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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ Hiring Thread ]

Cats of the Sun

Mule Account

What with work starting and the growth our little shop is gaining, it's becoming a little hard for just me to do on my own! I'm reaching out for a little help!
Interested in applying? Look below!

This thread will not close. Please apply as you see fit, I will hire new staff as needed. Thank you!

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Cats of the Sun

Mule Account

Coloring here at Warriors: Cats of the Sun will be a little different than most shops. As a colorist, you are required to work within these limits, and by applying you are agreeing to our vision.
  • We use pixel art with minimal use of soft brushes.​
  • Cats come in a wide variety of colors, from white to blue, to lilac to black. In recent years, we've opened up our color ranges to include more fantasy-esque colors. But do be aware that we prefer to keep cats looking somewhat natural over all.​
  • Cats should have "naturally occurring" markings, meaning tabbies, calicos, torties, points, spots, brindling, and the like. There is some leeway in this, of course. But do try and make your markings look more natural.​
  • Cats have a great variety of eye colors ranging from yellow to blue. Colors like amber, turquoise, and even pink can exist! We do not restrict eye colors.​
  • The leathers of a cat is referring to the paw pads and nose color, sometimes the inside of the ears. These should make sense for the cat's color scheme, so please keep that in mind.​
By applying, you are agreeing to work under the following conditions:
  • Discord use is required.
  • All work must be approved before it can be given out until stated otherwise.
  • You must be able to take constructive criticism in case your cats are not approved outright.
  • RLC is not available to new artists, and even then, only to full-time artists who have earned permission.
  • Part-Time Colorists are there to fill in gaps where we need them. They will mostly be focusing on game prizes and free cats. Full-Time Colorists are expected to fill monthly CC rolls, help with Kofi Prizes and events.
  • You are not stuck in the position you are hired on as. If you are a part-time unedited colorist wanting to learn edits and become full-time, that is entirely possible. Let me know and I will do what I can to help you get to where you want to be.
  • Staff Credits will be earned per cat made. Staff Credits can be traded in for DP or Cats at any time, even if you are no longer staff, simply contact Blinded By Silence to do so.
These are examples of more "realistic" cat patterns.

While these, however, are borderline examples, though are still allowed.

Edits are more likely to be scars and natural traits or accessories, like so.

If you would like to apply to be a colorist with us, please fill out the form below and post the required samples. To apply, you will need:
  • Three cats of your design
  • A breeding between two of your sample cats resulting in three kits (must include all stages; Kit, Apprentice and Warrior)
  • If applying for an Edited Position, please show your attempt of:
    • A custom tail
    • A scar of your choice
    • An accessory of your choice
  • Please do not make additional edits to your applications. This allows us to easily judge your art to our standards. Thank you.
Colorist Application
[B][COLOR=rgb(128, 145, 249)][SIZE=5]Colorist Application:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
username [/B]your username here
[B]edited/unedited [/B]are you looking for an edited or unedited position?
[B]part-time/full-time [/B]are you looking for part-time or full-time work? requirements for each are listed above.
[B]software [/B]what software will you be using?
[B]previous experience[/B]
[SPOILER="Samples of Previous Work"]leave blank if none[/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="Required Cat Samples"]i can't wait to see what you make![/SPOILER]

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Cats of the Sun

Mule Account

Certing, while a rather simple job, is incredibly important (and not just because Blinded doesn't want to do it, either!) As a certist, it is your job to take the information from the certing thread, apply it to the cert template, and perform drop-offs of completed certs in their rightful threads. You will also be in charge of cat growths and the growing calendar!
By applying, you are agreeing to work under these conditions:
  • Discord use is mandatory.​
  • Currently, we are using Cloudinary for hosting, which requires the use of tags and manual editing of the URLs.​
  • Account information will be given to you upon hiring. This information is not to be shared. If it is discovered that you leaked our passwords and such, you will be removed from staff immediately.​
  • For each cat you drop off, you will earn Staff Credits which can be traded in for DP and cats!​
To apply, please take the following information and process it onto the provided cert file. Please make sure your spelling and dates are correct!

Breeding Cert Form
This Breeding Needs Certing!
colorist Blinded By Silence
owner of mother Nym
owner of father Blinded By Silence
generations of parents 1, 1

name Littleflower
sex female
owner Nym
clan MountainClan
uncert[ x ]

name Blazekit
sex Male
owner belloblossom
clan SunClan [MountainClan]
uncert[ x ]

name Emberkit
sex Male
owner caffeinecraving
clan SunClan [MountainClan]
uncert[ x ]

Individual Cat Form
This Cat Needs Certing!
colorist Tigeria
owner blinded by silnce
name Scrap
sex Boy!
clan no clan
rank what rank is your cat? If not a clan cat, leave blank.
uncert ; w;

Cert Fix Form
This Cert Needs An Update!
owner Blinded by Silence
certplease link to cert
old name/clan No change!
new name/clan still a loner
rank none
reason for the changeAll grown up!

