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Pokémon Expeditions

[Expedition] Could you spare a few words [Zak & Lex]


Grizzled Veteran
Let's go! Expedition time!
Players participating: Shaddaling and Zakiax

Trainers participating: Zakiax Firebane , Lex Travae
Pokémon participating:
Zakiax167 / zue169 / Zvonimir536 / Leliana 664 / Freckles54 / Rain Drop508 / Rivea
Lex125 / Fat Kevin198 / Nimbus481 / Tempest506 / Nilla619 / Coon732 / Poppy

Expedition area: Darksallow valley
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Grizzled Veteran
Lex hummed as they walked along the slowly beaten dirt trail. The more people who traversed into the Darksallow valley the more small foot trails were popping up. Eventually they would make set paths and markers of safe areas but for now, it was mostly a free for all.

Poppy flicked her tail, running ahead of them, the fusion cheerfully exploring before startling at the lightest sound and huddling back against their boots.

"Did you hear a noise, sweetheart?" Lex reached down, picking up the Minccimola, snuggling the absolutely soft ball of fluff. So fluffy. So tiny. "You are okay, everything is perfectly fine." They cooed, as they walk, pausing. "I think I hear someone ahead! Let's go and say hi!" They swung her up and onto their shoulder, letting her settle before going on.


Stew Aficionado
Zak had been camping out in Darksallow Valley for about a week, he had changed out half of his initial party through the app on his rotom phone, which he often forgot he had. The morning started like every other day, breakfast was made and he packed up his sleeping back and small pack, settling them on his back. Rain Drop and Zue were the two pokemon he decided to start with this day, Zue remained on its trainer's head, however something seemed to have caught the attention of the hyperactive Nauwillian Torchic causing it to run off in a direction.

The majority of his adventure so far in the valley so far had started with the male chasing after his torchic and finding things that way. After it had gotten the majority of its energy out he would recall it and then actually begin his research, adding to his notebook. So far it was mostly filled with habitats he had come across as well as a few notes about the native pokemon he had run into.

The blue fluffy torchic made its way through some of the thick foliage poping out right in front of Lex practically running into them. "Rain Drop, get back here." Zak called after the torchic pushing through the foliage himself. Leaves and sticks clung to him but what was the most bizarre happened to be the zubat clinging to his head to dear life as if it did not want to let go of its 'perch' and fly.



Grizzled Veteran
"Ooh, well hello there," Lex said, looking down at the torchic, nauwhil torchic at that. "Do you have a, well yes you do. Here he comes." They said amused as the trainer appeared, wearing a zubat hat? Nope, that was a live zubat doing it best impression of a hat. "Hi," they said, waving easily.

"I'm Lex, they pronouns at the moment, and this little darling," Lex pointed to the small pink pokemon attempting to burrow herself into their shirt. "This is Poppy. She's timid," they captured her tail, carefully holding her back from diving fully down their crop top. "Really, Poppy. I'm going to flash the poor guy if you keep doing that. I'm wearing a crop top, there is no place for you to hide down my shirt." Lex scolded gently, getting a hand below her belly to lift her up and away.

"There we go." They beamed brightly. "So, what have you been doing? Have you been living out here? You look a bit... grubby," Lex mused, tapping a manicured nail against their lips.



Stew Aficionado
Upon seeing the other trainer Zak instantly recalled Rain Drop to its pokeball, not trusting it to behave not to mention that it seemed to be scaring another pokemon with its attitude. Though Zak was not sure what the other pokemon really was.

The near flapping zubat on Zak's head settled down as Zak stopped moving quite content they had stopped.

"Sorry about Rain Drop he's still does not listen to me most of the time." Zakiax applogized. "Exploring, and researching. A few days I think?" he spoke answering the questions, ending it in with his own question mark. Honestly he wasn't sure how long it has been since he's been camping out in the valley. It was at least a few days, but it could be more.

"I'm Zakiax," He introduced himself, "Zak if you perfer." He then motioned to the Zubat on his head "This is Zue and that hyperactive Torchic is Rain Drop. I have a few other pokemon with me I could introduce you to as well if you like." There was a pause as he pulled out a mini notebook from his pocket, "Though your Poppy does intrique me, i've never seen anything like it."



