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Feathers 'N Fluff - A basket homing contest! (Closed! - Congrats Angel Bane!!!)


Stew Aficionado

Meet the parents!

Ezrael is a mutated Pegasus with a heart of gold. Like a knight in shining armor, he does whatever it takes to help a pony in need, often times going way out of his way to do such a thing. He was born into a family with money, and though he's been around it all his life, he is not spoiled by it. Ezrael lives on the barest of coin, while donating more of it to those in need. He has smartly invested in stocks to keep this money flowing and allowing him to continue his philanthropy.

Flopsy Cottontail is an awakened mutant Unicorn. He is shy and quiet with a big heart. He has a huge fear of disappointing ponies and has been described as a pony pleaser.
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Stew Aficionado

Achilles is the third of the three baskets. He is a strong foal, but very moody! He has yet to show much more about himself since he's still in the basket for the majority of his time.

Cassiopeia is the second of the three baskets. She is soft and sweet, a bleeding heart for those in need. Even as a foal, she is already showing exactly how big her heart is. Ezrael fears she'll be taken advantage of a lot as a young adult.
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Stew Aficionado
And this is the basket that you are entering for!!​

A mutant awakened baby! We want to know all about this kid, and what you have planned for them.

This contest will go until 10 pm EST on Friday, August 7th.

[CENTER][SIZE=24px][FONT=GoodDog Plain][color=purple]Gimmie That Feathery Fluff![/color][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]

[SIZE=5][FONT=GoodDog Plain]
Pony's Name:
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Grizzled Veteran
Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: Melomar
Pony's Name: Ajax
Personality: Ajax is a strong pony who lives to protect. His main goal is to help others learn how to be strong, how to defend themselves in different ways. He has the giving heart of a lifelong teacher and may wander the land giving where he can. What he decides to teach is anyone's guess as he learns his particular strengths and weaknesses. (I would like to develop that in RP or plotting perhaps.)
Note: named after a strong Greek warrior who played a mainly defensive and tactical role in the Trojan war.


Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: AlicornPlayhouse
Pony's Name: Oscar
Personality: While still young, Oscar is already a ball of joy. Much like Flopsy, he's a people pleasure down to the bone. With a gentle spirit he makes a point to try and turn around anyone's day and make it a little worth while. One look at this happy little fellow and just about anyone would be all but convinced he's sweeter than candy! Sadly, ponies aren't allowed to just be kind, Oscar knows that the hard way. While he strives to make every pony happy and joyful he struggles to find the line between what he wants and what OTHERS want. All he wants to do is impress, and he ends up confusing himself in the mess of it all. Where do you turn in life when you're only living for others? What do you do when you're defined by wanting people to like you? What happens.. if they don't? He forgives those that never deserves for forgiveness, he lets himself be walked upon despite knowing exactly what's happening. Because, if other ponies aren't happy, if other ponies aren't making HIM feel useful, who would he be? Everything he does is because of this need and if it goes away or he fails he is convinced he will blow away in the wind with it. He stays restless at night because whenever anypony does something bad they are forgiven, THEY get to walk free of the guilt, but he still remembers. One day he hopes, just maybe, he can look someone in the eyes and say 'No, I don't forgive you.' and still be okay. He doesn't want to disappear with his morals. He doesn't want to be kind. He just wants to be happy with the family he loves oh so dearly. He'd sacrifice anything for anypony, but ESPECIALLY his family. He'd put everything he knew on the line for them, there's no question there. That may be something he never changes, or, maybe, he'll grow beyond what he thinks he's bound to be.


Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Pony's Name: Leander

Personality: Anti-social and far too shay to do anything about it. Leander has withdrawn totally from the over-excitement of his family. He loves them to pieces, he just...doesn't know how to handle them. With time perhaps the young stallion will come to understand his families big hearted just doesn't seem practical at this point in time.


Grizzled Veteran
Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: RozeyBear
Pony's Name: Ariadne
Personality: Selfless, truthful and gracious are some of the words used most frequently when describing Ariadne. The young foal always has a smile on her face, pleased to meet and ready to help everyone that passes her way. She rather enjoys listening to Ezrael speak of his charity, always wide eyed and eager as she hangs on his every word. Of course, she loves her entire family equally and has been known to cuddle Flopsy for hours on end reading a good book together.

