.​

If the cat above interests you, feel free to post the form below to claim a ticket for a free raffle for them! Users with zero afterlife cats (meaning no ghosts, no eclipsed, and no SunClan cats) get 3 tickets instead!

[B][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(128, 145, 249)]I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px]username[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=14px] username here
[B]cat name[/B] remember to keep their name loner appropriate! info on that [URL='']here[/URL]
[B]newbie?[/B] how many dead cats do you own?
[B]story[/B] how'd they die?[/SIZE]
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Stew Aficionado

Winners: kovak

This young cat never made it to adult hood. Its a sad, cruel world we live in, but it doesn't have to be. Maybe this cat could change it for the better one day! How might they do that, you ask? Well, while some cats can influence the world even from the afterlife, the best way is through reincarnation!

Reincarnation is a perk you can buy from the DP shop that allows your dead cat to be reborn as a kit in a random breeding, giving them a second (or third, or fourth, or eighth...) attempt at life!

This free raffle has two prizes; the cat above AND a Reincarnation Token! Whether you use it for this cat or another is entirely up to you!

This raffle will run from 11/25 until 11/28 @ 10PM EST!

[B][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(139, 88, 183)]Ghosts Are All Around Us[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px]username[/SIZE][/B][SIZE=14px] username here
[B]cat name[/B] remember to keep their name loner appropriate! info on that [URL='']here[/URL]
[B]story[/B] how'd they die?[/SIZE]
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Stew Aficionado

Finally, the remaining member of our family, all grown up and facing the world alone. How have they handled all the blows life has thrown at them so far? Let us know in this concept contest to win the cat above!

This raffle will run from 12/5 until 12/12 @ 10PM EST!

Here's a recap on what happened with the rest of their family:​

[B][SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(158, 158, 158)]So Much Left To Live[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[SIZE=14px][B]username[/B] your username here
[B]cat name[/B] remember to keep their name loner appropriate! info on that [URL='']here[/URL]
[B]concept[/B] how is your cat handling their losses? how have they effected them as a person? and what do they look forward to in the future?[/SIZE]
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Long-Term Resident
Ghosts Are All Around Us
cat name Maplewood
story how'd they die?
Slipped on a mossy rock too close to deep, turgid water and couldn't resurface


Grizzled Veteran
I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost!
cat name Feather
newbie? 1
story It was hard for Feather and her siblings to survive the harsh world without their parents. Loving her siblings more than anything, Feather gave every bit of prey her tiny paws could catch to them and eventually wound up to weak and sick to recover.


Grizzled Veteran
Ghosts Are All Around Us
cat name Fang
story Fang was a little to headstrong for his own good and thought he could take on anything. Unfortunately when he and his siblings wandered to close to a badger den Fang found out the hard was that he was not invincible.


Grizzled Veteran
'Til Death We Part
Kovak [eclipsed] x NatiStorm [ghost]
father Warmgaze
ghost concept
Warmgaze was a kindhearted tom that lived in LostClan. One day while stalking a mouse, he traveled beyond the boarders of his clans territory. It was on that day that he met Bristletongue. There was something about the fierce she-cat that captivated him so the sweet tom began sneaking out to visit her as often as he could. Though he thought himself loyal to his clan, Warmgaze soon found himself making difficult decisions that tested his loyalties. Upon learning that Bristletoungue was pregnant with his kits, the two of them decided to raise their kits outside of their clans in the secret den where they had met. After Bristletongue died, Warmgaze left Lostclan to care for his kits as a loner. Unfortunately he didn't raise them for long as he soon died of a broken heart. Having renounced his clan and taken to the life of a loner, Warmgaze found himself wandering the Wild Woods, always searching for his lost love Bristletongue, unaware that she found a different afterlife.

eclipsed concept
Bristletongue lived up to her name; a sassy, sharp tongued, she-cat that was hard to get close to. Though Bristletongue had grown up a member of StoneClan, she often wondered what it would be like to live life as a loner. Occasionally when clan life became too much (some of those cats were just so annoying), she would sneak away and hide for awhile in the woods past the territory boundaries. It was there she met Warmgaze, the only tom that didn't get on her nerves. In fact, after meeting up with him a few times, Bristletongue found herself missing Warmgaze and looking forward to their next meeting. To throw off suspicion that she was meeting with a cat from another clan, Bristletongue faked interest and flirted with a tom from StoneClan that had been trying to court her for some time. That was, until she became pregnant with Warmgaze's kits. Though her pregnancy was normal, Bristletongue felt herself growing weak. After a talk with the medicine cat, Bristletongue found herself with an incurable sickness. She begged the medicine cat to keep quiet about her condition. Shortly after having her kittens, she snuck them out of StoneClan and took them to the secret den where she met with their father. Though they had decided to raise the kittens outside of their clans, Bristletongue really just wanted her kittens to be with their father since she knew they wouldn't have a mother due to her illness. Her clan was shocked to find out what she had done but the tom who had been courting her was absolutely furious. The StoneClan tom thought he had fathered Bristletongue's kits and was beside himself with rage that she had taken them from him, taken them from their clan. When the tom threw accusations her way and threatened to go find the kits and bring them back, Bristletongue lashed out. Afraid for her family and angry at the accusations, Bristletongue killed the tom, her clanmate. Her sickness ended her life before StoneClan could pass judgment on her. Having broken her loyalty to the clan and killed a cat out of fear and anger rather than self defense, Bristletongue found herself wondering the Dark Forest.
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Grizzled Veteran
I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost!
cat name Wind
newbie? four
story Wind was out and about learning how to hunt when an eagle decided to hunt it too and got carried away!


Grizzled Veteran
Ghosts Are All Around Us
cat name Boulder
story Boulder was holding their ground when they were protecting their siblings from a rockslide and got suffocated under.


Stew Aficionado
Ghosts Are All Around Us
cat name Ash
story Frail from the moment they were born with wheezing breaths, Ash died in his sleep one night, after a day of fun that exhausted his poor body to death. At least his final memories are of being happily surrounded by his family before settling down to a final rest.


Stew Aficionado
I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost!
cat name Berry
newbie? At least four, maybe five or more? At the very least I’m not a newbie, that’s for certain.
story Berry always liked to believe that she was the smartest of her siblings. She would talk endlessly about her knowledge of what herbs they passed did to benefit cats or ail them , though all this information was imaginary, she did not having any actual clue to what any plants did. When she was eventually called out for her tale tales, she ate the first plant within reach - and died frothing at the mouth hours later, having ingested something poisonous.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Ghosts Are All Around Us
Blinded By Silence
cat name Sparrow
story No one knows, but the story changes every time someone asks him.


Stew Aficionado
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 4
Res: 3
1. pyrrh
2. NatiStorm
3. belloblossom
4. Blinded By Silence

Bello had a mix-up, please disregard this roll! <3 <3
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Stew Aficionado
@NatiStorm Congratulations, Nati! You've won Feather! Please wait until the parents have been won to cert your ghost!

@kovak Congratulations, kovak! You've won Boulder and the Reincarnation Token to go with them! Please wait until the parents have been won to cert your ghost!

These raffles may be over, but we still have the Parent Contest open until 12/02 and once that's concluded, we'll have the game for the final, living child! Keep those entries coming in folks!
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Stew Aficionado
Congratulations! You may have been our only entrants, but your entry was wonderful, and I cannot wait to see what kind of inspiration it kindles for the remaining kit!



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