Grizzled Veteran
"Pleasure to meet you Zak! Ooh, she a Minccimola," They said carefully holding her out so Zak could get a better work. "So a Minccino and Alomomola fushion." They gathered the pink pokemon securely in their arm, hand under her belly and trapped between their side and arm.

"So you really are camping out here." How fascinating. Lex nodded. "I would like to meet them. I take it you have a camp site?" They would love a closer look at how the other had been living. Lex had been keeping his explorations to simple day trips, not caring to spend the night out in the woods. "If you don't mind?"



Stew Aficionado
Zak had already started his sketch of Lex's Minccimola in his notebook as he observed it. When the name was spoken he made a note of it as well as the fusions of pokemon it was. Zak had seen a few fusions, and owned a couple. Some stablized but the majority of his were lesser fusions.

"We don't really have a permanent camp site persay. Just when ever we feel like we find a place to sleep for the night. We could go back to where I stayed last night but it is just a small clearing in the woods, a bit that way." he motioned the way he came



Grizzled Veteran
"And here I was thinking you had a permanent campsite. You really are roughing it out here." Lex peered at the sketch giving a soft note of interest. "That is very lovely, you are a real quick study. Would you be interested in giving an interview for the Fairlight Social page? I do try to get different view point on it weekly to help give interest parties a brief glimpse of life here."

"You seem like an extremely well rounded trainer to add to the collection." Lex moved towards the clearing.



Stew Aficionado
"Its not too bad, the weather has been fair and the trees provide great coverage." He replied with a small shrug. As they walked the zubat on Zak's head began to give small screeches in protest. "Your fine," He muttered and reached up and patted Zue on the head trying to get him to calm down a bit.

Zak glanced over at Lex a bit hesitant on answering "Will it be live?" he asked his own question. "I have a bit of an issue speaking in front of large groups, but if its just to you I may be fine with it." Honestly he wasn't sure if he would but at least he could give it a try, knowing that more then one person would see it could cause his fear of public speaking to appear.

Once they reached the clearing Zak let a dark orange charmander out of its pokeball. It had lighter speckles down its back. The shy little guy should be fine with just a few other pokemon about. "This is Zvonimir," he introduced the charmander though as soon as he did it hide behind Zak's leg peaking out at Lex with its bright blue eyes. "He's a bit shy to strangers but won't cause any trouble."



Grizzled Veteran
"Oh no. We don't have the funding to do a live studio audience or the infrastructure to even handle the buffering to do it live on the net. It would just be you, me, and either a tape recorder or pen and paper. What ever you would be most comfortable with. Perhaps a few pictures, if you agree to it." Lex assured, following Zak into the clearing.

"Poppy is very shy as well. Hello Zvonimir." They glanced around before sitting down, rummaging into their bag. "I'll likely end up writing it out, and will pick the best questions and answers. So if you are uncomfortable, or don't want to answer something just let me know and we will move on. "



Stew Aficionado
Zak nodded as Lex explained and it releived his worry. That shouldn't be too bad then. Reaching up to the bat on his head he returned the zubat to its pokeball. It would probally be weird for someone to do an interview with a bat just hanging about like his zubat did.

"Whenever you are ready I am ready." he replied settling into the spot in front of the other in the clearing.



Grizzled Veteran
"Wonderful! So lets start with the basics, could I get your full name, country of origin and what brought you to Nauwhil?" Lex asked, setting up their notebook and armed with a pen. "Everyone's reasons have been fascinating."

Poppy peered out behind Lex's legs, tucking herself firmly against him with an uncertain little Mimm? She blinked at the charmander, her tail swaying back and forth slowly.


Stew Aficionado
Zvonimir stayed behind Zak as he sat his little head peaking out at Poppy every once and awhile. Once the fire tailed lizard gave a small wave before pulling his head back around behind its trainer.

"My name is Zakiax Firebane." He started "I come from Kanto around the Mt. Moon area, and my reason for coming here is research. Mainly of fire and dragon types as that is my specialty, but this regions pokemon so far have been quite facinating"


Grizzled Veteran
"Have you been disappointed with the amount of bugs and grass types that have been discovered?" Lex questioned, writing in Zak's answers. "Did you pick a starter? Considering your answer, I am certain you picked n. torchic out of the three?" He leaned down, scratching Mimi's large ears, making the small pokemon thump her tail in pleasure.

"What has been your favorite new discovered pokemon?" He asked, deciding he could get away with one more question.