As she grows, she will attend a charitable gathering or two. Despite the fact that she has no interest in the personal gains that come with her family's money, she still dresses the part when she attends an event of stature. Every pony she helps grows her ambition to throw herself into charity when she's old enough to do so on her own. For the time being, she stays close to her parents.

Upon maturity, Ariadne can be described as one of the most charitable and honest ponies one could ever meet. She will never lie to someone, no matter what the circumstance. Her entire life will be devoted to helping those in need any way she can. Someone needs a new home because of a storm? She's likely to hoof the bill and help hammer in the nails. Her giving, kind nature is only matched by her determination to have ponies see her as capable and not just the pretty face behind charity balls.


Grizzled Veteran
Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: MoogerMint
Pony's Name: Daedalus
(you've got strength and beauty already, now how about intelligence :3)
Personality: Growing up in a loving and selfless home, Daedalus' inherited giving nature has been marred by a childlike lack of understanding. Sure, he'd happily give up any material possessions if asked, but will naively expect something in return, unable to fully grasp the idea of a "gift." That isn't to say that he can't learn in time, but at present he believes that it is a surefire way to win any pony's friendship! He may seem conceited at times, but he's actually quite the cuddle bunny, he's just awful at social cues. His parents are likely sure that he will grow into himself and out of this awkward kid phase.

Most of his personal growth would likely happen through trial-and-error in RP. He's bound to stir up some drama.


Long-Term Resident
Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: Ruler
Pony's Name: Andromeda
Personality: Andromeda is a whirlwind of a character. Much like Ezrael and Cassiopeia, she has a heart made of pure gold. However, intention doesn't always equal impact... A very well-intentioned busybody who wishes nothing but the best on even her worst of enemies, Andromeda tends to fumble. A lot. Regardless of however hard she tries (and oh does she try), nothing ever seems to be good enough. While Andromeda will learn a resilience towards this, in her adolescence it will be something weighing on her brain. When she matures, traveling the land and meeting new people, she'll gain a greater sense of self aside from who she is to other ponies.


Grizzled Veteran
Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: Joshuality
Pony's Name: Hermes
Personality: Hermes is a softie like their parents, but god are they a curious one. The second they were able to move, they became quite the wanderer. Always trailing off paths and getting enticed by new things, the family might have to look into the purchase of a child leash just to keep Hermes safe from their own curiosity... This doesn't quite die down as they grow, either. However, despite all this desire for travel and excitement, Hermes is loyal to their family and would never do anything to separate them. At least, not to the point of never keeping in touch. That is, they may seek a job that works with exploration, but they'll always come back for visits and write constantly.


Long-Term Resident
Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: Straye
Pony's Name: Ashling (Gender Neutral; Dream; Vision)

Personality: With one parent a pony pleaser; and with the other's greatest purpose coming from helping those in need; the second born sibling a unicorn with a bleeding heart who seeks to give the world her all and the other sibling a moody pegasus with a great inner strength but a penchant for being Solo - Such a mix must leave one to Wonder about the First Born.

Ash is a quiet, brooding pony who blooms in the company of others; they're business minded, apt to understand the stock market and distribution and evolution of income fluctuation. While they're a pony of few words, every word spoken is eloquent and respectful. They have a love for things like art and music. A threat to the happiness or well-being of their siblings is one of the few things that is liable to draw the ire of this otherwise calm, calculated pony.

Ash, in the public eye, will be a charming, dedicated pony; polite smiles, kind words, content to put their best hoof forward. They're happy to participate in their parents' acts of philanthropy or charity; with rules, limitations, obstacles set in place to maintain control to prevent their family from being at risk of being taken advantage of. Their duty to their family and the extent they're willing to go to right a slight committed against them borders on almost frightening.

In private, they are more likely to be withdrawn, disinterested in anyone or anything outside of their familial circle; one might even say - Cold. Ash is a dreamer - mind content to drift and wander in the time they're allowed to spend alone.

They're undoubtedly the perfect host, a charmer and a flirt - then a cold shoulder with a need to give up control and simply dream and feel.


Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: houllow
Pony's Name: Iskander
Personality: Adventure awaits, as does the spoils that come with it! Iskander is incurably given to roam, to see the sights and sounds that come with travel. He loves visiting new places, trying new things, meeting new people! It doesn't hurt that he's charismatic and bold, a natural crowd puller who relies on his charm at the best of times and his ability to run away quickly at the worst.

Family will always be important to him, as what good is everything without a place you can call home? His siblings will be the apples of his eye for as long as they tolerate his constant doting upon them, and his parents need not fear he bring shame to the name....intentionally. Sure he has his gaffes, the rare moments where his actions speak way way way louder than his words, but overall he's a good sort.

Which means, like his father, he's certainly a people pleaser. Life is a lot easier when everyone likes you and, despite his outer shell of confidence, he really does worry that sometimes his bravado rubs other ponies the wrong way. No one but his fathers or his siblings would ever know those true thoughts - perhaps a best friend or two - because some secrets are best left on the chest.

Be warned, however, because he cannot be pushed. Yes he may like pleasing people, yes he may want friends, but he will never be conquered by another and made to feel inferior. Do not invoke his wrath, for despite how he looks there is a calm fury that should never be tested.


Stew Aficionado
Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: belloblossom
Pony's Name: Psyche
Personality: Psyche (she/her, they/them) is well aware that she comes from a lovely home, a lovely family and in turn, is lovely herself. Yet, despite her elegance and beauty, she doesn't flaunt it around others who have less than she. She takes after her feathered father, for she enjoys being able to use what she's been graced with to benefit others. How lucky for her that the powers that will grow within her will help her aid those who are less fortunate. Manifesting in the form of being able to manifest small, comforting trinkets like pillows or blankets, she wants to ensure that every pony feels comforted and warm... perhaps she takes after both of her parents in this regard.

She's expressed an interest in charity work as a foal. Maybe if she becomes a model or an actor or someone famous, aided by her good looks, then she'll be able to donate more of her money to those who need it more! Oh, what she would give... in order to give to others!


Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: AngelBane/LadyAngelHeart
Pony's Name: Saga ("seer")
Personality: From a young age Saga has always been exceptionally observant. She wasnt strong or compassionate but what she lacked in heart and body she made up for with her intellect. She very much enjoy problem solving which comes in handy when their brother gets into predicaments. Saga is also very protective of her sister less so in a physical way but very much keeping an eye out for any sort of trouble. One can never be to careful.

At times Saga feels like the odd one out of her family as she has never been much of an expressive pony. Coming from a family all with hearts of gold can make one feel highly appreciated.. but also selfish for not always wanting to lend a helping hoof. As an adult Saga has taken an interest in her fathers investments hoping to find a way to maximize their income and learn about business for her own future dealings. She may very well be a super successful business pony but for now family will always have to come first. After all what would they do without her?


Grizzled Veteran
Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: PZMJNP
Pony's Name: Artemis
Personality: This little one is more inclined to keep to themself. Scenery and objects constantly tend to engross them to the point it can be easy to forget they're part of the group. They're very sweet once you can get them to focus on you though.
Adult Personality: The social scene is not Artemis' jam. They feel the most relaxed and happy while out in the wilderness, away from other ponies. Keeping a strong relationship with their family is important to them but friends and a mate is verrry far down on their list of needs.
Their secret reason for being antisocial is that they truly believe they could never do it near as good as the rest of the family. Any time they've tried it has just created stress and exhausted them mentally. Secondary reason is they really do love the great outdoors and devoting themselves to things like art, inventing, and discovery.


Gimmie That Feathery Fluff!

Username: Sesshiyasha
Pony's Name: Asclepius

Asclepius is a good boy. He's got a kind heart, BUT that doesn't stop him from having a cold exterior. He can't show his emotions well and this usually leads to misunderstandings to those who don't know him. He enjoys healing people and creating new medicines and cures from different herbs and things. He's very focused on healing and he has studied a long time to have a vast amount of knowledge on how to heal. He feels like Healing others is the way that he can make his parents proud. Family and healing is everything to him.

One day he will want to have a family and settle down with another and maybe open a stationary clinic instead of a traveling clinic. Once that clinic is set up and established he will want to travel to more and more remote areas in order to establish more clinics to be able to help even more people! This won't stop him from having a family and wanting to continue to have his children and support them in whatever they decide to do.