Certist Application
[size=14][b][color=mediumpurple]Certist Application:[/color][/b][/size]
[b]username[/b] your username here
[b]software[/b] which software do you use? must be compatible with .psd
[b]availability[/b] how often are you online?
[b]samples[/b] please put your images in a spoiler

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Cats of the Sun

Mule Account

A Roleplay Manager does a lot for a shop! They keep everyone on brand with the shop's cannon and without them, we'd have a far less interactive world for you! Your job description is moderating the roleplay channels, approving names in the certing thread, and helping orchestrate events, all while assisting new members and answering questions about shop lore!
By applying, you are agreeing to work under the following conditions:
  • Discord is required.​
  • Must keep yourself up to date with shop lore, deferring and brainstorming with the owner to shape the world and story of the shop.​
  • Part of your job will be to reply to requested roleplays and play NPC's when needed.​
  • There will be information that you are not, under any circumstances, allowed to discuss with non-staff. If you are found to be leaking information, you will be removed immediately.​
To apply, please read the following examples and fill out the application.

A shop regular submits some cats for certing. They are:
  • A Kittypet named Harlot.
  • A Warrior named Metalfang.
  • A Kit named Swallowtail.
You find a roleplay where a WindClan cat is sneaking into the nearby Two-leg place. The roleplay is in the WindClan Territory Subforum.
A new player comes in and asks where to start.
You are asked to design a game to help give away some kits for the shop.

Roleplay Manager
[COLOR=chocolate][SIZE=7][B]Roleplay Manager Application:[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B]username[/B] your username here
[B]experience[/B] how familiar are you with the shop lore? with the warrior series? do you have other experience?
[B]examples[/B] how would you respond to the situations above? what kind of game would you make?


Wargazm Monkey

Station Visitor
Roleplay Manager Application:
Username Wargazm Monkey
Experience I have experience doing many a thing... i can fix cars and build tables and make beautiful model army men. I, however, have very little experience with inline RP programs, but have been exposed to the worst and some of the best forum roleplay stuff so i know what not to do as staff. As for Warriors, i have no more experience than what you have told me.
  • I would approve the Kittypet and the Warrior, but i would tell the user that the Kit does not conform to naming scheme.
  • A WindClan RP in the WindClan subforum appears to be acceptable to me.
  • I would direct the new player to the Information subforum, specifically the Crash course thread, followed by the other thread in that subforum. Then i would have them join the discord so they could effectively ask questions.
  • I would design a game where the warriors and apprentices are attempting to show off their acrobatic prowess. They must race through the trees, picking their path as they go. I would make it have a randomized aspect by implementing a series of dice rolls. All cats start at the same branch, and as they progress, a fork in the road gives them pause. They must roll a dice to determine which path they choose. Once chosen, an obstacle will present itself in some from. To pass this obstacle, another dice roll is prompted, the result determining success or failure. If the cat fails, they are shunted from the tree and must restart at the beginning. The warriors that finish the course in the fewest number of rolls are the winners and prizes of some sort are awarded accordingly.


Stew Aficionado
Roleplay Manager Application:
username belloblossom
experience I've been an avid fan of the warriors series since elementary school - my friends and I used to pretend we were warrior cats and give each other naming ceremonies in the woods behind the playground xD Once I found out that there were warrior cats roleplays in middle school, my passion skyrocketed. I think other regulars in this shop can attest to how active I was in Cats of the Sun when it first began, as well as Dreams of War, a past warrior cats b/c. Safe to say in the warriors b/c community, I like to think I'm a familiar and friendly face.

Cats of the Sun has been one of my favorite b/c's for a while. I was a little rusty when it re-opened, but since getting back into the RP portion of the shop and touching up on the life stages and the information provided in the forum pages. I can say with confidence that I'm quite familiar on the shop lore now! <3
examples Names: I'd let our regular know that unfortunately two out of three of those names are appropriate for the shop. Metal is not something that warrior cats would know about. While it may be something to discussed if that cat was originally a loner or kittypet, ultimately I'd suggest a different name, such as Stonefang (similar hard material) or Silverfang (silver in this case pertaining to the color, not the material.)
I'd have to run the kittypet named Harlot by Blinded of Silence, to see if it matches the 16+ rating of the site, but my guess it that it wouldn't and that a name change that didn't made adutl implications would be required.
The kit is totally fine - the certing thread calls for the full warriors name of the kit in question. So long as it was a kit apart of a clan (rather than a loner or kittypet) I'd give that one a clear in my book!>

Location Subforums: I'd point out to the user who created the rp in the WindClan territory that while there is a WindClan cat present, if the roleplay is to be taking place locationally in the Twolegplace, then that RP should go into The Suburbs. I'd check with Blinded of Silence to see if we could move the RP there manually.

Newbie Tutorial: I would be so excited to see them! I'd definitely recommend joining the discord first, so they can get an idea of the community - since that's where a number of regulars chat. I'd also ask them how much experience they have with warriors, if they're an enthusiast, I'd point them to the Life Stages thread, but if they're totally new to the lore of WC, I'd point them towards the Crash Course first, and suggest the Life Stages after. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions they might have going forward, like how to acquire a cat of their own and the like.

Games!: We have a lot of creative users in the shop (and really, on the site in general) so I'd want to play to that. I'd suggest a game wherein you have to either draw a picture of, or write out an item that you would use to entice the kit to come home with you. (ex: a feather, a cat you own persuading them to come back with them, a nice meal, etc.)


Stew Aficionado
Certist Application:
username PeterPan_da144
software Photoshop CS6
availability I am online and available daily. Sometimes just lurking in the background and participating lightly in conversation, other times heavily engaged in what's happening. All in all, though, I have my phone on me at all times and unlimited data, so I'm very, very easy to reach on discord. I do work 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (6:30 pm right now with voluntary overtime) on Monday through Friday, and I do have obligations to another shop here that I typically do on Sunday evenings. But that doesn't take long. During those times, I will be slow to respond, but not impossible to reach via dm's.


Growth cert

New cert


Colorist Application:
edited/unedited Edited, though will be okay with Unedited if I don't make the shot!
part-time/full-time Part time, though I am likely to contribute as much as possible.
software CSP
previous experience Own my own B/C for a few years ( Less than a year revamped ) and worked for Dungeons and Dice ( Still work there on and off )
leave blank if none
Cat 1

Cat 2

Cat 3

Kittens between 1 and 3 (I think I did both with male eyes.. that's my bad xE)



signed an NDA
Staff member
Colorist Application:
username: Nym
edited/unedited: Unedited
part-time/full-time: Part-time
software: CSP
previous experience: UHHHH, I run several shops, work in a few, and generally have been in the b/c scene as both an artist and RP manager for over 10 years.

The rainbow awakened pixie and blue awakened unicorn I only did the color and effects for.

This cat has partial heterochromia only in one eye.



Grizzled Veteran
Colorist Application:
edited/unedited Edited
part-time/full-time Part-Time
software SAI 2
previous experience Buhhhh nothing in the pixel category, I'm afraid. But it'll be more fun that way right? 8'D
leave blank if none
Good thing there's a spoiler for this NUDITY.

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Grizzled Veteran
I JUST NOTICED THAT THE TAIL MARKING NEEDS TO BE FIXED ON THE BLUE EDITTED KIDDO (missing on the kit, needs to be adjusted to the light blue/grey instead of white on the elder)

Colorist Application:
edited/unedited unedit - would love to eventually transition to making more edits! i included an edited sample here though
part-time/full-time part-time!
software sai
previous experience


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Grizzled Veteran
Colorist Application:
edited/unedited Edits/Templates Primarily (Maybe occasional colorin)
part-time/full-time Part/Other?
software CSP & SAI
previous experience
Haven't done pixel stuff in awhile but here's some other stuff I've done.

-workin on others-

-moar tag options displayed-

Moar Edit Examples - less finished/no shade single stage

Coloring Samples

Breeding Samples

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Stew Aficionado
Colorist Application:
username Zakiax
Un Edited (For now may want to try edits later once i get the feel for pixel art again) - Included one edited Tail/Scar example-
part-time/full-time Part time
software Sai
previous experience I"ve colored in many places over the years. Atm I own Dragon Realms and Part time Color for Liron and DaD.
All of the pixel dragons have some sort of edit


-working on finishing up the stages tomorrow-
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Colorist Application:
edited/unedited Unedited
part-time/full-time Part-time
software CSP
previous experience
Three Designs


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Stew Aficionado
Colorist Application:
edited/unedited unedited (templates count as unedited, right? xD)
part-time/full-time part-time
software combination of Procreate and Photoshop CS6
previous experience
All of these were made using free to use bases. I can dig around for the link to them on DA if necessary ^^ a majority were also just gifted to friends :)



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Grizzled Veteran
Certist Application:
username kovak
software photoshop
availability im on a bit everyday
